Real /trek/ is back on the menu, boys!

Real /trek/ is back on the menu, boys!

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At least the uniforms look good

For those of you who didn't see my review of WWLB earlier, let's recap why DS9 has been confirmed the worst trek

In the documentary they
1. Dedicated time to feminism
2. Dedicated time to police brutality
3. Dedicated time to black fathers
4. Dedicated time to patting themselves on the back for being one of the first shows to have scenes with only black characters
5. Dedicated time to muh racist drumpf and racist white guys
6. Dedicated time to LGBT representation
7. Had an entire segment where Ira pauses the entire movie to have a moment where they talk about how the show didn't have enough sexual identity propaganda
8. The big nosed guy (obvious jew) wore a shirt celebrating communist terrorist Che Guevarra and likened Kira to him
9. Had a moment to talk about how poverty is all the Republicans fault for not caring and not being socialists
10. Dedicated a segment to reveal that Garack is gay and that (((Behrs))) biggest regret was not making him and Bashir a couple
11. Almost all the "fans" interviewed were disproportionately female or nonwhite despite the fact the majority of STs audience are white males

I think that about covers it. Overall I rate the movie cringe and bluepilled. It spent more time congratulating itself for being progressive propaganda than it did discussing the show. Utter waste of time and only confirms what we've all known, that Ira Behr is a hack and that DS9 was, is and forever will be the worse Trek. What was most interesting to take away from the documentary is that DS9s move towards serialization, darker themes, focus on soap opera drama instead of exploration changed the established ST structure opening the floodgates for STD to do all the same things. In summary, DS9 is leftist propaganda and responsible for STD and the death of Trek.

most of that shit honestly felt like cUrReNt YeAr revisionism on the part of the crew
>years previously they said that Sisko wasn't written as black and they hired Brooks because he gave the best performance
>Brooks had previously said he liked the role because being "black" wasn't the sole character trait
>literally some of the best storylines on the show are when they poke holes in the starfleet utopia and show how it can't really work
>they previously said the whole "garack/bashir couple" thing was never seriously considered because it was actually a fucking stupid idea
I figured it was going to be stupid when details about the hypothetical season 8 started coming out and it had Ezri as a captain of a ship called the Emmitt Till, it just seemed like bad fanfic

>ship called the Emmitt Till
Wtf really?

i havent wacthed ds9 because the captain is black, i mean cmon. that said voyager had feminist cringe episodes but it was still very good overall

>USS Enmity Till
I keked heartily at that. Behr probably smears his own shit in his beard in the morning so he can smell it throughout the day.

>look up Emmett till
>its some irrelevant nigger who got lynched for jiving near a white woman

What? Really scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for heroic blacks worth naming something after aren't they?

>most of that shit honestly felt like cUrReNt YeAr revisionism on the part of the crew
Tend to agree with that.

>commies don't realize that have their show was denouncing the Soviet occupations and the millions who died.
never understood the dukat did nothing wrong meme, he's not hitler, cardies are clearly soviets obsidian order is kgb. they even brought the 15 million.

oh god i cant type today

Is there a chance the Picard series will be good?
I want it to be good so badly.

In the current year? No chance.

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It won't

Cardassia is based off Ancient Rome in terms of how their military and government is set up. They even use the term legate.

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Cool copypasta. Too bad you didn’t have this “DS9 is SJW” narrative until after they made the revisionist documentary. Almost like DS9 wasn’t SJW.

Honest to god post Voyager and Nemesis uniforms that actually respect the time period? Muh dick

It's quite literally anti-white propaganda. Seriously. Its an anti Brexit/refugee crisis allegory. The message is clear: whites need to accept replacement and surrender their heritage, culture and homelands to nonwhite invaders (refugees)

this , picard is going going to be cucked at warp speed.

No, you’re wrong. There is a distinct separation between the Central Command and the Deitapa Council, whereas there was no separation between the Roman Senate and the Roman army. Roman senators were also Rome’s generals.
Cardassia is a stratocracy and there is no real good example of a stratocracy through history.


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>no separation between senate and army

I thought only the direct head of the army, people like Marc Antony, were the only members of the army in the senate.

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No, all Senators were expected to fight. Caesar in the Gallic Wars talks of many noblemen and senators fighting for him (Crassus’ son for example)
Hannibal’s victory at Cannae reportedly killed over a hundred Senators.

Bashirfag can you sign my copy of DS9?

Huh. Thats neat.

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It was my pleasure to educate you on Roman history BF


Are you guys shills? They should have gone with either one of the various future uniforms that have been in the show, something at least similar to them, a natural looking progression from the First Contact uniforms, or just something completely different.

These practically carbon copy Voyager/DS9-era uniforms are a regression, like they overdosed on the notion that "shit, the fans are rejecting things that are different, we've gotta tickle their nostalgia glands as hard as possible" after all the debacles had with the decisions made with Discovery.

As usual, they misread what people actually want, and misjudge how to go about it. We're fine with things being different, as long as it makes sense, we're fine with things being unexpected, as long as it's well executed. The problem we have with your work, is that the decisions you make are baffling, you flailing retards.

Would have I preferred something new but true to the original? Yeah, I would. But I’ll take reusing DS9/VOY uniforms over some STD cancer anyday.

So you're a simpleton is what you're saying. The uniforms have changed many times, they've changed subtly, and they've changed drastically. But not once have they gone back to a previous uniform like this.

And this decision is doubly bad because at first glance it could have people confused about when it's set.

I always hated the DS9/VOY uniforms. These actually look great.

So your sole issue with them was the lack of a coloured collar, and that tiny difference is enough to make you think something you always hated now looks great?

Either you don't really think these look great or you never really hated the old uniforms.

This is how you know that the fans of the JJ and CBS trash aren't fans of Star Trek: they aren't even aware that there's a canon to the future and past.

Is there anything they won't try and corrupt?

BF, you really need to shut your dumb whore mouth on topics you know nothing of.

It might be good assuming they learn from the criticism of STD but I still think that the fate of any trek show is to be worse than the previous show.

The thing is with the future stuff, there's examples to look to, but no strict canon, future stuff has varied, and the justification for it - that any TNG-era dealings with future stuff can potentially alter that future stuff - holds up. It may not be entirely robust (there's no reason to expect anything to necessarily change, although of course the butterfly effect is always treated as unpredictable), but at least it's a reasonable explanation.

The problem with the JJ-verse and Discovery is that they insist on dealing with the past, but throw any idea of consistency out the window, diregarding how in the TNG era, they took great pains to represent the past in the franchise how it'd always been represented (I say great pains, but more often than not they're also taking advantage of available props/sets/costumes/merchandise). Enterprise was questionable, we'd never seen stuff from that era, so fashion and design-wise, they could do what they like, but the depiction of the advance of technology made things somewhat confusing, although not aggressively so.

But then there was a gap in the franchise of several years, then completely new people came in to revive it and just fucking threw caution to the wind, and were shocked to find people don't like seeing them do that, especially when they're seeing idiots do it, and especially when those idiots say "no no, this all makes sense, you're just angry nerds".

It's a socialist. What did you expect? If they actually had a real interest in history they wouldnt worship a failed ideology that always ended in genocide

"We could have had trannies shitting blood from their dick nipples! We could have had 900 year old toddlers vampires reciting the poem on the Statue of Liberty. We could have had black fathers that didn't abandon their sons! We could have been progressive!!!"

Luv the doc, guys.

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Usually people get wiser with age. Why is it the opposite with the left?

Did they keep the same suits from the comic? They are so far away its hard to tell.

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Drugs have permanently scarred their grey-matter

Only some of the left.

The rest just swing to the right.

Look what theyve done to my boy

It's true. Nobody learns about anything from actually TALKING about it. That's fucking crazy.

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>that any TNG-era dealings with future stuff can potentially alter that future stuff
I agree with everything you said, but I want to comment on this specifically: A lot of the dealings with the future are, as you say, contingent on the present. "All Good Things" is especially ambiguous, since the future we see could also be created whole cloth by Q. That said, the uniforms shown in "All Good Things" show up again for "The Visitor" and "Endgame," and I know all three episodes are about contingent futures (and "The Visitor" and "Endgame" explicitly don't happen), and we could chalk the uniforms down to, basically, lazy costume design--but having all those futures have the same uniforms suggests to me that the uniforms are gonna happen, that they transcend time fuckery.
The other exception to all this is the time police of "Future's End" and "Relativity," as the time travel in those episodes originates from the future, so their changes are anchored to the future. It's always struck me as strange that the time police let Voyager keep the mobile holographic emitter, but that's a totally different subject, and apparently that all works out fine for the Federation of the distant future.

/trek/ is not whatever community college you matriculated from. Shut your dumb whore gob.

Wow you must know my own mind and opinions better than I do.

>"I sensed that Rick Berman was not totally on board with Gene's legacy of trailblazing social commentary. There were a few times times when we [the writers] toyed with the idea of introducing gay and lesbian characters. Gene was more than open to it, a little too eager sometimes but with Berman we would always hit a wall. At some point we gave up. I still remember hearing him screaming 'IF YOU LOVE FAGS SO MUCH YOU CAN ALWAYS GO WRITE FOR SEAQUEST' at Ira Behr. [laughs] Berman used to keep stacks of old Penthouses in the corner of his office."

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When you offer up opinions that at a merest glance are clearly absurd, and you don't qualify them whatsoever, then yes, we're forced to guess at what the fuck could even be going on in your head.

Ira Behr has a mental illness where he needs to be acknowledged as the most progressive man on earth. He was literally bitching how a CNN TV documentary on the "90s" that no one watched didn't cite Deep Space Nine as having multiple black people on screen at once. Minorities, fags, and women are just objects he uses to score woke points. No wonder Avery wanted nothing to do with the documentary.

>Minorities, fags, and women are just objects he uses to score woke points.
So like every other lefty?

Holy mother of autism.

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Berman was based actually

It's funny how he was bragging about how diverse the show was yet you look at the writers and they were all heterosexual white guys. I guess that's one area where it's ok to not explore diversity, you know, the important jobs.

>there weren't any black tv shows in the 90s
weird flex cnn but okay

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Berman prevented Behr from going too far up his own ass and Behr hates him for it.

>look at the writers and they were all heterosexual white guys
shhhh we can't talk about that.

>We could have had black fathers that didn't abandon their sons!
Here's my plan to fix season 8, episode 1:

At the end of the episode, Bajoran soldiers are about to fire on our heroes. A bright light appears on the Promenade, and the Bajorans fall to their knees. They praise the Emissary who is about to return from the Celestial Temple. The light fades, and... it's Mirror Jadzia. She aims her phaser and asks "Where's Vic?"

Cut to a little house on Bajor. Kasidy, Jake and Young Joseph are having dinner... with Ben Sisko. He actually returned 20 years earlier, and he's been a great husband to Kasidy and great father for Joseph. But he let everyone else THINK he's still in the Celestial Temple because he didn't want to deal with any more Starfleet bullshit or Kai and Vedek bullshit.

"Dad, we almost had a firefight on the Promenade today. All your friends were there. Someone could have gotten hurt. Don't you think it's time we let them know that you came back?"

To be continued.

suddenly I'm less surprised at their decision to hypothetically remaster DS9 in widescreen

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The guy with the earring is in the closet. Please don't shame him.

>there weren't any black tv shows ever
literally what the fuck are you saying, CNN? the more I think about this the more baffling it gets
In the context of the documentary it's a little jarring but if I were making a documentary about my show, yeah a bewilderingly false comment from CNN would be a useful jump into how DS9 featured a black family

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Riddle me this /trek/ which is more on topic? Me, a person in a Star Trek documentary, or the topic of white genocide?

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CNN was probably talking about drama shows, not comedies and family fare.

no. and if you dont want picard to be disgraced dont watch it

All of it.

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BF, do you have Ira Steven Behr's phone number? Can you let him know that I'm smarter than he is?
>be Ira
>say that you're making this documentary to celebrate the actors
>don't include Terry Farrell in season 8
Nice job, Bluray Bluebeard!

That's completely fair. As long as we admit I'm on topic conversation by all means you can continue to spew as much made up garbage about white genocide as you want.

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>white genocide
same topic

Why's that robot wearing a coat

>this revisionist CuRrEnT yEaR documentary proves why a 20 year old television show sucks!

Sisko was from the hood of good and stuck to black women, only ever shown kissing the resident mudshark racetraitor Jadzia, who is considered the worst character on the show besides Cakehole, who is another female racetraitor (but who's kids are clearly 100% asian).

DS9 was woke as fuck, showing whiny Bajewrons as hypocritical terrorists who would sell their own children for some food and big spoonhead cock while cardassians are noble family men wracked with guilt about the occupation who are desperate to find their halfbreed children left behind after the occupation. Dukat accepts his bajew mixed daughter back with open arms, even at the condemnation of his people, while Bajewrons teach their cardassian children to hate cardassians to such an extreme degree that they actually attack any fellow spoonheads on sight, like the kid who bit Garek for saying hello. And that's just one of many, many redpills the show had. It was the most rightwing Trek by far.

They were talking specifically about 90s drama series. I guess the jews at the top networks were so mad at the property damage caused by the LA riots that they retaliated by not putting blacks on teevee.

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>why am I here?
>this academy sucks
>my feet hurt

>the kid who bit Garek for saying hello
That kid was fucking based. He could sense a pedo(homo) nearby.

Not a chance in hell, have you even been paying attention?

The purpose of using anything old is to subvert and tear it down.

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I'm not the white genocide guy I just like it when /trek/ is an argumentative mess.


That is fucking awesome.

We all know it won't be user. Leftwing retard moralizing aside, modern writers are incompetent and simply won't be able to write Picard, making him some bizarre doppleganger of the character we intimately know. Even the movies fucked up his character and those were only seperated from the end of the series by a few years.

We're never getting Trek kino again.

What do you call BashirFaggot giving birth on a waterbed?
A burial at sea.

What did the Traveler say to Wesley after gazing into BashirFaggot's cunt?
This distance is too vast, even for me.

They say Tamarians have a metaphor for BashirFaggot.
Whore, her legs wide open.

What does BashirFaggot name her abortions?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...

I heard BashirFaggot's cunt was sent down to the Genesis Planet.
It's still dead.

Why does BashirFaggot have a gap in her teeth?
Even her teeth are trying to run away from her face.

the new picard series looks pretty rad so far

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They'll think of Picard as the diplomatic captain and write him based on reddit stereotypes of him. They'll turn him into a complete pussy, forgetting all the times he was forced to stand and fight because a diplomatic or scientific solution wasn't available at that time.

Strawman. I like blacks, have no problems with queers, but women need to be genocided for their own good.

Based and per chance just a little too blackpilled.


>blocks your path

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>Cardassia is based off Ancient Rome
Hoo boy this is so very, very wrong. A better comparison would be Italy under Mussolini.

my waifu

I'm just glad nobody is telling me to kill myself for being transexual anymore.

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We all want you to do that, you just won't listen so what's the point?

The Roman Republic was exactly that, a republic with senators, which were rich men who probably cheated their way into power but still, it was not a statocracy which Cardassia is. Romulans also use Roman terms but they're an authoritarian ogliarchy which Rome never was even under the emperors.

Go back to measuring Bashir's hip size.

She's a woman. She's entitled to spew wildly incorrect notions, be called out for being a dumb bitch, and then get defensive about it.

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>you're actually transsexual
fug I jerked off to your photos

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I was politely corrected about this already. They use the term legate which I heard once watching Rome. My favorite character is Titus Pullo and the fat announcer guy who waves his arms all the time. It was the last good show HBO made.

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>They should have gone with either one of the various future uniforms
it will be a "picarc explains how it all progressed after TNG" kind of shit.

But they don't respect the time period. It's 20 years after those uniforms were in service. Fucking retards can't even get that right.

Regardless of whether you discount future uniforms as not existing anymore as it was only present in one possible future... Starfleet had already moved onto gray uniforms... canonically. So then they regressed from gray back to the VOY-style after 20 years? Stupid.

>Screw book learning. I get everything I need to know from wikipedia and premium cable.


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This. The early TNG/DS9 uniforms look especially retarded since we saw them change them during the actual run of the show. I don't even know who they're trying to pander to. Trekkies know pic related are the real canon future uniforms and won't accept Starfleet (who changes their uniforms every 5-15 years) using old ass uniforms in a future we've already seen, and normies won't give a shit. Every single thing about modern Trek is incompetent.

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>in the doc, bashirfag says she don't take shit from nobody
>routinely takes shit from anonymous shitposter calling her stupid

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lel, made you look, whore

>Roman bread

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Best Trek uniforms

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It's not real plausible that a service would wear a uniform inspired by a previously retired one. There's certainly no real-world precedent for such a thing.

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Imagine trying to hide a boner in one of those pastel abominations.

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>It was the last good show HBO made.
The Young Pope, also known as The Young Kino and The Kino Pope.

Why haven't they changed the style in 25 years? Answer me that?

Is that the one where the hot Scandanavian dude is a vampire?

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No they don't. They look fan-made.



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Here's my theory. They changed the uniforms post Nemesis, but a bunch of nostalgia fags in Starfleet complained that the uniforms didn't look like the uniforms from when they first joined. The uniforms designers took these complaints to the head of starfleet studios, uhhh, I mean command and they close a nice, safe, familiar design that oldfags in starfleet would feel comfortable with.

You're adorable, user. No. No, it wont be any good.

It's especially retarded because all the (human) characters were written race-blind, and the reason we got a black Sisko is because Avery Brooks gave the best performance.

Why did they keep the TWOK uniforms for 80 years? Why did the US Army go back to WWII dress uniforms this year? No idea!

>Avery Brooks gave the best performance
aka he has that staccato stentorian delivery that reminds everyone of Kirk.

>its a Titus and Lucius go to Risa episode
>its a Titus and Lucius get trapped in a rogue holosuite program episode
>its a bottle episode where Titus and Lucius are trapped on a shuttlepod and talk about nice bums episode

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No, it will be festering with SJW politics and it will be 'orange and white man bad but in space'

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>things WAR comics haven't been a staple of Yea Forums culture since literally its beginning

Get a load of this zoomer

this, even during season 1's sort of mediocre stories it's obvious they cared most about making a good trek show more than whatever else could've been done with it. their views after everything was aired didn't matter since none of it is canon to any degree.

They're different

But with a hint of underlying massive, world-bending insanity just barely kept under control. Avery Brooks is the black Christopher Walker

No, the Young Pope is unironically great and I think you'd legitimately enjoy it.

>It's a bashirfag gets spit roasted by anons in cardassian uniforms episode of

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>it's a Captain Vorenus shatters the Crystalline Entity and sells its pieces into slavery episode

Wil Wheaton will make make an appearance as Picard's newly out of the closet step son with his time travelling pedophile gay lover.

>it's a "incels awkwardly lust after bashirfaggot by anonymously posting verbal abuse about how they want to hatefuck xer" episode
Have sex

>Really scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for heroic blacks worth naming something after aren't they?
>heroic blacks
There's your problem

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This man is my own personal hero and he's black.

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*uncloaks behind cardassia prime*
*fires full spread photon torpedos*
heh... nothin personell, lizard brains

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>hating homos is wrong

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>Cutting off the frame to make it widescreen
JESUS FUCK. That settles it, I'm no longer waiting for the Blu Ray and will just pick up the DVD version.

based sto user

>DS9 will NEVER be remastered
>Voyager will NEVER be remastered and made the mistake of going all-in on shitty dated CGI that makes it prohibitively expensive to update
>Enterprise will NEVER be remastered and made the mistake of going all-in on shitty dated CGI that makes it prohibitively expensive to update

>voyager will never be rereleased with all of Kes's appearances edited out

Only Kirk's was good, and then he foolishly changed out of it

>all that capeshit

>>Enterprise will NEVER be remastered and made the mistake of going all-in on shitty dated CGI that makes it prohibitively expensive to update

That was hardly any remaster. Just because you can get the blu ray doesn't mean the effects look any less shit. They're flaming hot garbage and HD just makes them look worse.

>>Enterprise will NEVER be remastered
It's in 1080p, tard

You just know she faps to the idea of anons ramming their dicks into her holes. The abuse is the only reason she keeps coming back. Right now she's probably fingering her stubbly cunt while reading these posts and deep down wants to show us her asshole.

Has BF ever seen Three Kingdoms? Much better than Red Cliff IMO.

The army did that because they looked the most classy and are strongly represented in media and history.

If the Federation were to do the equivalent of this, they wouldn't go back to the unremarkable Voyager pajamas, they'd go back to the Wrath of Khan-era movie uniforms.

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>Commander, am I disturbing you?
>is the Astrometrics lab designated for recreational use?
>I come here to meditate.. needless to say the view from my quarters has been less than stellar lately
>Astronomical phenomena help you to focus your mind.
>yes, I imagine that each star represents a single thought
>Meditation it... rejuvenates you?
>Indeed it does
>I suggest you try borg pussy. It's much more efficient.
>Another time perhaps.

Why the FUCK did Tuvok turn down Seven of Nine so hard? I would suck her titties for hours.

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y-yes, now I can see the terrible effects even for their time stretched out to a higher resolution! t-thank you CBS for your generosity, I'm willing to settle for trash!

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You faggot liar you admitted to having suicidal inclination due to muh cyberbullying. Dont take no shit my ass you mentally ill tranny fuck

is bashirfag a tranny

Wonder if they'll ever fix those latter season ship scenes and give ships shields like they are supposed to have?

I've been suicidal since like 6th grade which is way before I met you lovely people. Though I can't imagine anyone in your company not wanting to kill themselves on some level.

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do shields even do anything in star trek? the bridge consoles still explode and kill crewmen by the dozens even when the shield is at 90%

>this entire thread

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Either way "she" stinks.
bio men >>>>>>>> ftm trannies > homosexuals > twinks > lesbians > mtf trannies > bio women


>I've been suicidal since like 6th grade

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i like
biowomen > twinks > mtf trannies > lesbians > ftm trannies > homosex > biomen

>Voyager will NEVER be remastered

Nothing of value was lost.

To be honest, ftm trannies are based as fuck

>>DS9 will NEVER be remastered
Why? Also, that was the worst ST show I've seen. So boring. Literally just a soap opera on bad space sets.


Didn't bother so don't care.

I direct all my hate inwards instead of needlessly directing it outwards towards minorities. I'm such a fucking faggot I know.

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ftm realize that men are superior and are trading up in life while mtf are so sickly and degenerate that they need to defile themselves by becoming women.

>all these yikes opinions
Unless you're a TOSchad, your opinions are garbage.

>I direct all my hate inwards instead of needlessly directing it outwards towards minorities.
Women aren't minorities. That's actually one think I respect about black men, they hate women.

FTM are incredibly based and I would actually be friends with one. Would be like having Data as a friend, only instead they're striving to be male.

What's more badass:
Taking sissy hormones every day or working out and putting on steel mass? ftm are more badass than most regular males who never lift and have huge beer guts. I bet an ftm could bench everyone in this thread.

I want godzilla so bad bros. I don't even care about star trek right now. Are there any star trek episodes or movies like godzilla?

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Just uh, cool it with the homophobic remarks.

fuck off the only chads here are VOYChads and DS9Chads

Guys did you know that this user hates women? Isn't that on topic and INTERESTING?

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A based mass-replier, rare.

based zilla mass reply

i would take sissy hormones and dress up in frilly dresses if i could look cute doing it :^(

>signing your FTM bro up for the bowling league
>bringing your FTM manlet buddy to a gun range for the first time
>teaching based FTM buddy how to properly hate women

I want to know this feel. It's like being a scoutmaster for autistic adults.

>When men were real Men, women were real Women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real Small Furry Creatures from Alpha Centauri

I am a TOSchad. I still get to like some TNG episodes too.

Why are people crying about the uniforms? They look like the ones from star trek online or the countdown comics, which were the last canon we saw of TNG. Literally will any of you sad cunts ever have sex

About as on topic as your mental issues BF.

Shut up, men are speaking. Go sit in the living room like the piece of furniture you are.

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Just pick up some female clothing from a secondhand store and try it out, see what happens. It isn't about how other people see you that's sexy, but how you see yourself!

>Literally will any of you sad cunts ever have sex
>implying anyone in a ST thread is thinking about sex

i already do this, me and my gf go out and buy clothes for me, it's a lot of fun!

I'm thinking about sex when I see some extra with big milkers AWOOGAH AWOOGA *eyes pop out of head* *tongue rolls out, pick it back up off the floor and shove it in mu mouth* HUMMINAH HUMMINAH

>"Would you like a sandwich Wesley?"
>Oops accidentally messes up garden.
>"Wesley must die now."
It sure is hard to live in the future.

>Behr is BashirFaggot

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There kind of is.

There are few episodes around the crystalline entity which is basically a giant space monster that goes around eating all of the life off planets.

Not when their peeners stick out

Based Berman

I know right

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I would rather have a Family Matters or Fresh Prince reboot than a new Star Trek series at this point.

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>They even use the term you're a faggot

I hope we get a Q episode

NORTON (wasn't he called Morton?), --you're right.

What a slappable face

Not canon. Sorry.

Hey VF, it's almost Friday, is your ass ready? Bash is really getting roasted so xhe's gonna have a lot of aggravation to work out this week.

Mee too

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Not nice, also they look evil and might have a penis.

Wow I'm glad i didn't watch that then. That's truly disappointing as hell. Was there anything good?

It would be kino but they won't do it. We won't see any of the old cast, not even Geordi on a viewscreen to Picard or anything.

Meetup when? I'm ironing my Cardassian cosplay as we speak.

It's gonna be hilarious when they show the Enteprise F and it's some Discovery tier monstrosity covered in lens flares.

>DS9 is leftist propaganda and responsible for STD and the death of Trek.
lol Star Trek has always been leftist propaganda, it just started slow. The Vulcan hand symbol is literally half of the Jewish religious gesture because Nimoy and Shatner were and is Jewish.

I can't wait to hear what Gabriel thinks about the Picard show.

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People would be calling Gene a fascist if he was alive today.

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Maybe, but we'll never know.

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The apparently canon design of the Enterprise-F was established in Star Trek Online and fan-designed as part of a competition. It's like a fat spacewhale Enterprise-E with a needlessly confusing hull configuration.

If they knew what was good for them, they'd show us at least one scene with Riker and the USS Titan.

Attached: Star+Trek+Luna+class+USS+Titan+Tobias+Richter+2.jpg (960x540, 67K)

Explain what you think this pic means.

And here's the Enterprise-F

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>hits their teen years

Stop being a slave to your hormones weakling

They’d probably ruin those too.

The nacelles oriented on the bottom make it look like the space version of a mobility scooter.

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>taking design ideas from STO

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>apparently canon
That's the thing though, I don't expect them to respect that. We've already seen a visual reboot of the TOS era. Nothing will stop them from changing everything else even though the TNG movie era doesn't even look dated.

I don't get the STO Quark meme.

>It's Wolverine but with Star Trek plot
fuck off

>Logan... we need you to boldly go again...

Uniforms are enough to show me this will be trash

Godzilla is going to be the kino of the summer. Calling it now.

>star trek episodes or movies like godzilla
Godzilla's roar was used as a sound bite in TAS episode "Yesteryear".

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>that pasta
I want to stretch both of their asses until they prolapse

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Looks like a goddamn european toilet

Root beer hyoomahn??

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Leonard Nimoy literally explained exactly what I said. The Vulcan hand signal is half of the Jewish hand gesture, its meaning is glory to Satan.

Wesley was surrounded by hot tweens and never thought of dating any of them.


>supposed to be Quark
>Nog's nose
>Nog's teeth

Most of what you read is either exaggerated or mostly tolerable. On the whole it's a good doc.

It represents the Hebrew word shin which means "almighty".

All of this adds up to maybe 5-10 minutes of a 2 hour movie.

The gesture is for Saturn, not Satan, and is meant to celebrate life. Saturn is the god of time and judgement, essentially death or the finality of things, so by creating the top half of his seal they're saying death gives life a purpose.
Also the Satan you're talking about is actually Jesus the lightbringer. They are both the rebel challenging the status quo, the ascending star child just going in opposite directions.
There's nothing mystic or sinister about the Vulcan salute, it's just a gesture Nimoy wanted his character to use.

Attached: 300px-PIA18274-Saturn-NorthPolarHexagon-Cassini-20140402.jpg (300x277, 9K)

I think the whole point here is that user doesn't like jews

oh and also this

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Absolutely zero chance. Not possible.


Holy mother of based

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That sucks. I thought Avery is the one that wanted it done in the first place. I guess he saw what they wanted to do and said nah I'll pass

Shin is the name of the letter. It stands for the word "shem" which means name, as in the name of God.
>all just synagogue of satan mumbo jumbo anyway

USS Taylor Swift
USS Trayvon Martin
USS Hillary Clinton
USS Robert Mueller
USS Bill Cosby
USS R Kelly
USS Lena Dunham
USS Caitlyn Jenner

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Old Picard was an alt-right fascist nazi, he must be fixed

>all just cult of saturn mumbo jumbo anyway
/trek/ is on to you, devil worshippers

>uSS Angela Merkel
>USS Anita Sarkeesian
>USS Missandei

"Deep Space Nine was supposed to tackle real social issues like post birth abortions for transgender uterus recipients, holo sex worker rights, and freezing gamer girl pee for posterity. We could have done so much more!"

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USS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Truly we did not deserve him lads

How did this hack slip his way into Trek?

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the bad robot ushered him in

It’s amazing that DS9 was kino in spite of this retard

>Alex Kurtzman
Yeah, It's a real head scratcher.

>It’s amazing that DS9 was kino in spite of this retard
Remember when they turned Worf into an uptight conservative fundie?

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>"We really wanted to do the Nazi thing again but Gene wouldn't let us"

Thank fucking God

so how do I watch star trek for free

meant for

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nah, it's 100% gonna end up being gritty serialized drama trash instead of procedural adventure kino like real trek.

We aren't even going to see the actual Enterprise in Picard. We might see a picture of it but not the actual thing, and if by some chance we do it's captain will most assuredly be a gay PoC and also a female and also handicapped and also a tranny. They're gonna check the fuck out of those boxes

Yes please

Worf has always been a Klingaboo sperging about culture and tradition.

Why do you say that? Different user too. Isn't Patrick Stewart worth something?

>Saturn, not Satan,
Saturn is Satan. Satan is Saturn.

>Also the Satan you're talking about is actually Jesus the lightbringer.
No, Satan is Satan. Satan lost his job as the Lucifer (light-bringer), Jesus is the Son of God. Satan is just angry that men are above him in the eyes of God, though Satan is older than men.

Nah. TNG uniforms are the best.
You can stop LARPing now, no one thinks you're cool.

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How would someone put on one of these uniforms by themselves? the zipper is clearly in the back.
Or are they supposed to be like futuristic zippers that close themselves up the moment you slip in.

It always made me laugh how uptight Worf is about klingon honour and tradition. And yet klingons are fairly routinely showed to be as duplicitous as romulans.

Things that look good as a render but will not work in reality. Is that a 50 feet lightbulb or what?

>romulans duplicitous
fuck off federation propaganda poster

USS Rudolf Hess

>Saturn is Satan. Satan is Saturn.
That's outrageous slander and you know it. Satan is a description or title not an individual, and the rebel angel Satan you're describing is Lucifer the light bringer, very different from father time. You can say by studying one you understand the other but that's just being so vague you may as well as lump any antagonist opposite the hero characters as Satans. That's like saying Khan and Dukat are both Satan.

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Give me prompts for fatfic.

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Riker is eating a bowl of chilli while he watches /trek/ regulars pillage the meaty fold of a certain gap toothed name fag.

thats a lot of words to call someone a jew user

Riker gets cucked by Worf and eats to drown his sorrow

I'm with you and other user that they should be the future uniforms we saw in TNG, and VOY too I think, or at least similar
but pretending like any of the futures we saw the uniforms in happened is totally fallacious

Weren't all of those futures erased by episode's end? We don't know what the "canon" future uniform actually is.

filming next week

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TNG ended 20 years ago. We already missed the next variant that came after the "all good things" uniforms. They just went back to colorful fashion.

>hey the dominion war is over, we might want to change out of the dark and grey uniforms that will be forever associated with the largest war anyone has been in until now
>bright uniforms, lots of color
>hey it's been a decade or two and we need a new uniform
>well, it's the xth anniversary of when voyager came back having fucked up the borg
>great, bring those back and change them just enough so paramount doesn't get mad


It's too early


I doubt that.
I really, really.
Doubt that.

How can you be so wrong?

>using the best uniforms
Well I guess even CBS can get something right

You get that the setting of the show is a multicultural socialist utopia right?

Riker overeats at a Starfleet dinner and splits his dress uniform in front of everyone

>thief and a killer

Some hero

The actor is too old to play Q anymore. He was looking pretty haggard on Voyager and that was nearly 20 years ago. Can't be an immortal alien if you have gray hair.

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I wouldn't mind showering with BF only to have her impossibly loose asshole drop a shit log right on the shower floor, then punching her in the face for it

If they wanted to say they were still using the same uniforms then they should be using the black with grey shoulders uniforms that the series last showed us. If they want something more colorful they should be creative and create something newer. This is like randomly putting them in TOS Movie uniforms. It's something we know was replaced. Maybe it's some odd context like him dreaming of the past or something. I hope they're not really that dumb to just ignore the uniform we know were last in use.

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USS Trayvon killed me

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Turn on your television.

more like word, trying to be something he's not while simultaneously resenting both groups he doesn't belong to for failing to life up to his idealized standards
and the fits of anger and violence, can't forget about those

All Good Things takes place 25 years in the future from season 7 of TNG, it's been 25 years since the episode aired too

that's the point of my post

>What is hair dye?

You can't hair dye wrinkles, faggot.

>What is makeup?
Also, Q could appear older on purpose because Picard is older.

I don't like looking at people over 35. Hopefully they de-age Picard with cg.

de-age my fat middle aged cock

Finally someone has the courage to say what we're all thinking.

I want to watch What We Left Behind so that I can hear Bashirfaggots voice, where can I see it?

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Give it up, man. If you ever see Q again, it'll be this little prick.

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>middle age

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>Zoomer discovers the decades long standard practice of pan and scan

Even if everyone were de-aged to their prime (23) I would still be the cutest poster in this general. Feels good, bros.

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I dunno, I used to get girls without even trying at 23 (prior to balding and gaining weight) so I challenge you on that.

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Only for women

Wow your genes are bad

I can tell by the way you type that I'm cuter than you. Always have been, always will.

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Nice projection, zoomer, that's the exact opposite of pan and scan.

>Star Trek is leftist
Hooooly shit... omg... you cracked the code dude. Holy SHIT.

well i guess im reinstalling

>genes are bad
Na, I lost the hair due to hyperthyroidism and then sunk into depression for not going to the doctor sooner and saving my luscious locks.
I was cute back then, hard times made me a man.

>Cutting off the frame to make it widescreen
This would only be for seasons 1 and 2.

Starting with season 3, DS9 was filmed in widescreen, then cropped for TV.


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>no my genes aren't bad I just have hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism has nothing to do with your genes nigga.
Go back to school.

he could show up old to taunt Picard's aging. Though I dont think they'd have the budget to do a de-aged CGI version and pull it off.