The Joker script leaked bros

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Pure Kino then


Are you prepared for the kino of the decade, Yea Forums?

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>Joker does bad things
Oh no!

You mean reddit's fucking movie


Sounds terrible.

can you imagine?

But Tucker Max was beloved by all the chads I knew in High School, I thought it was crude and not funny

That ain’t it chief

>just finished Joker script
No he didn't

what is a chud?

This sounds like the movie will be tryhard shit.

>this guy is calling you unfuckable

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I don't know if it's true but here's what another user here posted

>And out come the (((shills))) to shit on it

At least let the thread be up for more than 5 minutes before you retards all converge on it. I thought you Jews were supposed to be smart? Is this your trainee week or something? Personally I would fire the whole lot of you. From a cannon if possible.

I thought Drew was a pedophile?


it’s thrown around on chapo trap house apparently
derogatory term for white males? all I know it’s never used here

I don't get it

a vague insult the 'dirtbag left' (NYU edgelords) came up with. because it doesnt mean anything they dont risk offending anyone, like might happen with 'retard', 'bitch', 'faggot', 'nigger' etc.

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller

wow. these bloatlords truly lost their fucking minds these past three years eh

This tweet was made by gang weed

What could possibly be happening in this film that makes journalists believe it will begin another journalist shoah like GamerGate 2?

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Wtf Is chapo traphouse

That actually sounds kinda awesome

>Achieving anything


The söy high council.

I bumped into Tucker Max in College Station, Texas. The dude is a limp wristed faggot and ran away from a popped-collar frat boy ten years his junior. In Max's defense, the popped-collar frat boy had 6 inches and 50 pounds on him. Doesn't excuse the "mouth writing checks your ass can't cash" behavior, though.

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podcast for spoiled middle/upper class left wingers, made by spoiled middle/upper class left wingers.

You never watched that movie?

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looks like kinos back on the menu boy!

>Tyler Durden isn't the hero of Fight Club
Retard who thinks Chuck Palahniuk was critiquing masculinity despite him saying it wasn't and was meant as an answer to the shitty habit that literature has to only make books for women. Retard probably thinks Snuff wasn't a critique of the porn industry or that Choke wasn't a critique of victim worship. Why do faggots pretend to understand Palahniuk?

It flooded Yea Forums with epic reddit gamers

He ended up seeing a therapist for depression and has grown repentant for his debauchery. Embarrassing but it really couldn't have ended any other way except and early death.

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>this is an actual movie

You don't want to smash that fat bear manpussy because I do

Gang weed and clown Pepe are unfunny forced memes, decent idea, Reddit execution.

Gamergate got trump elected

I remember some senior drop-out type guy would read Tucker Max is study hall and would always tell me to read parts and I had to feign thinking they were the funniest thing ever. I think Tucker Max was on Opie and Anthony or some show like that and it was blatantly obvious his stories were all fake.


>leaving this hellsite
what the fuck did he mean by this? Killing yourself? Is this hellsite Earth?

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gamers unironically rise up

Death by ass kicking, I suppose. I looked him up just now to see what he's been up to since I hadn't really thought about him since that book came out, and they say he's 6'0" on google. Which is hilarious. The dude is 5'12", which is an in-joke from back then for guys who were 5'10" or 5'11" who said they were six feet on facebook and okcupid and shit, since those were the sites we used to find freshman coeds to fuck.

Am I the only one who remembers the "random play" section of facebook? They've done a good job of scrubbing away that portion of their history, but that was back when you had to be a student to join.


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uh yikes sweaty

moriarty fucking sucks. fact.


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LMAO why are leftists so embarrassing

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A left wing podcast

How dare they not make Joker a hardcore feminist ally that needs to have at least 5 minority friends that he interacts with on a regular basis. It's almost like they are trying to make him a villain or something!

confirmed kino


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Lol this is your brain on Reddit

what are those types of girls called? thot seems too broad

Those are called women

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Formerly chuck

Is this guy going to like the movie?

Go back

It got you seething, c u c k.

>unfuckable chud

Just say incel.

ie. Yea Forums's movie

>pepe anything

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They should stop bringing it up if it didn't accomplish anything.

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Journalists these days are a joke

this is

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My contempt for him (and everyone like him) is quite literally beyond words.

He can't, their subreddit's getting banned lol.

>Didn't achieve anything
Then why is it still making """journalists""" seethe to this very day?

good. let the hate flow through you

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What a bunch of fucking trannys.

I've read these 2 tweets once and again and I still can't figure out waht any of these sentences even mean.

The Joker script has gone through various rewrites since the one that got leaked, however the main themes and plot points are consistent. The movie's a mess, Drew's tweet is pretty accurate. Will be loved by "bad boys" aka narcassistic sociopaths who don't understand other people. Expect some SJW backlash and Yea Forums will be divisive, similarly to BvS. People will generally hate it but there will be a vocal minority of contrarians who push it as Yea Forums: the movie only because of the backlash it received.

t. time traveller

Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal

gentlemen, it's verified kino

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It's saying the script is pandering directly to 4channarian incels who thinks the joker is an aspirational character. so neckbeards are going to love it. but iirc, joker is actually populist antifa-type in the movie. he shoots Wayne sr because muh corporations and it ends up starting riots against the rich. so /pol/ neckbeards will probably still be upset.

These are 30+ year old men.

Imagine him at a job interview.

I don't get it.

It made faggot liberals like You eternally butthurt


Jeeez, why are SJWs so triggered by a Joker movie? Did they expect the Joker to save the environment and fight GamerGate?

Christian Homeschooled Uneducated Dummy, according to UrbanDictionary

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Of course. It’s capeshit at the end of the day

really? reddit are finally done with chapocels?

Homeschooled Christians always end up married by the time they're 20 though because they fuck some homely girl from their church.

>See guys like in the OP image or fucks like MovieBob constantly describe Durden as an evil neo-nazi
H-how? He was an insane, chaotic guy who thought he was a great revolutionary but I don't see the neo-nazi thing as all beyond sharing traits with them that all extreme cults have. Didn't he end up having a multi-racial army of radicals by the end too?

>oy vey why aren't they bowing and scraping before our rabbinical class

What? Tyler wasnt no hero, but Fight Club's main criticism is against the soulless corporativism. It created the monster that struck against it.

gay ass insult used by homosexuals

Sweatie, it's about toxic masculinity even though the author expressly claims it's not because he's gay and we create the narrative for him?

Why do leftists hate Christians so much yet jump to defend Islam?


Based Chapocel instantly filtering his opinion

I've noticed this about recent leftist insults/humor, it is all weird meaningless nonsense or childish toilet humor. Can't 'punch down', so 99% of comedy is off limits.

Dubs and James Holmes 2.0 shoots up a midnight showing. Trips and James Holmes escapes prison and goes for round 2.

So apparently eople are upset over the fact that the Joker kills a woman because he kills a woman for turning him down. This woman is the only manor female character so for them this is a sin. If thats the reason thwyre attacking this then this is pathetic.

I interpreted it was what happens in an age where men are disenfranchised or neutered, and that line Durden had about being raised by women definitely struck a cord with me.


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Chud might be the gayest insult invented by any political group ever.

It still baffles me how redit took those ironic pics seriously


But it apparently refers to ugly mole people from a movie. Isn't that extremely ableist and appearanceist? I'm so sick of their hypocrisy.

Lefty retards tend to think anyone who glorifies strength or violence is a nazi. The numale/soiboi meme exists for a reason.

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Why waste time with feeling anything for the Chapo guys, this fat fag is drinking himself to an early grave. Compare him to Nick Mullen and tell me that post-ironic nihilism isnt the chad ideology.

>Chapofags think that calling someone this is an insult
Cannibalism is inherently alpha.

>Taxi Driver but for Zoomers

This film is going to destroy Yea Forums once and for all, isn't it?

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Typical aggressive white male chud with tattoos!

Looking forward to this even more now. Sounds good.

o shit

You're right, it was supposed to be about masculinity for men in an era where women had as much of that as they could want with things like the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and shit like that. The dude wrote it to inspire men to be men. Just because he's gay it's given LGBT groups the "right" to contort his message since he's "one of them". His JRE interview isn't half bad and he talks about this on there, if you're interested.

Just you wait for the 2 minute long dance number where all joker do is flossing

hE wAs PrObLeMaTiC

designated place for white males who were excluded from the no white people allowed leftist groups, it's a sort of cuckshed if you will

It's not. Over-rated shit.

Constant, unyielding cognitive dissonance drives them to self destructive behavior, which leads to defending islam, which leads to them being thrown off buildings or otherwise murdered, completing the sjw life cycle.

Get ready for Fedora Zoomers

Both are equally shit.

That's the face of a man who was never beat up but should have been.

I can't understand the mind of a modern leftie and I don't want to. None of it really makes sense, it is more or less a religion in and of itself, with a set of dogmas. And that's just one of them. Best I can come up with is that they hate themselves, and are just full of hate in general. Note that they are typically very aggressive and foul-mouthed despite being scrawny, ugly, pathetic losers that an average man could beat the shit out of with no effort, and there are a lot of trannies in their ranks too. That has to tell you something. I've never ever seen one that I'd call a decent person or mentally balanced.

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Because the Left is run by Jews, and Islam has allied with Jews against Christians for centuries.

Why do rightists hate muslims so much yet jump to defend christians?

Saudi funding

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Guy on the right looks like a fucking dwarf

my point still stands

>Christian Homeschooled Uneducated Dummy

It would make sense if you thought about it for 15 seconds. But we all know you can't think, which is why you're in your pitiable situation.

Then you'll have no problem explaining it to me, right?

i have never seen these horrible proportions on a human being before. he's like a life-size child-doll that has been overstuffed and stretched out to appear bigger. what a horrible thing to witness

>why do people defend their own side and not the other side

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>worshiping a carpenter who preached/practiced non-violence and self-sacrifice is the same as worshiping a warlord pedophile

>my side is shit but I'll defend it anyway
Are you merely larping as a tribalist nigger or are you being serious?

They're all like that. And half of them will transition to become a tranny too. It's a lack of testostetone fucking up their bodies and brains.

>joker kills woman
>people get angery
>despite the fact that the joker is a manipulative shitter who kills people
>and has a woman sidekick he only uses to help him out and abuses her constantly

Im sure theres more wrong with the script but jesus cant we have an actual grounded evil dude for once? Like what the hell did they expect an insane nigga to do?


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Whether or not (You) think it's "shit" it's still their side, braindead moron. And obviously the people defending it don't think it's shit.

>kills roasties

Honk honk

>non-white hands wrote this

>Islam has allied with Jews against Christians for centuries.
oh man imagine being this retarded

>Ben Shapiro
>Donald Trump
Are they leftists?

Hypocrisy and contradictions is the corner stone of American social justice culture.

>Being in College Station

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No one on this Earth hates Jews more than Muslims you uneducated larping faggot

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Intersectionality, google it.

>Why do people defend a religion that's been a part of our culture for most of our recorded history, as opposed to a religion that's been directly opposed to our culture for most of our recorded history and is intensely antagonistic even now?
Again, very simple to figure out if you have 2 brain cells to rub together.

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Yes, unironically.

>college educated
>good job
>little debt
>pitiable situation

I'm going to go throw some gays off rooftops for being gay, wanna join me supporting brother?

he was a larping faggot anyways


but gamers are left wing?

>Tee hee hee, gottem!

No thank you Mohammed we don't do that kind of shit in the West.

Umm, no sweaty.

Shapiro is a neocon, so he is a Leftist, yes. Trump is a dumb boomer who falls for neocon tricks.

what is the bitcoin price in your time?

literally dressed like the toddler behind him

You mean we don't do barbaric shit in a white Chrostian nation the way they do in a brown Muslim nation? What are you trying to imply? Are you racist or something?

limp wristed numales who live in fantasy worlds and were never picked for sports... sounds lefty to me...


so Yea Forums then

can someone explain to me what the guy is saying?

>the last 60 years of Muh Palestine erases the previous 1500 years of history

We don't do barbaric shit in the civilized, secular Western nations, Mohammed. You may not like it and cry about it, but that's the way it is.

>getting this buttblasted someone doesn't know or care who you are

The guy is also a failed writer. In the 90s he wrote a movie called F.A.R.T. The Movie.

Why would anyone care about his opinion?

Which is why I used the present tense, silly.

>My life is just grand! Even though I can't figure out the simplest, most obvious things and I am more or less mentally impaired.
Not only is it unrelated, but also pointless. You're anonymous and no one gives a shit about your life. All that matters here is whether or not you're stupid, and you are.

Gen Z cares a great deal about anyone's opinion as long as it
a) reinforces their worldview
b) gives them an opportunity to be mad
In this case it's b).

do right wingers even watch rick and morty

That's a pretty narrow insult. Homeschooling still isn't that prevalent

Those were two different anons, learn how to spot new IDs you obnoxious little zoomer tourists.


the fuck does chud even mean?

Uhh, racist and Islamophobic much?

Go back Mohammed

My name is Ahmed, and by Allah you will pay for this you fucking infidel. Islam is peaceful and anyone who says otherwise will be beheaded inshallah.

Good eye,user.

>in a post GamerGate world
what the fuck does this even mean?

Yea ForumsCHADS RISE UP!!!

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Cannibal Humanoid Underground Dwellers?

It means journalists are blaming all their problems on a bunch of fucks on the internet screeching about feminists.

CHAPO are the anti-PC leftists. They spend as much time whining about that shit as /pol/lacks.

It means they're still SEETHING over some silly shit 5 years ago (and that's a good thing).
Journos are the scum of the Earth (and here's why)

What the fuck is a chud. Good god these people are faggots.

I was the first to post this image on Yea Forums, feels good.

Have sex.
There, I said it, you ugly incels.

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It references the year Yea Forums was invaded by retarded politics-obsessed redditors.

Genuinely a good B-movie.

Vast majority of right-wingers in the West are also christians or at least lean that way. Whereas the vast majority of left-wingers in the West are atheists or lean that way. It's not the same at all. Left-wingers should absolutely DESPISE Islam, but because most muslims have brown skin they either turn a blind eye to how truly awful a religion it is or even actively defend them.

>he shoots Wayne sr
Great, so they're going to just remake Burton's movie next. I'm unironically pleased, as Burton's Batman movies are the last good ones.

>hates cancerous journos
>loves cancerous e-celebs
I will never understand the new right

It means a world where journalists are widely viewed as the subhuman filth they are, instead of as the heroic warriors for truth and justice they see themselves as.

So is anyone actually going to post a link to this script or what?

Why the hell would you hang out on a r*ddit board called a "trap house"? And probably heavily moderated for dissenting opinions? I can't think of anything more retarded and gay. These people need help. The name itself should clue you into their mental state.

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But it wasn't, because men have never been disenfranchised or neutered. Being told "no" just once is not disenfranchisement.

>yfw these are the guys calling married men with children "incels" on twitter

>Left-wingers should absolutely DESPISE Islam,
Why? They aren't anti-religion, they are just anti-Christian.

Where do you get your news from?

I don't follow e-celebs of any flavour, I don't get it either. I'm probably too old.

Exactly. They're the biggest hypocrites.

Left wingers are able to separate moderate from extreme muslims.

what the fuck is a chud

>'getting' 'news'

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>Left wingers are able to separate moderate from extreme muslims.
No they are not.

Yes they are.

>implying they wouldn't start groveling and apologizing immediately if Lashondra from The Fader called something they said problematic

They unironically believe gamer gate was some kind of world altering event that changed the societal and cultural landscape forever.

No. They are not.

It was, unfortunately.

I wish more people used periods. Fuck

An insult some podcast commies made up for right wingers to avoid any kind of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist connotations

Funny enough it did in a way considering GamerGate became the number one boogeyman for a lot of leftshits. They literally blame everything on GG.

Yes. They are.

It isn't really hypocrisy. They just hate Christians, because their worldview is based on Jewish resentment and hatred of Europeans and Christianity. They don't care about faggots, women, or whatever, they just promote whatever is bad for their enemies.

You only think it changed anything if you live on the internet.

They're not anti-PC.
Say something that goes against their ideological narrative and see how quickly you get censored and banned.

Social media has become a huge influence on society. Believe me when I say I don't like it either, but it's the truth.

Most people under 30 live on the internet.

This is why the Left can't meme: Almost every single one of their "insults" for right-wingers/Trump supporters/etc., are these extremely vague and general terms/words that can be applied to anyone. Chud? Has absolutely no meaning to it at all aside from a visual one; as in that person looks like a chud from the film CHUD. There is no inherent political connotation to the insult in any shape or form.

Fight Club is just some twink crying about his daddy.

>This is why the Left can't meme:
And this is why I can't take your generation seriously.


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anyone that uses chud is a paypig for chapo trap house lol

Afraid not. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of muslims who left Yurokebabistan to cause terror in the Middle East and CAME BACK to Yurop and were let in by the left-wing politicians. It doesn't get anymore extreme than that yet they're being treated exactly the same as the muslims who didn't leave to commit terrorism and wage war.

Chud sounds like a retarded Chad to me

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>no meaning to it at all aside from a visual one
You mean like söyböy?

You realize they launched an FBI investigation over GamerGate?

kek he blocked me like 2 minutes after i made fun of him. this guy's been on twitter all day

>union profile picture

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Pretty based post.

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They're not comparable at all. Right-wingers noticed a lot of left-wingers drank söy and also tended to look like someone who couldn't beat up a one-legged 10 year old girl. That's how the insult came about. But chud? Completely random with no origin at all. Hell if anything it's another example of psychological projection like the 'incel' insult. I mean just look at this fucking guy right here . HE'S calling other people chuds? lol

This guy is irrelevant

Disregard his opinion

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I hope critics and twitter crowd hate it because otherwise I wouldn't be able to like it

This guy's writing partner is an MtF tranny

*writes an essay to apologize for saying "retard"*

Viewing someone living in an echo chamber through a glass wall is always interesting. These are the types to scream at you and block you for a dissenting opinion. That's why, whenever you see them in public, they constantly get extremely angry and violent. At their cores, they are children who never learned to deal with their emotions or communicate properly. Even the 40 year old commies act like toddlers. It's something to behold.


go dilate

What is this body type called???

You are an absolute retard. Gtfo

he seems pretty pathetic. can't handle bantz from anyone back so he has to block them. dude has been obsessively posting on twitter all day. it's kinda sad but funny to watch.

I know this feel.

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thats not fair the toddler has shoes with laces

I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcut bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "cancelled" or "this is a bop," I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto their contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplastized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. I'm SO. FUCKING. HORNY.

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>communists are bleeding in the streets
Feels good.

any kinos with this feel?

>communists are bleeding in the streets
how can we make them bleed more?

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"Fascists" and "Nazis" are code for white people

>guy whose claim to fame is “FART: the movie”
Hmmm yes ok this is epic

>the left is projecting
Have you seen the /pol/ meet-ups?

It gets old real quick. Those types are impossibly tough to tolerate long-term.

Yea Forums is that way my man but i feel your pain

>Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "cancelled" or "this is a bop," I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs.

This made me the big penis


>FART: The Movie
Is he /ourguy/?

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Also you're still not comprehending what I'm saying about left-wing/right-wing specific insults. The insult 's.o.yboy" came about because of the connection between weak-looking/effeminate liberal men and their love for s.o.y drinks. There is no inherent connection with the insult "chud" and right-wingers. ESPECIALLY when it's guys like this using it. "Chud" only works as a non-political insult. Like this guy absolutely is a chud. Yet he's a left-winger. Do you understand yet? He's not a chud because he's a left-winger; he's a chud because he LOOKS like this.

his head is too big for his body

Basically we're all currently living in the Weimar Internet period. Chapo trap house is symbolic of a new breed of communism while /pol/ represents a new breed of fascism. Gradually every young person in America will be pushed to one or the other side.

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What truth does Chapo hold? They seem to be entirely cast in irony and subversion.
At least /pol/ is right about a lot of things; both politically and culturally. This is reflected in the pervasive acceptance of their memes.

I have yet to see a truthful meme produced from the Left / Chapo.

not to mention the correlation between left wing man and feminility/weakness is way older than the term basedboy. in my country for exemple we call left wingers "estrogenated" since the late 80s because of some comments made by an army general on tv

>these are the people who brag about how 'we' defeated the ebil natsees once and will do so again

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We are inevitable

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>I have yet to see a truthful meme produced from the Left / Chapo.
That "have sex" and "incel" meme seems to be accepted. But I think that's because you can use that on either side of the political spectrum.

People were calling each other virgins on the internet long before Chapo

not him but thats a forced meme that got co-opted by shitposters

Go back.

Have sex was started by libshits here trying to gain a foothold but like every single one of their other meme attempts much better shitposters took it and flipped it back onto them.

yeah it's a buzzword with the Chapo Trap House audience for regressive or something

which makes me really sad because in highschool me and and my friends used that word for ourselves because of the movie but now it's got connotations

So why is basedboy used as a politically charged insult then?

Maybe try not to be this obsessed with 'memes', little Zoomer.

guess i've been successfully conditioned


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We have a new meme word to trigger chuds.

>What is this body type called
The Fetus

and that's a good thing

It's the clothes. The guy never got over the 6th grade fad of wearing baggy clothes.

Incel is just another word for /r9k/ robot.
have sex is spammed because it gets a response, maybe just have sex and it won't be a problem?

They don't have a sense of humor because they don't have sense to begin with.

Memes and meltdowns > quality movie


Have you heard of the cordyceps fungus? It takes over an insects brain and makes it go near a predator to get eaten, releasing more spores from the predator's shit. This is what is happening to liberals. Jews have infected their minds and made them lose fear of natural predators, causing them to die and release more sjw spores when people rush to defend the minority.

Then why are 95% of all comedians leftist?

art hoes

Is Trump a liberal?

>posts efg not as a gif
>calls others newfags

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I tried having sex last saturday but got whiskey dick. Worst feeling in the world and the girl won't return my calls.

same with me but with police, i fucking hate pigs but seeing antifa types criticizing police officers for the most retarded reasons makes me want to join the force

Truer words could not have been said.

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Shit sucks but we've all been there man
It's part of life

Taxi Driver is Taxi Driver for Zoomers
It is timeless kino

that isn't an art hoe my man just a hoe

>why is a jewish business filled with jews and people with the same opinions as jews

Are they supposed to look miserable?

You laugh at Wojaks. You shouldn't go around calling other people humorless.

If that is the context its used in, then I guess that chapo irony is in full effect, considering the left has been in a self-cannibalizing purity spiral for over a decade.

So is the American Right.

Because all they have to do post--2015 to get applause is walk up on a stage and say "fuck drumpf and fuck white people."

Nah, but really, most good comics are pretty neutral. Note that I said good and not shit like Amy Schumer. A lot of them don't like the leftist crowd because they get too offended, and won't perform at colleges due to the rabid outcries.

What were they expecting from a movie with the Joker as the protagonist? Him joining a literature club in a coffee shop?

I'm a NUETROLL fag but damn what the fuck did Twitter Guy expect?

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Ok buddy

They are not. But you don't know what leftism is aside from surface familiarity with /pol/ memes.
You can make right wing and left wing comedy, you can't do conservative comedy by definition, racism isnt a right wing thing, being PC isn't lefty or a right wing thing either, you are just retarded, and no, democrats are not lefties.

except the right is more united than ever, everywhere really

So what do lefties have that are better? 8 year old stale r*ddit memes that they write a tl;dr wall of text on?

Look at that based lad taking a closed eye deep ass whiff god I wish that were me *SCHLOP* *SCHLOP* (--$--)7

seems obvious

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I still don't know what the fuck this guy was thinking drawing this as an "insult."

The Right is pretty unified over common ideas.
The Left is all over the place.

Attached: Left Right political shift graph.png (640x1018, 556K)

they produce entertaining cringe

Attached: can't meme.png (500x654, 146K)

Are you pretending to be retarded? I just explained this multiple times. I even explained it in the post you quoted, you stupid shit.