May 2019... I am forgotten

May 2019... I am forgotten...

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Maybe because it's several months away, user

it's true, nobody cares any more

Read this and be done.

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I hate Yea Forums so fucking much, lads

Only rstarwars plebbitors are excited about it.
Most on Yea Forums assume it's going to be standard-issue JJ Abrams schlock and the trailer did nothing but confirm this, so there's nothing to talk about.
The only reason it got as much attention as it did is because shills and trolls spent a year and a half chumming the waters with TLJ bait, but now even that has stopped.

fuck off shills

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since they waited til April to drop a teaser, when do they release the real trailer that ruins any hope left?

Probably in October. Appropriate since it's going to frighten us deep down.

That never could work as a film, but it's kinoesque as a comic.

There are only 6 star wars movies and a christmas special

That's three movies too many.

There are 3 star wars movies and the Thrawn trilogy.

and thats a good thing

Based and truthpilled

>Truest, Top Tier Star Wars Fans
Saw the teaser and knew Star Wars was doomed once the gorilla took off his stormtrooper helmet

>True Star Wars Fans
Stopped watching after the abortion that was the force awakens, which they saw very hesitantly

Dropped only after TLJ

>Fucking retards
Still defend Star Wars, KK, and TLJ

>preteen girls
Omg so excited for the rise of skaywakker, that’s that old guy Rey learned from in the second movie right?

I’m embarrassed to admit I did watch TFA at a matinee a few weeks after it was released, after making the decision not to.

I dropped it the second I saw the sweaty chimp in the trailer, knew exactly what they would be up to. Saw TFA at a girls house years later and regretted it. Never saw any of the other Nu-wars schlock

>I’m embarrassed to admit I did watch TFA at a matinee a few weeks after it was released, after making the decision not to.

I was dragged by friends on the Saturday morning after it debuted, I'm putting myself in top tier

It's almost like the 200k viewers that bothered to tune into the official live stream of the trailer where a really good indicator about the true status of nu-wars.

You guys are just too hardcore. I feel so intimidated. Man, the shame that I thought TLJ would be better than TFA even though anyone who is being honest knows that TFA wasn't a bad movie at all. Fight me.

Fact: If episode IX somehow hits it out of the park, in five years, everyone will be saying that TLJ "perfectly set it up". Humans are dumb.

Was the girl your mom?

>wasn't a bad movie at all
Oh God I'm laughing. It's was a JJ star trek flick with one or two lightsaber scenes, woke diversity casting out the
ass and a horrible Mary sue as a protagonist.

This, Disney created so much fake internet controversy over TLJ that it's very obvious now nobody cares about star wars anymore in the slightest.

I watched half of the force awakens and walked out, I can't blame any specific scene, it was just awful

My mother is a woman thank you very much

Hi, i'm Rian's trash but better

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>It's was a JJ star trek flick
>It's was a JJ
The truth is jarring, isn't it? It's an entertaining film that honored the previous lore, it's TLJ that took a giant radioactive shit all over SW, not TFA.
Rey is a Mary Sueiin TFW, but TLJ could have fixed that, not poured gas on it.

I saw Episode 7 in theaters. Haven’t seen a Star Wars movie since. Got rid of any Star Wars crap I had. Grew up. I don’t know how you guys can keep watching this trash.

The first JJ Trek was actually decent, TFA was complete trash though

>I saw Episode 7 in theaters. Haven’t seen a Star Wars movie since. Got rid of any Star Wars crap I had.

I’m the guy your replying to, I unironically am jealous. I feel like a fucking retard for watching TFA, knew it would be bad but just hoped for the best. Remaking / rebooting Star Wars and calling it a sequel, and even worse, not only injecting sjw nonsense in it but actively shitting on the original legacy and weight of the conclusion of RotJ was just too much. Couldn’t believe the shit I was watching. At least after seeing it I was able to convince a lot of my friends how shitty it was, instead of just ‘lol turn ur brain off cool effects’. But like I said I’m actually embarrassed I watched it, jealous you didn’t.

Fair enough, I’d have gone if some chick I was trying to bang made me go. I did tell my friends who did IMAX for the premiere to fuck off though

No comment, TFA is the most uncreative sack of shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. Would it have been a decent movie had EVERY OTHER STAR WARS MOVIE NOT EXISTED? Maybe but still probably not

I wanted to walk out too but kept thinking maybe it’ll get better, maybe Luke will show up. lol

I've never seen a single Star Wars movie around the time of release, except Phantom Menace as a kid. I tried to power through and watch the rest a few years ago, but couldn't manage to sit through Episode 3. I don't know what you find so entertaining about that franchise.

>TFW TFW u said it wrong it's TFA!
Fucking autist, that's what you sound like. The Force Awakens was a joke and is a 6/10 film at beat if you ignore all the politics also
>honored the lore
By making like a big pussy that fucks off to the middle of nowhere? By making all the good guys nonwhite and the bad guys white? By making Rey more knowlegeable of the inner workings of the millennium falcon than Han? Please

>TFA is the most uncreative sack of shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching.
So you haven't seen The Last Jedi? You should watch it at least once just so you can know how good The Force Awakens really is. TLJ literally rips off The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi-yet with none of the excitement and somehow you feel like you're committing a sin by watching it. Like burying a loved one at the Pet Sematary. [sic]

>and is a 6/10 film
>calls me an autist

By your own admission that means the film is ABOVE average, you dolt.

I said without all the other things I mentioned you illiterate faggot. It's a fucking 2/10

>By making like a big pussy that fucks off to the middle of nowhere?

Like Spyworker is still a good Rabble. Anyway, TFA didn't establish Luke's cowardice and murderous intentions, that was TLJ's job. This is all Rian's fault.

"Wahhh stop using my own words against me!"

TFA at its best establishes that Luke fucked off and let the Nu-empire take control

I have not. And I can’t. There’s nothing in it for me to watch a movie from an extremely effeminate liberal director, overseen by a painfully incompetent woman producer who doesn’t understand even the most basic parts of Star Wars lore, completely shit on the archetypical Hero’s Journey I grew up on and daydreamed about constantly as a kid, and make my childhood hero into a complete failure joke

>By making all the good guys nonwhite
Admiral Gender Studies was a good "guy", though. She was incompetent and a bitch, but she made up for it. I thought she was a First Order plant, which is what she should have been.

Reread my post. I said it's a 6/10 without all the Social Justice, diversity casting and Mary Sue shit AKA politics

>I have not. And I can’t.
Then you can't complain, and give me a break. You CAN watch it. Go ahead, dude, ever watch Red Letter Media? MST3K? They watch shitty movies and make money and laugh their asses off.

Yeah one lesbian feminist is a good guy I guess I'm wrong

Han didn't necessarily know everything, Luke could have fucked off to heal and regroup with a winning plan, not to give up like in TLJ. You're too harsh on TFA and you know it. I realize that peer pressure is still a thing, even online, but you can fucking watch a bad movie and no one will think less of you, and those that do are obese trannies.

This paragraph alone resonates with me far much than any new Star wars could.

It's a fucking Star Wars movie.

And she died. Isn't that nice?


Even if they didn't write Rey as a mary sue in TLJ that wouldn't retroactively fix TFA. I even remember when TFA came out everyone was making excuses for it by saying it might lead to something good, I'm glad Rian took a big steaming shit on you retards

>most supreme based ultra lords of star wars fandom
Saw Disney buy LucasArts and knew Star Wars was dead

Even if it's slightly good, it will be too late to salvage the ST.

Same as how even though ep3 was decent, it was too late for it to save the PT from being shit as a whole (Clone Wars gets a pass, however).

>There’s nothing in it for me to watch a movie from an extremely effeminate liberal director, overseen by a painfully incompetent woman producer who doesn’t understand even the most basic parts of Star Wars lore, completely shit on the archetypical Hero’s Journey I grew up on and daydreamed about constantly as a kid, and make my childhood hero into a complete failure joke
Ok, I will be frank and admit that I harbor your feelings on that too. Judge me if you want, but I will see IX and hope to God it's good. Regardless, the saga ended with VI. Darth Vader killed the emperor and saved the day, along with his son Luke. The End.

After pulling off the stupidest move in the entire history of star Wars including the EU so no not really. I mean maybe if she was cut in half or something

Box office of this film will be interesting to see.

>Even if they didn't write Rey as a mary sue in TLJ that wouldn't retroactively fix TFA.
You just called me a retard and yet you lack imagination.

It was 2 minutes long and it was fairly detailed. It was an actual trailer no mstter whst the mouse considers it.

>Dropped only after TLJ


Reminder that there was no plan.
No overarching storylines were plotted before the trilogy started.
Any twist or shocking reveal in ep9 will be an afterthought.

>After pulling off the stupidest move in the entire history of star Wars including the EU
Says some fat morons posting online; everyone (and I mean everyone) who saw it in the theaters was amazed in the best way by that scene, in fact, it's probably the sole cool part of the entire movie.

>but muh broken SW lore n' physics

Yeah, STFU, it's a space opera, it's not supposed to be 100% realistic, and moreover, it doesn't even break SW lore because it would be too expensive to sacrifice captial ships all the time.


Every. Single. One. Of.You, are going to watch episode 9, but watching you lie online is funny.

Accurate. Although I knew it was doomed just by the TFA teaser because it was very easy to tell that it was going to copy ANH.

I'm sure you and the other burgers all clapped

No, we sat in awe, as intended. Sometimes society works, even nowadays.

>Reminder that there was no plan.
Wrong, Lucas has HIS sequel trilogy mapped out.

I only watched TLJ because a friend brought it to movie night since I gave up after TFA. I skipped on Solo entirely and I won't see what ever the next one is called.
That franchise was done when it started to battle the minions in obnoxiously branded dollar products.

>I don't care what happens if the key dangling is eratic enough.

Your a fucking idiot or a troll if you like that shitty movie. There are plenty of people on Reddit who share your sentiment, why don't you go back?

Multiple sources confirmed that there was an outline and that Rian Johnson ignored it. The fault lies in KK who didn't manage to control an obviously incompetent director who, because of his insecurities, nuked numerous pre-established concepts in an immature attempt to appear as serious, trope bending kinographer.

>>I don't care what happens if the key dangling is eratic enough.
Yellow text! :D

>I only watched TLJ because a friend brought it to movie night
So you are normal. >I skipped on Solo entirely
That's a mistake. I skipped the film in theaters, but it's actually the best Star Mouse that's been put out. Not kidding you, man, read up, it's really not that bad, in fact it's worthy of owning.

>Every. Single. One. Of.You
Fuck off back to your subforum r*ddit $oyboy.

Fuck off, I don't care who goes to what website or who likes what film anymore.

I do when it pertains to people with room temperature IQs defending the worst film ever made.

I personally will.

But I won't watch it opening weekend. I've learned my lesson on that. Maybe I'll see it week 3 to ensure the mouse gets less money and more of it goes to the theater.

And yet you're here forever.

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You're angry because you're going to see it, it's like you have no willpower. I feel sorry for you, but at least it's just a movie. [Don Lafontaine]2019: In a world, where people pretend that they're superior in intelligence because they follow others...[/DL]

>Luke could have fucked off to heal and regroup with a winning plan, not to give up like in TLJ.
NO. The whole galaxy was at stake and faced it's the biggest threat it ever had with another Death Star which did more damage than the previous death stars combined, and you're telling me that there was a possibility that Luke was regrouping? I know that was the original plan but JJ fucked it up by having Luke just sit on the island doing nothing and leaving his friends and family to die. Just admit it that Luke gave up in TFA. There's no possible way they could've fixed it. Not even your bullshit ideas that Luke was training a skilled jedi army could've fixed it.

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>I personally will.
A wild honest user emerges..

>But I won't watch it opening weekend. I've learned my lesson on that. Maybe I'll see it week 3 to ensure the mouse gets less money and more of it goes to the theater.

Yes you are clearly retarded if you can't even comprehend my point. I said it doesn't matter what the fuck happens in TLJ, even if it was a great movie it couldn't suddenly make TFA any less shitty just by association. I absolutely loathe idiots like you who handwave away all the obvious flaws of a movie because you just want to be excited for the next movie

>Yes you are clearly retarded
>I ..I'm not threatened!

Just watch the movie and have fun, it's not gay sex. Fucking wow.

Solo is mediocre through and through.

>NO. The whole galaxy was at stake and faced it's the biggest threat it ever had with another Death Star which did more damage than the previous death stars combined, and you're telling me that there was a possibility that Luke was regrouping?
^this guy is going to get people killed in a future conflict

Underage user, it's wise to regroup when the enemy has won a major coup, to do anything else-unless you got the luck of a pot of gold-is foolish.

>just enjoy this horrible mess of a movie that shits all over the other movies in the series really bro what the fuck is wrong with you

There is no excitement for this film. But im sure Disney will unleash the full might of their Public Relations apparatus though. Just like they did for Captain Shoehorned Marvel

>Solo is mediocre through and through.
No, it's rather touching in many ways. Definitely the best new SW flick.

Redditors question nothing goes against their leftist mediocre indoctrination.

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Pretty much this.
The story is shit but the art and designs are great. I can’t say the same for the ST.

>but it's actually the best Star Mouse that's been put out.
It completely wipes out Han's character, who is presented as a virtuous space paladin from the get go, instead of being a selfish bandit who develops empathy and a sense for greater good only after completing his character arch in OT. Also:
>telegraphed as fuck storyline with Woodie betraying Han
>yet another kick ass british brunnete being, i.e. KK's power fantasy, being the actual all powerful protagonist
>12yo girl being the leader of Rebellion
>I'll call you Chewie
>I'll call you Solo
>super busy plot, is all over the place plot to appease adhd zoomers

Absolutely horrid movie, liked only by those who exclusively watch capeshit and similar franchise blockbusters.

what happen to dexter jettster

You don't know if J.J. is following Ruin's lead, and all indications show that he isn't. It'll be OK, user, show me on the doll where the bad director touched you. Yes, he is a VERY BAD man, user, but we won't let him hurt you anymore.

>I'm gonna leave my lightsaber in a box on some random planet and hide a map to my location that nobody can find
>this is my master regrouping strategy obviously I am trying to rebuild a super secret Jedi army
I'll keep biting throw some more bait my way I'm bored in the airport right now

There were some cringey parts, but it doesn't wreck Han's character, which I thought was going to happen, but it didn't. Also the Feminist robot was played for laughs at its expense. Based Opie.

Plus 2 Ewok movies.

>Jewjew takes a big feminist woke shit on star Wars
>Rian laughs and is like "you are like a little baby" and sprays diahrrea all over the already shit covered franchise
>bro it's Ok! Based Jewjew can fix this!

I haven't seen a single SW movie in theaters since Rogue 1. I know, I'm a retard. I watched a korean camrip TLJ through webms posted on 4channel and I intend to do the same for RotSk. These movies are only good as shitposting fuel anyway.

Don't call me underage, brainlet. The FO was very close to destroying the Republic/Resistance once and for all. Unless your bullshit theory was going to include Luke knew Rey, Poe, and Finn was going to save the day?

>>I'm gonna leave my lightsaber in a box on some random planet and hide a map to my location that nobody can find
user, Luke didn't do that because that was from his detached hand. Remember?

>Rise of Skywalker
When they start calling this whole franchise the Skywalker Saga?


>tfw dropped after TFA but my brother and my friends dragged me to TLJ

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>racism means my SW criticisms are correct!

>/pol/ is in the directory

user, the plot of the movie leaked here. It's going to be a fucking disaster.

There is no other way to look at like a actions other than those of a coward in TFA, don't blame Rian for that. Did you forget the very end of the movie with Hobo luke by himself staring solemnly at Mary sue?

I'm actually looking forward to seeing TFA apologists get shit on a third time when episode 9 releases

>normies aren't into it
>kids only like marvel
Who the fuck watches these anymore? They still make money but nobody is talking about SW in real life.

I saw it, it can be kino, we'll just have to wait and see, although I doubt that leak is 100% genuine.

>you were racist so I'm gonna focus on that instead of what you posted
This is not the website for you faggot nigger kike

Stop projecting, buddy. Only a child would defend this trash.

He was snoke

It comoletely rewrites Han's character. He's presented as someone who was emphatic, just, selfless and ready to help the Rebellion even in his youth. Which is bullshit, because the appeal of his character in OT is waching him transform from a cutthroat rogue to a hero in the war against the empire. Also I never mentioned the fembot, even though it was extremely cringy and not in a concious sort of way.

>There is no other way to look at like a actions other than those of a coward in TFA, don't blame Rian for that. Did you forget the very end of the movie with Hobo luke by himself staring solemnly at Mary sue?
Yes, I recall that scene and all Rian had to do was have Luke say to her:"This is only going to work if you do exactly as I tell you.." (with a steely determination in his eyes)

>complaining about racism on Yea Forums
I was too embarassd to post my first few months, what happened?

Only a child cares what others think of their film tastes.

Not on topic

There are some that think nu wars is life. They will defend it till their bull in the face. Not for the story. More so for the Social Commentary. This is their new Bible. Poor dumb bastards

I completely agree with you, based user. I always love the prequel trilogy movies no matter what.

I personally love AH, but time and place, user. IX is either going to fix it or nuke it.

So much

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>it's rather touching in many ways
Cool story, very convincing.

So, are the leaks true?
The story is going to center around Ray sending a message about luke to the universe?
Whats the fucking point? Damage control for TLJ

I'm literally on topic. I'm just also saying nigger and Jew. Seethe more you effeminate fucking loser

Eh..I get what you're saying, but realize that after fighting in Space World War I, Han is a bit fucked in the head, in a good way.

Who said that I cared? We're on a discussion board about Television & Film, on an anonymous board no less. If you can't handle getting proven wrong by people who actually watched the film then fuck off back to >>>/Reddit/ and cry there.

>think TFA is mediocre as fuck but most friends loved it
>dragged to TLJ
>TLJ sucked so much even dumb friends were shitting on it
>only one friend went to see SOLO

SW is dead.

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^projection the post
Imagine being so weak that The Last Jedi destroys you.

Hello shill.


>. If you can't handle getting proven wrong
LOL! You really made me laugh out loud. Man, you're sad and deluded. Our opinions are different, with mine being the normal one, with yours being the school shooter one. Ya sperg.

Right now I'm trying to imagine defending TLJ on the internet and I am losing brain cells

>Who said that I cared?

Psst Nah. We just laughing at you

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>I am losing brain cells
Finally the truth.

it's going to suck ass and you're going to say "B-BUT THERE'S STILL EPISODE 10"

>Saw the teaser and knew Star Wars was doomed once the gorilla took off his stormtrooper helmet
There's two higher levels than this - those whomst knew'd that it was fucked the minute Disney bought it, and those who knew it was doomed the minute Disney cancelled the EU

Even if that's true it proves my point even more. If you care that someone judges what you watch, you're weak. It's too bad that I hate TLJ because if I loved it you'd melt down. How do you act when the milk runs out? Do you go outside and punch out your neighbors?

If it sucks, it sucks.

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I hate the TLJ to retard. Relax consider this training for when somewhen actually wants to trigger you. Keep your responses short and jab back at them.

>hate the TLJ to retard.

Oh, user.

Even if 9 is good, I'm stopping at 9 because anything beyond will be pozzed as fuck. Yeah, I'm the same user.

Lol, there you go. You got it now.

>Now lick my balls

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Anytime you try to debate someone on these platforms. The data is being collected and used to target you during elections. Why add to the end of civilization?

>Im on my lunch break from such an organization that does this

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I actually did forget about this. I still can't believe how fucking bad the nuquel trilogy movie titles are.

Ugh, responding to a troll. I know better, will delete. As for Episode 9, I think it'll be better than 8, but not so good that it can save the sequel trilogy. The sandwich would be OK bread with shit in the middle, with perfect sourdough on the end being fed to you by Natalie Portman. It's a nice ending perhaps, but ewww shit in the middle!

you know some fans are going to make their own ep 7, 8, and 9 on their own and put it on youtube.

>Patrican Tier Star Wars fans
Middle era millenials who grew up with the prequels and enjoy both trilogies. Grew out of star wars right before George sold it to the mouse. All new movies are a fanfiction. We pay no attention to them.

>ray is now a bigger mary sue than ever before since she can jump over a spaceship in motion
the only thing that can save the franchise if kylo or sheev kill her off on screen

>all that projection
Is it summer already?

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Well, leading up to Celebration everybody was interested to know what would happen to Reylo and Kylo in general, thats what the hosts/interviewers asked the most.

Then Daisy-chan came in basically assblasted what was the only excited portion of the fanbase, now everybody is expecting Kylo to die ala Vader, so basically nobody cares i think.

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>Then Daisy-chan came in basically assblasted what was the only excited portion of the fanbase
English, please. What did she say?

Now this is an NPC.

Not unless she's completely naked in every scene

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lol says the guy who is legit concerned about the feelings of others regarding the movies he watches and pretends to be a rugged individualist, yet follows all current trends.
Many such cases. Sad!

She said she doesn't support Reylo. Now that wouldn't be a problem if she said it prior to finishing the movie, saying it after its done means its not gonna happen.

And that ties in to Kylo's fate, since a Reylo thing would probably be the only chance at a redemption for the character.

So double whammy. U can see on social media, theres a few Reylos still posting but its mostly on life support.

The only way they could save it is with a Kylo redemption, and him also living on.

But JJ is just gonna copy RotJ so that won't happen.

Thanks for the reply. Well, that's fine to me. Reylo was always wrong and sickening for so many reason I won't get into because it's insane not to instinctually and empirically know why it'd be stupid as retard Hell. However, with him dying, at least that would be different for Star Wars, I mean, Darth Vader lived the Catholic dream; Vader hurt people for most of his life and when it's over he basically said sorry and got to go to Heaven, so it'll be nice that Darth Punkass will burn. It rhymes.

>She said she doesn't support Reylo
but isn't there rumours driver cheated on his wife with her irl?

Your post contradicts itself. Kylo being killed off as a bad guy is the opposite of RotJ.

Got it?

You are honestly the most petty little worm I have ever seen involved in Hollywood, Rian.

lol! Like he cares what we think.

Its not just what Daisy said, its also the leaks from MSW after it, basically hes gonna sacrifice himself like Vader. The Rey will take the Skywalker name and shit.

So all the intrigue and excitement will basically die with his char going in the most cliched direction.

Nobody gives a shit about Finn, Poe, Rey's arc was somewhat exciting when mixed in with Kylo's. So they fucked up the only good thing Rian set up in TLJ, Kylo and Rey's arc, which was praised by both sides of the debate.

>Darth Vader lived the Catholic dream
watch it buddy
Catholicism has purgatory so even if you "get away" with having done bad things and get to go to heaven, you have to suffer, it's just it's temporary suffering
Protestants believe that you don't have to be good to go to heaven, just believe in God. That's what "sola fide" means.

>basically hes gonna sacrifice himself like Vader. The Rey will take the Skywalker name and shit.
Lame if true. Also, did you just Patriarchy-assume her last name? It's: "Rey-Skywalker".

>tfw haven't watched any of Disney SW movies

sorry but rian subverted our expectations so hard we don't expect another good star wars movie ever again so we won't bother ever seeing one again

>Nobody gives a shit about Finn, Poe
Especially Poe. Fuck that boring artificial sweetner bootleg knockoff version of Han Solo after being a vegan diet for 10 years.

t. non-Gnostic Christian

gnosticism is the most tryhard heresy desu

>166 replease
obviously not, people still care a lot

It's the correct knowledge, which is why all the other churches call us heretics. Christ Himself backs up my assertions. Ahem, did Anakin go to Jedi purgatory before being allowed to de-age? Yoda and Ben didn't de-age. Vader was the chosen one..who were the bad guys again?

>It's the correct knowledge, which is why all the other churches call us heretics
hmm, no
>hem, did Anakin go to Jedi purgatory before being allowed to de-age? Yoda and Ben didn't de-age. Vader was the chosen one..who were the bad guys again?
Star Wars isn't a setting where Christianity is present. Any parallels can only be parallels, not anything more.

Thats the word on the street. Daisy didn't want to work with him anymore and she went at JJ and basically talked him into changing the script.

To what degree nobody knows, but you can get thats its something pretty critical that it made Driver basically have a meltdown in November 2018 when he came back from Jordan and started bitching about his work in a interview for Vulture.

>hmm, no
My memories don't lie.

>Star Wars isn't a setting where Christianity is present
Heh heh

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>even if it was a great movie it couldn't suddenly make TFA any less shitty just by association
no, but a trilogy with 2 good movies and 1 bad movie can still be a good trilogy. A trilogy with 3 bad movies is just bad.

Even that wouldn't save it anymore for me. She looks ugly in the trailer.

Lick some butterscotch off my dick

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She has no body what so ever. I cant fap to her like I did Carrie

>tfw top tier
>tfw don't even care about Star Wars at all anymore

I still don't understand how someone thought it was a good idea to name the final movie of a trilogy of trilogies a title that insinuates the start of something

Poe is a knockoff of Wedge Antilles. They made a best friend background character with no depth in the OT into one of their leads for their story lol

Sort of highlights how much of a mess this whole endeavor has been.

Especially when marketing has been hammering for years that this is the very last you'll ever hear on a subject the title suggests is becoming more relevant than ever.

Yeah, Christopher Nolan is dumb as fuck.

i really doubt this will be the last of the skywalkers.

I watched TFA with my dad and we were both done with star wars after that

Disney wants the white family with all the power to die, that's why IX is their sendoff. They want multicultural heroes.
