Actor Isaac Kappy dies by suicide at age 42

>Actor Isaac Kappy died Monday morning after he "forced himself off" a bridge in Arizona. He was 42 years old.

>Around 7:30 a.m. Monday, state troopers responded to call at Interstate 40 after a man "forced himself off" the Transwestern Road bridge near Bellemont onto the highway, Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesman, Bart Graves, told The Arizona Daily Sun.

>Two teens reportedly attempted to stop Kappy from jumping but were unsuccessful, and he was then struck by a passing vehicle.

>Kappy died on the scene.

>Before his death, Kappy, who had bit parts in films including "Thor," "Beerfest" and "Terminator: Salvation," posted a disturbing message on Instagram about President Trump, pedophiles and the QAnon Movement.

>“Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect,” he captioned the lengthy missive.

>Kappy, who admitted to abusing drugs and alcohol, apologized to President Trump and included numerous references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon

>The troubled actor also referenced allegations he made against actor Seth Green previously, whom he accused of pedophilia, writing, "And while it's true I have outed many pedophiles that were former FRIENDS, I remained in their sphere for much longer than I should have, and attempted to gain from them AFTER I knew about their actions."

>Kappy apologized to Jesus and claimed he may be the reincarnation of Judas Iscariot.

>In August 2018, TMZ reported that Paris Jackson increased her security after Kappy allegedly choked her at a party and that police were investigating Kappy for allegedly harassing Green and his wife, Clare. He also allegedly posted a threatening tweet indicating that he was ready for a potential shootout with police.

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Guess he wasn't Isacc "Happy" Lol

Attached: Based.gif (554x400, 46K)

more like isaac nappy lol

Press "F" for "funny"

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Can't they make it anymore obvious? Jesus Christ

literally who

They are spitting in our faces.

literally who

I wish I could choke Paris

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>forced himself off

This doesn't sound like a suicide

sounds like he knew too much. pay a couple teens a couple hundred bucks and say "we tried to stop him" and case closed


she's like a beautiful bird

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weird how no news outlets are mentioning all the stuff he went on about of pedophile cults in Hollywood, or the video he left before he died of a bunch of little girls in swimsuit bikinis pouring water out of vases onto stone alters in a lavish Turkish bathhouse

also weird that he 'forced himself' off a bridge, when two men suddenly got out of a car and apparently physically tried to stop him from killing himself because 'they thought he looked like he was about to jump'

weird weird weird

Hm, let me quickly check Seth Green's belongs to a certain ethoreligious group...

Careful user, you don't don't want to an-hero yourself with two gunshots to the back of your head.


Are you actually implying that Seth Green used jewish powers to kill a no-name mentally ill never-was?


Go easy big guy.

>>Kappy, who admitted to abusing drugs and alcohol, apologized to President Trump and included numerous references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon


>Two teens reportedly "attempted to stop"
What actually happend is two teens murdered him


>Two teens reportedly attempted to stop Kappy from jumping but were unsuccessful
more like
>Two deepstate operatives reportedly attempted to silence Kappy through fake suicide and were successful

He's not even a big actor. He had a bunch of side parts but that's it.

Why involve the teens at all you dumb faggot?

>QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory[7] detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters.[8] The theory began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard Yea Forums by someone using the tripcode Q, a presumably American[9] individual that may have later grown to include multiple people,[10][11][12] claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. The user has falsely accused numerous liberal Hollywood actors, politicians, and high-ranking officials of engaging in an international child sex trafficking ring, and has claimed that Donald Trump feigned collusion with Russians in order to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the ring, and preventing a coup d'état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros.[13][14][15] "Q" is a reference to the top-secret Q clearance.
>The theory began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard Yea Forums by someone using the tripcode Q, a presumably American[9] individual that may have later grown to include multiple people

So it's pretty much confirmed he used to post in here?

ok this is spooky

Why aren't these shady "suicides" never investigated in America?


they are "investigated"

ask Mena, Arkansas

Literally who

A Carlos pic would b more appropiate

So he did something really bad involving some other people he doesn't want to mention at the moment and he dies a few days later?

Yeah no powerful Hollywood executive would ever hire Mossad agents to intimidate people with dirt on him or anything lol that's crazy conspiratard shit

same reason cops who obviously go over the line don't go to prison, because as the police higher ups don't want other cops being dissuaded from doing their job to the fullest extent possible, the higher ups in the gov don't want one illegal assassination standing out that they didn't condone, that may draw attention to any future illegal assassinations that they do condone

MK ULTRA us alive and well

>powerful Hollywood executive
>Seth Green
Laughing at your life right now.

If this were reddit, sure

Its called project Monarch now

Yeah Seth Green single-handedly runs a massive pedophile ring and no one with actual power or influence could possibly have been implicated.

the guy who claimed Seth Green and the democrats were pedophiles

formerly Isaack Happy

Who was implicated? Name names if you know so much, faggot.

"Teens" is codeword for niggers. Find a shady looking pair of black men, give them a bit of cash to push some dude off a bridge. There's no chance they'll refuse, and guilt will never gnaw at them so they won't breathe a word of it. It's the perfect murder.

That's the point


>>Two teens reportedly attempted to stop Kappy
Two deepstate MKULTRA operatives who were activated to silence Isaac. They probably think they really did try to help him.


Attached: Q.jpg (533x300, 20K)

>give a shady pair of black men money
>they just walk away with the money and laugh at you for being such a dumb faggot.
Dumb faggot.

Deep states killers ain't mossad retard

Hail Hydra

Harvey Weinstein had Mossad agents threaten and harass people with dort on him

Oh no, that sucks

Man, to think he wasn’t suicidal. Crazy how fast people change

never seen this guy in my entire life

>Throughout the message, Kappy mentioned 'the Q movement' and said 'I am so so sorry to have brought shame upon the greatest military operation of all time.

>Kappy referenced suicide in a metaphor, as well, writing, 'Q says they give people enough rope to hang themselves, and I have hung myself.'

can liberals even defend themselves as good people anymore? They literally let the deep state kill this guy and are now fapping to She Ra rule 34. the world is done. Day of the rope when

PS have sex

sounds like he knew too much about Carcosa

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>he may be the reincarnation of Judas Iscariot
So he was just mentally ill?

>mentally ill irl poltard commits suicide after going on schizophrenic rants and assaulting people

Wow news at 11. Now if the rest of you faggots would only join him.

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It's some sad shit.
Motherfucker said he didn't want to live no more.

He jumped.

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Is it weird that I randomly think about that scene and that exact dialogue sometimes? I just love the way he says this

Literally who?



Fucking kikes.

Not weird at all. It's a cool scene from a great show.

Zoomers only know frogs and feels.

7:30 am and there were teens that just happen to be around the bridge??

He hired a PI firm you smoothbrain retard

fucking retards

kids going to school in the morning??? people traveling over a BRIDGE of all things?!?! WOW THIS JUST DOESN'T ADD UP!!

Kill yourself imbecile.

Jew-lluminati here. Kappy had to go. He would have exposed our need for fresh baby blood and sweet sweet ass candy
Also we funded Iron Sky because of our classic lizard subterfuge. Its really us that live on the moon, not Hitler's descendents.
Lizard moonbase alpha needs a steady supply of terrified stolen children's adrenochrome
And the aforementioned ass candy

The moon Jews have spoken!

Talm bout, she met a kang

Yep. And /pol/ sucked his dick. Look up the archives.

Most likely the two teen who were struggling to keep him from jumping threw him over, Obviously hired by Paris Jackson

In Before the thread is gone and we are all banned for talking about it

what is this shit

Name a more iconic suicide combo.

this is why roger stone went on air and said if he was ever found dead it would not be from suicide

Good goy

>two gunshots to the back of your head.

Just like when Hitler's 17 year old half step niece lover ward killed herself the week he meet Eva

he does mention it. it's debt. he got himself in huge amounts of debt. loved gambling and what not. all these retared faggots claiming he was murdered are so stupid. this is coming from someone that believes a lot of conspiracy theories. isaac put himself so deep into debt there was no way he'd ever get out which is why he's been acting all erratic lately. i hate when so called "champions of truth" and "conspiracy peddlers" ONLY start shilling the truth about rampant pedophilia and the divinity of christianity only AFTER they get do irreparable damage to their character or credit. it's so easy to dismiss this guy as some failed actor loon with gambling problems because it's all true

Why would he not be able to say "I'm in debt" or "I have a gambling problem"? Why talk about it so indirectly as if he's talking about something extremely criminal he can't possibly mention it on camera? And that it involves other people aswell?

Pretty sure it was Yea Forums that came up with the spielburg pedo meme lol


>Why would he not be able to say "I'm in debt" or "I have a gambling problem"?
no we didn't it's a blind item

Nah, can't prove it but that is a pre-Yea Forums meme.

people have called every single director ever a pedo since the dawn of hollywood

I don't know why I have such an easy time imagining Seth Green wanting to diddle a loli

His last pod cast he said he did something bad and he is a bad person but he is not gong to kill him self

He's gonna miss the got finale

Didn't Kappy call Tom Hanks a pedo?

if you had sex you'd be less angsty about jews

Hes a Jew though

ITT: when you’re more interesting dead than you ever were alive

>is a far-right conspiracy
How come the liberal media always uses these charged words?

Isn’t he the guy who said Spielberg was the final boss of Hollyjew pedos?

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yeah, sounds like something you'd do while banging an ugly chick

Dude you're blowing our cover stfu!!

I didn't even know he was sick

What's that video?

two clicks you fuggin retard

rlly makes u think

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The user you responded to works for Black Cube himself.