HBO is doomed
HBO is doomed
>Curb Your Enthusiasm
>Silicon Valley
Honestly thought all these shows ended 2-3 seasons ago
i dont really get how HBO can spend big money to produce shows that get 0.4 million viewers while broadcast TV cant make anything good with 10 - 100 times as many viewers.
Because Game of Thrones subsidized the entire network
And before that, Sopranos subsidized the entire network
They actually thought everybody was gonna watch Westworld lmao
>true detective: status unknown
>westworld dropped by just 25%
>succession renewed
>never even saw 5 out of top 14
Are number 4, 5, 7, 12 any good?
>True Detective ratings down 70%
Holy shit that show was really popular with racists huh
>HBO execs planning 2020 be like
Can't they do something interesting with the Carnivale universe? It would be nice seeing a prequel to the main series to fill in the lore gaps. I think they still owned the rights too it.
Don't they have like 3 Game of Thrones spin-offs coming?
I really enjoyed The Brink. Wish they didn't back out of renewing it.
I wonder if this is enought to keep subscribers who don't watch anything especially after pissing them off with S08.
Did D&D do it on purpose to get people flee from HBO to Disney+? HBO lawyers should look into it.
veep is a pretty good show, but the last episode just aired, and they can't exactly bring people back for another season considering how it ended
Where's Last Week Tonight?
I didn't even know True Detective released a Season 3
Is it any good?
The ending for the first season was a bust, the second season sucked why bother with a third?
Only season one
monstrous niggas
>season 1 : kino
>season 2: get woke with females and gays
>season 3 : go broke with black lead
You'll bleed black cocks
Crashing was the only show cancelled? LOL
They actually makes fun of sjw journalist
literally no one is excited for a season 3 of Westworld, LOL
They'll just put out an extensive marketing campaign that convinces normalfags their next big show is a must-watch.
>he actually thinks Sopranos and Game of Drones earned their popularity through honest word of mouth
Curb your enthusiasm is pretty kino.
I literally cannot remember what happened in s2 westworld
yea they're basically fucked when GoT is over. they made assloads of money off of GoT and the only bid budget show they have made since it started is westworld, and that show is a total disaster.
Silicon Valley started so strong. It's just not the same show without TJ Miller on it.
>HBO is doomed
More doomed than most people know. Most people don't know that HBO was bought by AT&T in late 2016 and took full control of HBO about a year ago. AT&T announced that they intend to shift the HBO model from a big budget, big production network to a small budget, small production streaming service. AT&T wants quantity over quality, and they are no longer interested in the big expensive productions like Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Sex and the City, The Wire, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, etc. AT&T's streaming service vision is to churn out many, many one-season wonders rather than costly long-term projects. Their plan is so contrary to the way HBO currently operates that HBO's longtime president and CEO resigned a couple of months ago and was replaced by an NBC exec who churned out Party of Five, Melrose Place, and Beverly Hills 90210.
>They actually makes fun of sjw journalist
I dunno I didn't even watch s02, and could finish the first episode of s03. Making fun of a SJW character is manipulative. They're just trying to throw a bone at everyone.
I do.
It went down the drain.
>produced by JJ Abrams
They know netflix and amazon exist right? Disney soon, their done then.
Basiclly they want to be Netflix. As if one cancer wasn't enough
I vaguely remember reading about it somewhere. Maybe Sepinwall wrote a post about them making a statement about taking a leaf out of Netflix's model. I think I pushed it out of my memory because I didn't want to believe it. Fug
SV is worth it for this little bundle of perfection alone
Wow I didn't even know they had that many shows. Watchmen and Westworld should keep the lights on. Also they're making more Song of Ice and Fire stuff.
Why the fuck would they allow GoT to end so quickly? They could've dragged it out for another 2-3 seasons and it wouldn't even feel forced based on how much material was available.
I can see why D&D would want out, but why would the network let them? Or why not just replace them?
That was Westworld, but it seems everyone dropped it at season 2.
They cant write worth shit so it would have been 2-3 seasons of shite
>make good series
>only make 8-10 twenty min episodes per year, not even on time
wonder why
it was already shit but normies were eating it up and begging for more
Well I don't want anymore, bring on the finale!
David bailed out. They wanted the show over and gone because they've been hired for the next Star Wars trilogy.
I don't understand why they renewed Westworld, the season 2 was just pure shit and the audiences were terrible.
So this is why they were greedy with the budget. But they will live with the spin offs that will get 5-8 million views probably
for HBO the programming is the product they sell to the audience. for networks the audience is the product they sell to advertisers.
the networks don't have the incentive to make good tv
There's a greater onus on companies not to ruin the legacy of a show now. Because in the old days you made nearly all your money when it aired. So it didn't matter so much what you did after a good season. You could make shit seasons, and you'd lose credibility maybe, but not your projected revenue.
But now, with streaming services, they want flagship shows which people re-watch for ever, and encourage people to sign up for the streaming service. And if they make a last shitty season, it's going to leave a sour taste in people's mouths and they will lose significant projected revenue.
she has no role in the show (anymore) but being eye candy
Who's camel toe is that?
westworld season 1 was good tho
Is there another series with this consistency and growth through it's lifespan?
>repeating your outdated crying about hbo thread which doesn't even include the one hbo show everyone here likes and is watching
>5 episodes mini-serie
>he still hasn't seen My Brilliant Friend yet
hmm i never thought of it this way. It's less true now the main competition is netflix but it is a good observation. HBO does have adds though right? and most of the time it plays... movies and sport? I've got no idea what it's like i've only ever downloaded their shows.
i did
right one a qt
Rest in shit Hebrew Box Office
>There's a greater onus on companies not to ruin the legacy of a show now
that ship has sailed even in the eyes of the mainstream now
Yea Forums was against the show since they ruined Stannis
he's coming back next episode my dad works at hbo
Here and Now was the worst thing I've ever seen.
In the trash, where it belongs.
Now, this makes so much sense. Especially with them going full on libtard these recent years for new viewers.
unbased choice and not wholesome pilled
only according to women
>its just not the same show without the brainless comic relief
Yeah, it's much better, now things are actually happening and its not just "that 70s show" for zoomers
>They're just trying to throw a bone at everyone.
Yeah, it's the cycle of big budget productions
>Producers make a first season that goes along with the original pitch
>It's well received
>Advisors/shareholders: Everyone in twitter and tumbler are telling us to get woke
>Producers make the next season woke
>Half of the original viewership gets pissed and fucks off
>Advisers: OH no! We're losing viewers! Quickly do something right-wingish so we get them back!
>Producers add some anti-soibois quips into the next season.
>The viewers that left don't get back because they think the show is beyond remedy.
>The viewers that stayed get pissed at the dab directed at them and make tweets about it.
Show cancelled start new show from step 1.
>the deuce that low
People truly are retards who don't deserve good things.
Watchmen is going to bomb so hard and im so fucking happy. Fuck these expanded universes just make something new reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
lol iunno i reckon i might rewatch the first few seasons one day
I don't say this lightly. It was seriously the worst trailer I have ever seen in my life.
Which of these besides GoT do they actually spend big money on? Most of their shows are pretty low budget. GoT was probably on the more expensive side for a first season, but that was a franchise with a built-in fanbase from the books so maybe willing to spend a little more (even then they did things on the cheap e.g. not showing the Lannister-Stark battle)
Not really. Very good acting, story is disappointing.
very predictable story for a detective show
based Barry
They shot themselves in foot with Game of Thrones season 8. Instead of getting rid of Dumb and Dumber, they let them run the show into the ground and let them decide when the show is over. They should’ve brought in new directors and writers and kept the show running for several more seasons. Now their cash cow is dead and they think spinoffs are going to revive it.
they got rid of all their boxing last year
His Dark Materials is the HBOkino im looking foward too
>armored sentient polar bears
>hot air baloons
>parallel worlds
>shapeshifting animal connected to every person called Dæmons which settle on one animal when you go through puberty
>genital mutilation themes
>evil all powerful church
>quest to kill god
Go watch anime. nigga
>and they think spinoffs are going to revive it.
It won't. If GoT ended well it would continue to print shekels, but they killed it with this season. Normies hate it too now. Even though it's been shit since season 5.
Because they make more money per viewer.
If your business model is selling viewers to advertisers, you're probably just making cents per each viewer.
I don't think it's an expanded universe user, isn't it just a self contained remake?
Expanded universe is like when different stuff occurs in continuity like avengers films.
Raimi's spiderman and nu-faggy spiderman aren't an 'expanded universe'.
This is why they're fast tracking all the Game of Thrones spin offs but none will be as big a hit. We most likely will never see a show as big as GOT again. I'd be surprised if any of the spin offs, the Lord of the Rings show, Witcher show, or Wheel of Time show last more than 3 seasons.
Yeah I do and i've never seen anything even vaguely as good as the his dark materials books
D&D aren’t doing the prequels tho right?
>We most likely will never see a show as big as GOT again
what a stupid thing to say
Cinemax is the new HBO. All of their shows have been pure kino for the last 6 years
Even current year man covered how fucked HBO is when thrones ends
that was a joke user
he makes fun of hbo and at&t all the time
it's like how the simpsons used to constantly rib on fox
Nobody saw it, nobody talked about it and nobody knew it even existed. It was that good, if you know what I mean. Better than season 2 but also worse in a lot of ways.
cant wait for witcher
quarry only got 1 season
outcast & the knick only got 2
banshee was kinda fun but basically schlocky trash, on par with like True Blood or something but not true kino.
Mike Judge Presents: Tales from the Tour Bus is absolute kino though
Wonder why Westworld didn't take off more. Season 1 was really damn good, and even though Season 2 dropped the ball I never felt it was bad enough to drop.
>gender politics shoved into every single show in existence
>ratings start to nosedive
>subscriptions cancelled left and right
>entire network collapsing
how could anybody ever see that coming?
Westworld was promising for about 4 episodes and turned into retarded shit very quickly after that. Not sure why I even watched it until the end of the first season.
No its definitely a sequel. Lindelof has said it will be set in n modern day and the events of the comics already happened.
seethe harder incel, women wrote the screenplay for the best fantasy series ever.
what happened? Did they change its time slot for the second season?
oh what the fug, it's Lindelofkino? fuck yea
>dat right column tho
>The Deuce is actually good
>0.13m viewers
>-51.7% compared to season 1
there is no reason for the GoT audience to follow them to Disney if they tank their own reputation. they are incompetents who seriously thought madDany was a good idea.
everyone's assuming D&D wanted to GTFO, but the fact is that they probably could have told a perfectly effective version of the story in the same amount of episodes if they hadn't completely botched it.
by far the most plausible explanation is that D&D have no judgement and would have done just as bad a job with more seasons.
Mad Dany is a good idea and it's straight from the books, they just can't write.
My sister told me the third season redeemed the series.
I think your sister enjoys sex with black men.
Not sure. Maybe TWD
Only one man can save them. And even then, it's only for a couple months.
who else is excited for Succession coming back
they didn't give a shit about the show beyond the red wedding. they probably just had really good contracts and hbo couldnt get rid of them
the trailer was disappointing but i'm going to check it out because of the goodwill lindelof restored for me with the leftovers
Literally the only reason to watch it
>The Brink
I'm still mad they cancelled S2. Shit had some pretty good Yes, Minister vibes.
I hope you're right. I have them ready to read but I just recently finished the Bartimaeus trilogy and I don't want to fuck up my experience by letting it set a precedent since they seem to share the same kind of setting.
No, TWD numbers already began dipping around s4 or s5 I believe.
I'll always be fond of Banshee purely for the violence work and the gimmick of having little changes in the open credits for each episode. I love that shit. The last season was a let-down but not enough to spoil my enjoyment of the show. I can see myself rewatching it in the future.
My ass is still sore from the news about Quarry. The showrunners already had the season 2 script finished before they were given the news that they got the axe, FUG
black prostitute robot now has superpowers and went to Japan for some reason, then le stronk independent white wahmen fembot killed lots of evil men and then traded her oppressive cumskin for a mongo-faced sheboon.
:( David Simon consistently puts out kino, his shows deserve better
Good. I hope HBO burns for what (((they))) did to GoT and Westworld
no it wasnt really
They killed westworld with s3. I hope they fail for what they did to Rome/
Her feet are really tasty.
>westworld is their second biggest show
>We most likely will never see a show as big as GOT again.
Nigga people keep making babies that grow up into insecure women
How do tv shows even make money?
i completely forgot westworld existed. How'd they screw the pooch?
Not with upcoming shows like:
The Plot Against America
Imagines "an alternate American history told through the eyes of a working-class Jewish family in Newark, New Jersey, as they watch the political rise of Charles Lindbergh, an aviator-hero and xenophobic populist, who becomes president and turns the nation toward fascism."
Winona Ryder as Evelyn Finkel
John Turturro as Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf
And shows like:
Los Espookys - Takes place "in a strange and dreamy version of present day Mexico City and follows a group of friends turning their love for horror into a peculiar business."
Fred Armisen as Tico
They’ve said they wanted out tho. Everyone begged them to keep
Going and offered them more money and shit. Pretty good trolling from em desu
Good thing they didnt make a shitty last season
S2 shit the bed hard
You have a pretty warped idea of how big GoT actually is. Young Sheldon had almost 50% more viewers than it, there are shitloads of biggers shows than GoT airing right now.
>Yea Forums was against the show since they ruined Stannis
Honestly they should just admit it sucks and do a mulligan on season 8. There is no point doing prequels when the series conclusion has left everyone unhappy. They should fire D & D and get someone competent to redo the ending
I only watch Curb, Silicon Valley and Ballers from there.
I hope Westworld gets a satisfying ending before they cancel it. But I can't see it going on much past S3. S4 will probably be the last. SV should have ended already, hopefully they'll wrap it up soon before it gets old. I'm okay with Veep ending. They should stop making True Detective. It failed, just let it go.
they have that Soprano's prequel coming
bartimaeus trilogy is absolute kino and his dark materials is even better
meh, trailers don't mean shit, i never watch them
Season 3 was pure dog shit
Fuck off reddit
Season 2 is better
Sopranos was pretty consistent until the final season
ballers is just formulaic entourage drivel waving models and 'celebrities' in your face and then tedious repetitive make or break problems facing the characters, oh no, how will they deal with it this time??
silicon valley is mildly amusing but basically the saem thing as well
Underage faggot
fuck yea, especially if it keeps improving like it did throughout S1.
I just wish the core cast was a bit better.
Succession is ironically a great show
Bleed black cocks
Seasons 1 and 2 maybe, not so much lately
but you have good taste
sounds p fucking cool
redpill me on His Dark Materials if you're going to shill it this hard
BASED and ballerpilled
>Mike Judge Presents: Tales from the Tour Bus is absolute kino though
I hope Season 3 is about blues musicians
Sharp Objects was great. next Gillian Flynn adaptation when?
When you wait 4 years to release a new season of course ratings are gonna be low.
>How'd they screw the pooch?
It's a show meant to be binged on streaming instead of watching week to week
I know Watchmen is coming out at some point, but is there anything new that HBO will be releasing in the near-future? Only keeping my subscription until Chernobyl is finished, was originally just going to be for finishing GoT.
that's a movie
Well it's too bad, I feel like the writing would be much stronger if they were allowed to take the time they need to make sure the next season is kino. Working on a schedule must be hard for those in creative and having to rely on their unreliable muse to produce good content
The problem might be that they made an icon for the YASS QUEEN audience only to turn her to the dark side brutally, a bit like Anakin in the prequels. The difference is that Lucas made only 3 movies and you kinda have to rush it. These guys made 8 seasons. By trying to please the feminist audience they ultimately disappointed them.
she's trying not to make Season 2 suck
Everything could end and their original programming would still be better than any other service.
Big Little Lies Season 2 in early June
I haven't watched this, and will not pretty much under any circumstances, but I'm guessing the paler one isn't the "brilliant" one.
Read Northern Lights man. You won't regret it.
Or, hope the tv series is good and go into knowing as little as possible.
Whatever you do, don't watch the dreadful nicole kidman/daniel craig film. The book is way too dark to be adapted for a YA audience. They pussied out on everything.
>There exists 745,000 people who still watch Silicon Valley
Wew lad
HBO needs to do a blade runner series
So 3 billions people ? Pretty good
>By trying to please the feminist audience
I'm not sure why they went with the direction they did but I find it really hard to believe they did it thinking this would please the feminist audience. I guess I should praise them but I'm mostly just left convinced at what they were thinking and how they got away with it
Its too bad Chernobyl is only gonna be 5 episodes, it definitely the best thing HBO has going arm
I would've gladly preferred this to 2049
They had no choice. ~2015 they brought in a fuck ton of wokebot females as #MeToo was ramping-up, thinking they could stay ahead of it and ride the wave of a Hillary presidency as these millennial females they hired would act like magic talismans to ward off the mob. Most of their content would be quality and mostly-positive in order to meme The Era of the Female = The Good Times, at least until the re-election when they'ld have to briefly make everyone angry at white dudes.
Problem was, everything went to shit with Trump. They never thought he would get elected and when he did, they were stuck with all these activated wokebots and they had no clue what to do with them. They can't just fire them. They have to appease them and that means letting them take a dump on everything. HBO and most of these other big media companies are utterly fucked for a long time.
>redpill me on His Dark Materials
Series peaks in the first 50 pages.
Mega based
Mega cringe
Just make some prequels, sequels and spinoffs to got.
It's one of the best things HBO has ever done.
What are you even implying by your question? I dont understand.
the girl in the orange dress is the 'brilliant friend' of the other girl
I'm surprised they're losing viewers, Entourage was way more successful and it was worse than Ballers
By fiddling around with a book series written by a man
so... 'fiddling around' with a game series written by a man is different how?
>mega based
>reddit spacing
>muh tv’s opinion matters
HBO will literally be fine. GOT didnt have a big budget at first and they only started pumping money in it when it was evident it would make the money back. They will go back to being niche only to have their next hit in a couple of years.
>gentlemen jack
its almost as if nobody gives a fuck about lesbian historical fiction
>worse than Ballers
thats difficult
The first season cost 60 millions which was a huge investment and they had to cancel Rome because of it.
HBO canceled Rome and Deadwood, they can fuck off.
At least we're getting a Deadwood movie this month
season 1 of Westworld was great, but the show should have ended there
The money HBO get per-viewer-per-month is from10 bucks up to 15 bucks, depends on the subscription front end. Those 0.4 million viewers = 4 million in revenue per month. If that's the show they watch, they sure as shit can finance it.
>and they had to cancel Rome because of it.
So the non Anglo girl is the brilliant one. Got it.
Its James franco's fault. Everyone I've talked to is avoiding the show because he's such an unlikable cunt.
season 2 of what?
Both characters are quite brilliant in their own ways.
Both very smart.
and they're both italian.
You're really grasping at straws to get triggered over something here
If you want to know who best girl is, it's the one with butterflies on her dress.
The title really is only about whose perspective the story is told from, not who is 'brilliant'. If it was told from the other girls perspective, it could have the same title, and be referring to the other.
It's not one of those stories where one girl is ordinary.
Isn't that a co-production with an Italian network
It's not what you think it is user
it was unwatchable even by sjw standards
That's bullshit. Rome was canceled before GOT was on the cards.
It isnt because CD projekt Red doesnt spout make it some massive accomplishment like you and your fellow femcels
I actually liked Three Detective a lot better than the previous season until the pants on head finale
>watch first season of Silicone Valley
>enjoy it, but predict feminists will cry about it because it's not about women
>sure enough feminists cry about it
>show runners announce they're going to feminize the show because the feminists cried
>never bother watching beyond the first season
I hate how I predicted that. I really do. Nothing can be JUST for guys anymore or have 99% of the focus on male characters; it either has to be for everyone or women.
GoT went into production within half a year of the decision to cancel Rome. The money went straight from one show to the other.
>doesnt know Yea Forums is a stannis board and /got/ was banned from discussion for a whole year after season 5
>doesnt even know what reddit spacing is
>retard user has to throw one last jab in insulting the website that they themselves are on
fuck off tourist
as the other guy stated, no correlation with rome and of course it was a bit of an investment but it paid off, didnt it? and thats what i was getting it. hbo have these huge pop culture moments but they are realistic about the scarcity of every puzzle piece falling in correct order. most of their shows are humble productions with humble budgets, everything moves slower.
>Isn't that a co-production with an Italian network
yeah, it's much better than Gomorrah or The Young Pope though (the only other italian tv shows i've seen).
It's got some really cool location stuff with period cars and digital scrubbing in naples and ischia in the later episodes.
>It isnt because CD projekt Red doesnt spout make it some massive accomplishment like you and your fellow femcels
haha what
>retard leg beard cannot into reading comprehension
what a surprise
>humble productions with humble budgets
well sure, compared to say a hollywood movie, or a television epic, but they're still not doing really really cheap 3 camera studio stuff or reality shows or anything on their 'cheap' shows.
>It isnt because CD projekt Red doesnt spout make it some massive accomplishment like you and your fellow femcels
Are you having a stroke user?
This shit is coming 6 years too late. What are they even thinking?
>misplace one word and retarded tourists cannot make sense of anything
This must be why theres always
>edit: haha sorry just made a typo :D
posts on reddit all the time. What a sorry bunch you are.
How is HBO in america? In my country its pretty much a "movies only" cable channel. I cant even remember series having a strong presence there before 2010
>one of the few wholly european grounded pieces of fiction in a very long time
>leftist company turns it into a diversathon and hires feminists, blacks but no slavs
gee i wonder who's behind this
tell me more about what you see on reddit all the time
The funniest thing is that The Witcher is one of the most misogynist (realistic in my opinion) pieces of literature ever. The only reason I ever see women interested in it is because Geralt is hot as fuck. By it I mean the game, they haven't read the books at all.
wtf, her shoes have the same exact color as her skin, so it looks like she has weird as fuck feet at first.
iirc, geralt isnt nearly as handsome in the books, but he still sleeps around because he is immune to all disease and infertile.
That's pretty cool. I read the books so I'll have to give the show a spin.
>good things
Like Maggie Gyllenhaal's tits? I'll pass.
These execs must be SEETHING that they didn't wring a S9 and S10 out of D&D after the way S8 has been received.
I still cant get how HBO capitulated to d&d. Is this davids top banker/govt official dad pulking strings again?
Edgy and tryhard
Youre right on that count. I wonder if feminists wouldnt have latched on to the games if geralt wasnt so good looking?
That's bullshit. Rome was a co-production, mainly with the BBC, and they backed out / reduced their contribution after season 1. HBO couldn't afford to fund it solo.
They could have and they've said that they would have if they realized how good the DVD sales were. But they didn't and they instantly moved the big funding to GoT.
LOL what is wrong with true detective?
I thought that show was the tits or something.
Barry is a decent show..
yes but they dont gamble often
I don't think you even have to be racist to be tired of blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks.
For what its worth Kevin McKidd and James Purefoy have both publicly stated they would never do GoT because it was a catalyst in cancelling Rome.
aw is da widdle christian upset ?
Rome was just a practice show for game of thrones
They should have had more practice
The only other explanation is the "strong women", who in truth are vain, missandrists, power hungry cunts. But they're women so of course they'll close their eyes as they're told again and again the women in the Witcher aren't even good people, least of all heroines.
Yeah jew vision sure is kino.
it's a pity what happened to her after the accident
>john oliver is the thing that will keep HBO going
what a time to live
>even then they did things on the cheap e.g. not showing the Lannister-Stark battle
I mean what would Battle of Green Fork actually brought to the table? Stark side has only Roose Bolton who wasn't even introduced in the show until season two. So there would have been little dramatic tension.
It only really takes a few small ques for feminist types to fully throw in their support for someone violent as long as its a female. Just look at how shocked they are about Danaerys goung mad when shes been burning people alive the whole show.
first they will try those GOT spinoff, that will be killed off as soon as they appear
second they will try to find another gritty fantasy, that will probably die too
then, after at least 6/7 years from now, they will remake GOT like FMA brotherwood
also they were dumb as fucking rocks in cutting like 2/3 more season of this series and doing those stupid 70/80 minutes episodes, they kept shooting themselves in the foot over and over
>jews getting BTFO by their own golems
tale as old as time
What makes it even funnier is that they are banking on GoT going forward. They’re planning the prequel series to make up for it.
Do they actually think someone is going to watch them? Half the fans don't even know the characters' names.
Because they had already burned through too much material by the time it became super popular. They really needed to flesh out the earlier seasons. By the time they’d got to season 5/6 they were out of material. Also for as popular as the show is it costs a fortune to make, I mean look at the salaries the cast are picking up.
>This story centers on the decline and fall of Valyria, a colonial empire which ruled half of the known world at its height. It reveals the social, economic, and political crises which tore apart the empire from within. A major focus of this prequel is on diversity, as it deals with issues of immigration, naturalization, and cultural identity - all within a multi-ethnic democratic state. The central conflict that kicks off the series is, "what does it mean to be 'Valyrian', and who gets to share in that power and prestige?"
Sounds like they have a real hit on their hands
"They run out of material" is a stupid meme. They purposefully skipped two books full of good material and replaced those with their own elementary school level shit.
I enjoyed S3 more than S2. They rolled their eyes at the "white woke female reporter" who was fucking a married black guy on the side. The mystery was good, and avoided going to the "deranged sex perverts" of the last two seasons. I could take or leave the "blackness" of the characters, who seemed realistic enough, but I just don't really care about the personal lives of tv detectives.
Doomed to fail. Don't get me wrong, the show will be critically acclaimed. No doubts there. But viewers it's what actually keeps a show afloat. Will people say they hate it? No. They'll say: I haven't seen it. They haven't, and they won't. If they're already advertising the prequel as a liberal wet dream, it means it doesn't have much more than that going on for it. That shit flies in america, the cucked country it is, but globally people won't turn on their tvs to see the same ugly people they see everyday on the streets for the sake of it.
>shitworld being renewed
ass waste ahoy
yeah I'm sure the entire Chernobyl disaster needs 5 seasons, we need to know what happened to every single radiation particle.
>entire mystery is solved by exposition dump halfway through the finale by a character weve never seen before
It was shit man Mahershala and Dorff were wasted
>>This story centers on the decline and fall of The United States of America, a colonial empire which ruled half of the known world at its height. It reveals the social, economic, and political crises which tore apart the empire from within. A major focus of this prequel is on diversity, as it deals with issues of immigration, naturalization, and cultural identity - all within a multi-ethnic democratic state. The central conflict that kicks off the series is, "what does it mean to be 'American', and who gets to share in that power and prestige?"
I fucking hate americans
Is wanting to watch a show featuring people of your own ethnicity racist? How many shows with a black cast air in Japan?
they need to stop making one season wonders
>HBO and most of these other big media companies are utterly fucked for a long time
this, and zoomers only care about youtubers and flossing now
why on earth did they green light that deadwood movie?
youre directing your blame at the wrong people friend
Meh the United States is not a colonial empire.
no, please leave that alone
So they can tear it down and destroy it of course.
Just like everything else, it was too good so it has to now be soiled.
It might as well be seeing how it exports culture.
Season 1 ended perfectly but it would be easy for audiences, writers, and producers to not notice that until it was too late. On a surface level, things had really ramped up. If they asked a potential audience member if they would watch a season 2, they'd say "yes" without really thinking about it. Only, the show as they knew it was basically over. Their interest would definitely be gone when the second season rolled around.
The premise was forced to change completely. The only remaining plot thread was Maeve, who was also basically wrapped up when she realized she was still a slave to her programming meant to act as a diversion. Not to mention she was almost universally seen as the worst part of season 1.
>HBO owned by AT&T
I like HBO but now I'll never spend a dime.
i actually kind of liked ballers for a bit, because it's just stupid background noise with the entourage vibe but without the good characters.
also #litty
>Is wanting to watch a show featuring people of your own ethnicity racist?
They're counting on their core audience being mixed in the near future and that they can somehow meme these people into clap-backing and yassing for female heroes that are few shades lighter than them, and with good hair, while hating the evil white nazi villain.
The problem is one that should be obvious: ethnic medieval fantasy isn't really a thing. Maybe it is in asian culture, i dunno, but definitely not with the groups this show is going after. If this show works, it'll be because white people make it a success and not actual black and brown people and that's a problem because white people have a bad habit of saying they're "glad it exists" when it comes to tv and things that require commitment but not actually watching, much less paying for it.
The Game of Thrones spinoffs will carry them for 20 years.
First two episodes were fantastic, but during the remaining six, almost absolutely nothing happened. The actors (except Amelia) were fantastic, but the story sucked. It had a lot of small hints that seemed to lead to something was nothing. Everything was straight as it seemed. It also had a "blacked" subplot that had zero point whatsoever. Too bad because I liked the main two characters.
>implying the fans will want to watch after being so angry at dumb and dumber
HBO is a brand of certain streaming content now, it’s not it’s own cable network like in the olden day’s.
I think Ballers us great but has been out of ideas for a couple of seasons. Currently my favourite show.
The Deuce season 1 was enjoyable but I post interest with the time hop.
Surprised they didn't just name the """"antagonist"""" Tonald Drump
Despite the drop in quality Silicon Valley is still good. Just wish the plot actually went somewhere instead of being stuck in a post-ironic sitcom stalemate
Season 2 is like the polar opposite of woke, and I don't mean that they did it on accident like a lot of these shows. McAdams' character is a direct response to complaints about season 1 lacking "strong female characters" and addresses what exactly it would take for a woman to behave in such a manner. The show ends with men treating themselves expendably for the sake of women. At the end, the female lead decides to embrace some part of her traditionally feminine side that she had rejected for so long by caring for her child.
Oh no, not the evil guy who was elected by promising to do what the voters wanted him to do. Those are the worst
>hearst and al will reluctantly team up with bullock to take on rich tycoon, Cornelius T. Drumpft, an evil slave owner, who rigs the town elections against miss garret with the help of a foreign power
Is this even real?
Again we are at the point where /pol/ satire and reality are now one in the same.
To same group in both america and europe are pushing this shit
>The Game of Thrones spinoffs will carry them for 20 years.
Star Wars, meet Disney
There's a reason they've greenlit like three Game of Thrones spinoffs, the network is desperate for another smash hit like they've enjoyed for the past 20ish years.
They will though, eventually they'll get their hands on a property that can sell well, they are just caught in this desperation cycle every 8 to 9 years or so.
Uh, you do know who Charles Lindbergh was, right?
It's a real "alternate history" book at least. Dunno if they're planning on adapting it though.
Lindbergh was an American hero whose kid was taken and killed by a commie kike in a blood Passover ritual.
>The Game of Thrones spinoffs will carry them for 20 years.
I guess we'll find out Sunday night, but the show just spent 2 episodes tripping the amygdalas of quite a few -very- noisy women and fags who aren't going anywhere. Meanwhile, they beat down and demoralized their autist base just prior to that. I have no doubt that a lot of normies will salivate at the name Game of Thrones for a long time to come, but the premise of the new series just doesn't seem to cater to that. It seems to want to pander to a non-existent audience and we've seen how that turns out.
That is not even outlandish now...
This is fucked things are.
proof-read you're fucknig posts before you send it then, don't bitch about you're own slop penis
It airs after GoT.
Fuck off reddit
Nah, they burned the fans. A lot of them won't watch. They're hoping they'll pick up a black audience but I don't see that happening.
Veep literally just ended last sunday. No one noticed cause of GoT
Euphoria will somehow save the day; despite the fact that the pilot script is kinda bad and really try hard edgy.
I agree Mahershala and Dorff were the best part. We also didn't get any titties either, breaking convention with past seasons. But it was still watchable. S1 was Fantastic. S2 was Poor/OK (though I did enjoy Farrell's character). S3 was Good but not Great.
What still amazes me is that the US is 13% black. How much mixed/mulatto? Don't know. What's with all the focus on blackness? Even if they capture 100% of that 13%, that's still only 13%, and they may be good consumers and bad with money, but that's only so large. Then you need to try to get the overlap with whites who are into that stuff, and the latinos.
While there's spanish language channels with a strong market, I'm surprised no one has yet gone after the latino market with english language, with a strong crossover with whites. Perhaps a new Zorro?
Americans don't even think about you. We probably care so little about you that we can't be arsed to learn where your country is on a map.
I never read the third book but I love some of the shit in the first two. Stuff like the knife that can cut through space and time because it's just that damn sharp or how some scientists used this knife to cut a piece of lead in half again and again until it couldn't be cut in half anymore... and then they cut it in half again. And it unleashed shadow demons that killed all the adults or some shit. Really should finish it one of these days
Season 2 was absolutely fucking retarded with the stronk womyn angle.
>Sister is constantly interrupting you trying to teach you how to act like a call girl and warning you about drugs
>Ignore her and stab a big wooden block like a retard
>get to party, immediately get high and backed into a corner
>stab guy to death and magically run away
>blacked" subplot that had zero point whatsoever
care to elaborate?
The journalist sleeps with hayes son whos a married man and nothing ever comes of it aside frok one convo between hayes and his son.
Its less about targetting specific demographics, and more about avoiding lawsuits for "unfair hiring practices". The West has been in need of tort reform for a long time.
HBO is under new ownership/management and they're making a play to "become Netflix before Netflix can become HBO". They fired the guy who was responsible for The Sopranos and all the other "prestige cable" series since then, like Game of Thrones. So, it's about building hype and "impressions" and not actual hard revenue and solid numbers, I guess. I dunno. It all just reeks of a bubble.
As far as hispanics go, they're one of the worst miscalculations that Hollywood makes in terms of demographics pandering because the truth is, hispanics are basically committed to "aspirational whiteness" more than any other people-of-color group. It goes back to the policies of Spain and Portugal during colonial times and the idea that each new generation should/would become more white than the last. This isn't going to shake just because Hollywood got woke. They love watching people on tv who are taller and fairer than they are.
This is an insightful post, thank you.
ratings that low for westworld? it's marketing budget must be huge because it was all over the internet during the on season
I've never watched GoT because its fans are spergs and spinsters but the way they tell it, it's the most popular show in the world. Can't even draw 12 million viewers. Hell, even Bazinga Show could do that.
It's the PC gestapo, which includes all Jews, most blacks, most mestizos, most nonwhite women, about half of white women, and the 20-30% of white male cucks. Your career gets ruined by the PC gestapo if you do anything that doesn't satisfy the narrative of "progress," i.e. white men are a priori evil and it's good when they are denigrated or removed from all modes of influence or power and replaced by someone else who scores higher on diversity points. The more labels that aren't "white" or "male" that apply to the individual, the higher the score.
>Hell, even Bazinga Show
The Bazinga Bojangles Hypothesis gets similar ratings and is also literally the #1 most watched sitcom on earth
Why doesn't Barry get any love on Yea Forums?
I haven't watched all of it yet and am avoiding spoilers but it's great so far.
You know they're not looking forward to Monday next week
There are gonna be a lot of subscriptions cancelled permanently
It would never work. Maybe in another 10 years where more people have been raised on anime
lol no
Even if s8 didn't suck it would have way less people tuning in. S8 sucking on top of that just killed off all hope.
That is a sign that it is good.
more like really popular with people who want to see mammario's big fucking knockers
All the blacked shit is down over 60%. Get fucked kike hbo nigger porn bullshit.
i think it's great
n-no love for High Maintenance? i-it got renewed too...
Curb was gone for a while but came back last year for a season.
Ballers had a good season 1
Is it shit now
True Detective is written by a white guy and had a 100% white cast until Mahershala Ali asked Nic if he could do S3 and nic said sure.
Reminder that Will will be black