Overrated Movies

Just watched this bore of a movie.
Why is it considered great?

Also, post more overrated movies.

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Wasn't enough cgi for ya ?

because muh tough troubled white boxer


There was no real motive for me to feel anything for the main character. He was an ass from the beginning, so his downfall didn't matter at all. Didn't help that italians are generally fucking annoying, so I didn't really give a shit about any of the characters.

have domestic violence

It's not meant for women or niggers, sweaty.

He's not even white. He's a spaghetti eating faggotini.

I agree, it was a chore to watch. Also pic related, had to watch it two times because I fell asleep the first time, it was a huge disappointment because Psyho was awesome.

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>I need love or personally identify with every protagonist

Back to capeshit and GOT

solid argument

Watch it a few more times and you’ll realise how much better it is than Psycho

I don't need to love the main character's personality, but this could straight up be a documentary instead of a movie. The faggot has no redeeming factors. He's literally just an asshole boxer. There's no incentive for anyone to keep watching. Does he win or lose? Who gives a shit, he's italian. Does his wife leave him? Who gives a shit, he's still a fucking italian homo. He fucking cried because he didn't get to kiss his brother like what the fuck.

You really think it's because the movie is shit or you seem to have a weird prejudice against Italians?

I appreciate Once upon a time in america, but it didn't hit any note it actually annoyed. BUT....BUT nothing will ever compare to the anger I felt while watching Magnolia. It is definitely the worst movie I have ever experienced, bar none. Absolutely no character created any emotion in me appart from sheer anger. I really want Paul Thomas Anderson to have his fingernails ripped off and hands sprayed with isopropyl alcohol.

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i'll have you know his mother had a little italian in her but then he dumped her ass

This absolute piece of shit

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All "overrated movies" threads are just people fishing for (You)'s but I really think The Deed Hunter is shit

Let me guess, "it's boring and nothing happens", correct?

The movie is boring and italians a re loud. They're fucking annoying in every single movie I've watched. Goodfellas, the godfather, this piece of shit. Fuck italians.

Raging Bull is better than Taxi Driver

This. Also, Requiem for a Dream and Donnie Darko. I think they're overrated.

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He wanted more capes

>it's boring and nothing happens
It is boring although plenty of things happen. It's just they're very uninteresting, predictable things, where every character is a disgraceful cunt except for Walker's character and is cinematographically nothing special. Good acting tho but not enough to save it.
>Donnie Darko
So true, overrated by people who watched it as teenagers.

What manic retard is telling you Garden State is good?

So the latter then.

I have fond memories of Garden State but that’s because it came out when I was in my early 20s. Zoomers probably can’t identify with it.

While I disagree that it was boring, scorsesse has a habit of making most of his movies 20 minutes longer than they need to be

It's a good film but didn't have the same effect as other Scorsese films.

It was beloved, essential viewing by the overwhelming majority of my classmates in college, unirionically. People watch RHPS and throw toast and rice at the screen and dress up and ham it up or whatever. No, people would watch Garden State and become ecstatic about it like it was visual poetry unfolding before their eyes. I hated it so much.

You're 100% correct. Teenagers really have shit taste. Donnie Darko is like 2deep4u lets get high and shitpost about the deepness of life dude. Muh timetraveling multiverse solipsism

I love these movies. I remember watching Raging Bull for the first time on my television when I was in high school in the early 00s. I loved the opening scene with DeNiro in the ring. It looked like it was snowing with the lights of cameras flashing. I have written about this before on Yea Forums, but I cannot stand to watch Scorsese films anymore, even though I think as much as Yea Forums says he's derivate...he's still great.

The Shining. Worst Kubrick movie (of his major ones)

I don't think you understood the themes of the film at all.


the Taxi Driver, same boring crap.

Stopped after half an hour. Couldn't stand the constant pretentious voiceovers.

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I’d say it’s a toss-up between that and Full Metal Jacket as his worst.

The theme is Italians are fucking spaghetti eating goomba pieces of shit. I understood it perfectly fine.

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you've got a problem and it's not the movies you watch

My favorite scene in all of film is when the Don counsels Michael one last time about how someone close to him (Tessio) will betray him to his death. Also, and perhaps more importantly, he elucidates his disappointment in that Michael never became anything greater than him. Thereafter, the baptism/revenge scene is the untapped essence of kino.

>15 minutes of monkeys beginning
>10 minutes of just 60's space interiors
I'm not watching this shit. Kubrick should've stopped jerking his ego off and learned to edit!

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Anything black and white

Look at how quirky I am with my quirky characters and quirky locations and my quirky dialogue. Fuck off Wes Anderson you quirky faggot! I fucking hate you!

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>the baptism/revenge scene is the untapped essence of kino.
Watched it again yesterday. Fucking Christ that ending is perfect.

>Do you reject Satan and all his false promises?
>carnage erupts
>I do
So good

After all I'd heard about it at the time I thought Citizen Kane was going to be a real bore, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Godfather is such an intimidating film. How can anyone make kino of this proportion again? It makes 3 hours feel like half that. Perfect pacing. The music. The yellow tone. Bloody hell

worst thread i've ever seen

>tfw finally get chance to see 2001
>tfw seen clips and whatnot so I know what to expect
>tfw "I bet this would be good if I was high"
>tfw get high
>tfw put on 2001
>tfw "Is my sound broken?"
>tfw watch these monkeys go berserk with bones and all I can hear is my own heartbeat
>tfw get too freaked out and turn it off

I'll still give it another go because I totally blame myself for not enjoying it. Although no one told me the first 20 minutes or whatever are pure silence.

I could buy someone thinking Raging Bull is overrated or disliking the brutal violence, but there is no human being who could find this movie boring.

Jesus Christ is this really the state of Yea Forums right now?

Unlikely we'll ever see anything like it again. God help us if they reboot it.

>if you don't like muh artsy classic you must be a capeshitter

At least capeshit is entertaining.

All of these.

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If you think Scorsese is artsy, then yes you're 100% a capeshitter.

How attention-deficient do you have to be to find a Scorsese movie boring?
Ok now you people are just trolling
It’s not an artsy movie at all you absolute shitter. Do you just think any black & white movie is automatically an arthouse film?

Boring af. Also The Godfather is a slow death.

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Filming in black and white in 1980 just screams LOOK MOMMY I'M MAKING ART.

We found the capeshitter

Based and redpilled.

Are you unironically 12?

>I'll misread his post to make him seem dumber


Holy pleb

>mfw normies need epic CGI battle scenes to entertain themselves

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Watched on double speed.

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These fucking snorefests.

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Okay sweetie, don't let the teachers see you on your phone in class.

Tiny bit of advice for a young shitposter: stay away from exclamation marks when crafting bait. It’s a dead giveaway.

no country for old men
fast time at ridgemont high
little miss sunshine
apocalypse now
one flew over the cuckoos nest

reservoir dog
shawshank redemption
the dark knight
2001 a space odyssey

Nice Reddit spacing. b&w gives off a completely different aesthetic from color and can work better than colour as a stylistic choice for some films. Thinking it’s inherently pretentious or obsolete in is, again, something a capeshitter/zoomer would say.

its a good movie but yeah its overrated.


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vertigo is probably the worst of his famous movies along with birds. psycho and RW are the best ones

Do you think Psycho is artsy and pretentious?

good movie but people unironically dont understand its a middle finger for fans of westerns like the dollar trilogy
>no country for old men
absolute garbage, its a fake movie
>apocalypse now
>one flew over the cuckoos nest
good but not as good as people say and they are pretty dumb movies if we are being honest

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Have domestic violence.

Wasn't it from the 50s? No black and white wasn't pretentious then.


Black and white was still common in 1960 and not used as a gimmick.

Threads like these are usually great for recommendations.
It's all absolute plot point brainlet filters with the same plot point brainlet casuals not being able to process what's happening.

Thanks for the reccs lads

It isn't a piece of shit but does strike me as trying too hard to be some masterpiece. Like those long scenes early in the film of the wedding and stuff like that struck me as the director and co. being hyper concerntrated on trying to craft some realistic, hyper emotional and human masterpiece of a film and really forcing it. But it came out maybe in a time where such films weren't common at all, so maybe that's why it got so much buzz.

Went into this film thinking it was a Nam affair. I was horribly confused for the first 5 minutes till I realised we'd be seeing Nips as the enemy instead of the Gooks.

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Brainlets. Hitchcock made like 6 colour films before he made psycho. It was a stylistic choice. Go back to watching capeshit.

>you can't like both capeshit and classics

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>It was a stylistic choice
It was budgetary choice. B/W cheaper than colour and Psycho was sold to the studio as a cheap film.

He also shot it in B/W for other intentional reasons though, like how he didn’t want to shock audiences with the blood and (at the time) risky themes. I love old saturated technicolor, but the film would undeniably be less creepy with colour

He actually did it because the color film stock at the time would turn pink eventually due to shit film stock. This was a massive problem at the time due to it threatening the archival of many films.
Scorsese saw this and decided to shoot the film on B&W film stock to avoid this problem.

I know this thread is bait but here's a serious one, this movie fucking sucks and I hate the fact that I wasted an hour watching this. It's not even that I hate horror movies from this time period, I loved King Kong, I loved Frankenstein, I liked the first Mummy film, etc.
This movie just sucks.

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Yeah, it hasn’t aged all that well compared to other monster movies of the time. The director, Tod Browning, ended up directing Freaks though, which is good vintage shock horror.