What are some dystopian kinos

What are some dystopian kinos

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>not having a license for your face

Allah save the queen and her gender fluid great grandxir

fuck the UK, i thought it was a democracy why do the brits let this shit do to them? is almost as bad as china



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Why would you hide your face if you weren't a criminal

Inshallah brother

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I never hear about this kind of shit up in the Norf
Is this just a London thing?

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Security > liberty.
Liberty only causes trannies and sjws and all kinds of degenerate shit

Security gives them the power to enforce this shit.


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>Security gives them the power to enforce this shit.
Or it throws them all into ovens.

Which of those do you think is more likely in Bongland m8

It's working.
Crime rates are down.

Jesus Christ

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were those indians?
that's horrible

>three year sentence
a bit too rough for something so insignificant

Honestly, England and Europe becoming Muslim rape states is fucking miserable.

But the fact that they literally cannot call them Muslim, or Arab, or Middle Eastern, and somehow are LEGALLY REQUIRED to call them "asian" makes it even worse.

Also worse is that it's apparently literally illegal to arrest a Muslim person in England for anything.

sure tell that to your daily stab victims, oh i forgot they're dead

'Asian' is a code word for Muslim in bong land

>t. butthurt Asian
Stop raping and blaming Arabs

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with liberty you can shoot them

Boomers have nothing to hide, they aren't a threat for the government, they never will as they are the definition of an NPC. Therefore they don't see any problem having a camera up their butt 24/7 because the cops will never burst through their door for being politically incorrect. Also they enjoy the fact that non-NPC aren't happy about it. Not being an NPC is already a crime for them

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We call them Asians because they ARE Asians you American knob. Since the British Empire we've been calling Pakis and Indians and Bengalis Asians because, surprise surprise, India is in fucking Asia and chinks aren't the only people from there

This the rape was totally justified too

Every girl I know between the ages of 20-40 wants to, or has travelled through europe and posted pictures of it on their social media. The majority of them are also pro-refugee/illegal immigrant.

I want to say I cannot fathom how Americans repeatedly fail to get this but then again...

I think it's likely enough that it'll happen. You better hope it does because it's the only way to get rid of the SJW tumor. You're not ever convincing these people.

>crime rates can't go up if no one is prosecuted

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>Defending British white-guilt language that protects your incoming migrant rapist population from scrutiny.

Let me guess, diversity is your strength and there's no such thing as a Rape Gang?

Nigga, face it. You're a third-world country now, you have no free speech rights, you are spied on by a government survailence system, and you mass-imported Arab migrants who literally do not work, take over your cities, and rape and murder your family members with no recourse or legal penalty because you're afraid of being called a racist for speaking about it.

Not only that, but you're getting ass-fucked by an EU who is literally about to vote itself into a sovereign oligarchy and replace it's population with brown people.

So what do you call the Chinese/Japanese/Koreans/etc.?

>Muslims in charge of not being complete subhumans

probably asians. They all get lumped together

This. Women not only openly vote for this, they fight tooth and nail for it.

Can someone unironically nuke us? Please?

Is this real? You can get fined for covering your face in londonistan? So I suppose that means burkas are banned?

Look at this fucking pussy nitpicking over their ethnic and racial background while ignoring that a 12-year old British girl was repeatedly raped by them.

I don't get it, why do European countries import so many Arabs? What's their goal?

Because the only reason to use such a broad term when there's more specific ones that apply is to obfuscate the truth.

>>Muslims in charge of not being complete subhumans

It's also funny that in a random city in England, a person can go to three separate people, in three separate places, and all of them will be Muslim gang rapists. Not a single person was white, or a real human being.

That's what England is right now.

They throw you in jail for typing nigger on twitter so yes.

How do you distinguish between middle eastern types and slant eyes?

Wasn't the girl a gypsy whore though? There was even confusion about how she could disappear for 24+ hours completely unnoticed and how unrealistic it was for her to jump into a stranger's car not once but twice after the first incident.

no burkas are part of religious expression it's in the constitution, so i would guess that converting to islam and transition to a woman would solve this problem , no?

but they're also too dumb to realize it's going to ruin all those pretty buildings they fly around the world to take pictures with. The eiffel tower is already a militarized zone

lol, this would be an unbelievable movie script

don't you call slant eye Asians Orientals there to distinguish them from allahsnackbar Asians?

Countries full of competing gangs of retarded poor people that all hate each other are actually remarkably easy to rule. They can shut themselves up in palaces and penthouses and be 100% confident nobody will ever unite and rise against them.

It's the jews working to import them, and it's to diminish the total population of white people.

It's just capitalism. They are cheap Labour, and it divides the working class making resistance more difficult.

he shoulda just worn a hijab

they don't. it's up to you as the reader to decipher that from the names listed, or the crime. I think it's safe to assume the asian rape gangs in bongland aren't from korea

Brown people make effective slaves. Whites are harder to control in the long run and they pose a threat because white people are really good at war.

>every mudslime country is in asia
this is your brain on american. asian is a code for paki or indian in bongland

You're not supposed to, that's racist and you're a bigot. The word "asian" is used for everyone non-white so that it doesn't sound like you're also Islamophobic which is also wrong, but also Britain can't use the word because it would force them to admit that they're basically an Islamic country now.



Ah yes, "asian" men

If you ain’t white you ain’t right

Your a dumb piece of shit if you dont see them grouping a people who almost always are from pakistan/kashmir into a larger group to obscure them. And I'm not American.

Someone find where he's at and report him for bad words.

but they forgot one thing.....gamers.....

>I don't get it, why do European countries import so many Arabs? What's their goal?

Long term, it's because white people demand too much. They want freedom, they want representation, they want quality of life, they want cheap products and food at high quality, they wand jobs and schools for their kids and they want prosperity. That costs money and effort and it detracts from the Oligarchs making billions like kings because they need to solve problems like borders and laws and security and economics.

Brown people don't want those things. Brown people are content to live in slums and ghettos and eat garbage scraps. They don't need to work, they'll sit around all day and play checkers or something, they don't need prosperity or a future, they don't need an economy. They don't need freedom or any of that shit. They're content to sit in filth and kill eachother every so often and take any bit of wealth they can get to spend on drugs and booze.

Which means they're basically chattle to do whatever you want with. Work them to death in factories and make money off their backs, they'll literally never complain. It's much better for rich oligarchs.

They also put this mural on the ground under the Eiffel tower

No for real


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That's a plot of one of Desade's books. Film adaptation when?