Why was it cancelled?
Why was it cancelled?
The tranny will be here with his screencaps and infographics to explain
because people spammed /pol/ stuff on the Adult Swim facebook.
Because it was shit
Just saying the word "Hitler" doesn't make you funny.
How's your back, Sam?
Tim Chadecker
Sam was always the weak link in MDE, Nick & Charls were way funnier and more talented than him.
Because Sam Hyde's "comedy" is just making insulting observations about everything to the point of annoyance. A constant superiority complex doesn't make a good comedian. It's like that SpongeBob episode where SpongeBob is a comedian and says "because I'm stupid" as a joke over and over again, except in reverse where he says "you're stupid."
>except in reverse where he says "you're stupid."
I don't get that feeling at all. Maybe you're just stupid and you take offence because deep down you know that.
couldn't keep his autism out of his professional life. I feel bad for nick and charles
Andrew Ruse was the true kinographer behind MDE
unironic nazis can fuck right off but this show was good shit. cartoon network pussied out.
>nazism out of nowhere
absolutely obsessed. muslims hate jews too, are they also nazis?
How was Mohammed not literally Hitler?
It was Tim that had the back problems and whined about it
hitler was literally mohammed, more like
>if you dont like sam hyde you must be low iq unlike me
Nick: The Comedian
Sam: The Tragic Poet
Charls: The Actor, The Shaman
Ruse: The Master
It just wasn't funny
>fan of a trannyfucker using tranny as an insult
Sam was warned and he didn't listen should a company employ someone who won't listen?
t. brainlet
No he uses it because there is a trans woman in every Sam thread posting the same three images. Presumably you.
>you have to be a fan of samuel hydestein to dislike a spamming tranny
kys tranny
this x100
plebs underestimate just how much the editor plays in shit sam made and he was clearly turning shit into gold at several points of sam's career
New Happy World Daddy just came out. Its easily the best out of the 4.
It's not offense it's just annoyance. It's the same punchline. Every joke revolves around him being the supreme alpha male or putting others down. His phone videos are funny, but all his written shit is just
>dude Hitler, Jews, and beta males lmao
idk if you expect a seriosu answer from tv, but the jews rock skit aired, so it clearly wasn't an issue.
The issue was the swastikas and other nazi imagery they supposedly imagery they put in the intro, transitions and outro. It's why those scenes have massive censoring with big green bars. if MDE did in fact do that I can completely understand adult swim cancelling it. Also the actors from adult swim didn't like being in their controversial sets. It also may have been may because many of the skits were completely unscripted and often hit and miss, which the actors may have not appreciated.
You can just admit you never watched World Peace, bro.
What the absolute fuq? What is this from? This couldn't have ever actually aired
It just wasn't funny.
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
Why is Sam such a greedy fuck? Putting all his shit behind a paywall, overprices his shitty merch, jews his employees by not paying them, kiked Charls out of his share of that book profits. I get that people want to make money off their work but how is this excusable? Especially since sam made like a million off of bitcoin.
Here we go again...
meanwhile there is photographic evidence of Sam sucking face with a tranny
imagine defending someone with a tranny fetish like Sam
your argument is invalid
The first one did, the second was cut
I haven't because it got cancelled right?
bro, fuckin a ftm is not gay
a ftm tranny is still a tranny fuckwad
What do you get, like 3 hours of sleep before you come back to do the rounds?
Is that you Cam? How much is Sam paying you to make these threads.
It's really sad and pathetic what happened to Sam. He does nothing but milk his paypigs in exchange for lackluster and/or late content. He's so cancerous he fell out with his old friends and the guys in his new vids are sycophant, tryhard, unfunny numales because even Charls got tired of his bullshit. Nick still appears sometimes, last time Sam had to beg for money to pay him. Nu MDE isn't funny. It consists of Sam and his neckbearded autistic friends doing ebin YouTube pranks and putting them behind a paywall. Ringing someone's doorbell and blowing a cigar in their face isn't humorous, it's just cringe. Wandering around town harassing massage parlors isn't comedy, it's just dickish.
KSTV2 episode 1 wasn't even that entertaining and it's the closest thing to what he used to do
that just isn't true, and you feeling inferior to Sam because of his "comic" persona doesn't make that the case, but at this point I'm assuming it is
its just a sketch video
This board is a fucking cancer chamber and I hope it gets taken down.
All you guys do is steal Sams content and fucking shit on him, what the fuck have you ever done? Why do have such an elevated sense of entitlement?
Were you all deeply personally wronged by Sam?
How many of you are Joe Bernstein or a girl he fucked?
The funny thing is, I know for a fact that the reason you have no take-away from his content is because you are all completely uncreative, for a creative person HydeWars is a fucking goldmine of solid advice you really will not find anywhere else from a dude who is EXTREMELY prolific despite what you fucking retards claim.
I'm in a very different field to him but the advice has been totally transferable and increased my productivity ten fold.
Don't even fucking reply to this because I'm not coming back, you can all rot in your echo chamber of malicious, vindictive criticisms whilst simultaneously spending HOURS of your pathetic lives consuming his content and gossiping about him.
I might email him to see if he can get this place nuked.
Get fucked.
it wasn't even [as] who fired him
fucking TURNER let him go because he was fucking their stock up
the only funny thing sam hyde ever did (the TEDx talk) wasn't even written by him
anyone know a place to get all the new hyde wars episodes?
t. scheming jew who doesn't pay money
he already has enough money without moid paycuck orbiters paying him money for poor quality vlogs so don't worry about it.
>literally being so autistic that you cant comprehend this joke
>/pol/'s face when their pedo mascot Soph is going to get BTFO by Bernstein soon
How does he keep getting away with it, HE CAN'T
Find it yourself it's easy enough
coddle me please
No just think of an obvious place to find it and it's there
it's not a joke.
sam got rich off of crypto
but he's too much of a kike faggot to fund another WP season himself
according to people that have worked for him, he's been buttering up rich people to try to scam them to fund it for like 2 years now (pic related was one, more recently he tried to suck Minecraft Notch's dick)
i couldnt find anything on thepiratebay :'(((( coddle meeeee
she's 14 right? 2 more years and Sam is gonna fuck her, you just know
No I will never betray Sam like that
Post one of your infographics when you bump the thread you ladyboy freak
Is this real? wtf
did sam actually say this wtfl????! (lol??)
>being anything other than NatSoc in 2019
What are you doing?
no but he did say pic related
Who honestly believes this?
Sam was MDE
Take Sam's current content, which is produced by him without being propped up with actual talent, and you'll see just what kind of hack he is.
im a feminist and he is not wrong
ur a feminist that likes the idea of fucking kids in middle school like Sam does? who knew
No but we all know we are sexually inceted to reproduce incel
Honestly MDE was never funny. Sam Hyde's done a lot of hilarious stuff, but MDE just felt try hard and annoying. That and the political baggage.
You have no fucking clue hpw expensive that shit is
sam straight up said he could crowd fund half of it, and he's rich enough to put up the rest and probably still at least break even after everything is said and done
This thread happens every day and everyone says the exact same things every time as if it's news. So of course i have to play my part too and point that out.
You don't put a show on the air that poaches the viewership of another, older show still on the air without alienating its creator. Are you mentally retarded, OP
fuck that last one was red pilled as fuck, there's no way it aired.
whats with the influx of leftypol on this board lately?
>transgenders are anything more than their original gender + mental illness
dont worry user, they will still pretend that Sam fucking a tranny was an IRONIC COMEDIC ACTION to showcase the grotesque nature of the liberal media
who said they weren't. the point is that Sam has a fetish for those freaks