Sup losers I have a gf now im leaving this place forever
Sup losers I have a gf now im leaving this place forever
fuck off normalfag
see you tomorrow
shoo shoo
hes a normalfag and must fuck off
have sex
you shouldnt be on Yea Forums
go dilate tranny
I remember the time that I posted a very stupid and cringe video on Yea Forums, thinking it was cool
But fortunately they crucified me and put me in the right place
I deserved it
Have sex
nice blog, does it have an rss feed?
So, is /tv operating under /r9k's rules now?
All subs are operating under /r9k's rules, reddit.
See you tomorrow.
Eat shit and die, normie scum.
I have a fiance and still haven't found a way out. See you in a week OP
Cunny posters are unironically the chads of Yea Forums
Makes you think
every board should operate on old Yea Forums rules, changing rules 1 and 2 for "Yea Forums" instead of Yea Forums. make all board orange with gore and cp daily to keep everyone away. If you dare tell me I am wrong go fuck yourself
When I got a gf I probably used Yea Forums twice as much
cp is the best normie filter, nothing else even comes close
The toll is too heavy for me i think, i don't feel that edgy anymore
So, i guess i'm a normie too
I do that in stupid non board related threads
the closest thing we have are cunny posters. at least is something, but I don't if it keeps people at bay.
Cunny threads are comfy AF
audience interaction!
See you next week.
You don't need the real thing, drawings do the job well enough.
I have a wife and spend hours here everyday
> postmoot Yea Forums
> talking about normies