/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

Kinobyl talk.
>news: not great, not terrible.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Strong words in support of a show that's not even half done yet.

chernobyl explains so much
honestly sometimes I want to fuck her radioactive vagina though

>...and this is out son's room, he is quite the gamer!

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>5:00 PM in Russia and Ukraine
Call in the evening shift

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Finally. I just got into the office and I was wondering where my comfy chernobros at.

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shes got one of those petite tight bodies
anyone would fuck her unless they're gay

Very true, and I saw a weakening in the second episode, although it is hard to really follow up with the actual disaster scenes. For me:
E1: 10/10
E2: 8.5/10

The composite character emily watson plays doesn't bother me at all, if anything it makes sense. What did bother me was that her appearance to get there should have been by getting a phone call like Legoman did, not this sneaking around shit. The scene where she tells the guards to "arrest her but bring her to the top" - and then we find her in the next scene at a table with gorbachev - is ridiculous. My other complaint is the helicopter crash - that didn't happen until they had been making droppings for a long long time and the main cause was probably pilot disorientation due to sickness.

Why did mary sue and the other scientist woman know how to talk in code to each other on the phone?
it was hardly a regular occurrence

Chernobyl boats.

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she looked pretty nasty in some of the scenes from the last episode, but generally yeah. i bet her pussy tastes like an ash tray though since she probably smokes, eats like shit, and drinks too much.

>arrest me but bring me to the top
>I'm going to kill Cersei
Jesus, HBO

Her baby absorbs all radiation and therefore save her. Chad unborn.

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E1: 7.5
E2: 8


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>uncle stationed at a nuke Silo in France in 1986, doing his compulsory service
>not a soul in a 20km radius besides him and 2 other poor retards stationed there
>no TV, no radio only phone to receive orders or call brass in case of problem
>Brass too retarded to think of warning them about the accident in Chernobyl
>winds pass over Silo
>Dosimeters go off and alarms sound
>they thought they had a leak
>pic related
>spend an entire day in protective gear looking for leak source
>eventually call brass who tell them about Chernobyl

>have to relocate nukes to Silos the Cherno wind hadn't passed over so they can rely on their leak detectors again
>Uncle and retard buddies driving the truck with the warhead in it
>Convoy is literally two trucks each with warheads, no escort (french military ftw)
>No GPS back then
>Uncle and retards take a wrong turn in a random village
>lose the other truck form sight
>get lost
>drive 20km with Nuclear warhead in truck before stopping at a Cafe to ask to use the phone to call Brass
>get earful

They also set a field on fire once playing with flares. Fuck I wish the service was still a thing when I listen to my uncles stories.

Is that the Sarcophagus in the back? If so, damn those are some healthy gaps.


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>The scene where she tells the guards to "arrest her but bring her to the top" - and then we find her in the next scene at a table with gorbachev - is ridiculous
Did you forget the middle but where she points out that Legasov misread the blueprints and forgot about the bubbler drainage?

Yes I know that she was speaking for a whole community of scientists and engineers IRL but that is what happened in the show.

What would Stalin do in this situation?

What does it matter. Do you browse past Yea Forums threads in some archive?

Fun fact, Pepsi was officially mass producing and selling in USSR since 1979.

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fucking forgot pic. oh well.

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By that point Shcherbina was broken and let Legasov run the show. Compare his attitude in the first meeting and second one.

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>mokes, eats like shit, and drinks too much.
heh me too

oh fuck off the first episode is pure thriller the entire way through you're on the edge of your seat

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Did your uncle tell you this story before or after he had sex with you?

>be hick in tiny ass French village
>yfw two military trucks come in with fucking nuclear warheads strapped to the back

Mobilize the gulags, kill everyone that survived, watch a western after.

Is the heli crash thing a meme now? Are people really not seeing it hit the crane in the show and actual video

>People in the SU don't know the KGB is listening in on them, especially at nuclear institutes.

my number aren't bloated as yours and 7.5/10 is really big in my scale
but I think that e2 is more interesting

That didn't bother me much, because of the reason you stated. I forgot to mention though that Legasov was a partyman too, and I think they could do a better job of showing that. He got the job because they thought he would play nice, and in real life he pretty much did but he also wasn't a terrible guy and was able to get things done behind the scenes by working within the party.

Her daughter.

Purge. Purge everything.

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no but how did they know which code to use? Just because you both know you are being listened to doesn't mean you can come up with that stuff on the fly


I wouldn't say he let Legasov run the show. But this was the point when he realized he couldn't sweep this under the rug. Core-chan had already touched him.

I think that's why he phrases his speech near the end the way he does.

>I SPIT on the people who did this...and I curse the price that I have to pay. But I'm making my peace with it...

Because history is sexist

>Talking in obvious code and getting yourself gulag'd on suspicion of treason

I know it hit the crane wire, my complaint is WHEN. They imply it happens immediately, when really it happened after many drops. To me that misses the important point that the pilots were likely getting sick and disoriented.

Girls can be chads too, you misogynist

If you have any background in Chemistry, that code would be pretty easy to crack.

Merde! On s'est perdus!


why does every country trust retards to handle their nukes?

Didn't an American accidentally drop a nuclear bomb in North Carolina or something?

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It was hardly complicated

It's worse than you think, it happened 6 months after the accident during the construction of the sarcophagus.

That's why there s a crane in the shot which doesn't appear before or after. You'd think that a crane would actually be really useful for accurately dropping the sand and boron...

How can the lava getting into the water tanks produce an explosion of 2-4 Mt? It doesn't check out bros

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It's not super obvious if they're not actively looking into your ass. Some random KGB dude hears women talking about grandchildren on vacation and doesn't bother.

>tfw live in eastern NC
Yeah it's still in a swamp somewhere from a crashed B-52 iirc. It was so deep in the mud they just poured a fuckload of concrete on top of the area and fenced it off.

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The plane sprung a huge fuel leak and broke up in flight

water in russia sometimes mean vodka

>Hey bro sit in this crane right next to a reactor that just exploded while the radiation cooks you alive. It'll be cool man we're just putting some sand in there

What was that heli doing there in October anyway? The crane was already there, was it not operational yet?

I wish I could die doing some heroic shit
Most likely I will blow my head off wearing cumstained pants

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Compared to "I'm in charge here" and "I'll throw you off the heli" from earlier, he's calmed down and started valuing Legasov's help. No more of "but that will make us look bad if we do it".

That information is going to increase my yikes factor.

Yeah I kinda wondered why they didn't use one of those gravel conveyer belts to load the boron and sand in there. I'm sure there is a reason..

a lot of steam at high pressure in less than a second

Yeah I rewatched that part a couple times to see if they were trying to imply that it was 2-4 MT of equivalent radiation or 2-4 MT of explosive energy but she clearly said everything in the 30km radius would be destroyed. I could see a very large explosion and blast destroying the rest of the plant and surrounding area, but 2-4 MT from a steam thermal expansion? The entire volume of water doesn't just instantly vaporize.

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What's the boy in the black jacket thinking?
>I wish I had cash for a pepsi?
>will drinking this turn me into a capitalist?

>dies in an autoerotic asphyxiation accident
real human bean

as the show puts it, it seems the pilot got too close and fried the electronics on the helicopter

>He brought it to us so we could also taste it. It took years to open McDonalds locally.

>If you never tasted them in your life, even soggy will be delicious

are you saying there were ZERO hamburger restaurants in Russia before McDonalds?

its only bread + cooked ground beef +cheese, very simple to make takes 10 minutes

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agua.... en el nucleo...
por favor....


something something Reactor fuel burning so hot it fuses the Hydrogen in water together and then THAT blows up

Next episode will be critical, either it will be biorobot kino and it will bring level back to episode one or it will continue downwards trend

It's an actual estimate by an actual nuclear physicist. Vasily Nesterenko wrote an analysis of the disaster that has been highly disputed, but he was there and he was part of the cleanup effort. He did NOT pull it out of his ass.


Yeah, comes off as very inauthentic. The real story is so good I don't get why they would need to change that. I see in other places why they would, but not this case.

The show definitely has the heli hit the crane

Why are they pushing the sjw narrative? I thought Soviet had great gender equality?

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Pripyat looks comfy as fuck i thought soviet cities were absolute shit holes but this ain't too bad.

We didn't have a concept of burgers back then. I understand it sounds weird but its how it was

Yeah. Hoping this won't become one of those series where it's like "yeah it's great if you just watch the first two episodes"

nigga do you even get how much is 2-4 Mt range? That could happen in a volcano where enormous masses are involved fuck no with the amount if water contained in a fucking man made tank

Gets too close, has trouble hearing the radio and then smacks into the cable in the show.

Kinda implies by "don't go into the smoke!" that he hits the wires because the helicopter lost control

>are you saying there were ZERO hamburger restaurants in Russia before McDonalds?

hamburgers are are capitalist invention, and capitalism is decadent and evil. Only recently it's become acceptable for adults to eat hamburgers, in all post-communist countries it was trash food only children (and manchildren) wanted to eat.

One peasant in Medieval Europe probably ate less spices in his lifetime that's on a single dorito chip kek.

it is like iphone, there were "iphones" before iphone, but a good marketing that tells that is new and unique makes people want to try it

yeah because the electronics is fried and the pilot has lost control over it

>finally becomes okay to eat a hamburger in russia
>now it's not acceptable in america

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It's a dumb number but it was a real estimate of the potential yield.

>Caused by men
>Even though female scientists worked on the team that designed the RBMK reactor back at the Reactor Physics department of the Kurchatov Institute

Why do anglos want to destroy civilization ?

2 megaton does seem like an insanely powerful explosion for just a steam explosion. maybe in some way the uranium leftovers undergo a little bit of fission and amplify the blast yield?

pic related, this was a 2-3 megaton thermonuclear test during operation castle (this particular one being code named 'union'). it's fucking huge.

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>Only recently it's become acceptable for adults to eat hamburgers
and now there's an obesity epidemic lol. welcome to capitalism!

Pripyat was a company town. Everything paid for by the government. Most towns weren't that good.

I live in EE and most people consider them garbage food that makes you fat. Doesn't stop them from shoving them in their faces though. Gourmet burgers are now becoming popular.

It doesn't imply that at all. He's trying to reduce the amount of radiation the pilots are receiving so he tells them not go right over top of the reactor then the radiation fucks up the radio signal and the pilot doesn't realize the crane is right there which they were trying to warn them about


That's not what happened.
He simply didn't see the cables and couldn't avoid them in time.

If radiations was the problem, then why did the accident happen in october and not back in april and may when thousands of sorties happened and the odds of having a helicopter crash was much much higher ?

It's a shop you dingus. She actually says "Absolutely true heroism".

>getting worked by such obvious bait
Just how new are you?

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What used to be the reactor hall.

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Have sex.

I just did, with your mom. LAWL BTFO

Three braps and you're out!

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>posts a link that doesn't contain the reference
nice, very convincing

> Gourmet burgers are now becoming popular.

that's what I meant by 'becoming acceptable'. McDonald's is considered be literal garbage (it's often called 'garbage food'), you won't see people older than, say, 30 dining there.

It's kinda dumb because if you go to a restaurant and ordered a big fat fried piece of meat swimming in gravy you're basically eating the same shit, but it's considered >>healthy traditional food

yep bomber fly apart in mid air,
the fucking nuke started arming itself , nuke was a transistor switch away from going boom.

>Legasov had a handgun
>Left it on the table and hanged himself on a professionally mad knot with a rope used in alpinism
What a chad

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>Gourmet burgers are now becoming popular
Yeah, happened to me too - the McShitburgers steadily increased price to the point that I realized that i can have delicious Angus burger with 200g of real beef and home made baked potatoes for the same price, I just don't have to be lazy to look for them, and since the delivery services blew out in recent years, there is zero actual reason to eat at Mcs, except their 24h opening hours.

why? the actual real story is insane enough as it is, why invent some superhero that saves the world with her big brain IQ

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Legasov smiling.

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no way you can have 2 megatons out of a steam explosion outside the geological realm.
To build an hydrogen bomb is maybe one of the most difficult things in the world forget about accidentally making one dropping a radioactive turd in a water tank.

This and the helicopter posts are making me realize Yea Forums is a low IQ board

It's called "Stacy", you dip.

tfw too much cabbage

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What the fuck is this name? It doesn't even sound slavic

Akimov and toptunov in the background.

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wtf kind of hat is that? looks /fa/ as fuck

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Yes it does, it sounds ukrainian.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=KRRGYEFZF4A

Bнимaниe внимaниe, OP is a gay

>be E*ropean
>get irradiated

id spray my cum all over her face and sweater if you know what i mean

big if true

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I don't know. Ask /fa/ where to cop. Some soviet might know.

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I'd like to Laboritise her Aperture, if you know what I mean

"Potential yield" probably being the operative words around here. In reality you would never ever get all the radioactive material present into undergoing fission in a reasonable timeframe before the vast majority gets blown appart to far by some initial explosion, thus not being available for a chain reaction anymore. It's hard enough to reach a high yield with conventional nuclear bombs already, where you pretty much can controll all the factors when it comes to the detonation and you can set it up as perfectly as you possibly could.

So yeah, potential yield, just not a realistic one at all I would say.

Step up, son.

>not a real person

Find a pdf of the book if you can. As far as I can tell that's where the number comes from.

Didn't say he was right.

To make it more dramatic. It's a lot more dramatic when you see 2 scientists arguing and figuring shit out then one guy just sitting there silently thinking. It has nothing to do with "muh sjws" you WHAMEN BAD npcs

>samefags bumping their own b8

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3 mile island would have gone boom if it was not for incoming shift . replacing the muppet shift and sorting it out.

Are you sure? The reactor hall roof is like 100 feet high

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Looks like a late-era Soviet nurse cap.

Кeпкa Aфгaнкa - Afghan cap

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so what do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Russia?

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join the army user

All I see is a labrador cosplaying as a human in that picture.

That's the top of the sarcophagus, obviously the reactor roof caved in after the explosion.

that thing is one big fucking reactor. pretty sure even the new one by me is smaller than that.

I sorta wish they did a kind of tour of the building before the boom but that'd probably be way more expensive. Still be nice have an idea of before and after

Famine breaker

Everything is "gamburger"

It looks like this was taken from one of the balconies inside the sarcophagus. That's not the reactor hall's roof, it's the roof of the containment structure.

Well, when I say 'balcony' I mean one of the enclosed roofs. But you get it.

The reactor is underneath. High ceiling is for the crane to pull rods out.

How would you come to that conclusion ? You can't even see the fucking reactor on that pic.

The reactor hall was tall to accommodate the refuiling machine and its crane.

Yeah, the rods are like 80 feet long and have to be inserted whole from above. Seems like a waste of space but it's an essential part of the design.

sauce on qt

A month's supply

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Height of the room = length of the fuel rods, roughly.

I came to that conclusion because they wouldn't build that big of a building if the reactor below wasn't fucking huge in order to load it. See:

yeah she looks like she has some nice perky tits eh m8?

In EE we call it either Royale Deluxe or Big Tasty. Don't know which one it's supposed to be.

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>You will never go on a road trip with your two buddies and a nuclear warhead just sitting in the back of your pick up truck

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>big fat fried piece of meat swimming in gravy
Huh? Gourmet burgers are basically just quality pure beef made on grill and the dip is a bit of mayo with herbs or vegetables mixed in.
The most unhealthy thing is the bun, and that depends on the restaurant.
I'd say it might actually be healthier than traditional eastern European cuisine, which consists of stuffing your face with pork, fat and white flour.


Building 3 and 4 are the same design.

And I'm pretty sure that is inside the sarcophagus

Recommend a modern, affordable radiation detector to me. I've also had some stuff I've sold refused for being dangerously radioactive so useful is more important them memes.

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Eastern Europe. Romania more exactly.

Nah, the channels are long, but the rods are quite short.

Fuel assemblies are 3.5m long, there are two fuel assemblies stacked on top of each other in each fuel channel. When you remove the fuel rods, you have to take the whole channel out.

The reactor itself is much smaller, 7m high and 12m in diameter.

>Кeпкa Aфгaнкa
ebay says you can get em for like $10. That's neat. All the Afghan war vets selling their shit.

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How's Romania? Life pretty decent?

Your traditional cuisine sounds delicious and extremely unhealthy.

What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth.
The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.
What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are.
who is to blame? In this story, it was Anatoly Dyatlov.
He was the best choice.
An arrogant, unpleasant man, he ran the room that night, he gave the orders and no friends.
Or, at least, not important ones.
And now Dyatlov will spend the next ten years in a prison labor camp.
Of course, that sentence is doubly unfair.
There were far greater criminals than him at work.
And as for what Dyatlov did do, the man doesn't deserve prison.
He deserves death.
But instead, ten years for "criminal mismanagement.
" What does that mean? No one knows.
It doesn't matter.
What does matter is that, to them, justice was done.
Because, you see, to them a just world is a sane world.
There was nothing sane about Chernobyl.
What happened there, what happened after, even the good we did, all of it all of it madness.
Well, I've given you everything I know.
They'll deny it, of course.
They always do.
I know you'll try your best.

Why make the roof so high then? Seems dumb

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Change "u" to "a" and you'll get a "hamster". Fitting if you ask me.

Will they show the elephant's foot?

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The US Airforce dropped four unarmed nukes on Spain after a couple of planes crashed mid air.

I want a burger

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Fucking big tasty. I saw how they introduced it and then they gradually degraded every ingredient to shit. I swear to god first version had cheddar cheese.
Still better than Big Mac, which always crashes and burn everytime they make some special action, because it literally tastes like carboard.

how long until someone changes that into something about moot, jannies, or tripfags? Or both?

You need to time this so it goes up at 1:23:45.

Could be worse. I'm not a dummy so finding a job ain't that hard. Things are cheap and the government doesn't hassle you so much. The country's economy has been on the rise lately and it's slowly getting better since. Criminality has plummeted since all the thieves and beggars moved to greener pastures like France, Spain, Sweden and the UK. Corruption still an issue.

There's a solid chance they won't.

The Elephant's Foot was never part of any cleanup effort. It's so entombed within the plant complex and so incredibly lethal already that there really wasn't anything they could do with it but leave it alone.

Maybe a single scene just to remind the viewer that the melted core is still very much dangerous.

Because as I said, when you remove fuel rods, you have to take the whole channel out : the cap + the higher part leading to the steam separator + the fuel assemblies + the lower parts leading to the water pumps.

Also the confinement isn't just there to accommodate the equipment, it has to comply with specific safety rules. It has to be big enough to contain radioactive coolant and gas leaks, fires, overpressure (up to 3 atmospheres IIRC).

You could also ask the question why we make big fucking domes for our pressurized reactors when they're even smaller than RBMKs, well the answer would be the same : for safety reasons.

Yea I realized what you were referring to after I posted youre definitely right

How do I get past the archers in Anor Londo?

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Left: soul
Right: soulless

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It is delicious, and it will kill you in the fifties. Most of it is based on a sauce made by adding something into pork grease and thicken it with flour, while you take the bones and make soup out of it.

Here's a chick showing you the traditional way of slaughtering and cutting a pig. It comes with English subtitles. Most homes used to raise and slaughter their own animals. youtube.com/watch?v=FTXQgqMVfyQ
People love their pork.

Just take a look at Kursk NPP and Smolensk NPP which are exact copies of CNPP if you want soul.

Left: leaky
Right: less leaky

>american nuclear silos still run on floppy disk


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what are you talking about?
get this man to the infirmary.

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user please remove yourself from the basement and get some sun.

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I think I tried it once then went back to my McChickens and Double Cheeseburgers.

Please take your gypos back. I was at a bus stop the other day and this group of them were pissing right in front of everyone, kids and mothers and passing cars, their dicks flaying around in the wind, spraying piss everywhere.

Can't hack a floppy disc.

i do not

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in Poland it's McRoyal, it's apparently called 'Grand Cheesburger' in Russia.

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Remember that time America loaded up a bunch of nukes and flew them across the US violating several treaties and no one realized they were live nukes till after they were flown

I'm taking a tour of Chernobyl next week. Are there any pics I should take for you guys? I can't think of anything funny to do there.

The new sarcophagus is built by a French parking lot and motorway construction giant, of course it's soulless.

You're correct. When the SAC EOD guys inspected the casings they found 4 of the 5 safety switches were rendered inoperative by the impact. (The last ditch safety was well engineered though, which meant the bomb had around a .0001% chance of detonation rather than the 1x10^-7 safety factor it would have had if the crew had managed to jettison it.)

That's my second favorite Eastern NC plane crash I've studied after NAL 2511, which was a suicide bombing that took place over Bolivia in 1960.

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why would you do something funny? Its horrible what happened.

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Elephant's foot please m8

It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.

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your feet

France sent them back here, they left again as soon as they could. They don't give a shit about laws or customs. Be thankful the women didn't pull up their skirts and flash you.

>That's my second favorite Eastern NC plane crash I've studied after NAL 2511, which was a suicide bombing that took place over Bolivia in 1960.
>eastern NC

Wait, what?

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Could you bring a graphite for my wife.

Pretty sure people went jail over it. It was pretty funny

Tourists can't access block 4, and when they visit CNPP no one is left unsupervised for fear of retards trying to find the elephant's foot and dying from radiations in the process.

Ask to see the feedwater.

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I've seen people complain about her being a woman saying that would've unrealistic. Didn't USSR actually have a decent number of female researchers? If anything women being kept out of sciences was more prevalent in the west compared to eastern block.

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I'm pretty sure they don't let tours into the sarcophagus.

Even if they did, standing close enough to take a photo of that thing will shave years off your life. From one human to another - we KNOW what that manmade medusa looks like. There s no need.

Get us photos of the AZ-5 control though, if you can. That's the SCRAM button.

What do you mean tourists? Isn't Chernobyl a no go zone?

just run comrade
they actually have very poor accuracy

that's why the west lasted a little bit longer

You're arguing with people who believe more than half world's population cannot master a high-pressure cooker.

that's actually true though, have you ever visited africa?

Safer than Detroit.

40% of soviet science fags were qt grils.

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nurse cap no-337

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The zone isn't safe to LIVE in, but it's safe to visit.

Some parts are only safe to drive through, though. The Red Forest should not be explored on foot.

just take pics of cute girls, then post them here, live

Austrian here. My sister was born in late 86 and my parents decided to go visit their relatives in Western Germany to avoid the radiation.

And my favorite boomer story I tell zoomers is that when I was in primary school (94-98) we were all issued iodine pills. Meaning that every classroom had them stocked. We also had "nuclear drills" every year, where we would all practise going to the basement, which was a certified nuclear shelter.

Good times.

Alright sounds good, I'll try to get some pics of that for you. Apparently the guards look the other way if you enter buildings, but I don't feel like getting radiation poisoning. I did pay for a Geiger meter though.

>tfw no cosmonaut gf

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>Science fag

She was a seamstress tho

>Friendly reminder that Admiral Hopper did not invent high level programming languages, as German computer scientists figured out how to do it in 1934 but no computers which could be programmed in that fashion were built yet.
>She was still an accomplished officer and served honorably, but really shouldn't be in the same pantheon as Ada Lovelace.

plane crashes are kino , nuclear planes crashes are god tier epic kino .

we need a new tv show about nuclear bombs reactors fuck-ups

Star witness.

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Dude they built that thing with a flammable roof, kinda doubt they gave a fuck about safety rules.

In Bongistan the Big Tasty is its own thing, slightly wider and I think it has Big Mac sauce.

>She was still an accomplished officer and served honorably, but really shouldn't be in the same pantheon as Ada Lovelace.
Name on (non-naturalized) American who was relevant to science/engineering. You now know why shes held in the same regard.

"Tereshkova was considered a particularly worthy candidate, partly due to her "proletarian" background, and because her father, tank leader sergeant Vladimir Tereshkov, was a war hero. He died in the Finnish Winter War during World War II in the Lemetti area in Finnish Karelia when Tereshkova was two years old. After her mission, she was asked how the Soviet Union should thank her for her service to the country. Tereshkova asked that the government search for and publish the location where her father was killed in action. This was done, and a monument now stands at the site in Lemetti—now on the Russian side of the border."

Based and cosmonautpilled

The guards dont care but the scientists probably will. Even if they don't, we KNOW what the Tomb looks like. Dont bother.

I don't want to hear about some user dying the worst death imaginable.

isn't the red forest gone now?

I just got finished fixing a floppy disk issue today on some old equipment.

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I wanna fuck the radiation

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What can I buy with a 400 rub pension ?

the helicopter part wasn't in that moment and woman doesn't exists
it will be

Well, good news, the radiation will fuck you over

Because the real character was like six fucking people, so it makes sense in a 6-episode miniseries to composite them into one. If this were like a 12-episode series they would have time to introduce all 6 characters

Yes, it's mostly buried, but the groynd where it stood is pribably the most radioactive area besides the plant itself. Dont stay long.

Still can't believe drawfags have turned the chernobyl disaster into r34

Yeah, I should have clarified it's near Wilmington.

Eastern NC user, if you're still there, do you think we will ever be able to see the inside of "Deep Hole"? AT&T can't possibly want to pay to keep the lights on there forever.

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Can you walk through the old reactors and control rooms for 1, 2 or 3? Obviously 4 is a no go.

are frenchs the owners of europe? they do more things than germany

They're separate here as well. Wasn't sure which one it was so I posted both. We also have this thing called Pork Sandwich with Horseradish (Mustard). Couldn't fit a Mc in there.

user, please see

*Dyatlov begins to visibly sweat.

Forgot the pic from

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What could you buy with 75 dollars in the US in 1986?

Take a picture of Dyatlov's vomit, m8. At least the stain, if it is still there.

I hadn't gone to a McD in decades and I mentioned this to my boss and she arranged a trip with a bunch of other workers to go to eat at McD's on company money, shit was cash

Also you know what they call Quarter Pounder in Finland? A fucking Quarter Pounder.

Which is in more poor taste: this or Notre Dame?

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Krauts are afraid of the atom, the switched from nuclear powerplants to coal power plants.
The French aren't.

there are qt science girls everywhere, like Margaret Hamilton or Hedy Lamarr

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don't believe the words that the last villager of some shitty village has died just 2 days ago.

Can't even look at what his hands have wrought.


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iodine qt offers you a spicy handjob. what do?

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>stalker is too jank
>fallout is bethesda broken
>metro is depression
Any other radiation vidya left?

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Hedy Lamarr was top QT

the funny thing is that under normal operating conditions, coal power plants release more radioctivity in the environment than nuclear power plants. And that's just on the radiological front, without the CO2 footprint and toxic particles that turn your lungs into tar.

>When an unredeemable character suddenly becomes based

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STALKER 2 soon

What kind of shitty strawman argument is this lmao


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Professor, I understand you've been saying dangerous things.
Very dangerous things.

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Biggest redemption since Jaime charging against Danny with a spear.

A bit better than the one you just made.

>A woman has any role in the show
>/RBMK/ melts down

Did you get your fuel rods from /pol/?

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I miss this n*gga like you wouldn't believe.

I was visiting the Loire region of France a few months ago (castles n shit), and while driving around I was struck by how many nuclear plants and military bases there are peppered around the landscape. Apparently I drove through a tank training ground, didn't see any Leclercs though unfortunately.

For you.

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Nah, the same place the New York Times gets em.

this has nothing to do with anything but I'm going through my computer and thought it was neat

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what is this show, can anyone give me a quick rundown.

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>they all look and sound like Brits
>tries way too hard to convey a Soviet setting
>somehow everybody loves it
time to move to a new board or forum, I guess


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I'd rather he said "how do you explain the smoke"?

That is tier 1 management. He perfectly summarizes Legasov's fears and puts it in the form of a question that can't simply be thrown out with technobabble or doubletalk. They have to improvise an explanation and in doing so they fall into a trap - he doesn't know reactors but he IS a civil engineering official and he DOES know concrete.

>Le convoi de la peur 2 : Boogaloo Atomique

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>they all look and sound like Brits
Would you rather have Sean Connery faking a russian accent, you son of a bitch? Brit is kino.

>"you don't get to bring radiation meters"

That might be a bit too kino IQ for you, I'm afraid.

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>The scene where she tells the guards to "arrest her but bring her to the top" - and then we find her in the next scene at a table with gorbachev - is ridiculous.

In real life she would have been shot and thrown into a ditch.


Would have been easier to beat. By using Legasov's explanation he was able to wrongfoot them by demonstrating a rudimentary knowledge of Nuclear engineering. This got the truth out faster.

>Scientists calculated that people could work on the roof for up to 40-60 seconds at a time without receiving a life-threatening dose. During the day, terrified men from all walks of life dashed across the roof, hurled reactor graphite weighing up to 40 - 50kg over the precipice, and ran back inside. Only around 10% of the work on the roof was accomplished by actual machines - the rest being done by 5,000 men, according to Yuri Semiolenko, the Soviet official responsible for the decontamination of the plant.

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Unironically good life advice. I find some of the best arguing is to ask a question as straight forward as possible, without any smugness or being an asshole. Just a question.

Are you a Ukrainian pimp?

Its the 80s, not the 50s. And the colonel in charge already demonstrated he's no joke.

>this list of nuclear catastrophes is not complete
>you can help Wikipedia by expanding it

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>Cutting off Bryukhanov smoothly passing the buck to Fomin

C'mon son

what is the cost of lies?

In Soviet Russia radiation fucks you

'bout three fiddy

I can't wait until this guy to show up next episode. He's not particularly attractive, not even that great of an actor, but there's something so charismatic about him.

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Bryukhanov used Backstab
>it's not as effective as he thought

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I look at lot like him.

>they all look and sound like Brits
The writers said he thought about making them fake a russian accent but it was fucking retarded.

Some of the robot parts are still in the area as of 2012. They're still very, very hot.


are your parents blood-related?

I love you guys. I'm kinda lonely and I love the show too!

no, just a bong.

Is he going to be irradiated too?

Then we get to watch him die slowly and in total agony over the course of a month!

that's hilarious

>tfw don't really get that whole speech
My English sucks. He means the cost of lies is that you don't know the truth anymore?

I hate how that nigga eat spaghetti

>400 µSv/h
>very very hot

lol no.

>capitalists will give you helicopter rides while communist will give you bus rides
brb, joining party

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>this slavcore is too depressing and janky
Sounds find to me m8.

three billion trillion rubles

How long is a helicopter trip between Moscow and Pripyat?

He's one of the liquidators so there's a chance.

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The graphite crane claw in HD.


Why would anyone willingly go so close to it?

>Still can't believe drawfags have turned the chernobyl disaster into r34
Did you think r34 was a joke? A mother fucking game?

If it exists user...if it exists.

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or that movie with Harrison Ford doing a Russian accent

I'm sorry to hear that

He's going to be very useful

3-4 hours depending on the type

540 miles or 870 kilometers is the distance between them.

>1,400 times background levels
>not hot

lol no

I almost felt like Fomin and Tableslapper should have had a laugh track running in that scene.

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Looks like they're using Mi-8s

kill all involved, otherwise the same.

On the lower end of that then, those are pretty quick.

No, it's really not.
Even if you stood inside the crane for an hour, you'd get half a mSv, which is basically nothing.
Radiations are harmful past 100 mSv.

She recorded much hotter spots in the zone, such as the firemen equipment in the hospital basement, recorded at over 2 mSv/h

tfw you're russian and watch this shit

On his way to fuck your corefu.

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I saw that the hotel Leganov stays at has гoтeль written on it. Shouldn't it be гocтиницa?

There's a line already

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I don't know where this meme came from but Connery doesn't try on an accent in Red October, even when he's actually speaking Russian. It's still one of the greatest movies of all time.

Don't be obtuse. If she was a single character that acted like someone that confers with other experts, ok.

They made her over the top, simply because they made her female. Everyone that watches it knows that even if they make jazz hands and hum along with the other soys wanting a piece of ass or females standing around.

I have no problem with a female character, cool. But don't try to make her a superwoman speaking down to all the boys, as it's actually sexism by low expectations and just plain pandering. Women don't need that, just make her a normal thought out character.

That's Ukrainian

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That colonel was impossibly based
>there's no guarantee that even with protection it will be safe
>then I'll do it myself
11/10 officer would follow into Chernobyl

Fuck off with the capeshit western scum.

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Ah yes. Retard me


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>manhattan face fucking cherny

Retard here. Hypothetically, if you could scoop up the exposed core and drop it in the ocean above the Marianas Trench, what would happen? I know they say in the show the water would vaporize before it got anywhere near it, but wouldn't all that pressure/gravity force the water onto it anyways, extinguishing it? I mean, where else would the water be able to go?

ДOЛГ awaits you

which language is easier? Ukranian or Russian?

Is it like how Swedish is a sing-song version of Norwegian and Danish is Norwegian but mumbly?

disgraceful, really.

>permanently closed
>4.5 stars

Attached: Screenshot_20190516_165503.jpg (1079x1455, 256K)

>Even if you stood inside the crane for an hour, you'd get half a mSv, which is basically nothing.
Go do it then

>Iodinie? No Comrade, all you need is you need for radiation is вoдкa

Attached: Comrade Pepe.png (1917x1068, 1.34M)

After Communism falls you still have to give it 4.5 stars?

You meant 3.6?

What has been the reaction of the Russian media about this show?

Buy me a trip to Chernobyl and I'll do it.

>chemical warfare division
>likely trained in CBRN control
>plant bosses say it's no big but most of the firemen are already demonstrating ARS
he probably knew already, he was just waiting for the hammer to drop.

Ukranian is redneck version of Russian.
More old-slavic words, bit more melodic, sounds very funny.
Russian is way more international, way easier for foreigners.

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Ukrainian is a partly artificial mix of Russian and other slavic languages, otherwise the rules are the same. Sounds more manly to me, with deeper "O"s and "U"s, I can't explain it better

Ep1: 8.5
The focus on the consequences of blindly trusting the higher-ups is excellent and Fomin "surviving" the aftermath of the explosion made me a bit mad. Watching the firemen touch the grafite block and see his body slowly rusting away until he just sat down still and die was one of the high points.

Ep2: 10
This episode is 100% despair and I loved every second of it. The helicopter crash was tremendous, even if it wasn't actually like that, and the three workers running out of light at the end of the episode was one of the best final episode segments I've see in a while. The nurse noticing her hand burning from carrying the firemens' uniforms was also great.
The chemistry between Legasov and Scherbina was really good too, and it's great to have a second scientist character there.

Amazing show, just great. But I'll be honest, I've never done much research on the Chernobyl disaster.

btw, second vote for kinobyl

> Plastic windows
> Metal doors
> Door phones
> Door closers


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Well, any amount of ionizing radiation is potentially harmful ofc, given that cancer is a thing, but yeah, 400 µSv/h isn't exactly the amount I would recommend a good pair of running shoes to deal with. Don't stick your balls to it for days obviously, but compared to some of the other stuff that was going on, it was rather close to irelevant.

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They tried.

Well, he couldn't make conclusions about the state of reactor.

>Well, any amount of ionizing radiation is potentially harmful ofc

We actually don't know the effects of ionizing radiations below 100 mSv of absorbed dose.
Recent studies showed that small exposures to radiations can actually be beneficial in preventing pancreatic cancer

what bothered me the most was the she acted like nuclear Sherlock Holmes, it was just too much. I think that having a team of like 5 scientists (male, female, whatever) would work better

>hmm, our dosimeter says 0.08 roentgens
>are we having a leak
>no it's from outside
>nuclear plant ? Atomic bomb ?
>"does some woogie boogie science"
>it's from a nuclear plant
>could it be the closest one, it's only logical
>no it must be chernobyl, it would be more if it was the closest one
>let me call my friend and talk in secret code to her
>yeah, they are dropping sand and boron on it
>the core is therefore open
>now for some reason I definitely know that the bubbler below the core is full of water despite having zero information about the disaster in the first place and only vaguely knowing that it could be Chernobyl
too much woogie science for one person, it makes you say "wow, this person was actually really cool - why didn't I know this" and than you realize it's a composite figure

new bred njuyen

It's not really a fire in the conventional sense that you could extinguish with water...well, you can't even extinguish a lot of chemical fires with water and actually only make it worse, but that's besides the point I guess.

Just a reminder that Legasov did the same with description of a rock.

It's a high estimate, such an explosion could (not likely - but could) fully fission the core. For me it seems that they told Gorbachev that so that they could get his permission to send people in - they told him the worst case scenario - not the likely one
+ it was very likely that such explosion could launch nuclear material into pripyat river that supplies Kiev with water - fully contaminating the only source of water in the biggest Ukrainian city

Just reminder that the description of a rock matched graphite used in reactor cores

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Yeah, so what? Dont wanna network nuclear weapons with new technology.

to be fair he was called out on that fact and he was somewhat lucky that he turned out to be right

i wish they had called out the strong female scientist for saying "lol dropping sand and boron in 1986, yikes oofa doofa". there was no other solution, it had to be done.


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>food is evil
peak communism

Really? Didn't know that, I will have to to look into that, but thanks for the info. Had some training on dealing with radiation for work (and the physics background from education), but I'm no biologist, but in the end since one cell just hit in exactly the right parts by ionizing radiation is enough to fuck you up in theory, I always just assumed that if you're exceptionally unlucky, very little is required (statistically still rather unlikely ofc).

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>one of the fireman grabbed a shiny, crystal like black rock and got extreme amounts of radiation burning his hand
>I wonder what this could be

kill yourself incel

Maybe it was just a coal from a bbq.

>Watching the firemen touch the grafite block and see his body slowly rusting away until he just sat down still and die was one of the high points.
Not sure it was the same guy, but does it really matter? The diameter pegged that area at 15,000 roentgen.

5,000 guarantees death. Those poor men.

Dr Legasov, I'm RBMK

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having a 48 gram piece of meat coated in sugar cost 2.50$ is evil

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