Language is hard. This was maybe my answer to Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with...

>Language is hard. This was maybe my answer to Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. A Song of Ice and Fire had a very modern philosophy: that if the king was a good man, he would get his dick chopped off. We look at history and it’s not that simple. Martin can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Martin doesn’t ask the question: How was High Valyrian conjugated? Does the pluperfect tense of Bravosi derive from the suffix? How did dragons understand the verb “dracarys”? And what about all those lost Westerosi languages? By the end of the war, the Night King is gone but all of the autists aren’t gone – they’re in the Godswood, watching beautiful sisters be beautifully raped. Did Bran pursue a policy of monolingualism and kill all other languages? Even the little baby dialects in their little dialect regions?

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Based and Tolkienpilled.

Keep trying user. Some day people will reply to these threads

Writing is hard. This was maybe my answer to Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. ASOIAF had a very medieval philosophy: that if the writer was a talented, the books would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. GRRM can say that the books will be finished when they're finished, and he wants them to be good. But GRRM doesn’t answer the question: What the fuck is taking so long? Does he even care anymore? Is he deliberately delaying them? And what about all these spinoffs? By the end of his life, GRRM hasn't finished the books but he has finished a bunch of unrelated crap– they’re in the bookstores. Did GRRM think people gave a shit about the history of the Targaryens? That people would fork out cash to learn about a world when the main series would never be finished?

> he thinks tolkien and martin are some kind of literary classics
lel at this whole plebbit board

Tolkein built a world far deeper and richer than GRRM. It's not even close.

Yea Forums is probably the worst board on 4channel barring Yea Forums. It might even be worse than Yea Forums at this point. There's no discussion of films, casting, cinematography, acting, effects, writing or anything on here. Just tired unfunny forced memes, network shills and porn spam.

90% of the board is capeshit which belongs on Yea Forums, if the mods aren't gonna bother enforcing the theme of the board why should anyone else follow it? This place will be a free-for-all until superheroes are gone

And 27 year old incels commiserating on their shared lack of intimacy and self-motivation, don't forget that

>How did dragons understand the verb “dracarys”?

If they're talking about superhero movies and television, they should be allowed to stay. 5 threads on Avengers isn't why this board is shit.

>Yea Forums is probably the worst board on 4channel barring Yea Forums.
this fact is so jarring at this point. Basically, the bigger the board, the shittier it is. The discussions and opinions you read on these boards are sub reddit tier.
Yea Forums has basically become a place for unadjusted normies.


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>satanistic religion
>boys were playing at being orcs and going around doing damage

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lotr is a manbabby version of harry potter

Tolkien allowed his oxford friends to molest his son, who became a pedolic priest

Jolkien pls


Do tolkienfags really consider LOTR to be high literature? Not even diehard ASOIAF fans are this delusional. They just consider GRRM’s books to be good mainstream work and that’s all(most people don’t even like the last two books). I find it funny when people here think Tolkien is on same level as writers like Joyce and Tolstoy. Talking about LOTR to any serious literary academic would get you laughed at

they are obsessed manchildren. find someone obsessed with tolkien and you'll most likely find someone with a very lonely sad childhood

have sex

so original and funny

self motivation does not generally exist

commiseration often results in a type of motivation that actually exists

the sidelines might not be so safe as you thought

No one gives two shits about "high" literature

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>self motivation does not generally exist
Holy shit you’re a mentallyweak faggot


Stick to Harry Potter little man, leave the big boy books to real men like me

Who's your favorite author, Yea Forums?

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The only book that outsold the LOTR is the bible. But ignoring that please tell us what qualifies as high literature, and if you say fucking shakespeare you’re a twat.

i love watching tolkeinautists bring out these irrelevant facts about tolkiens life and how much the books sold, like they mean anything

lotr is one of the best selling book series, garth brooks is one of the top 10 best selling music artists in history. it means absolutely nothing

I fucking love this


No one reads Joyce's Ulyssess. Or Middlemarch

No this board is this because out of 150 threads 50 of them are GoT and 50 of them are avengers. The rest are fags still crying about star wars, failed forced memes, and politics


>t. edgy highschooler
lurk more kiddo.

You sure seem obsessed for someone who thinks so little of it

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i like laughing at turbo manbabbies

have sex

>TFW we will never have another fantasy defining mega autist who invents languages for each of his races

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Karl Marx


I'm pretty sure both Harry Potter and Mao's Red Book outsold LotR

The lack of linguistic diversity really does irk me. How come the North doesn't have a separate language despite even having a different religion? And why do the wildlings also speak the same common tongue? What's with everyone in Essos speaking High Valyrian and not differentiated versions of it, or at least an equivalent of vulgar Latin?

The cities of Mereen, Yunkai and Astapor all speak different dialects of High Valyrian but close enough to be intelligible to each other.

Tolkien's writing in my opinion is not that great. But he isn't known for that, he's known for world building. There is not a single work of fantasy made by one man with as much depth as the lord of the rings.