>runs the Realm into 3,000,000 gold in debt
What are some real leaders like him?
Runs the Realm into 3,000,000 gold in debt
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Your mom lol
Every US President since we went off the gold standard.
Past presidencies of the US. Italian leadership, greek leadership.
Any country connected to jewbank leadership.
>young people vote for leftists
>leftists put country in debt
>debt paid for by young people as they age and quality of life subsequently deteriorates as leaders can't sustain their socialist ideals
Democracy is kino
Is Robert Baratheon a leftist though?
What was his tax policy?
I don't think he really cared, seems his small council was running that
>leftists and young people
The biggest items in the US federal budget are social security and Medicare, and old people will destroy you at election time if you even hint at fucking with them
it was littlefinger
hi preston
hello everyone. I am feminist and like eating gluten and salt free stuff with my asian wife. let me tell you how the children of the forest are the bad guys trying to kill humans. Also I like Chicago style pizza if I didn't seem subhuman enough.
jk I love Preston.l
Henry VIII spent all the money his father had hoarded. He was also a great warrior in his youth.
literally Trump
Actually like 80% of our debts been bush and obama.
>young people are leftists
>ignores that the two largest socialist projects in the US are for old fucks
>adds trillions to the debt to give rich people more money
>starts wars with yemen, iran, and china
>pays NK to kill american hostages
>stops investigating and prosecuting terrorists
>destroys rule of law and constitution
>"b-b-based" - white boy retards
yep, trump is a real leader
not to mention running his daddys business into the ground
he's basically the archetype for robert
in order to spend increasingly more money every year you have to make increasingly more money every year otherwise nobody is going to give you a loan for money you don't have unless they're confident you're going to have it in the future. A lot of successful business report numbers like this because the amount of money sitting in your bank account is essentially a loss because it's not being put towards anything increasing the value of the value of the business. A CEO makes money by A) paying themselves a salary and B) increasing the value of the business. Money in the bank does neither of those things.
I wish we had a real man like him in charge instead of drumf
how does "business losses" translate to your nonsensical drivel
>get 500m loan
>pay 500m to build new trump tower
>projected revenue of 5b over the next 20 years
>show that to a bank and get 1b loan
>pay 1b to build new trump tower
>all profits go to paying off loans + interest and operating costs
>value of stock increases + CEO salary = CEO makes a ton of money
This is how ALL successful businesses are run. Money in the bank is BAD and spending more money than you have is GOOD.
it's only good if you can pay it all off. his businesses have filed for bankruptcy at least 4 times
>it's only good if you can pay it all off.
No, because you're paying yourself a salary the entire time and likely sold off a decent amount of interest in the company long before is went bankrupt. Bankruptcy is something that happens to a business, not a person. Laws specifically prevent the people in charge of a business being held liable for the failure of the business except in the case of gross negligence or fraud. If you ran your business legally, bankruptcy just means you don't have to pay back your loans and it's going to be harder to get more loans in the future, but if your business is big enough not really.
>A lot of successful business report numbers like this
>get 500m loan
>acquire more than 500m from your 500m loan
>pay back 500m loan and continue to run profitable business
>use profitable business to build more profitable business
Why is basically gaming financial systems spun as entrepreneurial genius. How about he actually make or sell a valuable product or service. What's so hard about that?
all the socialists here are old farts wanting better pensions the "hip youngsters" would vote green
Stop denying the six million. He put the realm six million gold pieces in debt.
Oy vey
Clinton ran a surplus
>Realm is poor for a while after a massive civil war and the ransacking of its capital
>Better blame the king!
Bobby B did nothing wrong. The realm would have never been able to bounce back in time to prep for winter if he hadn't sunk all of that gold into keeping the people distracted and entertained.
What the actual fuck? How's is even possible to lose this much?
>What's so hard about that?
The people who gamed the system cutting your legs out from underneath you the second you start to become a threat.
>Implying peasants benefited from those parties and tourneys and feast
Maybe the high Lords enjoyed it but Robert sunk the crown into debt, heck the other kingdoms could run themselves autonomously without the crown
It's implied that Littlefinger kept fucking up his job.
Once, Aryn died, Robert didn't give a shit about anything and let everything pile up.
Old people and Boomers put the country in debt. And low and behold, they're the ones that vote for the idiot that appeals to them.
Republicans making over one TRILLION new debt a year you shithead.
This is what peak millennial reddit sounds like
>t. Boomer
Who the fuck defends boomers?
>t. whiny entitled millennial collegedebt cuck
Zoomers are gonna eat you alive, you are the most pathetic generation in western history
you know how people are constantly saying
>facebook doesn't make money!
>amazon doesn't make money!
>netflix doesn't make money!
because all those companies are in debt reporting huge losses? It's not because they're not profitable, it's because they're spending money they don't have because they've convinced the banks giving them loans that they WILL have it. And they will because they use that insane amount of money to crush or buy out all their competitors. These are not poorly run companies and it's not even really an unsustainable business model. The only people who lose out when a business fails are the banks and insurance companies and the only reason they committed the money knowing it could fail is because they had the margins for failure.
>Implies he's not in his own debt
Cope harder buddy, and go out more, zoomers ain't red pilled like you think they are
>Thinks everyone shallowed the college bluepill
>Imagine copying this hard
Why don't you go back and stay there
You 'll get your upvotes and sleep well future wagie
>Projecting this hard
Concession accepted, go dilate
Heh, nothin personnel, finances
Literally every French king that ever existed.
every republican president
> TIL that we are actually in 1996.
I sure hope he's gonna turn it around in the coming decades.
>declared business losses
Jewish hollywood accounting. Return of the Jedi(1983) grossed $500 mil except the studio claimed it made no money on the movie. It's just accounting fuckery to avoid taxes.
Projected surplus based on the dot com bubble. Wasn't really his fault though. Signing the bill that created government backed sub prime mortgages was a much bigger fuck up.
>Jewish hollywood accounting.
False, he was actually almost 4 billion in debt but was bailed out by an investment banker who was working for Rotchilds: Wilbur Ross (who is current secretary of commerce) because "the Trump name is still very much an asset".
Trump is LITERALLY a Rotchild asset.
Anyone apologizing for any president is inexcusable. Clinton taxed more, didn't fix the underlying problem
Bad news, our current economic shithole is the product of Reagan.
Actually it was six million in debt.
careful what you read. it's cumulative losses. any time there's a loss, add it on, even if other businesses more than made up for it, or even the same business made up for it the next year. If it was negative, it gets thrown on the pile. Anything positive? not a loss. not counted.
makes you wonder if taking out a loan is considered a loss
This guy gets it.
>lincoln throws nation into deadliest war in its long and bloody history, solidifying power in the central government and New York banks, massively inflating currency, printing money to pay off its huge loans
>FDR institutes federally mandated ponzi scheme where you're thrown in prison if you don't participate, and also massively expands the government's powers of surveillance and subterfuge
>Obama doubles the national debt in his first term, in the meantime massively expanding the government's powers of surveillance and subterfuge
> "Lord Baelish, are you telling me the crown is three million in debt?"
> "No my Lord Stark, I'm telling you the crown is SIX million in debt"
>Lannister at least tripled that amount
>Daenerys burnt the tax base
Yeah, I'm still keeping the fat fuck as best king ever.
>let me explain why this billionaire tv star elected
us president the first time he ran for any office is actually a total fucking loser