Now that Jon and Missandei are out of the picture, will we get the BLACKED ending?

Now that Jon and Missandei are out of the picture, will we get the BLACKED ending?

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he ain't got no dick tho
where's the fun in that

The romance between him and Missandei was so retarded. How can a man without balls be attracted to anyone?

balls aren't the only part of the body that produces sexual hormones

do they really castrate them? what kind of idiot would castrate his soldiers? it would turn your men into feminine faggots. testosterone is extremely important for mens health, which is why it is given artificially to men who had to remove their testicles due to cancer.

more like DRACKED
but no, writers aren't base enough to show any kind of zoo

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agree with . they probably took the dicks, not the balls.

it was shown that he can still pleasure missandei

>caring about pleasuring your girl when you can't get off in the first place
peak cuck

No one.

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Why did you capitalize that word? Who is paying you to post here?

The ending is no one rules.


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are they setting the plot for a sequel with Arya?

What always bothered me about that fucker was his posture. Absolutely horrible.

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You think medieval slave owners knew about testosterone?

Probably. They had to see some correlation between cutting off balls and men devolving into weak ass mofos.

>Did i forget to mention the most important detail about this entire episode? our good boy gets a pat from Jon.

God I hate this faggot reddit shit.

Yeah you want a tough army like her brother bought. That worked out.

Dany finna get DRAGONED

Some men don’t have balls user, just like some women don’t have vaginas

I hope she get her tits out in the last episode, just for old times sake

user do you genuinely think the MENTAL state of loving someone is limited solely to the genitals?

How does someone pee without having balls?

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are you retarded?

In the book they took everything, made Unsullied less aggressive and more obedient
They also bought whores to cuddle, they were ultimate cucks

Pee is stored in the balls user. I understand this is difficult to comprehend with you having a mangina and all

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What's Bronn thinking right now?
Is he going to be Lord Bronn Stokeworth?

Please answer my question.

>Pee is stored in the balls user

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well chop your fucking nutsack off and see where the pee goes

It would just fucking run out if there’s nowhere to hold it.

>babby's first day on Yea Forums

> Hound doesn't get mentioned.

Probably because he's dead.

oh yeah the dothraki really hate slavery lol. They could at least have gone with one last conflict where the unsullied and horsefuckers fight get wiped out vs the westerosi

shansha needs hair transplants on her hair line ASAP.

> Bronn: Master of Coin

Welp, guess there's going to be another war soon.

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Slow down there buddy, pace yourself, it's only your first day. Try and get a feel for it.

I miss Fat Dany.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Bitch, you made me lul.