Plot Leak I got from a DM of someone who said they read the script (not drew mcweeny)

Plot Leak I got from a DM of someone who said they read the script (not drew mcweeny)
>"uhhhh Arthur Fleck (he's never called Joker in the movie) is caring for his mother while failing at being a comedian, throughout the movie things happen that cause him to get increasingly unstable and he has some sort of big plan to kill Thomas Wayne, he gets a following of people that think he's a hero which causes his own hero to invite him on a talkshow where he is apprehended by police, he tells Thomas Wayne that his actual plan was to make people believe he's a hero so that they would end up killing him (this plan is very contrived) which leads to Bruce's parents dying and him becoming Batman (though this is never shown and is just hinted at) and at the end the movie ends with him dancing on a large staircase, at the start of the movie they're just steps he had to climb as his commute, so it's symbolizing his change and how he know sees his hardships differently (or at least that's how I interpreted it)"
Sounds kino. Especially if it triggers drew mcweeny

Attached: f4dd9c8f-b4db-42d7-8a09-9ab140bdd8d4.sized-1000x1000.jpg (800x1000, 91K)

Also the black girl dying cause she refuses jokers love is in there too.

>and at the end the movie ends with him dancing on a large staircase
I love to singa!

Again let me reiterate that this will be very poorly received among the sóyim.

Unironically want to go to the theatre for the first time in years to see this but I have a feeling this movie will result in at least 1 shooting.

So getting caught was part of his plan?

>He literally murders black roasties
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys.

his actual plan was to make people believe he's a hero so that they would end up killing him (this plan is very contrived) which leads to Bruce's parents dying and him becoming Batman


Be the change you want to see in the world user

Well with people like you in the audience that probably won't be such a bad thing

Sounds awful but I never believed that this movie had a chance in the first place anyway.

pleb taste

this. sounds retarded

Plot and trailer are garbage, i do hope Joaquin goes above and beyond with the acting or whatever the fuck

Either one cinema shooting or some incel murders a girl that rejected him, inspired by the movie. One of these is 100% guaranteed.

>throughout the movie things happen


Attached: 5ike6ke68ke6.png (583x322, 30K)

for me it can be literally about joker going to grocery store. i don't give a shit. FINALLY A CAPE FLICK WITHOUT CRINGE OVERLOAD OF CGI, FLYING, MAGIC AND OTHER BULLSHIT

Am I the only one that has a problem with that faggot Tucker Max being even mentioned? Holy shit dont even compare him to Tyler Durden, this just shows how they are looking for shit to complain.

He has a great publicist, Ryan Holiday. He probably planted it. Read (steal) his book "Trust Me I'm Lying" to see the shit that guy gets up to.

sounds like his actual plan is to inspire people to become their own Joker and do his dirty work for him. if he plants this idea in the heads of the whole city, he doesnt have to kill Thomas Wayne, someone else will. he doesnt have to be the Joker that fights Batman for decades, thats someone else.

Why would a total nobody read the script ? (Which they admitted to changing on the fly during filming because of Phoenix Based performance)

You just literally described the trailer. Lol