>46 years old
Literally how? I thought wh*te women aged like milk.
46 years old
apple is a cute name
>7 limes
no, that's a lie spread by yellow fever incels to try and justify their choice of importing a thai ladyboy to "own the roasties xD"
She eats healthy and exercises regularly
She's also extremely wealthy
Also sage
the fuck is a clapback?
Have sex
>46 years old
Oh, it shows!
bix nood speak
>another clapback thread
no need to remind me, I've already done it for the day
>Gwyneth Paltrow
Does she stuff rocks in her daughter's vagina though? I mean, she clearly advocates other women to do it.
God I wish that were me
>wh*Te women age like milk
They do. It's all just makeup.
Clap what?
Trust me, once that makeup runs off, white women look all haggard.
americans respond to everything by clapping, but when the response is negative they clap with the back of their hands
How? I know 20-somethings who look like that or worse.
All these wanksta snitches, let the nina [9mm handgun] blow kisses
If she somehow misses, he gon' meet the mistress
And "Clap that boy" like Birdman and Clipse.
we should start doing that
This is the raw power of jade eggs inserted into the vagina on a daily basis
She's fucking crazy but I bet she's amazing in the sack. Bet she's sucked on RDJ's asshole a few times off set.
Amerimutts, please nuke yourself already.
this looks like one of those ringlights that helps soften complexion and hide imperfections. also i think we're all aware they took like 40 and chose the one where they both look good
Whats wrong with her eyes? Dont have kids late folks
Why does her daughter look like uma thurman?
I'd backclap her if you know what i mean. maybe even front
I bet she does so much Kegels, her pusy is like a hydraulic press
>tfw no control freak mommy goop
>tfw my waifus are all creating new waifus that are younger and better looking
What an age to be alive
cockblocking agent
I hope she teaches her daughter that!
Apple looks like an ayy lmao
>all the angry incel replies
>mom is a beautiful actress/model
>you're born with a lazy eye
the universe can be so fucked up. can't she use some of that iron-man money to get her daughter some eye surgery?
maybe you should get some glasses first hombre
Her dating life shows the same decline as her career
Brad Pitt>Ben Affleck>>>Chris Martin>>>>>>>>Brad Falchuk
You can get lazy eye surgery and look normal.
>eats healthy
>regular exercise
>doesn't drink to excess
>uses sunscreen
I dated a 40-something woman last year who was fucking loaded rich
she was a lake-brat and spent as much time as she could on the water in the sun, but she also would drink an entire bottle of wine in a single sitting and never exercised and barely ate
her skin was terrible and she looked like a used up empty bag, picture tara reid 2018 but with a better face
she wasn't a bad person but she would do all that stuff and wonder why she looked so terrible
it was nice having her take me on free vacations and her buying me expensive things though
Her daughter "crapple" is bogged as fuck.
ungrateful ass
I prefer the name banana myself
wtf do consumerist americans name their children after tech companies?
I'm not ungrateful, she was a genuinely good person
I tried getting her into healthier habits, eating better and light exercise and cutting back the wine but she wanted none of it
nice arrows but you can see the lazy eye from the thumbnail
that's just covering up the problem. once you take them off you can clearly see which eye doesn't work
At least she didn't fuck her kid up mentally to the point that it switched genders.
That's pretty good parenting by Hollywood standards.
you sure it's not just the angle of the picture? if it was actually a lazy eye they would have had it corrected by now
I had a lazy eye and had the surgery to fix it when I was 5
>He doesn't know what an apple really is
Citizen of Burgerland confirmed
for a fruit
No dudes, her daughter's eye balls are too far apart.
Who's the long hair dude?
what was the non-approved one
She's Jewish.
for a horse
>48 years old
Her foot game is strong m8s
jews aren't white and every chick that looks good old looked 10x better in their early twenties
>52 years old
Concentration camp level of strict diet, exercise, face lifting, injections, and makeup, lots of makeup. The kind of woman that dedicate an absurd amount of her waking life to not looking old.
she's not jewish
only her father had jewish origin not her mother
I can't take any article seriously if they use the word "clapback"
I know 25+ women who look older
for you
>46 years old
>looking like a 46 years old
Are you blind or joking, OP?
Using the word "clapback" should be punishable by drowning in a vat 2 week old bum piss.
Who told you our secret? You weren't supposed to know that this is known as the "Burger Whistle."
NAXALT logical fallacy right there.
So you know a bunch of hags, whats that to me.
lol! I'd give you gold if i wasnt broke haha
an apple is a fruit dumbass
hags are the norm now
Thanks stranger!
She should meet my boy Microsoft
by that I mean my penis
Why did you break up?
Also females can't be good people, that requires personality
faces down asses up
No problem gentle sir!
Now tell me what the fuck could you with 7 limes
For this post you will be dragged on the back of a car in a Western Australian desert.
fucking redditor ruining everything
how can you be this unfunny?
>35 hours in Paint