ITT: Pointless "heroic" sacrifices

ITT: Pointless "heroic" sacrifices.

They were already going to win, and Thanos didn't have the gauntlet anymore. Captain Mary Sue could've killed his whole army.

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You’re an idiot who didn’t understand a children’s movie

>no argument

but we needed to have a epic crowd scream reaction user!!

marvel was knocked out, if he hesitated any longer someone could have walked right up to him and ripped his arm off.

Yeah it was really forced. They shouldve cut Captain Marvel and actually shown the heroes struggling against the army. Oh no no YASSSS QUEENNS montage either

Or he could've flown off. Or the countless other heroes could've held Thanos down because without the gauntlet he's just a guy.

If only they had a way to reverse the damage done to Tony...

the doctor on stargate.
>send your highly trained surgeon doctor into the field during a massive (for stargate) ground battle.
>to save one low ranking guy, in an unsecured part of the battlefield
still shits me to this day.

>just a guy
One that could kill most of the avengers without the help of an infinity stone
>other heroes could've held Thanos down
Ignoring the giant ass army wreaking havoc? Why do you think it was mostly just heroes 1v1ing Thanos?


And this

They already killed Thanos though.... and he came back anyway and almost won again.

This was the right move.

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Not all of the heroes, obviously. 2 or 3 of them could've done it. And yes, he was just a muscular guy without the gauntlet.

Iron Man could've easily played keep-away with the gauntlet until Captain Marvel recovered in like 10 seconds.

Why didn't they used Banner's time machine on Cap at the end?

>In Islam raising the index finger signifies the Tawhīd (تَوْحِيد), which denotes the indivisible oneness of God. It is used to express the unity of God ("there is no god but Allah"). The gesture has recently become widespread among supporters of political Islam and jihad, particularly members of ISIL.

>In Arabic, the index or fore finger is called musabbiḥa (مُسَبِّحة), mostly used with the definite article: al-musabbiḥa (الْمُسَبِّحة). Sometimes also as-sabbāḥa (السَّبّاحة) is used. The Arabic verb سَبَّحَ - which shares the same root as the Arabic word for index finger - means to praise or glorify God by saying: "Subḥāna Allāh" (سُبْحانَ الله).

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>without the gauntlet he's just a guy
this "just a guy" could handled 1v3 against Thor, Captain, and Iron Man

He didn't want to do the film's anymore

Couldn't fly. Iron Man could.

Nice spoiler faget

I'm pretty sure OP understood it more than you, brainlet.

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Sandor, Gregor, Cersei, Jamie, Euron and Qyburn all die when Daenerys goes insane and burns King's Landing.

>Pointless "heroic" sacrifices.

Why wasn't his and banner's first 'wish' to be able to survive the stones power?

On the one hand, you aren't wrong. On the other hand I'm still crying over Frasiers death, and was so happy to see her front back for that one multi dimension episode. The big battle scene was cool though, even though the reason for it was really retarded.

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Here are multiple ways IM wouldn't have had to kill himself :

>Use Power Stone to melt Thanos like the Guardians did to Ronan
>Use Power Stone to destroy Thanos' army like he did to Thor's ship
>Use Space Stone to teleport Thanos' army into the vacuum of space (like they killed Maw)
>Use Reality Stone to turn Thanos' army into whatever to buy time to do whatever
>Use Time Stone to bring IM back like Thanos did to Vision

Long story short, IM had no reason to use all the stones at once killing himself in the process

Even if the actor wanted out there was lots of ways to bench him without killing the character off : Have him retire with his family like Hawkeye for instance.

This was a moments after Thanos tried to snap again. Also, Alot of people would have died if they dragged out the fight seeing as just Thanos can handle Iron Man, Captain America and Thor.

Guardians only survived using the power stone since Quill was a half celestial at the time.

What if he built a full Iron suit which gains the Stones' abilities?

>Quill was a half celestial at the time.
He still is a half celestial, he just doesnt have access to Ego's power now. It's not like killing his dad rewrote his DNA

>Survive using the stone

That's what the gauntlet is for. Which Tony had.

It was a spur of the moment in the middle of a warzone. And Thanks still had a lot of minions at that point who can either fly or have other means of taking the stones back. Including Ebony Maw who could have used his telekinesis to take the armored hand right off. It ain't easy thinking for alternates under that pressure and all it takes is for one of his minions to bring the stones to him. Hell Thanos even reacquiring one stone would be bad enough.

and how much time could Stark stall?
even after Thanos' mothership was obliterated by Carol, he still had his army

Probably a long time. Why are you so defensive of this movie?

>a long time
you want to let him kill whole avengers again?

you're the one making the thread, OP. this is what we called debate and discussion. you don't make a thread and expect nobody to reply to your stupid ass

RDJ wanted out and they need to reduce the number of white males in the MCU anyways

>starts thread topic
>anons discuss his topic
>w-why are you d-defensive! s-stop d-disagreeing with me!
The absolute state of him user. It's obvious he doesn't want discussion. He was hoping for a circlejerk telling him how smart he is

Oh good, you two found each other.

You're just so funny user. What's your next routine?

In English it means take the stones then fly upward

He had a gauntlet, a gauntlet that left the hulk with a severely damaged arm. Not *the* gauntlet

also isn't the newest iron man some black teenage girl

Who the fuck is Thanks

Typo for Thanos.

Did you see how badly Thanos fucked Tony up in the last movie? Dude wasn't going to risk getting another ass whupping like that again. Also, even if he'd tried to fly away, Thanos also had aerial combatants on his side who could take him down and tear his arm off to retrieve the stones. Best not to risk it

The Gauntlet gets damaged (and it bleeds into you) when you use all the stones at once.

Using each stone individually is safe, you can see Thanos do it multiple times in IW and the gauntlet (and thus the user) was fine everytime.

Because Cap decided that he was done being a superhero and wanted to go back to the 1940s, marry his wartime waifu, and live the life he never got to live.

Lol retards

It left Hulk hurt after he used the 5 stones to undo Thanos' snap, same happened to Thanos when he did the snap, but prior to that he was using the stones individually with the gloves easily

This is your next routine? Not as good as the first one but I appreciate the effort.

Not me, retard.

Why didn't it demolish him instantly when the stones went into his glove.

How did he instantly make a glove just by thinking about it? When previously it shows him carefully inserting the stones into the glove he made that hulk used.

Still not as funny. Maybe try something else.

Is this something that's worked for you in the past? Because it ain't working now.

Ah now that's new. At least you've evolved past just calling people retards. Still not funny though.

Actually I am just going to call you a retard from now on. Because that's what you deserve.


Jesuschrist this fucking asscancer. Can we have a GoT thread instead? It is less braindead than this shit.
Answer to every @ - time travel.

I see. So first you start a thread and get mad when people discuss the topic. Then when you get laughed at you call them retards. Is this the whole act?


How about another?

You're right user. If only we weren't so stupid and gay we might all be able to be as productive, handsome and charismatic as you. Please shower us with more wisdom, so one day our brains might become the big brain






Just read it that he killed himself as a final act of narcissism.

>Answer to every @ - time travel.
how are you so fucking braindead that you can't even understand the plot of a capeshit movie?

Nano machine is the new magic

In English it means "Pay attention to what I'm saying".

He could've powerhoused Thanos' army with the power stone alone. He didn't have to kermit.

As opposed to sending your top scientist, archaeologist and high ranking enemy defector on all the most dangerous missions?

Except Thanos got the gauntlet again and BTFO Captain Mary Sue at that point. There was no other choice.

He was one more fucking wh*te male that needed to be replaced with a woman or minority so he had to go.

Go time travel if you have problem with something.
>'Computer, invent time travel'
>excited manlet noises

>ITT: Pointless "heroic" sacrifices.

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In the movie they already establish time travel only works by going to alternate realities that are chronologically earlier than their reality. If you can't see the obvious reasons for this form of time travel not being the be all and end all solution to everything then you're dumber than the prepubescent target audience for this flick.

>have a magic wishing glove that kills you if you use it
>don’t wish that using it doesn’t kill you
What a stupid movie

>Get the stones away from Thanos
>All life itself is at stake
>This is a single, perfect moment to completely defeat Thanos and his minions that he may not get again
>And all life is at stake, remember

Too great a risk you, morons, and Strange made it pretty transparent that this was THE moment, not grabbing the stones and running

>ITT: Pointless "heroic" sacrifices.
>They were already going to win, and Thanos didn't have the gauntlet anymore. Captain Mary Sue could've killed his whole army.

>could've won
>would've taken who knows how much longer
>cost who knows how many lives
>let's just incinerate them in an instant
And that's why we nuked Japan

>same happened to Thanos when he did the snap
Actually Thanos seemed to be fine with the first snap. His gauntlet just looked damaged. He stated specifically in Endgame that destroying the stones is what nearly killed him.

I think it's fair to say that Stark's gauntlet was pretty shitty compared to the dwarven one.

>lol lets spare Visión
>Tony left a family behind
>BW offed herself

Fuck that synthezoid

I guess you missed the part where one was a space dwarf star gauntlet and the other is Stark tech. I know Tony makes some crazy stuff, but you're looking at nanomachines vs tech so advanced it might as well be magic

We have no reason to believe Tony's gauntlet would let him use the stones individually since no one does in the movie including Thanos

>How did he instantly make a glove just by thinking about it?
Same way he makes laser cannons, rocket boosters, and anything else.

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Reminder that once again the white man saved the day.

Except you're wrong, In Infinity War Thanos and Tony had parallel charactecter arcs and motives. One could say they passive agressively hate each other and Tony snapping was more of a final "fuck you" to Thanos being an arrogant fuck about his inevitability. You could also say Thanos 1v3ing the Avengers and equipping a battle sword instead of bombarding them from space feeds into my perspective. It was a pure power move, like Thor wanting to shove his axe into Thanos and watch him die in IW. Love these movies call me a cuck all yuo want.

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>Or he could've flown of
This is just retarded. They weren't winning, it was actually the opposite or more like a 50/50. Flying off with the gauntlet would only give thanos and his army a chance to chase after it. Remember the scene where capt mary sue tried to speed fly with the gauntlet and still loses it? They needed a one shot one kill solution to thanos and tony had a split second to decide. Kill all the army but lose one guy, it was rational and the only way that they'd win a 100%

We have no frame of reference for assuming he knew how to do any of that or that if he did it wouldnt result in the exact same fate due to his human limitations. Iron Man fucking dies, he's been in like 100 movies, are you just being argumentative for the sake of it?

I get that they wanted the sacrifice. But 5 years is too much of a jump, the world would be fucked if half the population was gone, then suddenly 5 years later the pop doubled.
And are all of Peter Parkers classmates in college now?

Iron Man should have snapped, bringing the world back to how it was just before Infinity Wars, he dies in the process. Cut to the funeral with a preggo Pepper Pots.

>And are all of Peter Parkers classmates in college now?
Since they didn't look any older, I guess we have to assume they all got dusted along with him.

In the comic they snap to 2 or 3 days before Thanos snaps, im sure the writers at least considered it but they seem to have wanted to kill off Black Widow and Gamora which wouldnt happen if they did it like that.

>t. the Devil
yo, you're a huge prick. anyone ever tell you that?

all Peter Parker's classmates got snapped too, that's easy as fuck to solve if they need them for the plot, after he snapped half of the universe population not half of peter's friends

>wanda, dr strange, carol denvers
tell me that they cannot beat thanos 3v1 without gauntlet and explain how

i really hate capeshit bruv, but don't be retarded, if every movie followed the best logic it would be boring as fuck, imagine all those "heroic" scenes transformed into a cheese fest where the "heroes" kite the enemies for half an hour until they win and then it's over.

Why didn't they just get Captain Marvel or Hulk when he's fully recovered to use the gauntlet and bring Tony back to life?

based and mashallapilled

They're saving that for the next Ironman movie.

>Captain Mary Sue could've killed his whole army.
You assume.
It was a risk he could have gotten the stones back.

or "one chance"

>movie OPenS with the Avengers thinking up the most logical risk free take down of Thanos
>they fucking kill him instantly
>this subconciously throws the audience off guard as there is always some plot related reason for why the heroes wouldnt just end the plot of the film
>fucking idiots on Yea Forums still try to pick apart every scene with the end goal of... making the plot not exist?

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You can't undo the toll the stones take on the person using it
Besides if some other person tries stuff like it might kill them too

Doctor Strange makes it explicitly clear that this is the one scenario in which they win. He holds back the information because if he tells Tony too early he'll try to figure out a way around it, which isn't the scenario in which they win. Tony makes the sacrifice at the crucial moment.

You fuckers are so dense.

no, that's "ironheart". tony is still around but the current writers are shit.

If not even Hulk healed day/s after he used it, I doubt anyone can tank it. Not even peak Thor or Captain Marvel.

>We have no reason to believe Tony's gauntlet would let him use the stones individually since no one does in the movie including Thanos

punches brie with power stone after she tanks his other attacks

>They shouldve cut Captain Marvel

Avengers Endgame De-Feminized Fanedit aka Anti-Cheese-Cut aka Straight White Male Edition
Changes in no particular order:
- Absolutely no Brie Larson, neither in the beginning nor in the finale. Hence Anti-Cheese. (Get it?)
- Most quips edited out to give more consistent serious tone, e.g. Fortnite, Dab, America's ass, empty gauntlet snap etc.
- Stan Lee themed Marvel intro from Captain Marvel. This should obviously have been the movie to have it in the first place.
- No Hawkeye training his daughter. Young women should learn skills to become good wives and mothers and leave the fighting to men.
- No women leader conference, no gay support group talk, ...
- Moping/Dialogue/Filler in first act severely reduced, time travel happens after 30 minutes.
- Any science babble that isn't necessary to understand the story is gone. Nothing takes you out of a movie quite like pseudo-science.
- Tony doesn't ask his wife's permission to save the universe.
- Female sorceress gets scared of Hulk and just gives him the stone. No Nebula-Wifi. She gets kidnapped and they read her memory. Tony doesn't meet his dad, Thor doesn't meet his mom, it's pointless.
- No Thor being told he can't wield the gauntlet. Hulk just says he will do it. Thor's whining reduced. Sadly he's unsalvageable in general, but I did the best to make him more dignified.
- Black Panther isn't the first revived Avenger to arrive and gets a bit less time, he's really not that important. No Wakanda apechant.
- Women in final battle severely reduced. They should be at home taking care of their kids. In particular Pepper has no business being there. Does she want her daughter to become an orphan? Wanda's final battle scene is gone. Made everyone else look useless. No Quill getting kicked in his balls for no reason. No Tony dying in Pepper's arms (she isn't there)
- Valkyrie barely in it, doesn't become queen.
- Less kitchen psychology, e.g. "she knows. they all do.".

Dr Strange already told you, this was the one possible timeline where everything resulted in Tony Stark, alive and standing there with all the stones. Each and every other one of those 14 million timelines he saw, it didn't happen. Any attempt to give the gauntlet to someone else would have meant they missed their one moment.

I don't understand why nobody used the time stone to revert Iron Man's death.
Doctor Strange is the true douche here since he died and came back to life a million times. He could've managed.

I dont really know how to explain this to people, and frankly explaining it just points out how stupid it is. This stuff happens in Avengers comics, Carol is literally "the feminist girl" or the dyke, so them adapting the material isnt wrong, her mannerisms and behavior is exactly how she is in the comics. The directions this takes in the comics will probably end up in the movies too, like Carol causes everything that goes wrong usually, she becomes a bit of a psycopath and alcoholic.


In the Doctor Strange movie you're not supposed to use the time stone under any circumstances and Doctor Strange learns about death and life through the ancient one, accepting it as a natural part of the cycle.

Carol being an alcoholic is literally the only thing interesting about her, and they will NEVER put that shit in her movies

Fags didn't watch the movie. He was already dead when he took the stones. Snapping was preferable to more death and destruction at the hands of Thanos and his army. Iron Man went out on his own terms.

They might when they realize its that or a completely boring waste of time.

you mean "new carol", not the swimsuit wearing alcoholic carol?

Not exactly, once she took the name "warbird" which was over a decade ago she started acting like a bitch. She was only a sweetheart as Ms Marvel, but even then.

You're fucking retarded. Thanos just beat Marvel's ass, and he was literally about to snap again. It was do or die time, and Iron Man acted, unlike your pussy ass who would have cried AAAAAA CAPTAIN MARVEL SAVE ME.

yeah, yhis was beyond retarded.
He could have defeated Thanos using just a couple of stones.
anyway, good ending for a movie made for little kids.

Personally id be searching the battlefield for Lizzie or Gamora to step on my balls

Are you blind? Thanos removed it from the gauntlet before using it

Lmao niggers

Reminder that James Cameron won.

Looks like your best just wasn't good enough, capeshit kiddies. LOL.
Don't worry, at least you managed to match Cameron's second-best, LOL

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they could have defeated Thanos at the start of the battle but chose to run around stupidly with the gauntlet so the movie would appear to have suspense.


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I dont really know how to explain this to you
Carol has been nobody during >40 years, only remembered because his son raped her and because Rogue, her character is irrelevant, and her comics are in cancellation numbers after the first couples of issues always
Captain marvel sold 30k comics in March nº 50 according to comichron, the month that Disney releaed the movie and 27k in April > 67
The movie sold because Feigue and Disney but the character is shit.

>they were already going to win.

No they weren't you mong thanos had all the infinity stones with the nano gauntlet and said he was going to reduce the planet to atoms.

>thanos had all the infinity stones with the nano gauntlet
then what did Stark use to dust Thano's army you mong?

If you read Avengers by Busiek-Hickman Carol pops up on a fairly consistent basis over the years. You only remember her from some silver age annual? The fuck?

A million times this

If they wanted Supes to die, just have Batman and Wonder Woman be far far away helping some civilians while Superman keeps on fighting until he dies of being beaten too many times

That or have Batman kill Superman and Justice League is Batman's true redemption arc

Besides bringing everyone back, couldn't he have wished, with the stones of INFINITE POWER AND WISHES, to not die when using said stones?

>Why didnt Tony just-

He couldnt do fucking anything, at least not for very long. He was holding all Infinity Stones without even a proper gauntlet, there is no way he would have been able to escape or fight. It was end it there or lose the stones again.

How come wiping out one messily army killed Tony, but wiping out/bring back HALF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE barely scratched Thanos and Hulk?

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>He couldnt do fucking anything
>While holding the stones of OMNIPOTENCE
Naw, on the contrary, he could have done ANYTHING. It was the movie writers fault they had no imagination

fuck off sand nigger

Kek, get a load of this faggot. They already shat all over that idea in that one movie alone. Face it nigger, Marlel did exactly what they routinely do in the comics. Congrats, welcome in the world of zero tension, no stakes, infinite retcons and reboots.

cope more satan

You're retarded. I would answer this but I won't even dignify this with a response. I mean shit your reaction image says it all, probably a spic.

so not even you can explain the shit writing then? gotcha

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dude was dying even before he snapped his fingers you dumb fuck

What was pointless was RDJ was supposed to say nothing but had to go out with a one liner.

>explicitly shows Captain Marvel getting BTFO, Thanos regaining control of the gauntlet, and Doctor Strange warning Tony there was only 1 thing he could do
>pointless sacrifice
I can't imagine not comprehending this scene

It's so easy to understand that even letting a spic like you know would be an embarrassment. Use some brain cells buddy.

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>he still doesn't understand a flick for children


>Can wish to bring back a quadrillion people from death
>Cant wish to be strong enough not to die

Dude fuck you why would you not use a spoiler image? I have tickets tonight for me and my girl and her son and now it's ruined.


Are you fucking stupid or do you not see the amount of meat in Hulk's right arm comprises Tony's entire body? This is probably what the other poster meant by your post doesnt dignify a response, and you are probably a spic based on your shitpost replies.

You're correct, Hulk took a bit of damage using the gauntlet, but that is entirely avoiding the question: why did Tony die from dusting like 1,000 people when Hulk/Thanos using the gauntlet on the entirety of the UNIVERSE did fuckall to them?

because theyre bigger and stronger, any attempt on your part to dig deeper into this issue is literal autism. The answer to this question has no relevance to literally anything, just nerdy bullshit for children to gush over and now adults I guess. Plus, nothing anyone says is going to change your mind, you just want to feel clever and already have your opinion set here, I gotta agree with

Hulk has a very strong healing factor and his arm is still fucked up from using the stones, why on earth would anyone else even bother trying?

top quality cringe

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Also I'm not sure if you are even more retarded than originally thought, but when thanos snapped the second time to get rid of the stones his arm was seriously burned along with the side of his body. It's why he didn't fight back in the beginning of end game.

Shitskins man, can't understand anything.

Hulk legit says in the movie that the stones give off some gamma radiation, the thing that made hulk in the first place. Some of you guys scoff at these movies and act like you should just turn your brain off then ask dumbass questions like that. It was a good end to the hulk/Banner's arcs because the main reason they called in Bruce in the first Avengers was because the teseract gave off gamma radiation and they needed an expert to track it down. Fast forward to Endgame and he's the one who has to bring everyone back because of that same reason.

that is completely different from the question I am asking. Destroying the infinity stones would and should cause series damage to the user, but we're not talking about destroying infinity stones, we're talking about dusting. When Thanos dusts half the universe, he fries the infinity gauntlet. When Hulk brings back half the universe, he fries his arm (considering this is a manmade gauntlet and not a dwarven-star-forged-magic gauntlet, I give this a pass). Tony by comparison, using microscopic amount of the power of the stones, is killed. Does not add up to me.

Sure, it put a nice little bow on top of Bruce's arc. But Tony tapped into such a tiny power of the stones compared to Hulk, yet one lives and one dies?

lol, the infinity stones are pure magic, they exact a toll on the wielder unless you have the tools to use it, and even then the gauntlet is one use one. Tonys gauntlet was shit compared to the dwarven one, if tony had one from the dwarves nothing would've happened to him.

It's simple tho, Hulk absorbed some of the radiation and his healing factor helped him keep his life. Tony has neither of those things so he was dead as fuck from the get go, he even visibly struggles just to say three words so why some idiot here said he should have flown away has me scratching my head

By your logic the toll is not consistent in the slightest.

Tony only struggles after the stones "connect" into his suite giving him power of the stones. We know from Hulk's gauntlet that the nano technology has the capacity to house the stones. Why didn't Tony just have the nano technology construct a container (like the one in GotG that contains the Power stone) to safely conceal the stones then fly off?

Makes perfect sense, dusting half the universe destroys the gauntlet, without the gauntlet the user dies. Undoing the magic that caused this has the same effects because you are reversing the dusting, and without the gauntlet, again, the user dies.

> In every other non-crazy culture it references the number 1.

> magic
ah OK

>destroys the gauntlet
which gauntlet are you referring to? It can't be Thano's gauntlet because we know for a fact he uses it again to destroy the stones.

And it's not Tony's gauntlet because Thanos wields it and trys using it before its revealed Tony stole the stones. And there is no reason to believe Tony's suite isn't made from the same exact technology as the gauntlet, or at the very least use the nanos to make a replication.

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>Undoing the magic that caused this has the same effects because you are reversing the dusting, and without the gauntlet, again, the user dies.
another confusing point you made, Tony does not reverse the dusting, Hulk did. I have no idea what point you are trying to make because everything you said was wrong.

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If you believe that Tony can make an exact replica of the gauntlet that thanos used then you truly are fucking retarded lol.

Also the second time thanos uses the gauntlet it's already broken you fucking shitskin retard. The first time he used it the gauntlet literally absorbed all it could from the snap, the second time he used it was to ensure he won even though the gauntlet could not withstand anymore energy.


My bad, but tony still did the same thing as thanos but to his army, and it had the same effect.

Again you are retarded.

>If you believe that Tony can make an exact replica of the gauntlet that thanos used then you truly are fucking retarded lol.
I was refering to Tony's nano "gauntlet" when he binds the stones to his suite. Meaning Tony's suit makes a replica of the same gauntlet Hulk wielded.

>Also the second time thanos uses the gauntlet it's already broken
Then how did he break the stones?? Yeah, the gauntlet gets fucked a little bit from the initial dusting, but it doesn't completely get destroyed (and fused to his hand) until AFTER he destroys the stones

>but tony still did the same thing as thanos but to his army3
It's not the same thing though. That is like saying if I squashed an ant, I killed as many people as Hitler. It's barely comparable the kind of power Thanos/Hulk had to tap into to do their snap compared to Tony.

For someone who is so willingly to defend this shit movie, you seemed to have fallen asleep through most of it and missed a LOT of the major plot details. That's probably why you enjoyed it.

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>why didn't he just snap doomsday's neck? it worked last time

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Damn man, you really didn't understand the movie did you. Hulk is a healing factor beast, he could barely withstand the snap without fucking up half of his body, and that's with tony's tech, why do you think a human can survive it? Answer this question shitskin.

Thanos breaks the stones because the gauntlet can steal wield the stones, it's just literally shattered and broken and can no long absorb the second snap. Thanos knew this and didn't care as long as the heroes couldn't undo what he did.

>>but tony still did the same thing as thanos but to his army3

lol, it literally does not matter how many people is killed, or how many is brought back, what matters is the intent, the stones grant the wish through the use of the gauntlet, the end result is the same. Death to the user unless you have the infinity gauntlet.

Jesus shitskins are so dumb kek.

holy shit, how many times are you going to contradict yourself?

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Thanos used the gauntlet twice, but the second time it was broken, you can literally see it in the beginning of end game and the end of infinity war after the snap. Again, shitskin, you can't even understand a childrens movie. I'm embarrassed for you lol.

>Thanos used the gauntlet twice, but the second time it was broken

Again shitskin, he could still physically perform the snap with the gauntlet being broken, it still had the form needed in order to use the stones, just like tony did, but the infinity gauntlet literally breaks after the first snap and cannot absorb the second snap, but can be used again. Thanos and hulk don't die but take very similar damage to their bodies, Tony dies.

Sorry you needed to think so hard shitskin. This is literally a childrens movie afterall.

>cannot absorb the second snap
then how the fuck is Thanos still alive after destroying six of the MOST POWERFUL ARTIFACTS IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE if his gauntlet that absorbs their power is BROKEN. I am completely dumbfounded by your sense of logic. You're an embarrassment to this board and to the human race.

Because it doesn't matter the outcome, all that matters is the intent of projecting your will through the stones. Like I already said shitskin, it doesn't matter how big or small the outcome is, what matters is the wish. The gauntlet can still be used, but since it breaks cannot absorb the damage to the user the second time.

I'll keep repeating it if you need shitskin, just let me know if you mud brain needs any help.

I don't remember it being broken

Look at the gauntlet after he uses it at the end of infinity war, and then at the beginning of endgame.

Protip: it's on his hand kek.

You compeletly ignored my point. If I were to destroy an infinity stone, without any protection (as you are claiming) I would expect to die, or at the very least, maimed beyond recognition. Thanos destroys SIX infinity stones without protection (as you claim) and he's just a little burned?? are you fucking dense??

Dr. Strange literally tells him there's one chance you fucking tards.

>a little burned

Also how would you destroy the stone and remove it from a timeline like thanos did without using the infinity gauntlet? I don't get it shitskin, are you ok?

Yeah, Wonder Woman could have done that. There was no reason for Superman to carry something poisons him.

>you can't go back in time, time doesn't work like that
except that time when dr. strange and thanos used the time stone.

I'm not the one claiming the gauntlet was broken retard

It was, it's literally on screen for pea brained shitskins like yourself. Pay attention to the film and think real hard next time so you can follow a childrens film lmfao.

Boo hoo. Have common sense next time and stay off the internet. Especially when the movie's been out for close to a month and especially when you're on a site like this one.

>>'Computer, invent time travel'
>>excited manlet noises

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Even against one of the weakest versions of the hulk, she couldn't hurt him and got 1 hit to. She is no where near as tough as she is in the movies. Thor and hulk are so far above her that making her stronger than both combined is outright pandering.

Attached: 4267701-avengers (2012-) 039-019.jpg (1988x3056, 2.08M)

Fags like you always forget that Avatar was in theaters twice.

>black dude throwing a dildo

>Computer, try inventing timetravel with an inverted mobius strip

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One out of 14 million
Hardly exhaustive

broken means it doesnt work you dumbass. A car can have a few dents in it but that doesn't make it broken. The gauntlet was banged up but that doesn't make it broken.

What is the gauntlet's function? To protect the user from dying when using the stones. What happens when the gauntlet can no longer do that? Oh yeah, it's broken. Nice analogy spic.

fucking kek

but Thanos is still alive after using it so by your logic it did serve its function making it not broken

Let me rephrase that then, the function of the gauntlet is to protect the user from death from using the stones, normal beings die from not using the gauntlet, hulk used it with tonys gauntlet and almost literally died, thanos used it with a broken gauntlet and got the same damage hulk did. Thanos beat the shit out of the hulk, thus, thanos is stronger than the hulk.

Sorry shitskin do you need more help?

define "normal" in the marvel universe though? you argue from such a position of bad faith.

Normal as in humans, not people with wolverine level healing factors like hulk, and not titans like thanos.

Normal like tony.

Fucking kek man.

Be that as it may, the entirety of your argument fails to fill in the holes left by the plot and mostly derives of you calling me a "shitskin." I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

Attached: may god have mercy on your soul.jpg (1270x720, 67K)

This entire Thanos arc was full of forced sacrifices with forced "deaths"
It's like these people are now banished from the living realm for being as selfless as they were.

You literally have no argument. You have been blown the fuck out at every turn. You have not made one coherent post this entire time that could not of been answered by a 10 year old who was paying attention.

Shitskins are so dumb man, it's really sad.

fucking ur mum m9

yeah and buncheck of heroes could die in the meantime, Tony is a hero he saved them all nigga

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I just watched this, it was a nice farewell. Feels weird man. I just feel empty inside.

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Weapons-grade autism, borderline functional

Cameron is a hack.

You can't fault Stark for snapping to kill thanos and his army, if only to stop more of his friends and innocents dying to kill them in combat.

what's retarded is that they couldn't just use the stones to bring Tony back to life. Hulk survived using the stones to bring the entire universe back to life. One Tony Stark should be no problem. We have no explanation for this either, we know why Black Widow and Gamorra can't be brought back but they completely gloss over why Tony has to stay dead