Ha ha watch sad horse show please ignore the left propaganda it's just comedy ha ha

ha ha watch sad horse show please ignore the left propaganda it's just comedy ha ha

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based and basedpilled

Ugh im not like other girls I watch BOBS BURGERS!!! And HORSE!!! And THE OFFICE!!!

The asexual stuff was confusing. "some asexuals like to have sex" what?

I guess they still like it as a thing to do and the coming

Depicting people as hypocritical shitheads who can't make their lives work in spite of all the money and opportunity in the world isn't what i would call propaganda user.
Are you one of those stupid people that think any depiction of something is an endorsement?

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Some gay men like sticking their dicks in vaginas, but don’t actually like women. Same applies to asexuals. At least I think so

>the worst person on the show is also a feminist
oh no,we cant let the children see this propaganda
they might start associating feminism with bad behaviour

The show does an unironic spiel about manspreading.

Nice save buddy.

Have sex

I love Diane's long neck

Have you ever seen anyone talk about it? Everyone who watches this show relates to it you dumb fuck.

It's not "propaganda" it's just a bad show made by freaks with insane personal politics

The repeated downward tones and conjunction fragments make this show unwatchable for me
>we already had a conversation about my drinking
>and my drug abuse
>and my behavior while drunk
>and my behavior while high
>and my behavior while sober
This happens so frequently that I start to get vertigo

>left propaganda
Are you retarded?

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first 2 seasons were pure kino and then for some reason the show got.. serious
imagine a comedy about anthropomorphic animals in hollywoo(d) taking itself seriously
Dropped it after season 3

I'm pretty sure I watched all of this show last year sometime but I remember next to nothing about it. I don't even think I could describe the plot of a single episode without just reducing it to
>horse man sad

I stopped watching after the second season. I realized it wasn't going to get any better and that a cartoon about a depressed talking horse is actually super fucking gay.

Props to them for using No Love during that drug trip sequence though. That was neat.

Have Sneed

Wow almost like they are mentally ill attention whores.

This gay dude who used to pay me for sex once suggested I meet this butch/fem lesbian couple that wanted to try a swap with us. I said I wasn't interested because I really didn't want to do my gay for pay stuff in front of a woman, regardless of her sexuality. I kinda wish I had though, since having consensual sex with a lesbian without having to pay her would have maybe restore some of the masculinity I lost be letting a dude blow me.

For these people gay people being onscreen is leftist propaganda.
So imagine what happens when a character says one liberal line: it's like being in a Soviet brainwashing facility.
With one jab at the president they hear the horns of the apocalypse, as Western Civilization collapses.
There's a video by Charls Carrol talking about The Orville: according to him that show is enough of a proof that the gates of hell are opening, and that they're promoting sex with children.
I'm not exaggerating.
These people live in a world where the forces of Evil (=left) are constantly trying to bite everyone's brain, and proof is everywhere.

Seek therapy. And also have sex.

I fucking hate women, but I like sticking my dick in them, does that mean I'm gay?

oh noes, le sad horse :(((