Esquire, back at it again with the last news from Hollywood
Esquire, back at it again with the last news from Hollywood
> people exist who actually hold these and similar opinions
Glad I'm not a redditor lol.
It's not the first time
Jonah Hill Bleached Hair in Los Angeles - Jonah Hill ... - Esquire
Jonah Hill's New Pink Hair Is So Perfectly 'Jonah Hill' - Esquire
IS that a compliment or a critic?
Criticism. I mean, it looks ugly as fuck, as does his beard.
I thought Jonah was a good boy
Whats Jonah's new hobby this week?
About 12 years or so ago, in an attempt to revitalize the flagging industry, all the "men's magazines" were completely flooded with women writers and editors. Esquire, GQ, Men's Health, Playboy. Suddenly, they're not good anymore. Suddenly, they're about confronting your toxic masculinity, about calling out friends for offensive jokes, about letting your girlfriend peg your asshole. They're all about racism and sexism and being a woke bugperson. GQ has absolutely nothing worthwhile about fashion anymore, it's just native advertisements for streetwear in between articles about how doo-rags are empowering for black people
Go pick up a mag if you don't believe me
In my opinion, they are complimenting his bravery with his different styles, although it could be someways sarcastic
Check the full article. It goes deep
It def checks with some of my more libtard friends
They have started to criticize others for their thoughts or even jokes... It's not funny anymore. It's like hanging out with sjw lords from Twitter
Existential despairing
Does that tubby fuck still do Jiu jitsu? I’d love to fucking spar with him. I’d go super easy to give me some confidence, then I’d start toying with him, he’d start getting frustrated after he slowly starts realizing he can’t submit me, then once I break his spirit a bit I go full on 100% competitive mode on him, digging my elbows into his knees, jamming my knees into his ass, aggressively grabbing the gi around his neck almost punching him in the face, I’d sweep him and get in full mount and then just lay on top of him and watch as he struggles to sweep me off him. As soon as I got him in a hold, whether it be a triangle or arm bar I wouldn’t surrender to his tap, I’d pretend I didn’t feel his tap until he’s either blacked out on the ground or has his elbow fucked up from being hyper extended. See what that fat fuck is really made of. He’d probably never do jiu jitsu again after that
>all the "men's magazines" were completely flooded with women writers and editors.
It's because men require an actual salary but women with rich boyfriends/husbands will do this shit basically for free
This happened to me long before SJWs were a thing, it's called growing up. Superbad was partly about this. You don't want to be that guy still clinging on to how things were when you were tasteless little boys.
>women with rich boyfriends/husbands
You live in a fantasy world, Pavel.
Is sleazecore back on the menu?
Looks like a Stephen Baldwin hairdo. Jonah should buy a mirror.
Based. They should troll him until he shoots up a studio or something.
That sounds pretty gay or female.
Someone post the pasta for this picture please
You sound like a woman 2bh
jonah's perpetual midlife crisis matches on
This. Unironically.
Did you cum?
That's kind of gay tbqh
So much this wtf!!!!
I used to love reading GQ, Esquire etc - even though they always made me feel like a bum for not being a millionaire. They truly were glossy lad mags, but they had fun/interesting writing and good interviews.
In the last like 8-9 years they've turned to absolute shit, and editorials with models or actresses are like not even allowed anymore because it's "sexist".
Fuck feminism and SJW culture, they really have to ruin everything.
ok tranny
>normie paper tries to credit /fa/s sleaze core as something the """fashion god"" Jonah Hill came up with
Oh nononono its not fair bros!!!
It's called having fun in an environment where your friends don't judge you, and you can enjoy yourself by crossing the limits a little
It's a fantastic feeling, exactly the opposite of going out and being "called out" for saying something "inappropriate" about some supposed minority that's not even there, basically a byproduct of old media political manipulation tactics, brought to real life by unemployed art and media majors with too much time and zero relevance
why does Jonah do it, does he think it makes his fat ass look less privileged child ,and more street punk?
is it bad that i think he looks alright? this style wouldnt work for me but he pulls it off. would drink cheap Whiskey with him.
I literally could not give a fuck. What a shit publication.
>sleaze never changes
the words "gay," "retard," "faggot," and "nigger" contain immense esoteric power. Shutting yourself off from them makes you spiritually and physically weak
and in reality you're the one that comes off as a humourless cunt that makes everyone else feel awkward and suddenly don't find yourself invited to anything
I genuinely wonder who this guy is and what's his story.
This triggers the menchildren.
I don't understand what it is about him that makes him so dynamic and synergistic
>don't find yourself invited to anything
Y-yes. Unlike me. Haha.
It's called cocain. Give it a try some time, kid.
GQ in particular went to shit overnight
i noticed the foreign editions have women on the cover and only the US edition has men
is it still the russians?
Calm it down Joe.
It's clearly a sucker or something like that, you can see the bulge in his cheek. That's not his jawline unless he's an inbred. Also the car being on is meaningless.
>pick up any modern magazine
>AD AD AD Table of contents AD AD AD Editorial crushed between a giant picture and another fucking ad
this is bad
it reads like an alt-right teenager's facebook group
/fa on suicide watch
That looks like Vince Offer, the Shamwow guy.
When I grow up I want to be that guy
wtf is "the sleaze"?
>Hill was born Jonah Feldstein; now you know
Damn Esquire really tearing into him