Scene that only boomers understand.
I am 29 years old,do i qualify as boomer?
Yes, my user. Tell me about your pure relationship with nature.
I like to go out for nightwalks a lot
That's some Drive level of faggoty shit. I changed my mind you not a boomer you just old gay edgy cunt muh doomer
I like to look at pigeons. They always look so chill around whole city rush and mess.
Why is that edgy? I just like to be outside when its really quiet.
I also follow hedgehogs on my walks
Thats cool user, i often see hedgehogs on my nightwalks. I once even saw a Fox.
Kill yourself faggot
Nothing lasts forever. Eventually it all falls away.
Every gen z faggot should be executed
Now that's edgy as fuck
miss me with that gay shit
based. Walking trails is fucking comfy
>miss me with
you have terminal faggotry
Again,why is that edgy? I live in a small town its very wonderful late at night being all quiet,especially in summer, I never have seeing anything more beautiful.
14/88 brother
Dude just stop you trying too hard, you baiting me?
So enjyoing anything at all is edgy? Whos edgy here?
this version of that The Wire copypasta
>I'm watching the 1st episode of The Sopranos and I just got done watching the scene where Tony realizes why he's so upset about the ducks. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was talking about the ducks, he was really referring to HIS FAMILY being the ducks! What an amazing metaphor!
>It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this. It was nice that they had him explain the metaphor explicitly, I had a hard time drawing the comparison on my own. Great writing!
>Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Sopranos is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
>Also the acting is amazing. James Gandolfini does a great job with his Brooklyn accent. It must have been hard seeing as how he's from New Jersey!
why the preamble? why the arrows?
Did she slash her own tires?