"Homer Badman" is the most unrealistic episode of Simpsons ever. As if the media has ever cared about how women get harassed or groped.
>Yesterday I got street harassed five times on the way to work, and twice on the way back
>I've been inappropriately groped by too many strangers to keep count
"Homer Badman" is the most unrealistic episode of Simpsons ever...
Other urls found in this thread:
homer sneedman
Based and feed-pilled
came here to post this
>only a episode
Stopped reading
>>Yesterday I got street harassed five times on the way to work, and twice on the way back
>>I've been inappropriately groped by too many strangers to keep count
That's pretty racist
When I travel around the coasts, both east and west, women bitch at me quite often for referring to them as ma'am and holding doors and whatnot. I wonder what the middle ground should be.
Me too fellow sneedhead
I fart rape ugly fatties on the tube all the time
what the fuck is wrong with americans
you read these articles and they all make it sound like a land full of rapists and psychos
Learn to be more tolerant of minority cultures you white bitch. You're the ones who chose to import them.
It's not all this bad. It mostly just depends on how... "diverse" the area you live in is.
No they do not. I live in Washington DC and constantly hold doors and address people properly. I get nothing but thank yous and warm smiles.
Wait, you are probably just ugly.
only help older women
>live in DC
you poor bastard, I go there for business frequently and that place is like Chicago 2.0 with how many fucking niggers are there now
woman claims to walk for 10 hours in new york city
>in Maryland working on a project
>site HR manager interrupts the meeting to bitch
>Mr user, I must raise the issue of your behavior on site
>What would that be Miss HR Lady?
>your pattern of behavior toward female staff is sexist and not appropriate for a professional environment of equals
>*drawl kicks up to eleven* I sincerely apologize for any misunderstandings, ma'am, but I have no knowledge of any pattern or examples of behavior that are either inappropriate or unprofessional
>good ol' boy from Auburn is shaking, trying not to crack up
Washington DC sucks, though. My condolences. I can't walk thirty feet in that shithole without a nigger asking me for money.
>this situation has never occurred
Except this exact situation has occurred, rendering her argument invalid.
These but unironically
formerly sane
Women consider saying hello harassment
My main mode of transportation is walking through the city. I have literally, literally, never, ever heard a stranger cat call a woman. Ever. These SJW writers are always like "on my way to work yesterday, I was harassed five times" and I am just absolutely sure this is total bullshit. It doesn't happen. They lie about this shit to, one, make themselves feel better about their looks but, two, while manufacturing a cause to fight for because they have no real values.
If you look up the women who write these articles they're almost always fat and ugly. They're just writing their own fantasies and trying to convince people that they're desirable.
Holy shit! She must be totally hot!
>10 hours of walking
>600 minutes
>Less than 2 minutes of video
>Less than 0.3%
>Most of that two minutes is just guys being perfectly polite
>"OMG the struggle of being a woman"
Jesus fucking Christ
>I got raped 50 times yesterday
>no one did a damn thing
>what? no I don't tell the police why should I?
The grad student clearly went to the uni and told on Homer. It's not like society just started defending her for no reason.
Reminder that this episode was dond exclusively to change the public opinion regarding the rape accusations of the democrat Bill Clinton.
It was unintended redpilled. The actual intention was to bluepill the viewers about Bill Clinton.
They qould never release an episode like these days. In fact, I dont watch the show anymore, but I bet many other eps gave the opposite lesson as in believe without evidence
Reminder that this episode was made in defense of then President Bill Clinton
Mah African American Acquaintance
Reminder this episode was made to defend Chuck
How is it comparable? Bill got his dick sucked, he wasn't trying to eat candy
There were many rape accusations. The monica incident was just infidelity that gone out of control
Instead of just walking, she should have been walking down the street with her box in her hand and bringing the music of the Wu-Tang Clan. So that when all the street harassers heard Ironman on her radio rapping, their feet would start dancing and their hands clapping. I mean, I'm not even from New York and I know how things work there...
Some count a quick glance at them as harassment as they are people who are perpetualy looking to be offended.
Then others make videos about how they actually get harassed on the streets and put them online...only to quicly pull them when people start to point out that not one of the offenders is white. Can't have that, can we?
Then, to top it off, they will later write "articles" about how they miss being cat-called when nobody does it to them anymore.
Enjoy the clownworld.
enjoy the sneedworld
Cringe, all of you die
I hate Sneed and Chuck so fucking much
came here to sneed but I see the thread was thoroughly seeded already and fed already well done boys
Formerly Homer Goodboy
Formerly love so feeding much
Did you like it a little bit? Not every time, but I bet if the guy is hot enough and your feeling good, bet it feels really nice.
most men will never have a stranger compliment them. In their entire lives. Would you prefer that?
Spics on construction sites is the answer 99.999% of the times
>No one, literally not a single person on. the. planet. Would protest about a female grad student getting ass-grabbed?
What planet does this writer live on? Yes, I know you're going to say Planet Sneed but this post is for people that aren't juvenile shitposters
>these two cherry picked strawman people invalidates everything!
>I win
>based based based
classic pol autism
formerly planet chuck
Both of those socialist swines push for legislative for their own particular brand of bolshevik asscancer.
formerly a planet
Yes? It does invalidate everything. One of the basic tenets of feminism can't even be agreed upon by 3 feminists, but they hope feminism can fix it.
Cause ma'am implies they're old, you flyoverstate fedora fuck.
Yes? It does feed everything. One of the basic tenets of sneedism is that it can't even be agreed upon by 3 city slickers, but they hope farming can fuck and suck it.
Thanks for the correction friend.
This, it's just being polite