I unironically loved this casting.
Other urls found in this thread:
I too love actors who look distractingly weird and can't act
Why ? Cara is horrible in everything she's in
i like this webm
She was super fun in this!
Unironically 2952345823423842834823823x more fun than any nuwars female. I know that's a low bar but still
>you will never
>travel the stars with a cara gf
>who look distractingly weird and can't act
face type is neutral.
>two oogie boogies and a fucktruck of cgi
yeah me too
Nigga with a patrician taste is that you?
reboot better be black female asian male with real actors not hired by family contacts
I thought the characters were siblings, and found it both awkward and hot when they kissed.
What an ugly cunt!!!FACT!!!
I liked this movie. It's pretty comfy.
The movie was retarded* but the heiress looked like some sort of beautiful space angel on my HD wide screen TV. captivated.
* like fifth element had an abortion.
Based. I wanted to fuck him in Cure for Wellness
Dude was some kind of super elite soldier, right? He looked more like a introvert, reclusive emo teen.
based nepotism giving us qts
Everybody points out connection's and nepotism, but forgot part about right look and personality.
she was so hot in this
>comic book movie
>act like your reading from a comic book
sounds pretty brilliant to me
good for her, that she didn't have to get there like all the other "hardworking" actresses by sleeping her way up
my nepoQT is still pure
this but unironically
Are they still time agents in the movie? It was never explicitly stated but the other characters were treating them as something special
>tfw I'll never brush Cara's hair
Despite links to a number of high profile partners, the world knows very little about the romantic side of Cara Delevingne.
But the supermodel has now tipped herself as a good girlfriend, explaining in this week's newly-relaunched Loaded magazine that she'd be prepared to lay down her life for someone special.
Cara, 23, - who's due to celebrate her one-year anniversary with girlfriend St Vincent, 33, this month - gave a candid insight into her personal life as she recalled penning letters, serenading exes and traveling across the globe for the pursuit of love.
Scroll down for video
Good girlfriend; Cara Delevingne revealed that she considers herself a good girlfriend to partner St Vincent, seen here in September
Good girlfriend; Cara Delevingne revealed that she considers herself a good girlfriend to partner St Vincent, seen here in September
The British beauty described herself as a 'ride or die' chick and explained that she values trust above anything else in her relationships.
The model-turned-actress said: 'Loyalty is one of the most important things to me in the world. Once I care about someone, I'll jump in front of a car for them. I'm a real "ride or die" kind of gal. It's all about trust and loyalty.'
if they had them acting as brother and sister it would have been 10/10
literally the worst """""""""""""couple"''''''''''''''''' I've ever seen
>looks like a man
>could not act even to save her life
>hardcore nepotism
>tattooed, exposed whore
Then you have shit taste and you know nothing about Valerian.
The character is supposed to be an alpha super soldier playboy, the character was written as an alpha super soldier playboy, they casted a guy who looks like a virgin who goes to high school and hasn't slept in a week.
>looks like a man
wow, men must be CUTE where you live!
This thread is relevant to my interests.
Cara was good
but how did they expect this babyface to convince people that he was Superagent Chad
I didn't mind Cara too much since her job is to basically look fuckable and she looks fuckable enough. The character is originally written as more like Megan Fox though.
I bet your parents hoped the same when you were born.
t. dane dehaan
>ITT: waaah I hate rich people! give poor actors a chance! I hate that rich people cant give their kids opportunities!
I liked the Rihanna scene and not much else
>looks like a man
no u
>face on the lower half of her head
I'd be interested to see people where that doesn't apply tbphwyf
But a giant forehead is kino.
that's where the brains are
goddamn caras publicist you really pushing for a raise or something?
I just liked her and her movie
What's Cara been up to lately
Deep sunken eyes
imagine actually thinking she's ugly
go ahead
Put your name back on, seething schizo :^)
>hours of cgi work to create an alien world instead of realistically recreating a real life city to make filming more cost efficient
incel alert AND prequel alert
what's with people saying they're terrible actors? they're not what we would call "amazing and excellent" ones, but I personally think they did a pretty good job for their roles. People also say that Valerian (the character) was such a jerk, an asshole but I think this was exactly what they wanted. Acting may not be their first talent but bro they're nowhere near "terrible actors".
but they look way too much alike
also are we not going to talk about the fact that their is Kris Wu in this movie?
whatever you gotta say shill
This movie was so goddamm bad I had to punch a baby in the face to liven things up.
facial composite of a pure chad
There's a reason it works so well.
Based. Where have you been user? Why didn't you post in the /cara/ thread?
Most kino intro to a sci-fi film of all time. If there's ever a mass effect movie, I hope they take cues from it because holy shit
>she values trust above anything else
Unreliable slut who cheats
Saying they acted bad is like saying Bruce Willis acted bad in Fifth Element.
Just disregard that normie opinion.
I will!
Sweaty pits qt
>muh source material
just the girl for me
guy should have been keanu reeves
>hole time I thought the characters were supposed to be siblings
Those eyes...good god almighty
did they ever say they weren't?
You're a shill and made the exact same thread yesterday. You French? I wonder if Luc Besson hired you personally.
>Valerian was released in Israel on 20 July 2017,[38] on 21 July in the United States,
>paid shilling for a two year old film
No user there's definitely europeans who are investing in this old, dead flop, they're going to use and abuse the neets on 4channel to turn it into a cult hit and eventually make a profit
Zero possible chance that someone actually liked the movie. It's definitely the jews.
she's fucking hideous.
She's super cute
Based and cutepilled
cara 2bh lads
I love this movie. I was just thinking the other day how it sucks we'll never get a sequel. They shouldn't have killed Rihanna,
Great flick
don't know why Yea Forums HATED it when released, but i predict 2030's Yea Forums will love it, and will admit the exceptional beauty of cara only when it's long ago gone
Literally a guy in a wig
fuckin yikes.
So basically underrated masterpiece?
It would've been a better movie if it only starred Cara, DeHaan couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, at least she was attractive.
Yeah, it's genuinely a lot of fun and the design of the aliens are beautiful. The only thing that brings it down is a boring villain but other than that I like it better than The Fifth Element.
nah, just a decent flick. Besson's magnum opus would be either the professional or Lucy
Yea Forums hates valerian for retarded reasons, and will love it in a few years for contrarian and retarded reasons
Autism. It's not that serious, retard.
Yeah, that's another very decent flick that Yea Forums irrationally hates. Maybe you people just don't like besson
what a obnoxious bitch. does she hate americans?
>more fun than any nuwars female
and you said that because nu wars are the only fucking movie in the world? new star wars is fucking shit, so what? that makes that eyebrow bitch a good actress? what a fucking retard
I liked this movie, yea it had it's problems but it was not that bad.
The opening scene was great. The panet compilation thing was interesting.
I like Dane DeHaan, but he was miscast here
No, I said it because it's what the girls of Star Wars aspire to be but never hope to reach.
I love the opening scene of this movie. The rest of the movie was average at best. Also, Rihanna is hot as fuck but she can't act for shit.
Ben shapiro lookin ass
I avoided Lucy for the longest time, because the 10% brain meme. Was surprised when it was actually such a cool, nice looking, fun, action movie. The premise is not more ridiculous than the usual in hollywood anyway
>Did you read the book?
And that's only what I can remember. Yeah, such a stuck up cunt
so now Ben Shapiro isn't based af huh?
Be a man, Yea Forums
i assume is just baiting, but are there really straight males that wouldn't fuck her? anyone here that hasn't fapped to her yet?
paranoid retard
looks like people are still getting paid to market this shit. The mandate from Luc's marketing team must be to attempt to make the movie into a cult classic by exploiting 4channel faggots' desire to jerk off and listen to music. You people make me sick.
go get paid Michael.
pretty good song
you're delusional, but seriously, why the threads about this movie now? is it on free broadcast channels or something?
>you're delusional
>but seriously why?
lol, you sound dumb as fuck.
nothing delusional about claiming people shill their shit here.
>it's delusional to think people are being payed to shill this film
>it's not delusional to think people are being payed to shill films
I love my job so much. Join us
t. Cara shill
she looks like a manlier Dane
re read what you typed and ask yourself if it makes sense.
This is obvious bait
it makes sense
this kino is a solid 7,5/10
the entire thread is bait
imagine being this new. I hate you fucking zoomers
Jesus loves us.
I think I'm in love, guys
I truly feel Cara could have pulled out a better performance had she had someone more charismatic and experienced to bounce off of. The lead actor looks like he just woke up and isn't sure he's in a sci-fi movie.
Valerian will age well though.
Now THATS a fuck face.
She gives bizarre interviews, that makes her so sexy.
Is it gay if I want to fuck them both. Same with Kpop stars, both men and women.
Movie and actors were unironically fine until Rihanna showed up. After that its like everyone gave up. Writers, directors, and actors.
being bi is normal
monosexuals are the weirdos no matter which kind
Nah if you wanna dick in your anus you the one who's weirdo
source or with sound?
Jesus here.
I hate you.
nice pits
Only a full blown homo wouldn't at least take that for a test drive.
I wish Valerian would re-release so I could see Valerian in 3D on the big screen again.
wait like a decade
cult classic status is pretty much assured
The movie will be quietly enjoyed by those who appreciate what it achieved.
My personal thought is that business interests worked to destroy our beloved director and his independent film.