/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

Doing it himself edition

Previous thread

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We must resume feels-posting comrades

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>Lyudmila's babby is stillborn


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Is Lyudmila the iodine qt?

>Hunting parties spent weeks scouring the zone and shot all the abandoned family pets, which had begun to roam in packs. It was a necessary evil to avoid the spread of radioactivity, prevent decontamination workers from being attacked, and put the animals out of their misery. A quick death was better than slowly dying of starvation and radiation sickness.
> “The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices. We shot them in the houses, and the barns, in the yards. We’d drag them out onto the street and load them onto the dump truck. It wasn’t very nice. They couldn’t understand: why are we killing them? They were easy to kill, they were household pets. They didn’t fear guns or people.”

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I see you're a man of good taste as well!

Wife of firefighter.

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Nah, she's the fireman's wife

>It wasn’t very nice.
understatement of the year

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iodine qt finna die my dude

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ever had a shit day at work?
that dude had it worse

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>you will never be this big of a chad

When a Slav says that, it means he was crying on the inside.

>already has Crozier and Mr. Hickey
This show needs Dr. Goodsir badly

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i forgot the screen cap, i should go to the infirmary

She's a made up character but she got a big enough dose to potentially be fatal

I honestly felt shame during the diver speech because I knew I'd probably stay in my chair even if thousands of lives were on the line

It will have this guy who was also a sort of boat dude.

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What about this speech? youtube.com/watch?v=qgyM21HQcBs

Harris looks so soviet here it hurts

More like millions

>Dumb dogs just letting themselves get killed
>Cats getting the FUCK out and becoming the death of everything in the Zone

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400 rubles, comrade, think about it!

More like they eat all the radioactive bird carcasses and proceed to shit out their intestines the next day

He got the "hopelessness of everything/so tired" look down to a T.

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shell be fine

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When the Wind Blows

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These guys sit in Control Room 2 and are basically a contingency against some freak accidents. They hang out and answer phone calls from other parts of the plant.

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Fuck I love me some nuclear horrors.

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Post anime Dyatlov

There are dogs near the plant nowadays and the workers are friendly since they keep the wolves away.

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It was burnt asphalt.

Now there you made a mistake!

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You should check K-19. It has both soviet radiation and submarines, the best genres in film.
Also, it is fake newsl like chernobyl.

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Guys why aren't we dropping small pieces of very hot lava into pressurised water if this produces such an amount of energy?

winnemaniya winnymanya

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>traps are gay, Boris

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Because you need to built and explode a reactor to make such lava?

This is where the liquidators slept.

You needs lots of water and how do you drop a giant container filled with water from a plane? Do you throw it with a trebuchet? You'd need giant space rockets to make it move.

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>...A swedish laboratory has reported trannies are over 40% more likely to have HIV
>An american spy satellite flew over and took pictures of the orgy

They used this think to drill into the core after the accident and look for the fuel/lava.

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How do you go from this

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to this!

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Wnen I pee with a boner

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ah, the Minecraft physicists have arrived

It looks like it tastes salty

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I saw a video with a girl that looked like that

Do you have more ?

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t. delusional catfag

Dumbo leg.

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like, "lava" lava?

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In Voices of Chernobyl one of villagers who refused to evacuate from the zone says hungry dogs ate most cats.

Russian photographer went in 1990 in this pic.

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Who could be behind these posts? Fucking cats

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He looks like general Nikolai Tarakanov.

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Nice choice of hat color.

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Guys inside the sarcophagus.

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I don't think I'll be able to watch the episode where they hurt doggos

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When are they going to get to the skin sloughing off and other cool gross shit?

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same here
hold me user

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...and not general Vladimir Pikalov.

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Then they will have shot the dogs for nothing. Remember this was filmed in Europe where it's still legal. Gotta strive for realism kek!

>Tarakan means cockroach
>Cockroaches survive radioactivity better than humans

damn, how many wars that guy fought??

What happened while Dyatlov wasn't looking.

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not enough

when i spill my drink in the theater for the wagie to clean up

Latest in plastic wear.

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Come at me bro!
t. Zhukov

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worst employee. told him to check the core and he just licked his ass for a while.

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>exposed skin

doesn't this defeat the purpose of the whole suit

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You're just mad he wasn't licking the superiorities asses like everyone else

Chernobyl™, now in Technicolor™!

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>evacuation is orderly
>no looting
imagine if they had to evacuate a city in Mississippi or something

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those stupid fucks couldn't use a medium format camera or something?

Getting shit in your lungs and stomach is worse than having it on your skin. You go through this anyway after coming out.

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Is there some stalker online mod? We should all join the Monolith and go for a tour around the powerplant kicking Stalker and Spetsnaz ass.

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I'm just bullshiting. I don't know what they used to take the pic.

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I know you are, I'm just saying the quality sucks. I've looked everywhere for some ultra high res scans or something.


whats the western version of this guy?

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Neocon/Neolib shitters

This is how they operated the cranes that build the new safe containment. Remotely in concrete blocks to block radiation.

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Imagine the most patriotic American hardliners from the 50s.

>shows up early
>gives a rousing speech
>buggers off

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how does something which cannot explode, explode?

>We're gonna send you and your fancy equipment to take good pictures of the disaster. You'll both die but it will be totally worth it!

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what did she do?

American saboteaurs.

>looters dying en masse from radiation poisoning
I'd pay to see that

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Wait, is that graphite on the roof?

You had to know as soon as they introduced a pregnant character that they were going to use her to demonstrate the birth defects.

There is one being worked on currently called Ray of Hope, it's NEVER EVER so don't get your hopes up.

So that's it? What? We some kinda.. suicide squad?

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Have plutonium on hands then triggered the detector

Some dude went back to steal his old front door. He got it, tied it to his back and jumped on a motorbike and ran away while the army was after him. It was a tradition in his family/culture to put someone who recently died on the front door before burial. He went and got it back because his daughter was dying due to radiation.


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Why did she have it on her hands?

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>Suicide squad
>outlive almost everyone

can someone actually explain to me why the uranium is still on fire?
I thought reactors had to force uranium neutrons to collide to create a reaction, with no reactor why is it still going?

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>be technician working in the control room of the V.I. Lenin RBMK nuclear power plant
>be manning the gauges
>Dyatlov tells you to SCRAM the system due to unstable power output
>hit the red button
>watch as the reactor power output suddenly increases from 30 MW to 33,000 MW in three seconds
What do?

where you want to have it? In your ass?

The reactor core is made of graphite. Graphite is made of carbon, like charcoal. This carbon is being superheated by radioactive lava. Because the lid of the reactor is off, this superheated carbon is also exposed to oxygen. What do you think happens in this situation?


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Imagine if in America some black neighborhood had to be evacuated. The stores would all be robbed, apartments broken into. There is no way that anything would be left.

Sad. He can have the door.

go to the infirmary
magic metal make big heat when close together

That's impossible, the core didn't explode. Mere concrete, comrade.

even with no chain reaction, uranium-235 still decays on it's own and needs constant cooling, which is what actually caused the meltdown in Fukushima.


Excuse myself to the infirmary, I must be in delusional.


On November 5, 1974, Silkwood performed a routine self-check and found that her body contained almost 400 times the legal limit for plutonium contamination. She was decontaminated at the plant and sent home with a testing kit to collect urine and feces for further analysis. Although there was plutonium on the inner portions of the gloves which she had been using, the gloves did not have any holes. This suggests the contamination had come not from inside the glovebox, but from some other source

>make big heat when close together
Just like me and ur mum

No point panicking, RBMKs can't break.

but you're boring and very unmagical

>33000 mw in 3 seconds
how much produces and atomic bomb? less or more?

nuclear bombs produce their energy in the span of microseconds, measuring it in units of power is silly

way way more. If that was the case then the entire plant would have exploded

Classic Pertwee Doctor Who.

More. A thousand times more.

Nuclear physics is scary.

Not what she said

You walked into the wrong radioactive zone, comrade!

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Sounds like a success, that ground shaking explosion was just Igor's car backfiring

>measuring it in units of power is silly

Why ? Watts are joules per second, power is a quantity of energy delivered/released over an amount of time.

If a nuke releases its energy in a few microseconds, you can still give the equivalent in watts as the energy can also be measured.

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Much more, but the reactor released even more than 33 GW, that number is the highest thermal power reading the SKALA computer could get from the ionization chambers within the reactor core.

Here's your SKALA, bro.

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Please explain me how a glorious Soviet GAZ-21 could backfire?

the roof the roof the roof is on fire!

He stands out as a terrible actor that doesn't even really resemble Gorby enough to justify his presence.

I like how he kind of sounds American lol

>upvote my doggo fellow redditors :)
>My doggly woggly cuddle muddly you teehee
>little kot got an ouchie owchie from the liquidator-sama, me very sad :(((((((((

Pet lovers are peak emotional degeneracy. If you aren't prepared to throw your cat against a wall at a whim because it scratched your kid you're a mentally weak person.

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Probably looks better than my PC

Yeah apparently the SKALA was flooded with water too.
They still managed to gather the magnetic tapes soon after the accident, that's how we know what actions the crew took that night and how the reactor core reacted.

no shit you can, but it's silly to compare power between two events that are separated by several orders of magnitude in duration

Don't you need the steam do be contained in order to generate enough energy for a big explosion? How would pressure build up in an open lake?

>The Party - It's the wisdom, honor, and conscience of our era
Gotta love Soviet propaganda. It's so cartoonishly over the top.

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The Trinity gadget released 92 trillion joules of energy. Since it did this in a microsecond and wattage is joules per SECOND, the wattage of a bike would be 1,000 times that.

So the wattage of the first, and iirc weakest, nuke ever was 92 quadrillion watts. 2.78 trillion times the power output of a nuclear reactor in meltdown.

Nukes, yo.

They tried to protect it after the accident.
>SKALA system's security features were largely suppressed during the experiment so it won't shut down the reactor. After the explosion SKALA continued to operate and workers tried to cover it from water pouring down the ceiling. Most of the data recorded that night was garbage because of cut sensor cables. The system finally shut down at about 5AM when emergency power went out

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guess i'll die

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>Imagine being working in a shoe factory and trying to mansplain to a nuclear physicist professor

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Are you stupid?

>Since it did this in a microsecond and wattage is joules per SECOND, the wattage of a bike would be 1,000 times that.

Wat ? Doesn't make sense, the lower the amount of time, the greater the wattage is.

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Fuck you, autoccorect. Also it would be 2.78 million times, not trillion. Unless I missed another three orders of magnitude somewhere.

>shoots your elephants foot

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nothing is more retarded than your toxoplasmosis ridden sponge brain

hey lookit my cat he's named after Spanish dictator Franco. His full name is Franco "Ghoulie" Van Frankenschtein haha

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wow dude, you're so fucking cool and edgy

It doesn't really make sense for a variety of reasons because of the different time scales.

However the figures are all public so we can still do some basic looking up.

A ton of TNT releases about 4.184 gigajoules. which if released over a second means 4184 gigawatts. Okay...so a 1 kiloton atomic bomb will release 4184 gigajoules, in a 0.001 seconds meaning it's generating 4184petawatts.

That should give you an idea of differences in energy between a bomb and a plant.

50,000 people used to live here...

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>see extremely lethal uranium/graphite alloy blob that can kill a person standing next to it in seconds
>shoot it with a rifle for shits and gigs
Fucking chad.

There's no way 50,000 people could live in that. 30, max.

someone explain to me the physics behind the potential 2nd explosion that would have been a catastrophe

>get drafted to the Red Army
>hope to get posted to some fuck all nowhere for the duration, if not in one of the warmer locales like southern Georgia
>instead get sent into the middle of a nuclear holocaust to kill people's pets

is it still /kinobyl/?

>The SKALA used 20 year old tech and took 10 minutes to do a full cycle, that is making a complete record of the reactor status


if the radioactive lava had entered the body of water in the basement, it would've resulted in another, even bigger steam explosion that would've taken the other three reactors with it.

The full kino has yet to reveal itself.

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Actually more than 30 minutes.

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big blob of magic lava very hot
fall into big pool of water
magic lava is so very hot it super heat water
water expand 1700 times when it becomes steam
water stuck in concrete room which make BIG pressure

yes, it is

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Go on, go in!

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>implying toxoplasmosis doesn't give you superpowers

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Isn't it funny that nowadays we have enough computing power that our phones could do those numbers in less than a second? And we can waste that power to shitpost memes about radioactive ukranians in a mongolian jeroglyphic translation website. I always find this kind of things marvelous.

Superheated steam + thermolysis and radiolysis of water leading to the generation of both oxygen and hydrogen + extreme heat = big boom

>get raped and brutally bullied by older soldiers and even officers
>drink yourself to death before you're 40
The Soviet Army sucked even without the nuclear holocaust.


>yes tavarish
>*tactical puking*

SCADA and every PLC system is not more advanced now

post more Core-chan

>cute radiation syndrome

>October 1986 - To mark the end of the clean-up operation atop reactor 3, the authorities ordered three men to attach a red flag to the summit of the chimney. A group of liquidators had already made two fruitless attempts by helicopter, so the three men had to climb the 78 metre chimney via a spiral staircase, despite the dangerous radiation levels. Radiation expert Alexander Yourtchenko carried the pole, followed by Valéri Starodoumov with the flag, while lieutenant-colonel Alexander Sotnikov ascended with the radio. The whole operation was timed to last only 9 minutes given the high radiation levels. At then end, the trio were rewarded with a bottle of Pepsi (a luxury in 1986) and a day off.
The fucking madmen!

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She is not your waifu, she is the residual image of a nuclear reaction.

what day does each episode release?

Monday my dude


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I just clicked on a blog about toxoplasmosis effects on humans and my computer started going nuts and overheating. Is that what bitcoin mining does?

>The village of Kopachi is buried, house by house. It was located 7km from the Chernobyl reactor that housed the control room and decontamination area in the months after the disaster. A bulldozer would dig a large trench in front of each house before burying the building and covering it with earth and flattening the soil. Entire villages would be buried this way

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Soon after the accident all SKALA computers were updated with more modern CPUs, the cycles now only took 3 minutes instead of 30.

Though the CPUs they used were soviet equivalents of intel 8080, mid-70 technology. The soviets were literally 15-20 years behind the west.

The main problem with process computers is to prevent an external attack via hacking. You don't want a foreign power to hack one of your reactor (look at what happened to Iran)
That's why we still use magnetic and perforated tapes for ICBMs, you can't hack a perforated tape.
Though reactors still need heavy monitoring, so we can't just have big old computers to do that.

>climb a highly irradiated tower
>get a bottle of bepis
Pepsi > Coke, so a fair trade.
Why is the USSR so surreal, why are russians so surreal?


Real life beats cinema!

They've been in a pretty constant state of subjugation for centuries

Granny don't give a fuck and keeps planting potatoes even if there's caessium-137 in the dirt.

Attached: 7qOMHh1[1].jpg (704x480, 138K)

When first McDonalds opened in Moscow, my father brought a hamburger and fries via train. They were all soggy but my family never tasted anything like that before.

Is that le first order admiral?

Isn't there a word in russian that means something like "melancholy" that is a central part of russian identity?
It's so extremely fitting.

>people are literally melting from the inside out
>an entire continent is on the stake

Are you stupid? AMD processors don't overheat.

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do you think that americans or every other country don't do shits like that?
propaganda is important (and stupid)

Comrade why don't you fuck off?

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>At then end, the trio were rewarded with a bottle of Pepsi (a luxury in 1986) and a day off.

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Will based Dyatlov be making any more appearances?

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Fresh apples.

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via a train? like someone is moscow bought it and took it to him by train?


I think I saw some graphite in this thread

I never tried kvas and I really want

I'm a retard, how would pouring sand on the reactor cause an explosion?

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He brought it by train himself, train took 18 hours I think

you are delusional, user

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this show is too good


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He's in next episodes trailer

Fries are soggy after 10 mins I don't want to know how bland they were after 18 hours. At least they do not rot.

it wouldn't but it would insulate the nuclear fuel and make it hotter, which would make it burn through the floor faster and into the water tanks sitting below it

why are they incapable of explaining how an RMBK reactor could explode? isn't it obvious? when you remove the control rods, the neutrons are free to roam around and the uranium becomes super-heated in a split second which instantly flashes all the water into steam, resulting in a massive spike in pressure that blew the reactor apart.

were they really that stupid or did they not want to say it because of fear?

it will put out the fire, but the core will keep on heating until the whole mess turns to lava

the lava will melt through the floor and hit the water pools something something steam explosion triggering the other 3 cores

why is the CEO of boeing still blaming the pilots for the crashes?

it makes lava, lava is hot
under the reactor there is water tanks with a lot of water, if lava touch that tank, water becomes steam in a nanosecond and makes an explosion that destroys the universe

Yes, that was it, thanks.
That's exactly what I feel when I look at russia and other post-soviet nations today, it's fucking brutal what they had to go through in their history and I can't help but feel bad for them.

Why didn't he eat it while it was fresh?

He brought it for his family, man.

Because you need energy to create that lava.

What would happen if you licked it?

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are you stupid?

Attached: are you stupid.jpg (480x360, 8K)

dude, these guys (Fomin and Bryukhanov) were aparatchiks, not legit nuclear scientists. They got their 'degrees' from correspondence courses and they didn't know shit about shit. Everyone else was scared and Legasov was an honest scientist who didn't want to hypothesise unless he knew for sure.

He brought it to us so we could also taste it. It took years to open McDonalds locally.

If you never tasted them in your life, even soggy will be delicious

Sand would insulate the melting core, so the temperature would rise much higher and melt the concrete below it.

Here's an interview with Jared Harris mostly about Chernobyl and the Terror. He talks about a trial scene near the end so we'll see the comedy duo and Dyatlov again.

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The thing that really annoys me about the mary sue isn't that shes le super smaht
I hate how she manages to so easily overcome the soviet authoritarian hierarchy. She drives up to an army checkpoint and demands entry, then suddenly shes in a meeting with the general secretary

You become one with the core chan

Even with the fucking shoehorned roasties the series is still a solid 9/10

Actually it is theorized that what caused the explosion at Chernobyl was a fizzled nuclear explosion. The reaction went supercritical so fast that it nearly literally blew up.

They were still engineers. Bryukhanov graduated in energy engineering at some soviet institute. Fomin graduated in thermal engineering and took a correspondence course in nuclear engineering so he could work in a nuclear powerplant.

I want to go to St. Petersburg at some point in my life, and maybe Moscow.

Undergraduate engineers are barely people

what's going through the guy on the right's head right now?
>boss just said I have to throw the science bitch out of the helicopter

Attached: flight manifest doesnt list you.png (1492x1124, 1.84M)

>There was no alcohol in the 30-kilometer zone in August. In the beginning, in May, there was. Then it was prohibited because there were too many accidents with over turned concrete mixers, etc. It was impossible to bring alcohol from Kiev, it would be confiscated at the checkpoints.
Never change kek

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Eh, probably just a bigger steam explosion m8. There isn't enough enriched uranium there for a nuclear explosion.

>gotta get off my ass ugh

I bet they looted the apartments.

working there must have been so unbelievably grim

>what's going through the guy on the right's head right now?
3 trillion bullets

>There isn't enough enriched uranium there for a nuclear explosion.

There were hundreds of kg of military grade plutonium tho

Why doesn't Yea Forums freak out when HBO puts two male fictional characters into a historic show?

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>On the 25th anniversary of the accident Alexander was sent a gift: a thermos, a bottle of vodka and a prayer of the Optina Elders.

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Pripyat looks wrong, they should have filmed this in Russia, not in Lithuania

He didn't fly so good...

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Because centurions Pullo and Vorenus did exist.

there was an issue when people broke apart old cars for parts. All vehicles that were used in chernobyl clean up were abandoned.

Hey, if nobody's gonna come back anyway.
If you're gonna get irradiated and have your life expectancy shortened, you can at least grab a trinket for yourself.

I'd like to see a source. I can't find anything academic.

>1986. Cure for radiation. 25 years old.

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Pepsi for Nuclear Holocaust!

You need very different fuel for a nuclear bomb, there’s a lot more necessary to create that stuff

literally the buildings they are using are the same commie blueprint.

Explain to me, as if I was a child why vodka can save you from low radiation exposure

>get sent to a Middle Eastern shithole
>drive around in badly armored Humvees until an IED blows your leg off
>get rewarded with a salute from a fat boomer at a 7/11 saying THANK U FOR UR SERVICE

The problem is that soviet era suburbs in Russia already look like radioactive ghost towns

a fucking thermos

its the getting rewarded with a bottle of pepsi bit that seems surreal. A thing people in the west have thought nothing about buying for an average lunch for the past 40 years

>There was a doctor and a paramedic for each 50 workers. The latter had to pass medical examination before coming here. Blood was taken twice a month, everybody was given iodine and multivitamins. Water for kitchen was brought in jars from a clean area. Bottles of "Yessentuki" and "Borjomi" (mineral water) were used for drinking.

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Maybe you're just a sociopath

At least you get some benefits from the VA and the majority of people in the US will verbally suck your dick.
Or at least you're supposed to, the VA is in an absolute state.

A fuckton of irradiated car parts/furniture/clothes/dishes wanders around Ukraine for decades.

it probably can't
calm down misha

>oh fuck it's the 25th anniversary and we forgot to buy gifts

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>Mushrooms. When the first fear was almost gone, there appeared a desire to pick up mushrooms and apples. At that time there already existed some good foreign devices allowing to measure the degree of radioactive contamination by not only gamma rays but beta and alpha. The measurement of mushrooms showed their radiation level was small. So they were washed and fried. When their smell echoed through the dormitory of workers everybody (even the most cautious) came to the kitchen. Two huge bags of ceps were eaten at a time. Since then nobody has been allowed to pick them up again...

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>russia and moscow mostly left unscathed by the radiation fallout
>gayropa and uppity warsaw pact allies get the shaft

what did god mean by this?

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>"dont stand there,i said come in"

I saw a documentary about a dude in Guam who had to fly to Alaska if he wanted PTSD counseling since that was the closest place to him the VA listed

I remember stories that Gorbachev loved cola and americans sent him white cola so he could drink in public.

Am i delusional or did it really happen?

big fax

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Oh don't get me wrong I'd take Iraq over Chernobyl any day of the week. When it comes to asking people to make horrifying but necessary sacrifices the US doesn't even hold a candle to the USSR

showing emotion is not a sign of weakness you literal 15 year old

>avoids Russia
>avoids Spain
God does not punish twice.

It wasn't Gorbachev, it was a red army general, and yes, it did happen.

>this mushroom is half a size of Vladimir here but the dosimeter only shows 3.6 so it's fine

Just a joke brah. Like how the wind made the radiation go through England twice.

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You really should try it. It's a great beverage unlike soda which I hate with all the fibers of the soul because of it's overwhelming sweetness

>and americans sent him white cola so he could drink in public.
haha is just vodka I swear

If you think about it, a medal is not different than pepsi (if you can't get a pepsi)

My mom once told me a story about how my grandpa pulled some strings and got a case of pepsi for her graduation party or something. I found some of the old empty glass bottles in a shed when I was a kid. This was in the 80's in a Warsaw Pact country. People also smuggled jeans from Turkey.

>it was a red army general
That would be FIELD MARSHALL OF THE RED ARMY ZUHKOV for you, son.

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wonder if that explains some of the slags



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Fucking illegals get better government support than vets, it's fucked.
Spoiler and sage for politics.
I'd like to imagine a scenario in which chernobyl happened in the US instead.
I wonder how they would've dealt with that without an oppressive government sending people into suicide missions to save the rest of the country.

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What caused the helicopter to crash? Was it the electronic interference from radiation or was it smoke clogging the rotors?

Not just some red army general, it's motherfucking Zhukov, the savior of Russia and most of Europe.

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A professor I had in Prague once told us that a pair of jeans she bought for his boy was about one year salary in the black market. Her only problem now was finding what to gift to her grandchildren cause them brats had everything already.

ran into a cable

I can't even find the bread to make it...

the radioactive material would get onto your tongue, then into your body, where it would sit for the rest of your short life, bombarding you with incredibly high levels of radiation.

What, about fission reactors generating both Pu-239 and Pu-240 ? That's well documented, RBMK reactors are derived from smaller plutonium production reactors.

Estimating the amount of plutonium in a reactor core is easy. There's a formula linking the thermal power output of the reactor, the plutonium conversion factor and the capacity factor the the amount of plutonium generated in a year (pic related is more detailed)

RBMKs are very high power reactors, a 10 MWth reactor can generate about 2-3 kg of military grade plutonium per year.
RBMKs can deliver 3300 MWth and generate more than a hundred kg per year. Reactor 4 was in activity for about 3 years when it exploded, so they estimated that amount inside the core at over 400 kg of plutonium.

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Why can't you buy it on amazon or something like that?

Manchester, so much to answer for.

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>his smile and optimism: shot by a million billion trillion tiny ass bullets

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wait why the fuck is kaliningrad so fucking dark lmao

Goddamn, at least they died being smashed into bits instead of slowly dying of ARS

Evidence indicates a prompt critical event. But any nuclear reactor is going to "fizzle" under such conditions. The fuel blows itself apart long before you get the yields seen in nuclear weapons.

Reminder there was no melting core inside of reactor seconds after explosion. Concrete plates inside of reactor weren't melted and even had paint left on them.
Fuel did get into the pool before it was drained and nothing exploded. People who saw the fuel wrote they saw some piles of "red clay" not knowing it was fuel.
There was no smoke coming out hours after unlike in the series.
No sand or boron got inside reactor.

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>loops around Ireland but doesn't touch it
truly we are blessed

Then I will die shiny and cherenkov.

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Don't worry, I had it rough in midschool too

No. Both Pu-240 and Pu-239 are fissile, Pu-239 is a bit simplier to use so that's what we prefer using in nukes. Reactors produce about the same amount of both, but Pu-240 gets burned by chain reaction inside a reactor (in old fuel bundles, up to 1/3 of the power generated via fission of Pu-240). When we create nukes we just reduce the amount of Pu-240 to about 15%, that's all.
But plutonium on its own can always be used in a nuke, "military grade" is a fancy way of saying that the purity is comparable to what the military require for their weapons, that's all.

that foxxer made a mouth sandwich

True. But most people did exchanges and shit. You worked at the salami factory and swiped one or two and traded them for eggs with the dude who swiped them from his job at the chicken farm. I've heard a lot of people say that back then, they had money but nothing to buy and nowadays there's plenty to buy but no money.

that's a lot of chest xrays

It's contaminated area by total country surface.

I'm open to learning, I just can't find a source that is remotely credible with that.

Not great but not horrifying.

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tender my immediate resignation

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Comrade, how does a 2080 explode?

There's a great book about life in the end days of the USSR. Read for more of this.

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why are Denmark and Ireland so based?

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Explains Maisie Williams at least

>sweet, doctor said I only have a year to live

>Spain and Portugal get off scot free

los elegidos de dios!

I live with the remnants of this shit. Pls no.

What are you still doing over there


Huh, so thats why my home villiage got free iodine tablets.

Better than Cortana desu

Haven't found the energy to move yet. I'd go to Taiwan but they're workaholics.

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yes, but third world country, we are having problems with imported things and they are overpriced too
and I am lazy, that is the real reason.
and my mom , that is ukrainian, doesn't like, so she never will spend a minute trying to make it, hehe...