/got/ general - true jaime edition

Shameless humble brag: it feels good have been right about Jaime all these years.

For years I was annoyed by the incessant Jaime fanboy-ism. All that talk about his "redemption arc" and him being the "hero of Kings Landing's". Then his nonsensical speech about being "Reviled by so many for his finest act.". And I just never saw it. It always seemed so apparent that when he killed Aerys, he was just saving his own life and he didn't give half a shit about the peasants. It's not an heroic act, it's just self preservation. As if : you are standing waist deep in gazoline and there is a guy mumbling "burn them all" while fidgeting with a zippo. Of course you kill the guy. Finally, that was proven right. In a rare moment of honesty, we was accurate about his intentions, and in such a nonchalant manner. He never really cared much for them.

While I do think DnD massacred his character by having him crawl back to Cersei, this particular line was 100% accurate.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Why did Game of Thrones never explore other areas except Winterfell and King's Landing?

Surely the world would have more than two cities? Seems odd that in none of the 8 seasons nothing else exists, and they're like 30 minutes away from each other!?

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based af


Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The Unsullied marches with calm, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Lannisters and usurpers
March in spirit within our ranks.

Clear the streets for the Unsullied,
Clear the streets for the Dothraki!
Millions are looking upon the three-headed dragon full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Already Daenerys' banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
The Unsullied march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Lannisters and usurpers
March in spirit within our ranks

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keep coping faggot. every leak sounded fake until the episodes aired and it all became true. this guy has been right so far about all the episodes

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>Jaime dies in a basement under tons of stone and debris, but his golden hand appears at ground level.
>Dany sends Tyrion to prison (burns people though) after this 3rd warning but killed Varys.
>Jon "tricks" Dany, stabs her with his sword that Grey Worm would have taken.
>Grey Worm, Unsullied and the Dothraki do not kill him
>Drogon (large dragon) lands inside the Throne Room.
>Drogon does not roast Jon.
>Drogon (large dragon without thumbs or even hands) somehow picks Dany up and manages to keep her from falling even though Jon could barely hang on (with thumbs).
>A council is formed (for some reason) with no goal apparently (because Sam has to suggest things) and they have no idea what their purpose is.
>This same council teleports to Kings Landing moments after battle, without a goal.
>For some reason Sansa, Sam, and Tyrion or even Arya no longer want King Aegon for some reason.
>Sam (best friend of Jon/Aegon) called him "The King of The Seven bloody Kingdons" and "rightful heir" just episodes prior but now wants to vote for a new leader. Sansa also described "someone better"
>Knights Watch, yea, with a K (leak clearly by a show watcher only)
>Nights Watch has no reason to exist, The Wall is even useless as it has a big hole in it.
>Dany's entire army lets Jon leave because Sansa tells them, okay.
>Tyrion is searching for a good Master of Whispers for a King that can see everything.
>Brieanne is the Kingsgaurd, but Podrick is Bran's protector for some reason.
>Jon's entire storyline, including his lineage that Bran and Sam needed to tell him about ASAP played no impact at all in the ending, or any of the story.
>Dothraki and Unsullied want to travel around and free slaves because they are great people of course.
>Bronn is somehow on the "council", along with Sam even though he should run his house.
>No mention of Dorne or new Prince of Dorne even though we have seen Dorne during new intros, implying they will play a part.

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>character is homosex
>gets killed

what did they mean by this?

Pick your king/queen. You are now his/her hand.
Which kings/queens you shall take as allies?
Which ones you shall fought as enemies?

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The leaked endings are fake. HBO paid off established leakers and gave them the entire script to ensure they'd be trusted, then filmed something else entirely for the finale.

>season 8 isn’t perfect but I’m grateful for the cast and crew for making such an entertaining show

Is there a more pathetic stance to take than this?

only silly people could ever think danny will die

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*steals the iron throne from you*
Pssh, nothing personnal, Dany.

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No, the Ultra Cuck stance

Night King, kill 'em all

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You don’t have to like people to not want them to be burned alive, and think it was a good idea to do so. Simple self-preservation doesn’t include sitting on the Iron Throne and waiting for Ned Stark.

Rob, Renly
The rest

king: Stannis
enemy: Balon

he literally blew him the fuck out effortlessly before.


nope, that would be the massive ego

Dany, on the condition that she will have hate sex with me
NK. Lock him in a basement behind 20 doors, and tell him to remote control the dead to wherever needed.

>character has a vagina
>loses all self esteem and goes crazy because her boyfriend wasn't in the mood

what did they mean by this?

>being grateful to people who are being paid literally millions to churn out this garbage

I sincerely hope nobody feels this way

Based and honest. It's not episode 5 that's inconsistent with the characters, it's that the rest of the series are wrong. Hear hear, ep 5 is the only episode needed, everything else is cancelled

Where is Yara

Twenty GOOD men.

Oh, and all others are enemies. 0% chance of losing.

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Why do I "fall in love" with her, one episode before her death...

I have nothing against the cast and the crew. But I absolutely despise the writers for ruining the show and utterly kills it in the final fucking season.

Fuck Bran

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I would pick Rob as king and later kill him to take power. I would ally with Jon and Stannis as allies and hope Drogon listens to Jon. I would kill everyone else/

Can someone link the edit where NK kills Jon?

I honestly feel sorry for the actors, stunt coordinators, special effects team etc, they're giving their best and it isn't their fault these two kike faggots can't write.

>Is there a more pathetic stance to take than this?

I'd say blaming the people who actually did their job instead of the two bumbling idiots who ruined the show is worse.


The Emperor Protects

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she literally looks like a 5 y/o who was told "no"


>episode 6 leaked a long time ago
>this leak has proven true so far
>before every episode this season everyone picks the leaks apart for how illogical and dumb the story is
>they always come true
>turns out the writing is just illogical/bad, not that the leaks were fake, every single time
>not thinking it will be true with this episode too

Seriously though, why the fuck is he gonna be king? Most hilariously retarded thing about the whole show, I'm glad they saved best for last.

They killed by at least the 7th with Jon Snows fan-pandering resurrection

>no King Bran the Legless, Lord of the Seven Wheelchairs, Breaker of Steps



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Implying any of you incels would've written a better ending

You would've had Hotpie be Azor Ahai and then be all smug about it being foreshadowed.

Why was Balon such a fucking retard?

>Could have allied with the Starks, crowned himself and raided the wealthiest province in Westeros
>Could have allied with the Lannisters, and reaved the North/Riverlands with the full backing of the Crown and probably gain huge amounts of territory
>Could have pledged to Stannis and possibly get the opportunity to sack Kings Landing and been allowed to raid everything withing spitting distance of the Iron Islands

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So, by all logic the moment Dany dies the dothrakis shouldn't give a fuck, right? When Drogo died they all fucked off. By all logic they should raid the whole Westeros, considering no one can force them to take the boats again back to Essos.
Unsullied on the other side should be triggered their queen got killed and destroy any survivor until the last men.
Spoilers make no sense.

Tell that to my dick

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Robb > Renly > Stannis >>> dog shit >>> everyone else

Assuming I can save Renly from bullshit magic

It's weird seeing people blame D&D for things that were obviously GRRM

Stop user, let us pretend this one last time that they didn't manage to totally fuck this entire season from end to end.

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I'm a newbie motorcycle rider so I guess I am

This. Anyone defending the supposed "leaks" are 100% HBO shills or complete brainlets

you know attractive 5 year olds?

>Seriously though, why the fuck is he gonna be king?

It doesn't even make any fucking sense. At least with Dany you can make the case she's at least someone related to Stannis by blood, but what the fuck relation or royal blood does Bran have?

>no bobby b

>Could have pledged to Stannis and possibly get the opportunity to sack Kings Landing and been allowed to raid everything withing spitting distance of the Iron Islands

Would have been the best timeline

Be careful asking this on Yea Forums

>It's weird seeing people blame GRRM for things that were obviously D&D



>Spoilers make no sense.

Either they are fake or D&D are the stupidest motherfuckers in world history.

They're trying to say that democracy is retarded, don't you get it?

You all should have known D&D were complete hacks when they made all 5 kings of the war of the 5 kings POV characters like the autistic retards they are

It makes no sense because Bran is a fucking robot autist and barely a person anymore. Who would allow that thing to rule them?

Like what?

>unironically yas queef
get out

Here you go brainlets

The leaks are true, and grrm is a subverter of expectations

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I'd guess Bran "not wanting anything" makes him an ideal king supposedly. But he is basically sociopathic and doesn't do anything useful with his powers. I guess a shitty Alexa that spits out random facts is the best they've got now, though. Jon's not much better this season to be honest.

Hi guys

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I mean, have you watched this fucking season?


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i watched that video and have to ask is she lowkey autistic or on some sort of spectrum?

>be me
>disliked by both rich and poor
>power hungry
>over the hill in terms of attractiveness and age
>primary qualification to rule is that my serial adulterer husband used to be in charge
>be hillary clinton
>pic unrelated

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Sure. But it clearly indicates self-preservation doesn’t drive Jaime. It never has. He doesn’t fear dying, he just fears not getting what he wants while alive. Which is basically Cersei and to be able to use his sword talent. He was never at risk from the Wild Fire plot. He had ample time to leave, kill the alchemist, and the do whatever he wanted. All of which he did. He wanted Aerys dad for being a crazy lunatic who wanted to blow up a city and ordered him to kill his father, and thought he made the right choice killing him. His motive was not self preservation

Aren't D&D portraying GRRMs ending?

Whatever happened to based “Regards, Bobby B” poster who was active for the first couple of seasons?

stop reposting this garbage, no one cares about your dumb interpretation

Yara barely has any military power and basically just a glorified general. Neither does Bran at the moment. I only pick the kings/queens who are still alive as of season 7 finale or war of the five kings.

She is definitely on the spectrum, watch anything she does outside of acting.

I'm a super social chad compared to how awkward she is

You're a brainlet OP.

>3er is a servant of the great other
wat, isn't he just an uppity greenseer trying to play at god

Still butthurt about his last rebellion I guess. Felt emasculated.

Careful user, careful now!


Mad Dany, Night King not being final boss, Dragon deaths, Jamie's relapse

It ends with the rightful queen sitting on the Iron Throne after years of struggle and everyone in the Seven Kingdoms bowing before the one true queen.

God I hope so

I wish there was more insanity than anger in her eyes

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Guys please, the episode 3 edit.

Jon pls I'm going insane tell me you still love me
Pls respond

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king who cared

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>palpable relief felt when Euron kills him

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>leaks are true
Prove it then.

Yara was a claimant to the iron throne before the war of 5 kings was over, and was Balon's designated heir. What are you talking about?
It's like saying Stannis or Renly weren't kings either.

Have sex Dany

You mean Jon kills NK

He didn't even kill him, he got killed by Danny

Cersei had every right to be triggered by bells, yet she was OK. What's her problem?

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Do you think it would've been better if she just started cackling like a banshee while burning the city?


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now you're just shifting words around. ok, self-preservation was not his motive, self preservation was the means by which he would achieve his motive, which is to fuck his sister. in any case, he didn't give two shits about the lowlifes of KL. he literally says it himself. in anything, he is the only one who is honest about it. not giving a shit about peasants is kind of a recurring theme. who even cares about the millions of smallfolks who have to die so the lords can play their games? Arya did something badass, that's what matters.

>Yara barely has any military power and basically just a glorified general.

You take that back

Because that's what she pretty much is.

BTF footage?
Pls link


Have rape Sansa

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Even taking everything in consideration it still makes no sense

She’s a good humble lass

Nah. It doesn't have to be over-the-top. A sadistic smile and no blinking would be enough

Problem, bro?

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She looks far better without makeup than with

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What if she was just autistic and she sperged out because of sensory overload when the bell rang

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she actually looks exactly like that. you know those few seconds when they go "uhhh muhh uhhhhHH" before they throw their tantrum

>yes goy the only king that can rule in peace is a king that can see what you did, what you are doing and change the past as he wants

Jon, Jon I get that, but pls tell me that in some other way
Its not convincing to hear the same statement every time

Pls Jon

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How are some kino Queens from history /got/?

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Sansa and Tyrion are toghether IRL also??
that's so niice

No friend, it's an edit when Jon approaches NK it switches to the moment where Jon gets stabbed by the Watch it's pretty great.

>Robin Arryn (Vale) [literal retard who will vote for whoever]
>Gendry Baratheon (Stormlands) [will vote for Arya's brother]
>Tyrion Lannister (Westerlands) [will vote for wheelchair kid he had fun convos by the fire with]
>Sansa Stark (North) [will vote for her brother]
>Bronn (The Reach) [doesn't give a shit and will vote with Tyrion as thanks for his swanky new lands]
>Edmure Tully (The Riverlands) [will vote for his nephew]
>New prince of Dorne (Dorne) [literal who]
>Yara Greyjoy (Iron Islands) [will vote for the man who Theon died for]
basically apathy and nepotism will get based bran elected

Nah, Show Euron's more of an Aurane Waters.

My queen you are.

I spend too much time here. fade me moot.

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>She came to power following a coup d'état which she organized—resulting in her husband, Peter III, being overthrown.

FUCK I would give anything to be tied down and aggressively raped by Azula in the amazon position

To be honest, the bells were pretty much a throwback to Aerys, just poorly delivered.

welcome to politdicks, user

its correct though
3 eyed raven likes darkness n sheeit. melisandre thought he was creep

they are cosplaying.


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Ol' Lizzy is the only kwueen foh me.

Simple as.

With that bone structure i woul've trained to be the ultimate chad.

imagine if Dany raped Sansa, that'd be glorious


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Get a grip bro, it is just a book. Anyone who did not know Dany was the final boss is a brainlet sure. The Song of Ice and Fire is clearly about Jon though.
>The leaks are true, and grrm is a subverter
That may be so but you are acting like your post contains substance in regards to the show. Martin have DnD the ending and plot and they are using his ending. It does not end the way the leaks claim as HBO would destroy their own repuation as well as DnD would not even be able to attend ComicCon with being booed off stage for their Starwars shit. Jon will end up being King, not because he wants it but because everyone else does, just like NW and The North. If anyone is the brainlet it is you. The leak for the finale is fake.
>Tyrion sees Jaime's golden hand within the rubble but he died under ground

He says it because D&D have a profound misunderstanding of any of the character's motivations. I don't think they give it any second thought at all.

In his conversation with Brienne it's clear he does care.

This ending is mostly a damn cynical and nihilistic ending. I'd guess the idea is Ki g Bran has no human personality or personal ambitions that will be corrupted by power, threatened or anything else.
Actually as unsatisfying as King Bran is as a story ending, logically, it makes the most sense. There are no good kings or queens, their human flaws and especially self-interest and egos always make everyone suffer. Bran doesn't give a shit about anyone, but neither do any of these other characters. The bonus with Bran is he doesn't give a shit about himself, either. The main problem is all these other rulers are just selfish. Bran isn't capable of selfishness anymore, at least. The best you can hope for in a ruler is they're neutral and apathetic enough to be harmless.
Definitely a message of this show is that "games of thrones" are destructive wastes of lives and time and are worthless except to cause untold suffering and harm while the vast majority of people's lives don't change aside from constantly getting killed is wars between aristocrats they don't give a shit about

Hey, you want a dick or no?

>Ep 1- Boring
>Ep 2- Boring
>Ep 3- Basically ruined the show that was already ruined
>Ep 4- Stupid
>Ep 5- Still stupid but genocidal Dany is based
>Ep 6- ???

Haven't you heard, user? Women can't rape. Handsome men can't either. It's only disgusting men that can do it

>Futa Dany mating presses Sansa into submission

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haha imagine her being your aunt and you have to bang to keep the bloodline pure haha

Who else? He's among few male heirs of the big houses available on the "winning side", alternative being Tyrion with Casterly Rock lost, a disgraced family name and officially guilty of killing a child king.

People seem to be forgetting he is the actual lineage heir to Winterfell and arguably King in the North title.

Does Bronn seriously believe he can be lord of the Riverlands or the Reach?

Does he really think that the other lords wouldn't overthrow him immediately?

Are we really expected to accept such sloppy writing?


Plus episode 2 was ruined forever by episode 3

>This ending is mostly a damn cynical and nihilistic ending.
i read the first book only (before i learnt that they will be never ever be finished) and even i can see that GRRM is a cynical and nihilistic guy, what the fuck did you expect out of this?

>Could have pledged to Stannis and possibly get the opportunity to sack Kings Landing and been allowed to raid everything withing spitting distance of the Iron Islands
Negotiate with Stannis? He has more luck talking to the wind
Still, Balon could have swallowed his fucking pride, as he did when bent the knee after Bobby B and co killed his sons and crushed his tantrum
If he would have swallowed his pride and joined the Starks he could have harried the Westerlands to heart's content
Honestly fuck that cuck

I was thinking the same thing

it's only disgusting when men do it*

absolutely kys, and go back to discord, tranny

Imagine her tying up Sansa, torturing her, while making her eat her pussy out, otherwise she gets eaten by dogs.

>uses Sansa's chain thing as a collar

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>Jon... you should've raped her.. it would've saved everyone

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>Does Bronn seriously believe he can be lord of the Riverlands or the Reach?

If he seriously does he's even stupider than I thought.

that feel is known..

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The episode 6 leak is a red herring to swurve people. Everyone believes it because the others were true but they did that for a reason. If DnD called me right now and told me the ending no one would believe me simply due to the fact someone already leaked 1-6 with 1-5 being true. Now everyone is screaming the ep 6 leak is true when it is very obvious that it is not legit

right? That'd be crazy, haha

He never claimed he did it solely for the peasants. He however did despise Aerys for his insanity and once he decided stopping him from blowing up Kings Landing was the right thing to do he fully committed to it. He gave his rambling speech to explain why the claim he had no honor was bullshit, that he made a calculated decision that a king who asked him to kinslay and allow the murder of innocents was intolerable to a knight. That he valued things more than his oath to protect the king, and he thinks it was the best decision he ever made. He didn’t want to be a hero for the small folk, that’s why he didn’t brag about it or talk about it for years. He just didn’t like being treated like shit for a decision he thought was one of his best objectively, and possibly the most knight like saving all those people.

Well since women can't even be bothered to stay not fat so actually working out is out of the question. Such things take time, effort and consistency.

You are making this worse for yourself user.

>Are we really expected to accept such sloppy writing?
As long as people slurp down what they write, why should they care?
The only power people have is to stop watching the show so that the producers adapt to what the people want. But since they get more views than ever, why should they stop? At every episode they get more critics and the episode after that gets even more views.

literally one of the greatest episodes of tv ever
imagine being dumb enough to root for characters in got then watch as they rain destruction on innocents in their quest for power. Imagine coming to the realization that you got tricked by speeches but overlooked her actions because she always claimed the ends justify the means. Imagine realising this is literally the same kind of shit that got Hitler into power and yet you whooped and cheered at the screen when she butchered innocents in pows in past season.

Bravo Dnd

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According to the fake leak, Bronn is on the council. Why do people believe this leak. Help me understand.


>Are we really expected to accept such sloppy writing?
normies have slurping their bullshit up since season 5 so yeah accept it

Thanks for the screenshot, do you want me to call you anything in particular for my compilation for after the episode airs?

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>Why do people believe this leak.
Because it doesn't make sense which is perfectly in line with everything else that has happened since S5

He owns the reach

>Could have allied with the Starks, crowned himself and raided the wealthiest province in Westeros
>Straight up offered a crown in return for an alliance
>Fuck you Robb, you can't offer me a crown, I'll pay the Iron Price(tm) for one, REEEEEEEE

>people are blaming Dany for something that has the mind of a dog did.

I didn't really expect anything different. I was just saying with that in mind, King Bran makes sense. The idea of any "good king" or "good queen" is sheer fantasy. A robot or AI "king" as far superior to any human ruling class, all they do in the ASoIaF is hurt people and destroy shit. Monarchy is inherently evil in GRRM's world.

Daddy would be fine, thanks.

How much of this will D&D be able to pull of in episode 6?

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>all this danyfag cope over the leaks of the finale

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I'd pick Joffrey
For shits and giggles
Also his actor is actually a chill dude who does a shitton of charity plays.

Noble houses virtually don't exist unless they are convenient to the story

Damn dude you're in hardcore fucking denial right now. We've has three entire not episodes, but three entire dissapoiting seasons in a row now. You should be used to this.

You should know better, everyone should. It is obvious it is fake, just read it. At least with proper writing and a few more episodes the other episodes could be made into atleast a 6/10 instead of its current 2/10. This finale leak does not fit no matter how hard it is twisted or done within 15 episodes.

>"...including my wiener. It doesn't work anymore, Jon. Not unless I see some rape."

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If i understand these hacks i would kill a few characters out of the blue to simplify and speed things.
Case on point Tyrion and Dany.

We need a Jon Snow version of "no way fag"

imagine thinking butchering pows is seen as evil

But she isn't Hitler. She didn't burn those people because of their racial background. Not all genocides are created equal. This isn't even a genocide to be honest, since - again - she didn't target a specific group trying to kill every last member of it. It was a democratic mass killing.

>Show that winter is actually over
Did it even start?

Does anyone have the screencap where it talks about how Jaime charging Dany and Drogon on horse being cast as villainous and how subversive it is?


>You should be used to this.
I am used to it. That still does not mean DnD would suicide their careers by ruining GRRM's ending and any hype for the HBO prequels and millions in merch sales.

The long night (1 night) followed by the long winter (2 weeks)

>no mention of stannis return

I just wanted to ask the same thing

You still believe those leaks after reading all that? Come on, you guys are supposed to be smarter than this, how can you fall for such a terrible leak no matter the previous episodes?

>Monarchy is inherently evil in GRRM's world.
everybody is inherently evil when in charge because at some point you'll need to fuck someone to get shit done, he's exaggerating everything for the shock factor but i mostly agree with the concept.
If you want power and want to maintain it will get messy, it's just human nature.

Mah man

Why don't we know Jon's feelings on finding out who his real parents are? It's like, he's acknowledged it, but now there's no further insight. Is he happy about that? Does he even care?

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They already did in their haste to jump onto the mousebucks trilogy train though
They publicly announced they were going to be hiding from the internet and drinking heavily during the final episode after the response to e04

I root for fictional villains all the time. They people they hurt are not real and neither are they. I just wish she'd been written well and was a good villain. Then I could root for her.
I'm not really rooting for anyone now. But just like I did with the NK, the show is so bad now that the idea of Dany killing everyone is an entertaining thought (it won't happen though, Jon kills her at the beginning of Sunday's episode).

It's time to give up on this pile of shit and stop posting threads about it. The leaks are real. It makes me want to puke having invested so much time in it. Fuck D&D.

They have to keep their biggest plot twist a secret

Yeah, but this is the final disappointment that we can't possibly explain away or drown in fresh disappointment from new seasons. It's here to stay, and that stings even more.

its the broad strokes of the themes of the series. the name of the series has more to do with just jon
>It does not end the way the leaks claim as HBO would destroy their own repuation as well as DnD would not even be able to attend ComicCon with being booed off stage for their Starwars shit. Jon will end up being King, not because he wants it but because everyone else does, just like NW and The North. If anyone is the brainlet it is you. The leak for the finale is fake
absolute cope. every episode this season has produced more assrage than the last and the finale will be the most hated ever

Because they have been accurate until now. But i also refuse to accept this ending and consider this either a false flag from the leaker or a genuine devilish jew plan from the authors that filmed multiple endings.

The ending leaks are from the same place, leaked awhile ago, that are right every single episode, that's why.

The true King.

Attached: stannis screen.jpg (760x428, 99K)

What are you talking about we gt a great insight into his mind when he said

they don't give a fuck which is kinda BASED get fucked danyfags

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So how do you guys think Maario Naharis the emperor of Slaver's Bay is getting on?

Is he doing a good job in ensuring the smooth transition away from a slave economy?
Any new public works being completed, or rebuilding all the damage caused by Dany,
What kind of people is he surrounding himself with (his council or cabinet or whatever)
Luckily the dothraki aren't a threat becasue all 100, 000 members of the dothraki race have been busy dying in westeros but what about the volantenes or the qartheen? Slaver's bay would be easy picking rights now
Most importantly, is he enjoying himself? I mean it's an incredibly high stress situation to be in charge of and the only possibly relevant experience he has would be the shared managership of The Second Sons. I doubt even the finest Lysene whores would be able to help you wind down after a busy day on that job.

I will always be a Stark

So Jon, what do you feel, now that you have found out about your true heritage?
>"I dun wannit"
>"I love you, mah QWEEN"

If the Thrones finale ends worse than Dexter reviews, their careers would be over. HBO would not allow it. You know that shit gets reviewed before they spend money on production. Everyone on the damn internet believes the finale leak, I just don't understand, faith in DnD or not. Jon's lineage does not even matter after they spent money on his birth scene, tower of joy. Hiring a dude to play his dad for a 15 second clip all for nothing that has impact on the story.

With the Dothraki gone doesn't that leave Essos open to the myriad of other threats? Like the Zebra Mongols, Vampires, etc.

People said the same shit about every one. Is some fake out still possible? Of course, but every time people theorize fake scenes being shot or fake leaks this season, they're wrong. So nothing is ever impossible it just seems unlikely now.

I don’t know I think in GRRM’s view Bran would be ideal because he knows the story of the world and everyone it, making him able to rule fair and justly for all. He is cynical, but he does have idealist tendencies. The kings and leaders he likes are almost always a “property of the people” type of sovereign. They go and talk to the small folk and settle disputes with words etc. They are king because people believe they are the best person to be king. I also believe Bran’s autism was a show only invention for plot convenience so there’s that.

>But she isn't Hitler.
No, Hitler had a plan.
>She didn't burn those people because of their racial background.
No, she killed them because they were living in an specific place.
>Not all genocides are created equal.
>This isn't even a genocide to be honest, since - again - she didn't target a specific group trying to kill every last member of it.
"Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race."
>It was a democratic mass killing.
I don't talk seriously in this shit hole but you are stupid and uncultured, that's a hell of a combination.

The Night King was the winter and Euron was the storm, the first and last. It is now endless summers and droughts for the citizens of Westeros.

It will be bad, but it can't possibly be worse than the Dexter ending. It's gonna be a 1/10 and Dexter was 0/10.

I'm sure the entire empire was burned to ashes months ago.
I wonder how Dany will handle that fuckpile in the books. Will she just fuck off as easily as she did in the show? Will she fire and blood her enemies before going to Westeros to do the same there?

What else do you expect from Ironniggers

Genocide is the attempt to destroy any recognized, stable, and permanent group as it is defined by the perpetrator. It is certainly no genocide by classic definition. But under modern definitions an ethnical component is not needed anymore. A location as the common link between the group killed can be suficient. Like wiping every inhabitant of a village off the map. The wholesale intent to kill all inhabitants of King's Landing would be considered an international crime in front of Den Hague today. Even if it does not perfectly fit the classic/public conception of what a genocide is.

Just read it though, obviously a fake. Nothing against the leaker and I appreciate whoever it is but they got lied to for the ending, bigly

>came to power by deposing her husband, who she repeatedly cucked
>had a string of male lovers many of which she liked just because they were hot or bad boys
>fucked a guy who was her 'true love' for a while but then made him her beta orbiter and got him to introduce her to new chads
>pretentious and progressive in younger years but later became conservative
>terrible mother who basically abused her son (who was also a cuck)
>allegedly died trying to fuck a horse because she couldn't find a human cock big enough to satisfy her stretched out pussy
is there any historical figure who was more of a roastie hag?

Attached: Catherine the great.png (720x405, 596K)

Everyone believes the final leak because it was leaked by various people who have been right with all their previous leaks. People said the same shit about the episode 5, "hurr they can't possibly ruin Dany's character, hurr bells are an obvious false flag" and look what happened. At this point I don't think DnD give a fuck anymore, they already got Star Wars and people will forget about GoT in a month.

People talk shit about DnD, okay, I mostly agree. They complain about writing after season 4 or 5 depending on who you ask. They did not have books but they did have his general plot, events, and ending and it was not completely terrible. I actually thank them for what they did at least because I have watched it but GRRM would not end it like this.

>I wonder how Dany will handle that fuckpile in the books. Will she just fuck off as easily as she did in the show?

Probably, you should also keep in mind that Victarion and the entirety of the Iron Fleet have just arrived, so Slaver's Bay is gonna get KRAKEN'D

It has to be fake. It has to be. It's too fucking awful not to be. You cannot convince me that people wrote this, submitted it for review, signed the budget checks, signed off on the shoots and sent it to post without any qualms. It's so fucking BAD.

I imagine by the time Dany gets back to Mereen things will mostly be sorted, that big battle she fought in the first ten minutes of the Battle of the bastards episode is already happening in the early sample chapters we've been given for Winds.

Maybe it'll just be so fucked that she can't do anything about it, I also find it highly unlikely that she'll have the entire dothraki race with her in the books because that's insanely retarded.

I mean the dothraki are a crucial part of the entire economy of all of essos west of Qarth

If you have any evidence it's fake or you know about the real ending, show it. Otherwise, it's probably real. We've done this song and dance every time. Just last week no one believed the Bells Leak and called bells members idiots because the leak was so obviously fake.

REBELLION WILL *gestures with his hand* NOT BE TOLERATED
FIRE *gestures with his hand* AND *gestures with his hand* BLOOD

*gestures with his hand*

*gestures with his hand* THERE *gestures with his hand* WILL *gestures with his hand* BE *gestures with his hand* NO *gestures with his hand* PEACE *gestures with his hand*

Attached: TRUE QUEEN FOR TRUE WESTEROSI.jpg (1087x619, 181K)

This season has not been good, but up all the leaks beside 6 can be made to work if they did another 6+ episodes, but the finale leak just does not work no matter what.


She and her shitskin followers will move through Essos like the Biblical locusts, leaving devastation and chaos in their wake. Expect Volantis and the Free Cities to burn and millions die before she reaches Dragonstone

The Dothraki sea is as big as Europe, do you think even 100,000 people are the entire race?

what do you mean teleports to kings landing, they're already there?

Sam or Sansa are not there
Bronn is nowhere to be seen even if he should be there

read it. I read the others prior to the episodes and hated it, but I never doubted them because given the right time, it could half ass work. The same can not be said for the finale leak.

>And what we're seeing is like the end of the Dothraki

prepare your anus for Sunday, or just stop caring like the rest of us

It did. It stole Dany's claim on the throne which was a major part of her meltdown.

It is pitiful that is what it boiled down to, but it did have a purpose.

Why would I believe D&D?

It's stupid but just like Mad Dany, Jon fucking off to the far north at the end and Bran becoming king has been theories since the 90s with old forums posting countless passages from the books as evidence of foreshadowing, so the finale makes as much sense to me and is as predictable as Mad Dany. Which is: would be fine if fleshed out, but it won't be, it'll be rushed and stupid.

That's really not that big, the entire Eurasian steppe irl is multiple times the size of europe (some of it is europe) and the pastoralist populations that have lived there have always been relatively small compared to the settled city based civilisations around them

Also they explicitly said in the show it's ALL of the dothraki.

We already know that Bran's entire journey north that stretch on like 4 seasons only had the purpose of exposing the Night King's origin, revealing Jon's parentage, and to be elected king.

"It's stupid" is the reason that was given all the other leaks had to be fake. They were always true. Large numbers of fans still think episodes 1, 3, 4, and 5 are dumb and make no sense and only like episode 2, which was just nice character moments.
Leaks are real, man. Deal with it. It's not even the stupidest thing I can imagine them doing.

they dont have to explain anything

The bell leak was fucking retarded as well, yet that didn't stop them from doing it. I don't doubt for a second that the finale leak is accurate, at this point "they'd never do something so stupid" sounds like an argument for them doing exactly that.

If Tyrion finds Jamie's hand in the rubble I'll eat my shoe on stream

who's shilling this copefuel falseflag fanfiction "leak" and saying its all fake when this is the real leak


Attached: GoTleak.png (1032x757, 704K)

The Game of Thrones was a long-con by Bloodraven to transfer his conscience into a younger body and sit himself on the throne that was his by rights.
I don't think its any coincidence that Meera rhymes with Shiera.

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Either say The Hague or Den Haag, moron, not Den Hague. Genocide wasn't even a word until 1944, so not sure what you mean by 'classic' vs. 'modern'. It's from the Greek word 'genos' which means 'race, nation or people'.

What Dany did in KL would absolutely be considered genocide before the ICC.

i want to care for sick emilia !

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So what the FUCK happened to winter?
Where's the cold? The snow? The lords "freezing in their castle like peasants"? Winter officially started like 3 seasons ago and it's still sunny and warm south of the Twins?

Attached: seriously.jpg (1080x1080, 166K)

This. Also gives him the chance to deal with Aegon, the final Blackfyre fucking shit

The newest leak was essentially the same shit with more background info.

Attached: more stuff from the cleganebowl leaker.png (996x853, 163K)

D&D kind of forgot about the seasons changing

the bell leak sounded stupid because it said the bells made her go crazy but it was not the bells that did it, winning was just not good enough for her and she ignored them. If the leak said "Dany ignores surrender bells" it would have made sense.

Yeah. People ask, "What's the point of Jon?" Jon only exists to facilitate Dany's descent into madness, he's a prop character for her "development" and some tragic lovers shit before he wanders off and Bran takes over. That's it.

It's so shit, I can't believe it's real. They really just did not give a single fuck about this entire season.

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Makes sense to me, this is now my headcanon.

>Jaime dies in a basement under tons of stone and debris, but his golden hand appears at ground level.
>Dany sends Tyrion to prison (she burns people though) after this 3rd warning but killed Varys.
>Jon "tricks" Dany, stabs her with his sword that Grey Worm would have taken.
>Grey Worm, Unsullied and the Dothraki do not instantly kill him
>Drogon (large dragon) lands inside the Throne Room.
>Drogon does not roast Jon.
>Drogon (large dragon without thumbs or even hands) somehow picks Dany up and manages to keep her from falling even though Jon could barely hang on (with thumbs).
>A council is formed (for some reason) with no goal apparently (because Sam has to suggest things) and they have no idea what their purpose is.
>This same council teleports to Kings Landing moments after battle, without a goal.
>For some reason Sansa, Sam, and Tyrion or even Arya no longer want King Aegon for some reason.
>Sam (best friend of Jon/Aegon) called him "The King of The Seven bloody Kingdons" and "rightful heir" just episodes prior but now wants to vote for a new leader. Sansa also described "someone better"
>Knights Watch, yea, with a K (leak clearly by a show watcher only)
>Nights Watch has no reason to exist, The Wall is even useless as it has a big hole in it.
>Dany's entire army lets Jon leave because Sansa tells them, okay.
>Tyrion is searching for a good Master of Whispers for a King that can see everything.
>Brieanne is the Kingsgaurd, but Podrick is Bran's protector for some reason.
>Jon's entire storyline, including his lineage that Bran and Sam needed to tell him about ASAP played no impact at all in the ending, or any of the story.
>Dothraki and Unsullied want to travel around and free slaves because they are great people of course.
>Bronn is somehow on the "council", along with Sam even though he should run his house.
>No mention of Dorne or new Prince of Dorne even though we have seen Dorne during new intros, implying they will play a part.

D&D turned down every offer from HBO to extend the series but didn't want to hand the reigns to someone else.
They are fucking hacks

Attached: Sad!.png (599x625, 469K)

>>Jon's entire storyline, including his lineage that Bran and Sam needed to tell him about ASAP played no impact at all in the ending, or any of the story.
It does matter, it's what they needed to make mad dany happen. And uh.. that's pretty much it.

They are not the only writers and they are using GRRM's plot and ending confirmed by all 3 of them. This episode 6 leak is fake.

Imagine unironically thinking that Tolkien didn't also just steal a bunch of shit from others too.

you're absolutely right, D&D would actually justify Bran becoming king if they showed us that.

cope harder

I mean yes. It makes no sense. The list for The Long Night's dumb plot shit is even longer. That's season 8 in a nutshell: makes no damn sense. That's how I know this leak is probably legit just like all the others

The newest leak is fanfiction written based on what was leaked before it.

>Jaime's hand sticking out of rubble
>Tyrion is able to dig through it himself

its a falseflag to make the leak sound gayer and therefore less real by copefag shitposters


he was being facetious, even tyrion does'nt buy it.
Jaime always has his mask on when it comes to Cersei, it's how he copes

which one of you is smart enough to explain to me why she killed everyone in kings landing?

FUCK niggers and FUCK jews

Do you faggots actually have this much faith in D&D? After the past 3.9 seasons of absolute shit?

Maybe but to be honest I can so easily imagine this scene because it's exactly D&D's whole style.

who gives a shit

It's possible yeah, but the real leaks we had before also had the retarded shit people complain about the most

Watch the inside the episode videos. They have no clue what they're doing.
They are always saying "I think this what the characters feel" and I think this and I think that. They don't even know what the characters personalities and motivations are anymore!
It's their fault if they are keeping shit writers for multiple seasons and putting their work to screen.

Tyrion dies

They might be using GRRM's ending but they obviously didn't give a fuck about how to get there, otherwise they wouldn't habe squeezed it all into the final two episodes. Maybe Martin could have made it work but the show ending was gonna be shit regardless because there's no way to wrap up everything with just one episode left.

she was on her period


what do you ride? cb650f here.


Arya should've been killed during Dany's rampage in episode 5.
This would better motivate Jon to actually betray her, and would also make the whole "Dany turning mad/evil" thing more impactful.

She has always been mad dany, she just had people keeping her in check, jorah being the main one. She said in season 2 she will burn enemies and cities to the ground. You can't burn cities without civilians. So yes, she has always been mad dany and would have snapped at some point even if Jon never told her about his parents. Out of everything in that write up, Jons identity is what you choose. DnD did not say Jons name when describing what she was feeling in that moment.

>C O P E

Attached: man.jpg (1280x720, 193K)

shut the fuck up george.

Based on the progression of the TV show? Nobody can give a justifiable answer other than the total copout "muh fear" because it doesn't exist

Everyone who watches the show brainlet

It was posted by a verified leaker, that's why everyone's buying it. I'd believe it's fanfiction if it came out of nowhere like the "Spanish Spoilers" but that wasn't the case here.

they are still using GRRM's ending and that aint it.

Robb, Jon? Renly? and possible Balon or Euron
NK, Dany, Cersei, Joffrey


Writers are jew hacks

>When we introduced Olly, Bryan, our writers' assistant suggested that he be the one to kill Ygritte, as a call-back to when Ygritte killed his parents.
>We thought that was really smart so he's a full-time writer on the show now.
I knew I should have quit the show when I saw that.

I have zero faith in D&D faggot I am just saying its fake, while the real leaks are real
its still completely unverifiable fanfiction from a seperate leak that hasnt proven anything yet

cb125e, oh god...
It starts to shake at 90kmh (54mph)

Wait, we're going by the standards of what the writers say in the aftershow now? Those retards aren't even sure what motivates their characters anymore...


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-16-12h24m22s843.png (577x1076, 308K)

thanks for the chat bros, Im off to work. Remember, the finale leak is super fake. have a good day

I know. But i can't abandon denial.

>from a seperate leak that hasnt proven anything yet
It's from the Cleganebowl leaker


stop nitpicking, you still understand my point even if you disagree with my interpretation

Attached: 22-brendan-fraser.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 33K)

maybe but Bran will be king because a few plebs got to vote and plebs will be on the kings council


What was his leak?

They fucked up by omitting and changing so much stuff they deemed unimportant along the way that Grrms ending falls flat.
No Aegon, Euron reduced to a plot device, pushing Dany and Tyrion as saints and saviors, adding in the Night King, pandering to Q ratings, and a lot of other stuff. The entire series was heading towards this disaster since season 2, maybe even season 1.

Is she the last good monarch left?

Attached: Theon_and_yara_promo_6x5.jpg (4500x2994, 3.14M)

She didn't kill everyone, not even close. Nor wanted to.

She always had homicidal tendencies, but she surrounded herself with people she trusted and loved to keep her in check. Some of them died very recently (Jorah, Missandei) and every single other one betrayed her trust deeply.

She realized that the thing she gave up so much for was a lie and she felt threatened by Jon's claim to the throne.

Feeling threatened, alone and rejected by everyone (with the final nail in the coffin being the man she loves who rejects her), she took what she thinks is hers by force. If she does not have a rightful claim to the throne, nor the love and admiration that she got on Essos, then she wants everyone to fear her so she can finally have what she has dreamt of for so long.

No one has said this in weeks. Of course based Jon will kill the bitch, the leak is still fake.

>watches the show and wants to watch more than he has to
jesus fucking christ and I thought I was sad

Oh dear. Mine does 99kph in first, that's with a restrictor. Euro on A1?

Attached: boomerdance.gif (467x398, 74K)

Yes. Suprised D&D didn't ruin her char like they did with the rest.

did the strokes give her autism or did she always have it

You are right actually. They could have extended the first 4 seasons further with how much they omitted but clearly with the final two seasons they didn't plan on staying for too long.
HOWEVER, they didn't let other people continue the show instead because they are hacks.

Supposedly he also had screenshots that he shared with a mod there but those never got posted, so no way to verify that now

Attached: plebbit.png (993x795, 138K)

>Yes. Suprised D&D didn't ruin her char like they did with the rest.
There is still time.

Salsa> Jon > a pile of used needles >>>>>>>>>>>> > everyone else > literal shit > Dany

Attached: 1557571295105.jpg (1080x1349, 104K)

Nobody is safe until the credits roll. Not even you, the viewer?

lotr > got

It's a tv show and they got high location and props expenses as it's a medieval era show. Their goal is to turn a profit, not to show you lots of pretty places

Aussie on learners so I don't have an excuse.
I ride like every Indian in my area kek


dora the explorer > 2 cc's of smegma > lotr > got

>Aussie on learners so I don't have an excuse.
Same. I actually work for a bike shop and literally everyone there told me I'd get fucking bored if I got less than a 500.

I'm almost feeling guilty about the off topic here but it's /got/.

At least he got an assist

double based

They already feared her for her foreign army and dragon, how easily she took King's Landing gives her more fear and solidifies her hold, burning a city that's now hers and killing peasants does nothing but create hate. How can she trust servants or rebuild anything if she killed thousands and destroyed so much and has no money

I'm still confused by her motivation to take Kings Landing, even since season 1. Seems kind of dumb, she could have lived a great life on Dragon Stone or somewhere on Essos and forgot about KL. She could have had someone assassinate Cersei and the rest of her enemies if it was revenge she wanted. She does not care about helping people, she was lying to herself and everyone around her. She wanted to destroy KL and take what her family built away from whoever was in power, she wanted revenge. She wanted power. She is crazy like the rest of her family except a handful, including Jon

That's the Targaryen look to be fair

Attached: MAEKAR_I.jpg (300x420, 45K)

>Of course the NK won't be killed by Arya in episode 3, that would be retarded.
>Of course Dany won't be ambushed by Euron in the middle of the fucking ocean while flying, that would be retarded
>Of course Dany won't go nuts and burn the whole city down after winning, that would be retarded

See you on Sunday.

In both books and film/show adaptations. It is known.

Attached: itisknown.png (600x469, 252K)

Maario Naharis takes the throne, screencap for when you're feeling like an idiot on sunday

Attached: 1493079309727.jpg (477x318, 52K)

It wouldn't have mattered if she didn't go mad kween.
Eventually she was going after Salsa which is a guaranteed death sentence for her.

Attached: 1245515.png (378x435, 147K)

D&D literally say that she isn't insane in a bts video. Are you contradicting the shows creators and writers?

But what would be the payoff for a scene in season 6 where Arya and actress woman wonder what's west of Westeros, dude?

Hey, Preston. Which church will you burn after the last episode airs? I don't think you can top Notre Dame.

>Insane people find insane person sane

imagine my shock

>>Of course the NK won't be killed by Arya in episode 3, that would be retarded.
>>Of course Dany won't be ambushed by Euron in the middle of the fucking ocean while flying, that would be retarded
>>Of course Dany won't go nuts and burn the whole city down after winning, that would be retarded
I believed all that though. What I do not believe is leaks for episode 6. Yes, see you Sunday.

>be Targaryen
>be one of the shittiest and least important houses in Old Valyria
>survive the doom that kills 100% of your competition by sheer dumb luck
>decide against rebuilding the freehold, and instead conquering shitty backwards tribes of nobodies
>call yourself a 'Conqueror' despite only winning with your biological WMD's that you were born with and nobody else can use
>STILL can't even conquer all of the kingdoms
>fucking sandpeople take a dragon down and stay independent until you're forced to literally beg them to join you
>have a monopoly on biological WMD's, but still get complacent and let them all die out so your only advantage is gone
>constantly pump out lunatic incest babies until one goes too far and starts slaughtering people for no reason
>immediately lose the throne to GigaChad Bobby B because you can't win a war on a level playing field
>do nothing and live in exile for years until the sheer might of your pathetic existence makes Lady Luck herself descend from the heavens and hand you three more biological WMD's
>fucking lose them again

Attached: 1557103233737.jpg (787x840, 84K)

Topkek got me
Nice one user

Attached: Brienne-Laughing.png (970x545, 548K)

>D&D tell us, don't show us, that she isn't insane
>we're fully expected to believe she's insane in the next episode to justify her death

Why did they ruin Jaime?

Your problem is that you assume everyone in the show must act rational at all times. Clearly all of her emotions got the best of her and she thought she needed to do this, even though she really didn't.

She told herself that it was because she wanted to rid the worlds of tyrant. The real reason is that she's a power-hungry megalomaniac. That is clear from the way she acted these past 2 seasons.

Yeah, the 'leaker' was just expanding on already proven leaks, but adding his fanfiction. Grey Worm clearly gets killed by Jon.
>mfw leaks are real

Idiot. You actually though Jaime changed.

He got what he wanted in the end

Attached: 1557854750998.jpg (2877x1618, 237K)

>we're such shit writers we have to have an interview afterwards to explain the emotions we were trying to convey in the episode

because of dumb cunts like this:

>past 2 seasons.
since the death of her brother.

I agree with them. She's cruel and all but her actions are legitimate. All of her deductions about who betrayed her and how and why were perfectly on spot. She suspected no one that isn't actually guilty. She told Jon what would happen if he told his family his heritage and it happened exactly as she said.
Her logic is completly solid. Faggots are in denial because if someone disagrees with them must be insane or abused as a child or whatnot.

She seemed to care about the enslaved people.

What's Dorne's motivation to remain in the seven kingdoms when they only joined in the first place so Targaryens would stop invading and it required a dual marriage?

Not rational, just consistent and sensical

neither of the leaks are real. both of the so called leaks came from two different people but their source was the same person. it may be fan fiction but it was fan fiction by the same person.

Could someone post the leaked photo of Dany on Drogon's back, wounded?

Because they can't write for shit. Him ending up at Cersei's side wouldn't be as jarringly bad if it was at least written well

>season 7, episode 10, it's snowing in king's landing
>season 8, episode 4, it's a fucking desert

She wanted to be praised. She loved it when they were all touching her. She is a psychopath.

Joffrey. I eliminate all the schemers from the court, send his mom to rule the Casterly Rock asap, we start his military reforms. Debt is taken care of by pillaging the Faith and allying with Tyrells.
Hire a faceless man to off Dany.

new thread, piss myself

Attached: draco.jpg (977x429, 80K)

>Not rational, just consistent and sensical
It is consistent and sensical. Your rebuttal only makes sense if you assume her to be rational.

Your fire burns low /got/
Have a new thread:

Attached: 0-your-fire-burns-low.jpg (967x572, 27K)

This is what really boggles my mind. If you need a post-show behind the scenes to explain what you were trying to show on screen you fucked up beyond belief.

pretty sure it's fake, drogon looks really small

unless they do renders with downscaled models which would be fucking retarded, but I guess it explains where the budget goes

She seemed to care about stroking her fucking ego lmao.
You're fucking blind my dude

that photo was from an earlier season, was debunked a while ago. though I don't remember what they said it was from you can clearly see Drogon is way smaller.

Jesus CHRIST I just read what happened to her. I feel so bad for her now that sounds so fucked.

It's not consistent or sensical at all. She's always tried to get either the nobles or people on her side, this loses her both and adding hate to the fear and burning the innocent has never been her way

>their goal is to make money, not make a good show!
GOT fans everyone

Because the non-autists have done such a great job ruling. I'd rather have Bran rule than fucking dany

Makes sense.

King Robb and Queen Dany (they are married).
enemies: all the others

Attached: Dany and Robb.jpg (1024x524, 49K)

You are dense. She tried to build her ruling on plebs by freeing them, the moment she executed one of them for being a murderer (the one that killed the guy waiting trial) they hissed at her, threw stones and whatever.
Then she tries the nobles way by marrying that other witty sandnigger (which was actually solid, when he btfo both Daario and her shit talking about who will win it was cracking me up) and instead the other nobles tried to kill both.
She never obtained any loyalty beside that of her close counselors (which also betrayed her anyway) and the unsullied.
Now comes to Westeros and she sees that both nobles and plebs hate her despite her trying a desperate move, sacrificing her only loyal men and dragons to hope for their gratitude. Which didn't happen.
Honestly, anyone would have snapped way before.

Yes it is consistent and sensical. I told you in my original comment. Your argument was that her actions weren't necessary and that it therefore doesn't make sense. That, again, assumes she is purely rational.