Genuine question

Why are there 0 (0%) white people in Agrabah? Same as Wakanda. Yet there are like 60% blacks in Asgard or even movies like the new Snowwhite?

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White people are so last decade

Unironicly Jews

Libs would probably start a civil war if there was a single white person.

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>movies like the new Snowwhite?

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It's just surreal at this point, wtf. Snowwhite is supposed to be Germany in the 17th century.

Why is it such an issue for you? A normal person doesn't even notice details like these but you read this deep conspiratorial meaning into it.

They look like Italians.

Why are you such a cuck that pretends this is fine?

Stop trying to speak on behalf of normal people tranny freak.

Because no sane white person in their right mind goes to Africa even in a ficticious situation

all you have to do is ask why there ARE different ethnicities in the films. Is it lack of white actors/extras? No. Is it for historical/fictional accuracy? No. Is it to appeal to minorities? No, because if it were it'd be skewed more heavily towards latinos in the US and Indians in the UK, black africans are small minorities in western countries.

They put out a casting call for actors and whoever reads their lines or does their actions the best gets the job.


Same deal with live-action Beauty and the Beast. I took my kid to see it and lo and behold, half the townspeople are black, there's interracial couples and one that is openly gay. In a setting that's supposed to be early 18th century France...

Attached: diversity.jpg (1960x5094, 526K)

Because it is fine
You see non-incels crying about it? No

Kissless hugless virgin freaks aren't normal people

Discord trannies strike again. Haven't you 41 percented yet?

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i'm a male
Sorry to burst your bogeyman bubble

fuck off polcuck

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Well this movie isn't made by arabs, it's made by Disney which is essetially a jewish company since most of the executives are jews. So if you want to complain about their movies, don't ask africans or arabs, ask directly to your overlords

Obviously because white people don't want to move to those shitholes.

Damn right you're a male, tranny. You will never be a woman.

Pretty fucked up when during the time historically they would be looking more Caucasian than Arabic.

>Why is it such an issue for you? A normal person doesn't even notice details like these but you read this deep conspiratorial meaning into it.
You should be asking yourself what good does it do to minorities? Not only it doesn't do any good but you pretty much end up with Trump president because of SJW overdose. Not saying jews are displeased with TRump president all while playing 4Dchess on you

>They put out a casting call for actors and whoever reads their lines or does their actions the best gets the job.

Attached: los-angeles-california-usa-28th-feb-2016-brie-larson-laughs-while-FJ5N60.jpg (548x494, 30K)

>Pretty fucked up when during the time historically they would be looking more Caucasian than Arabic.
Sure, caucasoids built the pyramidz too, forgot about it and went back living in caves for a couple of hundred years

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I warned you about amerigoy, I told you dog

Why do unintelligent people always need a scapegoat to blame for their problems?

>Same as Wakanda
It's a literal ethnostate. Did you watch the movie?

realistic to real world (pic related jasmine with her husband)

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Well, Slumdog Millionaire is indian, alladin isnt indian. Thats like when they used mexicans to play all ethnic groups in 20s-30s pulp-derived serials. Might as well just cast mexicans if that's the logic shes going with.

shut up goy

>calls others cucked while being ethnically displaced
based leftist

I don't get it,your pic has three white people,two white men and a white women and Will Smith. What's wrong?

>haha strawman, what now?

>princess Jasmine
>cast a half white half indian actress

because whites have enough money to pay other races to take shit jobs they don't want to do

You just haven't been paying attention. Here's your white scandinavian boy self insert into the a middle eastern fairy tale. Welcom to the fantastic world of represenation. You get a SJW badge. Hopefully you will stop crying about blacks in Vallaha.

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good, they'd get blown the fuck out

Based. Finally someone is actually trying to counter the shilling here. I bet that if you keep it up they'll actually ban Republican bots finally

*south Italians*

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>Why is it such an issue for you?
Because everyone notices it since people aren't blind and it indoctrinates children in a way to surmise it's normalt o have brown people everywhere and be "multicultural", which it isn't. It instills the idea that it always was like that and they had a part in creating Europe, which they didn't. It's globalism and immigration propaganda, both things which are bad.

Do I have to go on?

Even as a common moviegoer who doesn'T care about politics, hell, even as a libtard who loves movies, you must reject this shit. The amount of disbelief you have to suspend in order to immerse in any of this is far beyond what anyone could even muster.

It's so in your face.

So is Asgard and all the old European countries in movies.


That's all either based on false assumptions or plucked purely out of your imagination.


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Shhhh you're not supposed to notice stuff like that.

But Arabs ARE white, sweaty...

>Why is it such an issue for you? A normal person doesn't even notice details like these but you read this deep conspiratorial meaning into it.
It's weird how it's always blacks. Never Asians or Hispanics.
