Who else on sex strike?

Who else on sex strike?

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I've been for the past 28 years

This just further insinuates the idea of a sexual dichotomy. By participating in this, women acknowledge the fact that they hold more power than men, and dissolve the concept of a “patriarchy”, instead formulating the concept of unequal balance, as women have it far better than men in society.

Oh no! This is terrible news.
I don't know how I'm going to cope.

it worked in Lysistrata

This is why my gf is Chinese. Not going to deal with white roasties.

no seriously, it's a joke about Ancient Greece

Lol yeah. Sure.

this bitch hasnt been relevant in decades

An ex gf did this with me to get me to stop smoking and it took less than a week for her to realise she was also punishing herself

Please make it stop.... I cant take anymore

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But I thought women loved womb crushing sex

The only women who would go along with this are women you wouldn't want to be with anyway. As far as I'm concerned she's doing us a favor

en value sex and claim to be good at sex (which they are not, especially with virgin girls) only because they know it is on sex and harmless fun that a woman bases her decision to let men continue to care for her.

If a woman was able to acknowledge a man in a non sexual way, then men would care more about this way than sex. But that is not the case, women center their life on sex and they love to let compete for them, take only the men who show how well they can entertain women.

The blow back for women is that repulsive, poor men continue to try to be noticed by women and men do not know when to stop.

Another problem for women, is that once a man is chosen by a woman for the fucking and caring, the man thinks he no longer competes against other men, and that woman no longer has any orbiters. The man thinks his victory is perpetual. Then the woman gets less and less harmless fun that she craves, so she choose a few other disposable orbiters. Then the current provider no longer feels acknowledged and begins to seek the validation of another woman.

Also, women do not have babies because ''muh genes'' muh evolution.
Women have babies because
-they love to spread their legs
-their parents push them for grand children
-they get bored and they see the family as a way to keep the relationship alive
-they see other women having babies and being okay with it

This stuff about ''tough healthy males'' comes from the male love to interpret anything through their fantasy of dominance and submission, but this is because they love to confuse dominance with being active and submission with being passive so that they delude themselves that they are not the weaker sex by being so active, whereas their activities turn out to be only making women comfy and make life harder for men.

>menopaused roastie unironically thinks people will drop having sex to support her political hissy fit

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Well, that's a great way of not needing to get an abortion. So... technically they're playing right into their hands.

Ideally they should have as much sex as possible, right..?

>women admitting they're only good for sex again

>2 days later Alabama completely outlaws abortion

You're doing great sweetie

How will I “Have sex” now?

Women know this male clinging to power fantasies by heart and they have no problem using it to avoid being as destitute as a men can become, while still thinking that those women realize the female fantasy of intimacy, of going beyond passing for and knowing to be slutty goldiggers, by being devoted to the realization of the fantasy of grandiosity of a few men or more commonly by having children and creating a family.

What women want the most is harmless fun and intimacy. THey get to realize their fantasy first when they are young with men, by trying to let their ''ego'' on the side and realize the sexual fantasies of the men who fuck them. WOmen quickly learn that the only healthy way to relate to men is to be capitalistic on the male market.

But The fantasy of being intimate is realized with having children. THis is what men do not understand. Women love ''to be selfless'' by caring about children and they delude themselves that their compassion and unconditional love for the children is a good thing. Childless women direct their retarded compassion towards animals and children they do not know.
So women love children for the intimacy. Women rely on men for the sex and care they give.


boipussi is never on strike

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But you told me to have sex. Stop confusing me.

Even if there were women would publicly agree to do this, in secret they'd probably still fuck like rabbits.

Why are women such a meme gender?

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but that was to stop war. there was a genuine concern for females on both sides of the conflict.

What is the conflict here?

>When the more thirsty of the sexes believes the decades of propaganda that it's men who are thinking 50340 times a day about sex and not them
>Let's go on sex strike!
This will work out for them once their ovaries imploded into dust.

>No sex
>No babies to abort

Not sure what's the problem
Dumb whores

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You just can't understand anyone ever wanting to fuck you desu

>roastie hits wall
>pussy is worth 0$
>organize sex strike

Stay mad chong.

>tfw gay
Roasties have no power over me

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There's always women who have bills to pay.

Dilate, then add to the trans statistic of suicide rates

How ever will I survive, imagine not getting laid bro's haha wouldn't that be terrible?

Most of them are mentally still children no matter what their age is until they have children themselves or hit menopause

I dont give a fuck if my girl goes on sex strike I go on a paying for anything for her strike

Stay mad virgin. Enjoy watching your bloodline die

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Based. Sex is for procreation

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Nice pic. Saved.

She's desperately trying to stay relevant for TV roles. These roasties become increasingly nervous as they age and they lose their ability to surf through the casting couch. When they are completely burned out, they go apeshit like Rose McGowan. her old pics shows that she enjoyed that lifestyle until she hit the wall. All of a sudden it was harrassment, men are ebin, sex strike

>reeeee all the men who think like this are incel virgins who never have and never will have sex
>lets punish them by refusing to have sex with them
someone run this logic by me because i dont get it

Have you mastered transubstantiation or pyromancy yet?

If your girl stops fucking you to try to get abortion laws she is just not attracted to you and you should find a new one or forever be cucked, simple as that.

>femoid mind
>operating, or even comprehending the concept of logic

which ends if we just rape them lmao

>let's stop younger girls from enjoying sex because I can't get it anymore
not getting laid really does make you go crazy

she used to be so hot a slutty

Not that I support/care about this shriveled cunt or millions of fetuses flushed down the drain, but anti-abortion laws are fucking retarded anyway. All you do in incentivize womyn to abort their babbys in less conventional and more dangerous ways. If you truly want to preserve infant lives, what needs to be changed is culture. Punishing abortions with legal action is about as retarded as anti-racist laws. You can't force people to be nice without showing them the value of niceness.

Most women are allright, the thing is that those tend to get kids and have a family in their mid 20s and all the femcels who flee seething from their friends and their babies hide on the internet screeching how about male virgins ruin the world.
And what they mean by that is how male virgins don't fuck them because they want them babies.

The problem is that's the same kind of women most wouldn't touch with a stick but can't opt for anything else but turbochad and if they can get him to fuck them they are wondering why a man who can have altering sexual partners every other week because there is a legion of women like her won't be faithful to her.

Meanwhile since they were only were interested in "turbochad" and since it's media propaganda that men depend on sex more than them they have the cognitive dissonance that every male wants to fuck them by nature and that's hurting to us to deny us their bodies.
Most normal men just say good riddance and they start their meltdown.


Is this tongue-in-cheek or are you really doing exactly what the meme pic stated you would do?

>women are not just walking holes
>women are just walking holes

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you are a virgin too

Femcels strike back LMAO

So all the people who love abortions stop having sex, while all the women who are against abortions are still fucking? Seems like a pretty big brain strategy

Why do I care if a whore dies or becomes barren along with the baby she was always going to kill?

How can you be white and still sexless? Just save up and go to Asia man. East Asia if you don't look like a troll, south east Asia if you do.

Friendly reminder that this becomes inevitable when you give women "sexual liberation." Sexual liberation will always result in infanticide.

They are literally telling you that women aren't equipped to handle the responsibilities that come with sex. As in, proper mate selection, learning how to be responsible with one's body, to not have sex unless you want children. That women will literally MURDER their unwanted children if you restrict their ability to not remove them from the equation before they are born.

This is unrestrained female nature. They are genocidal, evil, they will kill children if necessary, if it means being able to continue to fulfil their insatiable appetite for instant gratification.

That is all it comes down to.

>if you don't allow us to have abortions
>we will kill your children, our children
>so that we can continue to have unlimited amounts of sex responsibility free

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>caring about abortion laws
>caring about if women have sex or not
This literally doesn't affect you.

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Only two more til awesome wizard powers user!

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But they still have autonomy over their bodies and that post proves it. They just wont get access to tax funded slut management programs.

I agree, the energy used for this should go to proteced sex campaigns and stuff.
The biggest problem is this anti-abortion law includes pregnancy from rape which is seen as double punishment.

Women literally go insane without sex but men can just jerk off. Shooting themselves in the foot there

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Yea Forums on sex strike
so business as usual then

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21 here

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>Women literally go insane without sex but men can just jerk off.
Yeah, cause women are the ones who go on shooting sprees because of no sex. Fuck off

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yes but what does autonomy get them? nothing. women only get what they want ironically when they're doing a man's bidding. they don't know how to get what they want, they need a reward system established by a man.

>I'm from Yea Forums I have a deep knowledge on sex and women, trust me

T. Never met a woman

Ahmed really knows his women allright.


>leftists go on sex-strike
>all of them realize there is more to life than living a sex-obsessed "have-sex" type of life
>leftists mass-redpill themselves

Have sex

This may be a novel concept to you, but have sex

Thats dumb with sexual liberties. In ancient time there was always some angelmaker profession or medicine.
And the problem with responsibility is correct but mens fault too.

There are no female incels so there's no comparison to Eliott

Literally have sex

Or just pay a local whore. It's really not that hard, it's only the MUH MORALS that stop moralfags from doing it for some bizarre reason

What would Yea Forums look like if all the incels finally had sex bros

All gender is a meme.

There is more to life than sex, sweety. Only neanderthals define themself through sex!

My gf was a virgin until she was 26

Have sex

That ramspaul tweet is fucking savage.

>It’s a ‘women admit their only value in society comes from their vagina’ episode


>Too bad, so sad. No sex for you, white man ;)
but me want sexies NOW!
>Well that's too bad b- hey. HEY! What are you doing you perverted sicko freak?! NO! DON'T RAPE ME! STOP RAPING ME! AAIIEEEE

Is there enough sex in the world

>Or just pay a local whore
I don't want to live the rest of my life knowing I had to pay to lose it. It might be stupid but it matters to me. I think if I lost my virginity I wouldn't mind paying for sex after but I just don't want to pay to lose it.

Voluntarily. Do you know what incel means?

And you believe her?

The same. Look at millionars, rockstars, soccerstars or actors. They seemingly can get sex easily, still there are a mayority of assholes and creepy guys.
Sex doesnt change your true self.

Sure, how about you put on your sweetest whore outfit and we go to town.

>have sex
>wait don't
getting really mixed signals here

nothing good around here

>Trying to steal my male essence
Nice try, temptress.

there's a reason all the cultures / civilisations in ancient times collapsed. because they allowed this degeneracy. they didn't have a zero tolerance policy consistantly. so yes there were times when these things occured with relatively little negative consequences, but the fact that this was allowed to happen made it escalate with each new generation eventually culminating into the collapse of the civilisation in question. this is why the mosaic law was a zero tolerance policy against it all.

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Not really. There's nothing wrong with being a sex worker.

user ya Haven't seen the news? They turned of the sex pipe months ago.

>tfw this was alabamaster plan all along
>No need to prevent abortions when women won't have sex at all


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thread over

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