Is there anything more /kino/ than Australian Wog comedy?
Is there anything more /kino/ than Australian Wog comedy?
Wogs bring the best bantz and actually fuck. White aussie males just co opt that shit and yell YEAH NAH CUNT too hard online
RIP zyzz
the bitcoin episode was kino
i really enjoyed pizza etc. but many years it just feels that all ethnic comedy is just the same routine. maybe when it's a bit more adult focused it's okay but so so much is just
what it's like having
>indian chinese maltese greek lebanese iranian pakistani vietnamese
parents, oh man, it's like [the same shit]
Wog power ranking
Greeks > Italians > Cypriots
*power gap*
Syrians > Lebs > Turks > gulf arabs
Pizza was good because it had an absurdist core. It wasn't just MED CUSTOMS LMAO.
he looks like he fucks white australian girls
there's probably - definitely actually - some sudanese 20 year old on stage tonight at open mic in melbourne saying "man i wish my the shower in my flat had [sudanese] parents you know - more pressure". and the whole club laugh like oh lol this bloke's alright you know. he looks different but you know, he's alright
all australian comedy is terrible including the wog variety.
barack obama was like the first brother on the moon
we need to follow cronulla's example
>cronulla's example
Kys zoomer
Maybe it your Australian yourself but all the slang and unintelligible English is annoying. Australians have a hard time being entertainers on YT and other platforms because of this. The ones that are successful have learned to tone down the aussie shit in favor of being more widely understood
Lebs are shit but blow the rest of those roaches out the water
all those fucking niggers need to go back
>tone down the aussie shit in favor of being more widely understood
Poofs and traitors
are lebs wogs? at my school it was very confusing. every kid that called themselves a wog turned out to be from the balkans. so did the rest of the kids too though i dunno
you're all retarded zoomer cock suckers.
Wogs are mediterraneans, but every Euro wants to call themselves a wog to fit in as well as they do.
This. Our most wide reaching heroes have all had an international message.
why are you saying that? this was in the 90s. maybe you just don't know much about your own reality
90s born queers were a mistake
wtf man
*in order to be more widely understood
You know it's true though. On cold ones max talks about it briefly
Lebanon is on the mediterranean, genius.
>Rest of the world
You mean American humour with constant identity politics jokes? Comics that make it big in the colonies from the Commonwealth are fucking trash when they cater to that
Arabs aren't wogs
>at high school in the 90s
>90s born
user get checked for a minor stroke
oh ok you are saying yes lebs are wogs. ok
kill yourself faggot
>slang and unintelligible English
t dumb american that can't into anything that sounds slightly different
Kill yourself lefty cock sucker. Thanks to your ilk we have gangs of wild niggers bashing and robbing people every fucking week now.
No. I just mean opting to not use so many words and phrases that can only be understood by other Australians
Lol go fuck yourself. Cronulla was faggotry and zoomers like you that idealize it are faggots moreso. Cry more
>The ones that are successful
like who i've never seen an aussie youtuber except f jordies who is very 'aussie shit'
lebs =/= wogs
I hate cold ones, those guys are such fags
remove kebab please
I'm 35
makes you even more sad and pathetic m8
I'm still better than you leb cock sucker.
tranny detected
t. dirty arab
bob hawke died tonight, the shortman year 8 teacher bobble head cunt is going to get in off sympathy
Based and Hellenicpilled
>being this old and using meme responses
Pls say sike and that you're 14
This is too sad
arabs aren't wogs btw, they're nogs
t. lebanese human garbage
>t. half Greek, half Macedonian
t. weak pathetic cuckold dysgenic ugly anglo
Turks are better than Lebs, otherwise you're spot on.
>Lol go fuck yourself. Cronulla was faggotry
Even niggers don't attack lifeguards. Lebs are worse than niggers.
stay eternally afraid and beta
Oy mate, hand in your shitposting licence and your akubra.
afraid of what? your leb brothers got their asses handed to them, fucking cowards.
He wasn't that little gremlins dad. I won't be voting for that fuck
Kill yourself leb scum
Keep pretending that you're a nigger like all your cousins, dirty scum
You faggots got btfo though
>dude you're not white
>but you can't call yourself a nigger
you wont but maudlin normies will think oh yeah isnt laobur so great
youre making too much of it kiddo
Lebs should be executed
Why are Anglocucks so afraid of based Lebchads?
kek, pretty much admitting it.
Absolutely violent subhuman
you will never live up to my greatness with creating troll threads
why are lebs such weak fucking cowards they attack lifeguards?
lebchad here AMA
you will never live up to my overall greatness
keep seething you pathetic white incels
The only based wogs are the bogan Maltese cunts you find in country towns.
go back reddit nigger
> ye fully schick wog kebabs ay.
remove this
>JR gracing us with his presence
Bow down lads. We're not worthy.
Who do I vote for in the lower house on Saturday, lads?
I've got 4 options:
>Australian Communist Party
>Australian Socialist Workers Party
>Centrist Cucks of Australia Party
>Fat Man Meme Party
get a load of this incel freshie
Lebs and sand niggers were a mistake
>>Fat Man Meme Party
do it
Pauline Hanson shitting on the today show was the best thing about this election
vote conservative national party, dont be a poof
They're not running in my electorate, m8.
It's a very safe Labor seat.
They'll be up there for me in the senate though.
(1) Fatty
(2) Commies
(3) Socialists
(4) Cucks
No rewards for cucks.
very few lower house electorates have a fraser candidate.
Isn't Fat Meme Man giving his preferences to the cucks anyway?
It's all so tiresome.
Vote for the shooters party
big lez show was kino
Preferences are entirely up to the voters this time.
You look like you fuck white girl
Just a poor man's Fenech
Lebbos are the sidekicks of the wog world.
Lebbos suck cock
this lebo cunt isn't a wog.
but Acropolis now was 100% kino. They predicted the nordcucks vs medchads trend 20 years ahead of its time.
Wogs vs Skips was real life stuff in the 80s.
He isn't a lebo? lebos are too retarded to do anything like make a show
*bows down*
Lebs are gay cunts
Ay tone, look at the balls on this guy
The joke was letting them in.
Bullshit. It goes.
Italians> Greeks
*small gap*
Maco> Albanian> misc eastern eurofags.
*power gap*
Turks> Lebs
Not included are Arabs and anything further east.
You have any ugly face.
>wears eyeliner
>skips leg day
>Maco> Albanian> misc eastern eurofags
Yugoslavs aren't wogs.
t. arab
Lets get this bad boy to 300
*ahem* I once fingered Hex at a nightclub in Sydney once.
>Yugoslavs aren't wogs
yes they fucking are cunt
I fingered Hex in a nightclub in Melbourne in 2009
Have Hex
>implying I'm not white
>implying I just don't hang around with top cunts and don't get mortally afraid when I see a leb like you faggots
Another woman was approached by attackers at the Bankstown railway station, who proposed she join them in smoking some cannabis at another location. She agreed and went with them. However, she was taken to three separate locations by the men and raped 25 times by a total of fourteen men in an ordeal that lasted six hours. After the attacks the woman was hosed down with a fire hose. The woman, who was known during the trial as 'C' to protect her identity, later told her story to 60 Minutes. She told of how the attackers called her an "Aussie Pig", asked her if "Leb cock tasted better than Aussie cock" and explained to her that she would now be raped "Leb-style".
holy fucking shit, why are lebchads so fucking based?
Shooter Williamson
Fat Pizza
Swift and Shift Couriers
Literally top tier comedy that Americans will never understand
Gulf Arabs definitely aren't but Lebanese and Turks are
as an anglo aussie i can't stand my sister dating one of these leb sandniggers. i can hear them having sex every night in the nearby room. every. fucking. night. i wish i could glass him to death