This pic almost made me fap.
How many days have gone without pmo user?
This pic almost made me fap
i'm day 45
literally saw a thick girl in a Chipotle line today and had some semen come out. it's getting ridiculous how horny I am
HOWEVER, the thing that keeps me going is that I am much more confident for some reason, can look women in the eyes much longer, and I can feel that women pay attention to me
not semen, but pre-ejaculate.
notice the one on the right has her legs like brad pitt
>that belly
>and I can feel that women pay attention to me
well they will notice pre cum stain leaking out on your trousers
Day 12, surprising easy so far
No changes to psyche so far
what about this webm
Thats so fucking ironic, I almost fap to this one but it wouldve been too weird if I posted it instead of the OP. You got me user
how exactly did this photo save Yea Forums?
i never got that one
It's way easier with a cage. I'm on day 33 now and I'm not even aware of my dick anymore.
>can look women in the eyes much longer, and I can feel that women pay attention to me
>/pol/'s idea of self-improvement is not touching your wiener
I'm just not horny enough anymore. Before it used to be everyday I'd be jacking off but now I can go weeks without it. Might be the SNRI I take.
Reminder it's healthy to fap daily
>all philosophers from Plato to Kant, all religions say fapping is wrong
>modern jewish doctors: keep fapping it's useful!
Right not the left you silly cunt
It's actually healthier to have regular dry orgasms from prostate stimulation. After a few weeks of being caged you tend to lose interest though so it becomes a chore like flossing your teeth.
>alicefag incel's idea of self-improvement is worshipping some ugly thot
If that almost made you fap, what would happen if I posted her nip slip pic?
Jewish doctors cut your foreskin because of religion. Why the fuck would I listen to religion regarding anything? And philosophers got plenty of science and orher things wrong
Just like my last girlfriend
>I can feel that women pay attention to me
It would be extremely painful.
hey everyone, i found the gay!
>it's my party and I'll cry if I want to starts playing
This one
You weird incels and your crazy larps...
now everyone itt has to fap
Have you ever tried it?
t. (((Anonymous)))
ok tell me how you managed to stop fapping
when pee-pee gets hard and I have access to sadpanda I lose all free will
cut off your dick and balls
no more fapping, easy
just don't touch your penis - do something else, read a book, watch a movie. are you that weak? can you not control the animal inside?
For you.