GoT is finished

GoT is finished the time for Elric kino

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Is sooo sad when redditors try to "meme" something here just by using the word kino. Yawn.

>Story about literally the whitest dude ever
Yah not happening

Idris Elba.
Subvert our expectations.

Dubs confirm.
Elric when?

based eric

drows look like Japanese tho.


>emo kino
I'll pass

>white guy who fucks his sister and goes on the worlds shortest adventure
the book was like 90 pages long

didn't the author have a meltdown over the Witcher success and claimed it was copying his own work?

he's a melnibonean, faggot

>drows look like Japanese tho.

Since when?

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GoT Is shit but Elric is also shit. The main character is 90% "Woe Is me a bloo bloo" and 10% absolute madman. Reading the madman parte is fucking great, but the rest of the books are just too much of a fucking slog.

Nobody reads Moorcock.

fuck off with your elric boner razorfist, geralt is better

the "sword" is black tho

I did

it was pretty badly written, but cool shit happens in it

the comic book adaptations are better.

Even this cover is too "hollywood" for me, dude. He was never that buff.

>I got this feeling...that my luck ain't none too good

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Dude is an emperor of a nation of torture freaks. He's fucking his sister, and cucking his cousin who wants to fuck his sister. everyone wants him off the throne, including him. wat do? betray your nation to a pack of upstart humans and let them raid and destroy it.

then wander the world having adventures and continually encountering people who hate you.

also you rely on the life energy your sword steals from your enemies. and occasionally your friends. and your girlfriends. and basically anyone within arm's reach.

there's about a hundred stories featuring the guy.

>GoT Is shit but Elric is also shit.

aw, maaaan, everything is shit when you're 16 and you can't get a girlfriend. have you considered becoming a Marxist? it doesn't help, but it's what kids like you do.

>dude I feel like being nice is nicer than being evil but i'm just not sure about that, maybe being evil isn't evil after all, even though I prefer being nice
>also am I gay for that pudgy redhead dude?

this is the extend to Elric's depth as a character in Moorcock's stories

>his sister
his cousin actually

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Everything is not shit. Uhtred son of Uhtred unironically btfo both GoT and Vikings. I'm just saying Elric is a series of boring as fuck books.