J. J. Abrams hate thread
J. J. Abrams hate thread
That fucking nose it's like something out of nothing but trouble
>dude I’ll just make a soulless pastiche of movies I enjoyed as a kid
He has never made anything good.
seriously what the fuck why is he even a thing
a fucking hack with negative taste and no sense of originality or creativity.
Fuck this liberal hag jew shitstain abortion loving faggot filmmaker of shit soulless movies with no artistic talent whatsoever. Nigger.
i.e. seething incel general
TFA is a shit movie and caused TLJ
>what if i marketed myself as the new Spielberg?
>problem I have no talent whatsoever
>I'm jew and connected, that'll do it
Is he doing nose drugs or is that thing just like that?
>Star Trek
>Star Wars
Every franchise this hack has spearheaded started strong and dwindled into worthless shit, and that’s not mentioning that they were overrated in the first place. How do so many people still take him seriously? He’s such a derivative hack.
People don't take him seriously, they are just too afarid to criticize him. ever read a negative piece about him on mainstream media? That's because he's SPielberg's protégé who is basically a crime boss in Hollywood, you don't want to upset him.
>I'm the new Spielberg
does he realize the open secret in hollywood that Spielberg is a raging pedo?
How much was he involved in making the early seasons of Lost? It seems to me that season 6 was entirely his doing. That season was a fuckin fairy tale Lost off-spin. People always shit on the ending but that was the best part of S6. Especially what they did to Sayid’s character is indescribable.
I’ve always assumed his initials just stand for ‘Jew Jew’
When the fuck is Corey Feldman gonna expose these monsters? I’ve been waiting on it since 2017
Corey just wants blackmail money
Now you know where that incel meme (((comes from))).
Unironically this. I saw a sentiment along the lines of "Rise of Skywalker will be good because JJ is back at it again" lately, people tend to forget
- Rey was already scuffed in TFA
- They butchered Han Solo and Leias relationship
- Kylo Ren was already a nonthreatening manchild in TFA
- Hux was bad already
- The plot was a straight up copy of A New Hope (JJs signature move)
- The original elements made no sense in the context of the SW universe
How does this rat fuck son of a bitch even have a career? Because he told some TV studio boss he had an idea for a plane crash on a spooky island? He can't even direct a good action sequences ffs
>How does this rat fuck son of a bitch even have a career?
Look at the nose.
Wrong one *
There will be episode 1 reboot with help of JJ and it will be beautiful.
Supposedly he was only really involved with the first season, and then immediately fucked off. He was contacted during Season 3 and did some stuff for that, but mostly that show was Lindleoff's baby.
Yeah but there’s like a billion of other kikes in the movie industry why him?
One time I listened to a song which contained a voice sample from Fringe. It was real good so I gave the first episode a shot and it was absolute crap. Real fucking low brow bullshit. Watch the damn intro I dare you. It screams hack all over the place. Never touched this thing afterwards.
They hate beauty.
Tbf he did start Fringe, if his career has been worth anything it's for that