Can we admit that AVP isn't as bad as its cracked up to be, and probably the best Predator sequel the series ever had

Can we admit that AVP isn't as bad as its cracked up to be, and probably the best Predator sequel the series ever had.

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Predator 2 is better.

The second Alien VS Predator is very good, lot of fap kino scenes

Loved it, dunno why people hate it that much its a pretty cool monster film.

There’s issues with both AVP
>first AVP story is better but it’s rated pg-13
Who’s fucking autistic idea was that. The lack of gore handicaps it so much
>AVP requiem has the R rating now but garbage story, awful lighting and bad characters

Only when compared to Predators and whatever the last (and worst) one was called. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Agreed. First one's story had a lot of potential. Unfortunately they royally fucked up the casting and then made it pg-13. That cast though. Holy shit what a trainwreck.

the negress ruined it.

Unironically AVP2 is my guilty pleasure, American smalltown comfy teenage horror kino

My only issue with AVP is that I'm an Alien autist who likes Predator and I feel like AVP movies are just Predator movies that bring the Alien franchise down to its level. It's like mixing two things that are on different levels, I think Alien is kino and Predator is just a fun action flick, those two don't gel.

Truth be told I'd rather for the two AVP movies to be canon then the last two alien movies

The fact that it's fappable means they did it wrong.
>durr alien is vaguely sexual in nature right
>that means we gotta make everything weird and /d/-tier pervy lol
But no, that's not how it works. You need subtlety to pull it off, the end result shouldn't be grossout porn it should be something thats doubly unsettling by mixing horror with sexual elements. Less like a woman in latex with spike tits and more like the scene in the Shining where Jack Nicholson almost fucks the elderly corpse lady.

No, AvP is absolutely as bad as it's cracked up to be you needledicked contrarian. The acting, writing, set design, direction and sound editing are all garbage. Then add in what they did to the already well established lore of both Preds and Aliens and you get a movie that belongs in the 'direct to Redbox' category.

It manages to ruin so many things about each franchise at once that it's truly stunning to see.

avp2 is the real shit

>Everyone dies in the span of ten minutes
Why do they do this?

The newest one is unironically kino.

>fav alien movies
Alien, Prometheus
>fav predator movies
AVP, Predators

>AVP, Predators
patrician taste
AVP2 was too damn dark for me to enjoy it
literally couldn't see fuck all throughout the movie

>AVP2 was too damn dark
they adjusted the brightness when it aired on tv in Japan

Are we sure that user means "too damn dark" in visual or in tone? I mean this is a movie where an alien lays eggs inside a pregnant woman

>alien lays eggs inside a pregnant woman
Alien 4 was dark in that perspective

It might sound similar on paper, but it's not similar in execution.
>Alien 4 has them clone Ripley and extract the Xenomorph Queen that was inside her
>AVP2 has an Predalien walk into a hospital and force its egg down a pregnant woman's throat

You're only saying that because it looks better compared to the absolute dogshit that followed.
I bet you like the SW prequels as well.

>Are we sure that user means "too damn dark" in visual or in tone?
>literally couldn't see fuck all throughout the movie
Are you retarded?


Attached: AVP-Requiem-8.jpg (720x480, 23K)

The Adrian Brody Walton Goggins Predators shits all over both AVPs faggot

I agree. I never really understood the hate for this movie. I agree its dark as shit and hard to see and it does have its flaws, but I mean the first one.... so much potential as has been said previously... but an Alien head shield and spear? At least it sticks to the rules of both series somewhat. I have always liked the Predator not killing the civilians in the sporting goods store. Plus the thot patrol at the end.

The predators looked shit, bloated and weird.

They are supposed to be athletic predators, not musclebound bodybuilders.

>Earth setting
>COLD area
>No gore
>Fucked up Alien's lifecycle
>2 Preds wasted in less than 5 minutes
>Alien Queen acting like a T-rex
>Inconsistencies like the Grid Alien's tail, or the chestburster without any blood

Apparently AVP 2 was fucked from the start, locals were hostile to the film shooting, the directors were working on other projects, less budget and so on.

AVP isn't that bad in the way the Star Wars prequels aren't bad, later films have made it seem better by comparison. It's enjoyable action schlock but completely toothless compared to it's predecessors. The first fight between the Xeno and Predators was like banging the toys together as a child, just pure dumb fun.

Predator, Predator 2, and Predators are both better, as are all 4 of the original Alien films.

i've said it before and i'll say it again
child death in avp2 makes it the better movie