/rbmk/ - Chernobyl General

Dead in 5 years edition

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Was it five years just because they flew so close to the open core?

>report to the infirmary

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Load whatever online translator you can find and get ready to some serious iodine pills

That's because there wasn't an explosion. RBMK reactors do not explode. You are delusional.

what does iodine do? alleviate radiation sickness?

It won't let the radioactive iodine in air replace the normal one you have in your body.

Post memes

how does the light kill?

report to sickbay

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why didn't they just piss on the reactor ?

what was the creepy blue light shooting straight up from the reactor?

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In 5 years from what?

It blasts electrons out of your molecules, effectively destroying them.

I just noticed. What's that bagged thing on their uniforms?

light from the Wish Granter

so whose fault was it actually? what made the core explode? im brainlet so i might've not caught it

Aurora Borealis?

Fomin looks like a jew?

Not /sci/, buddy.

ionized air by radiation

5 years because they flew over the core and stayed in Pripyat for months, experiencing dosages of at least 100 mSv/hour the whole time

I hope they feature the miners who had to tunnel under the plan in the next episode.

They will go into the causes and investigation in later episodes.

go watch GoT



Impossible, the radiation necessary to do that would have to be much higher than 3.6

You don't know that.

I think it turns out to be poor design and the team performing the safety test incorrectly

Your body is made of cells. Cells are made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms. Atoms (usually) have electrons in them.

The episode is titled "Open Wide, O Earth" so miners is a safe bet.

>no nice girls

Changes under radiation, kind of like a film reel. When inspected, can reveal how much radiation it was exposed to.

no that great, not that bad

Yeah, I'm here to socialize. Not this

Posting a good Horizon documentary, that filmed the liquidators clearing debris from the roof, as well as scientists going inside the plant to find the core.

incel detector


Well fuck you too buddy.

dalymotion is pretty shit, dude

you mean the intact core?

Only place it’s available I think.

Is the dose of 36 years without sex lethal?


I'm not mad with you but this is Yea Forums. I don't want lectures in science.

it's impossible to go more than 3.6 years without sex
go to the infirmary, you're delusional


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>With his face already tanned by the radiation, he went to the dosimetry room and asked Gorbachenko for radiation levels; Gorbachenko left with Palamarchuk to rescue Shashenok while Perevozchenko went through the graphite and fuel containing radioactive rubble on Level 10 to the remains of Room 306 in an unsuccessful attempt to locate Khodemchuk, close to debris emitting over 10,000 roentgens per hour (90 µA/kg). He then went to the control room of Genrikh and Kurguz and found it empty; vomiting and losing consciousness, he returned to the control room to report on the situation.

Holy shit, 10,000 that's insane

yes i guessed that too. i think point they are trying to make is that people who fucked up were too afraid to tell supervisors, the supervisors having denials because too afraid to tell their supervisors and ect. or maybe it's because shoemakers and incompetent/lazy people in charge. doesn't matter now though.



>Geiger counter sounds

>Horror agony screams



Jesus Christ how can one miniseries trailer be so fucking horrorfying

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>..the water they had worked so hard to release gushed uselessly from shattered pipes around the smashed reactor. It spilled through Unit Four from one level to the next, running down corridors and staircases, slowly emptying the shared reserves need to cool Unit Three
Hadn't realized that both reactors shared the same coolant reserve tank, that seems not so good.

so how exactly did the reactor explode? is that know today?

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RBMK reactors can't explode, you silly goose

anyone else's face and hands suddenly get warm and hot when they saw the scientists and fire crew get burned by radiation?

Dyatlov pushing ahead with an experiment for the sake of a promotion, a culture of secrecy in the USSR that meant nobody knew about previous incidents like Ignalina, flaws in the RBMK design that made it particularly vulnerable to a runaway state

yeah, that's normal. you're not special for feeling that

the absolute state of /got/



>Implying that it exploded

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He was just trying to sound smart

The KGB actually published reports on vulnerabilities and defects in Chernobyl plant but Energy Commission didnt give a fuck lol


CIA sabotage to destroy the USSR

wear suit, you're protected

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anybody know what Scherbina actually died from?

wikipedia only says he died in 1990

It has the main quality of not being youtube tho


There are still several versions of the events. The only thing that is sure is that the equipment stopped working after the operator pushed AZ5 button twice.

Yes, we do know that - the scriptwriter said so in the official Chernobyl podcast. They are going to show what caused the explosion in later episodes.

>trusts wikipedia

too many infirmary visits

I just can't muster the energy to care about your edgy reply.


What is the number of roentgens this guys took in the core ?

Whatever, dude.

Heh, I got my (You).

5 Sievert is lethal in 50% of cases. 10 000R = 100 Sieverts, so a lethal dose in three minutes. wew.

No. It was never published. However, there were reports of him showing symptoms of lung cancer when he was the head of yet another disaster government committee (Armenian earthquake) in 1988.

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30,000 around the vicinity of the core.


I'm a huge Jared Harris fan but mostly I'm here because I'm lonely.

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Idk, but in 2002 the guy with the most radiation exposure alive had died. His name was Checherov, he was the first to rope down to where the reactor core should have been to take temperature and radiation measurements.

kino speech, even i believed in the tovarish

hate them or not, they are good at sending other people to their deaths

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Yeah but they established that the female scientist know about the water tanks.

Lads there’s a packet of graphite on my desk what should I do

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Well they musn't undermine the fruits of their labor

This show could work as a comedy just like death of stalin tbqh

At this time of year, located enterely within the reactor?

внимaниe внимaниe
внимaниe внимaниe

can you have sex if youre full of radion from the ractor?

You cocksuckers wanna explain how a fuckin' RBMK reactor core explodes?

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We're all friends here, user.

Yes i just saw it, apparently he had portions of his skin burned, on his legs and arms during all of his life

Especially episode 2. I kept being reminded of The Death of Stalin, not sure if that was intended by the show runners.

Uh, can you sauce me up on this exact conversation? Surely the showrunners aren't trying to twist history for their own purposes.

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Imperialist americans.

harmless. the reactor didn't explode

>Grigorii Khmel, the driver of one of the fire engines, later described what happened:
“We arrived there at 10 or 15 minutes to two in the morning…. We saw graphite scattered about. Misha asked: “Is that graphite?” I kicked it away. But one of the fighters on the other truck picked it up. “It’s hot,” he said. The pieces of graphite were of different sizes, some big, some small, enough to pick them up…”

>“We didn’t know much about radiation. Even those who worked there had no idea. There was no water left in the trucks. Misha filled a cistern and we aimed the water at the top. Then those boys who died went up to the roof – Vashchik, Kolya and others, and Volodya Pravik…. They went up the ladder … and I never saw them again.”

I just started watching, why can't Jared Harris stop killing himself in shows?

When you stare into the reactor it shows you your deepest darkest secrets. The tan is the shame you feel for your thoughts and deeds

forgive me

it was easier than climbing on a plane and flying to Russia and asking random people until i got the answer

i was weak

Reactor of truth

It was either Dylatov or Akimov who pressed on with the tests when the Reactor was running at only 200MW instead of the intended 700-900 or whatever. Whoever made that decision is probably responsible.

Interview with Yuvchenko (Hodor)

>graphite on the ground
Capitalist propaganda. Reactors do not explode.

The speech never happened. There were no party officials named Zharkov in Chernobyl.
No. According to Ananenko, it was Sidorenko who called Central Committee about the corium heat signature disappearing from the heat imager that was mounted on a helicopter. That pushed for the China syndrome concern. Ryzhkov ordered evacuation of 30 km zone on 2nd May because of the concern that the corium will reach the pool-bubbler and make steam explosion. The pool-bubbler was drained on 5th May by Ananenko, Bezpalov (both alive) and Baranov (died in 2005). They volunteered for the task, because the pool-bubler was the responsibility of thier workshop #2. The other shift a day before that made a trip to corridor 001 and mapped out radiation. The only unknown was how much radiation was in water that was not fully pumped out by fireman from the corridor 001. When they did their job opening the valves of the pool-bubbler their dosimeters showed 10-40 R/h near the water. The water was at knee level and they did not use diving equipment. Also the operation was done during the day, the valves were labeled.

Easily, it can't

It was very american, preacher style speech.

He also was pushing the version that 90% of the core went up to the atmosphere. He was quite an interesting fella.

what kind of dumb motherfucker sees pieces of something they can identify as parts of nuclear reactor and then decide "yep, this is fine"

They had no idea how the reactor works and why there is graphite. They were simple firemen.

soviets are known for unnecessary speeches like this. granpa used to love this shit but my parent's generations hated it. they were good at speeches, basically

is it kino?

>The speech never happened.
This is what I was suspecting. Especially knowing they evacuated the city the next day. The whole scene seemed like the rape of historic facts for the sake of a cheap parody of communism. What the fuck happened to HBO? Who's in charge of this shit?

Your posts are hurtful



I could only watch the very first 15 mins of E1 and they were kino. I'll watch the rest later and I hope it stays the same.

Imagine another plant reactor were to meltdown, right guys? Haha

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I-I d-don’t know user...

I just wanna say that these threads are really cool and I think of you guys as my friends .

>But the city schools, like those throughout the Soviet Union, had classes on Saturday morning

lol what happened here

>KGB actually published reports on vulnerabilities and defects in Chernobyl plant
If you have to make something up try not to sound this retarded.


knew very little about the events going into it - it's been pretty informative and properly dramatic

the showrunners do have an agenda so take it with a grain of salt

How many episodes?


>brunettes>blondes the show
mommy made my peepee tingle


a minor fault in the heating apparatus, nothing to worry about

Well, the evacuation of the 3 km zone was ordered by Shcherbina when the government commission including him and Legasov arrived. None of the locals could order it since they would have to get a response from the central committee anyway. Legasov pushed for the immediate evacuation when he was still in Moscow. The evacuation was scheduled at 2 pm on 27th because they needed time to organize it and get the buses and shit.

dumb mutts using gas stoves getting what they deserve


it's slated for 7

Dumb amerimutts who don't know how to cook.

the pressure cooker exploded, nothing to do with gas


if it were really dangerous would the Boy Scouts offer a merit badge in nuclear science?


Shabbat shalom

who else is watching all day at work youtube videos about nuclear reactors?

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You guys ready for season 2?

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3.6 MPa inside the cooker. Not great, not terrible.

It's not funny anymore.

How did the people on the bridge watching the fire get a much higher dose than the rest of Pripyat?

imagine what it feels like to penetrate such a magnificent orifice.

>3 600 000 Pascals inside a pressure cooker
not great

Get this hotface outta here

The "heat" of the core as fission continues carries the radiation far faster than the fallout which is a byproduct of the main problem where levels are higher before being carried in to the wins and atmosphere.

They got radioactive soot from the reactor directly deposited on them.

Didn't the whole town get a nice layer of radioactive dust though

They did not. That never actually happened. Civilians did not get acute radiation syndrome. It was plant personnel and firefighters.

does anyone know if Legoslav and Scherbringer became bros IRL?

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after reading the article on wikipedia at 4:50 am, the graphite control rods increases water temperatures when put back in and the core was getting too hot so they tried to close it but that made it hotter and then they got stuck or something and then there was too much steam and the pressure made the reactor explode

really they got nothing at all no anus cancer or anything in the years after?

I wonder how many roentgens they're reading in Ohio

It's TOVARISCH SHCHERBINA for you, mutt.
I doubt that thier friendship if it accured lasted long. Legasov hanged himself 2 years later. Shcherbina died in 1990.

It is that fake ass russian accent anglos trying so hard to simulate. You dont even need good ear for russian to burst in laugh every time they pronounce names and surnames. bOris lmao

How do they make the hell that was the cccp look so comfy even their suits are cozy

There is a difference between acute radiation syndrome and long term radiation effects. The series shows civilians with burns and other acute radiation syndrome symptoms in the hospital. That was simply not the case.

His name is Boris


Did you notice the pot lid lodged in the ceiling.

Boris Evdokimovich for you. You have to use the patronim when you are talking about people of higher status then you.

So you're saying they were delusional?

I am saying the writers for the show are delusional.

Well, according to the official Soviet account. So who fucking knows desu senpai.

just now lmfao

His whole character is supposed to be a representation of communism, or something. Either way it felt really stupid when I watched it.
The only 2 things I can really complain about are the scientist representation (the woman) and the communist one.

You're delusional, comrade report to the infirmary at once.

>nurse knows what a radiation burn is
>proceeds to handle contaminated materiel with bare hands
swear to god this show is too retarded despite trying to sound scientific and factual

Comrade Fomin, why do we see the chili sauce on the table?

>why didn't this fireman know that the graphite was from a nuclear reactor?
Even if they did somehow know that I doubt they would have thought it was from the reactor.
You're retarded.

Are you retarded? If there were victims in Pripyat every one would be already in panic and fleeing the town. No need for evacuation.

You are delusional endeed to believed slav can make a speech like this.

The propaganda style and the words of leaders were completely different. You should watch some documental films or live a year or two in any of CIS countries.

They did nailed it with the scene where he gets in the bus after literally starting to shine

Oh user, that's so cute.

>Now look at me putting all of the contamined water in the boots to the ground of the clean area

It's concrete.

they want to make female characters who are smart since it's almost all men involved but they do it by making other people incredibly stupid

This isn't concrete. I can tell from pieces of pepper in it and from seeing quite a few pieces of concrete in my life.

>only one dosimeter available and it is locked under key
>the other one burns out immediately
>they didnt have any other one laying around
what the fuck was wrong woth the ussr that they couldnt even provide basic equipment to their most valuable workers?

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did this shit about an anticipating a second thermal explosion making a 200km radius uninhabitable really happen?

We'll never know were they right or not because it didn't happen.

No. They were talking 30km. That's why Ryzhkov ordered an evacuation of the 30km zone on May 2nd. You can read about the whole "diving operation" here:

Yes. Fukushima kino

They had low scale dosimeters for usual work. RBMK reactors don't explode, so why have many high scale dosimeters?

imagine a nuclear power plant with 4 reactors live and 2 additional in the building process

and you only have 2 high range dosimeters and some low range ones

nothing in the middle
only the military fire department has ones that measure in the middle

They said 30km radius would be DESTROYED.
For example total destruction radius of Tsar-Bomba was 37 km.

finally found a good explanation for what happened without all the filler bullshit


They had 4 and the 5th under costruction.
Later they used the 5th to test cumulative weapons they planned to penetrate the hull of the 4th.

Well, to be fair, Chernobyl hadn't happened yet, so no real procedures existed yet.

>military fire department
you are legit retarded and have no idea about public services structure in USSR.

i know, im talking about whether they actually anticipated the event, or if it was put in the show for dramatic purposes.

I'm getting an uncontrollable urge to re-install STALKER but I'm a grown responsible adult who knows vidya makes me lazy


wat do

>very serious consequences for 30 km zone
Did you even read the thing?

So I just watched the episodes after everyone going on about it. I liked it but isn't it taking some liberties with historical accuracy? Some I get for the sake of drama but still.

Also if anyone hasn't seen the prequel: youtube.com/watch?v=ITEXGdht3y8

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That what clear and concise.

Why Ukrainians blew up this reactor? to harm the russians?

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>military fire department
>you are legit retarded and have no idea about public services structure in USSR.

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Seek the monolith, stalker.

Will the fellowship of the rads make it bros? Fuck me I need that next episode.

Photographer that flew over the reactor at april 26 saw a hole where the active zone should be, 2-3 meter in diameter that emitted a pillar of light bright like the Sun.

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whens it out?

>You should watch some documental films or live a year or two in any of CIS countries.
i live in georgia m8, my granpa was some party leader and loved communism till his death lol

Are you retarded? If the government who has either got you brainwashed or too scared to oppose them tells you everything is fine, are you going to openly argue with them and try to disobey them?

Most people even today have no fucking idea what radiation is or how it works. It may as well be space magic.


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Mondays 9PM ET

It is.

Iodine girl, Belorussian scientist, and a few more characters are made up. A lot of behaviors and speeches are very unlike how Europeans / Slavs are. I would have preferred Russian actors and a less politically correct representation of the time and it's people.

Nonetheless, a pretty accurate and well made show of what occurred.

No one gives a shit what you prefer virgin, have sex.

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Have children that know their father, roastie.

Please leave the shitposting to the day crew. Ok?

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because it was, atleast according to my dad

>We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
>Five years, what a surprise
>We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
>Five years, that's all we've got

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That whole scene is fictional.
The closest military base Chernobyl-2 did not have fire department on base. The only fire departments that were near the plant were in Chernobyl itself and in Pripyat,
Do you think they had high-grade dosimeters only in block 4?


Many rad (pun intended) vids with English subs, if you interested.

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Good, i know how a nuclear reactor works. Now i don't need (you)

>A lot of behaviors and speeches are very unlike how Europeans / Slavs are

such as? You are either an American who has been to Krakow or Prague once for a week and thinks this makes them an expert, or you are an autist who does not understand that people in fiction don't speak like they do in real life.

In addition, to have a fire department a military base had to be above a certain threshold of people or too far from any civilians. No military base in 30 km zone had it's own fire department.

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>a pretty accurate and well-made show
>fucks up the chronology and events to pander to the anti-Soviet crowd.
Alright, chief.

How does moving the heli crash few months in time ponder to them?

Well it's entertainment. If I wanted to learn something, I would read a book.
But I am entertained.

/pol/ confirms, Fomin is jew

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In the simplest terms: there are two kinds of radiation. Radiation that works like a laser, which causes your molecules to do weird shit, and radiation that works like a wrecking ball, which yeets through your body and kills cells as it does.

Both are very bad for you.

they probably had a lot of them ,

nuclear physics and radiation were taught in schools, everybody was well aware how dangerous it is (ww2 atomic bombs)

Prypiat had a modern hospital , suitable for a newly built workers city... It is virtually impossible the hospital not to have a radio therapy cancer ward or at least an x-ray machine tech dept. with full stock of dosismeters and geiger counters.
Prypiat is a city MADE for the needs of the workers of a NUCLEAR power plant.

This movie suffers too much from the Hollywood formula : the hero has to do everything , that's why the extras are dumb as puppets and they don't do anything relevant for the story , the main characters do everything.

and that's why it's kino only to the point that they successfully depicted the soviet-horror atmosphere they imagined thought would fit such a movie.
Again totally unrealistic in person to person communication, panic shown and even story-wise,

...I still find it highly enjoyable

That is the cost of lies.

It's not only the heli crash (that had nothing to do with radiation or flying over the core). It is also Shcherbina oredering evacuation AFTER "the whole world knows, the germans don't let their kids play outside". IRL The evacuation was ordered on 26th and the Swedish detected isotopes only on 28th. The whole narrative that high ranking officials only cared about "international perception" is a lie. In addition, they fucked up the whole "diving operation" which happened on May 5 or 6th. After the evacuation of the 30km zone. The guy who was pushing for the operation was Sidorenko and not some fictional Mary Sue.

If you had to pick one, which?

Iodine pills only prevent pancreatic cancer. You'll still die of radiation poisoning.

>verybody was well aware how dangerous it is (ww2 atomic bombs)

People see atomics bombs as dangerous because of the power of the explosion, no one except 2 or 3 people saw the explosion in Tchernobyl, they just thought that it was a fire

laser (gama radiation) is worse. wrecking ball (alpha and beta radiation) is less bad.

The "brakes" on the reactor momentarily made it go faster instead. That generated steam. That steam made it go even faster.

Reactor got so hot that its "brakes" fucked up. Then it kept getting more steam, and getting still faster.

So much heat makes steam from the water. Steam gets hot, has nowhere to go. Wants to get out. Breaks the walls to do so.


The reactor got too hot, so they pushed graphite to stop the reaction, the graphite pins had the opposite effect for a short duration, bringing the boiler to the point of explosion. If the test would have been carried out correctly (700MW instead of 200MW), chances are Dyatlov would have gotten his promotion.

Well, then don't call that shit "pretty accurate". It's not.


yea sure whatever

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Why are 1980s ties so aesthetic?

Shoutout to the people informing curious anons about the events and posting images. It's very interesting to learn about the real thing.

Do you mean those virgins who can not accept that a woman saved the day?

You are thinking they were enough of stuff in Union. But shortages were common and they could just send patients to Kiev

Why can't people get it through their heads that the general public didn't comprehend the dangers of radiation until Chernobyl happened? Pic is US scientists working on nukes. Look at how they are dressed. Do they seem to care about radiation slowly poisoning them?

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This means Dyatlov did nothing wrong, reactor was designed so poorly that safety system did the oposite. It blow fucking thing up

Comparing to most 'based on real events' dramas it's VERY accurate.

Actually, what was the deal with that? Was she real but exaggerated, or just made up? I wouldn't be surprised either way, the soviets have had some interesting women.

>to pander to the anti-Soviet crowd
privet, petushok

If you mean American tv, then you might be right. I don't watch it very often.

Chernobyl dogs

Legasov was one of the people defending the plat operators but Dyatlov wasn't 100% blameless. He carried on with the test even if the reactor was on the fritz.

Multiple men and women rolled into one character.

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Shoutout to smartass hypercynical contrarians or actual Soviet apologists insisting the show is propaganda when really it's just making the situation idiotically simplistic and melodramatic for the purposes of entertainment, not brainwashing.

Nobody in HBO's target audiences needs propaganda to hate the soviet union lol it would be the ultimate exercise in redundancy. If anything you're confusing cause for effect here; they'd gladly make the show pro-Soviet if they thought more people would watch it.

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What's with all the shoutouts, what does that even mean?

Message to. Where are you from?

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I recognize the Brain Scorcher





>only 12km from a nuclear power plant

if you fail to understand why misprotrayals of an historical event in which real people died and who all contributed towards a solution at great personal cost for the sake of melodrama is a bad thing you don't really have any pedestal to preach from.

She is straight made up. Her whole arc is misleading so far. They shifted the chronology of the whole China syndrome and "the pool-bubbler (which she calls water tanks) will evaporate in a fraction of a second" events as well as the diving operation from the beginning of May to 27th April. The actual people who were pushing that theory were Sidorenko and Ryzhkov. The whole diving operation was not that scary and was done during the day. They did not have diving equipment, just dry suits. They could clearly communicate through respirators and the whole thing took like 3 minutes.

Absorbs radioactive isotopes instead of your thyroid. It isn't a cure-all but it helps.

privet, liberaha

They stopped shooting them ?



I wish I knew a lot about concrete.

Duga Radar a.k.a the Woodpecker. Inspiration for the Schorcher but they look a bit different. Made to detect nuke launches. There's another one on the other side of Russia.

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>Soviet apologists
What does that even mean? Are you implying that the Soviet Union is responsible for all the evil in the world?

Ionized air.

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>tfw it doesn't work anymore.

translation? Also one of the best trailers I have seen in my life...

After the first round they let them be. Now there are groups that help feed, decontaminate and adopt them.

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They need to drain the water from the oven before an even bigger disaster happens.

is there a way to get radiation exposure by some sort of natural event, as rare as it may be?
or is it exclusively fruit of human fuck up?



This is how happy a Chernobyl pup can be after getting pet and fed by visitors to the zone.

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Don't worry, sunlight won't reach your mom's basement

If go around bumbling in uranium mines or in Gabon. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor

Sad they are drinking the contaminate water

You can just sit on a uranium ore just hiking in the wild and get prostate cancer.


They rarely live past to reach 8 years because food is scarce and there are predators like wolves.

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Save the dogs!

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>power instantly rose to one hundred times the level for which the reactor was designed

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Radon gas, pretty common in rocky coastal areas so the houses need any basements and foundations venting.




>sleeping next to someone
>0.05 μSv

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What would you play?

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medical. you can get ARS when treated for cancer. during long surgeries when using x-ray you can a "tan". they can also inject you with isotopes, but that is unlikely to give you any symptoms.

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Destroyed villages.

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anybody know what was actually said when they were evacuating the city?
i know vnimaniye = attention
thats all tho

HBO didn't put subtitles even on the american version ?


>not this

it's mad how over the top safety has become though, I work on an XRF and it has a leaded glass cage, the door to the room locks and a warning light comes up and you are meant to stay away from it. That shit barely makes it a cm from the probe, a mobile phone does worse.

She said: Attention, keep calm. The evacuation will start tomorrow at 2 pm. Gather on the central street. Take documents, bare necessities and food for the trip if needed.

not on the rip i downloaded

thank you

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something along those lines there was also something about children and pets. I am too lazy to rewatch the scene. It's not subtitled on the HBOnow. If you are curious about the poem in the beginning of the episode here is the translation: simonov.co.uk/smolenshchina.htm
The poem is in Russian tho, not in Ukranian as subtitles say in the beginning. It's pretty famous and about WW2.

I'm really happy seeing this image. Very enjoyable. I will save it but mainly for personal use

it's not terrible.

Here's the poem at the start in English.

Attached: XAv2AxR[1].png (850x637, 510K)

> temporary

epic troll

no but it produces electromagnetic waves on various spectra with are far worse than radiation in most cases because they are absorbed by cells rather than passing through so discharge all their energy directly into your brain.

It can happen with minimal radiation.

shit that is fucking creepy

In the form of heat at an intensity that can barely even be measured

It's bad perhaps, but it's not malicious or conspiratorial. Nobody's trying to indoctrinate you to hate a government that no longer exists. If people were naturally entertained by historical accuracy above melodrama then I suppose TV would all be documentaries, and you'd be less butthurt. Unfortunate for you to live among the low apes lol. If only humans were virtuous like yourself.

How many /rbmk/ threads do we have daily now?


Comfy posting here, akin to the Terror and the fat pussy era of True Detective

Yeah you could try to improve yourself and stop covering in your own feces.

Maybe from the sun, or cosmic radiation, if something bad happened to the atmosphere? Or just an unusual amount of radiation coming from space due to an unforeseen cosmic event?

When the evacuation was ordered they did not know how much of the radioactive dust was around. The evacuation of 30km zone was also "temporary" and happened later in the beginning of May.

Less than /got/

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and gets the bigass sandwich.

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>Nobody's trying to indoctrinate you to hate a government that no longer exists

I think the verb you're looking for is "wallowing"

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>Using a cell phone gives my brain energy
Aw yeah

The show not only shits on people that are dead but on those who are still alive. Imagine suffering for 30 years for doing heroic things and then some jew in HBO writes you in the script as a mumbling idiot.


This might be wrong but I still put it in the flight mode when going to bed. Just in case.

>really want to go to chernonyl after watching this
>also dont want to be turned into a fallout ghoul
What do? Is it dangerous?

Shut up, Stannis

“Sorry and goodbye, my home”

Attached: Abandoned House.png (1247x906, 2.2M)

>what is this black smoldering object outside a burning nuclear reactor? I think I'll pick it up
>my comrade that picked up the weird brick has his hand falling apart, that brick is 3 feet away from me, but I'm sure it's fine

Why are slavs so dumb?

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Nah, it's fine these days. Your only concern will be getting bitten by a pack of feral dogs or getting shot by marauders or military.


>HBO writes you in the script as a mumbling idiot.

No more dangerous than the flight there as long as you don't go drinking the water or eating the dirt

I'm starting to think that even if she showed up, told Legasov how right he was and that she agreed 100% with his plan then sucked him off while a depressed Shcherbina looked into the distance, people would still be bitching.

Shhh, just come


I rarely ever see television exceed the drama and charisma of actual history. I never said that I care if the USSR is demonized or not, but I'd judge the catastrophe on the outcome and the response of the people to it and everything they contributed deserves acknowledgement, in fact making it about the USSR's politics is an insult to their sacrifice, the same way dismissing the deaths of thousands in WW1 on the basis of it being an unjust war between immoral empires is wrong.

The fire department has been told it's a hydrogen tank explosion.

Wolves you mean


>Is it dangerous?

Attached: Chernobyl.S01E01. (1920x1072, 238K)

Fun fact: airline crews experience more radiation dosage than xray technicians or nuclear plant workers.

I will be still bitching. Because this character is unnecessary and they had to shuffle around events and make up meetings that never happened just so they could have a smart girl in the show.

Oh shit

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Nah, there feral dogs too.


And there were 3 dudes that went in the reactor while the dude held the door. They came out and two ran while door guy also wanted to go in but the third told him not to and effectively saved him. Why didn't they include this scene? Where's the outrage?

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Another fun fact: you experience higher increased background radiation levels by living near a coal power plant compared to a nuclear power plant

Feral dogs are easier to deal with than wolves. I live somewhere there are still wolves and bears in forests and stray dogs on the streets(less in the last years though).

That's a pretty terrible example since the device in the picture is contained. Slotin dicking about with the demon core using a fucking screwdriver tho? And he was supposed to be a nuclear physicist so it's not like he didn't know.

if you mean they are easier to kill, sure. Easier to deall with? No, feral dogs account for way more attacks because they actively approach humans and bad ownership can cause them to have violent reactions to people, whereas wolves being wild generally stay away from humans.

Russian stoicism in action.

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So the guys diving in the basement just weren't afraid of radiation?

Food is scarce in the exclusion zone so everything's hungry. Wolves included. Stray/feral dogs will sometimes back off if you start throwing rocks or grab a stick.

It also needed to be done so why worry about it?

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you live in a 6 foot square concrete block eating pickled fish and hard bread and drinking unrefined vodka, why would you give a fuck if you die tomorrow? Cirrhosis hurts worse than radiation poisoning.

I wonder if they let you climb it

They were afraid of being shipped to Siberia where they'd mine uranium with a pickax.

>cirrhosis hurts worse than radiation poisoning

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>mutating the ability to make sandwiches
maybe the fear of mutation from radiation is overblown if that's all it's good for and not super intelligence or a third arm

More like 1000 square feet. Smoked fish is better.

What are you talking about? Yuvchenko was a real person and he was holding the door IRL.

Are you just acting dumb? 4 people went to the reactor irl. 3 went in while Yuvchenko held the door. 3 got out and 2 ran away while Yuvcheko also wanted to go in but the last dude told him not to.

They were not. Read Ananenko's interview.

But that scene was in the first episode.

Migrate you plebs or Dyatlov will send you to the infirmary.

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go get your iodine tablets comrade

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With a total of 3 people of which 2 went while Yuvchenko held the door. The 2 got out and left Yuv there like asses while IRL there where 3 people that went in the reactor while Yuv held the door and when they got out, the third stopped Yuvchenko from going in and helped him. Quite the difference, no? But then you wouldn't have had the scene where Yuvchenko asks for a smoke and water starts dripping.

What would that be?

>adopt one
>name him Sparky