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>Paying attention to critics

well yeah the john wick movies are fucking retarded and terrible

has a 93% on RT which is more reliable

74 is pretty good for a retarded action film.

Judging action flicks on critic reviews is retarded

Blade only has 54% on RT

That's not bad. Metacritic is way more harsh and reliable than RT

Metacritic ratings trend a bit lower, their 80 is pretty high.Climax got a 67. Other action movies in the ~70 range are Full Metal Jacket, Police Story, Rush, and Mission Impossible Rogue Nation

Dredd has a 59/100 on metacritic as well.

Critics tend to be wrong about lower budget, niche action films, especially if they're R-rated and apolitical.

Just seen it.

Its slightly better than sequel, maybe 8 at best.

74 is a great score you mong, probably much better than it deserves. The only medium with massively inflated """critic""" scores is video games

Anyone who didn't love it is a FAGGOT. The first 90 minutes are above average with some awesome moments and a handful of over the top shit that is actually just fun as hell to see despite almost "jumping the shark" but it was self aware enough to not be corny. Then the last quarter kicks in and holy shit the pay off was worth it. The final moment was a bit forced but worked for what it was as a nice cherry on top for sequel bait that I assume will be a finale. The secondary character worked since she was just a giant cunt the whole time but the dogs were awesome and her commanding them worked well enough. The Arab dudes looked more legit than Will Smith in Aladdin but that whole segment was a little fucking "diverse" for no reason.

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it was something about the first assassin being a sand coon
also loved when he ---- off john's ------, really symbolizes what he has lost in his revenge quest
and im glad that john didn't kill -----, since he's awesome

That's a completely acceptable score.
I thought it was worse.

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dam, the third movie ISNT the conclusion? That seems a bit forced.


Is that the racing one with a hemsworth? Cos that was fucken awesome.

It should be lower, Blade was fucking garbage.

That's a good score for metacritic you literal retard. The first one has a 68 and the second one has a 75 on metacritic.

it feels a bit forced yeah but i'm glad i still have something to look forward to in this wretched action film genre


suddenly we Yakuza now.... I thought it was hilarious and awesome at the same time. Then he puts the ring in his pocket and almost rubs his hands. It was funny but meaningful which is a hard balance to find and they somehow do it well here and it was fun as hell.

is that suppose to be bad?
isn't the rating about the same as the previous movies?

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L O L look at this FAGGOT

the inclusion of the azn gang is good, since we have mooks that are competent now, him fighting the 2 guys in the mirror gallery is the height of fight chereography kino

>doesn't know how to use RT

the only thing that matters is the average rating, and they are always about the same as metacritic.

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that's a higher average rating than the past two films, the first is a 6.9/10 last I checked. critics don't like these movies that much.

Just saw it
It was okay. Plot is stupid
He fights Ninjas, Terrorists, Special forces, they guys from The Raid and Chinamen in this one

Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill

for metacritic that is actually a decent score

pretty much like the other 2

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>sequel bait
What the fuck, I thought this was going to go down as trilogy kino. Are they really milking it for another one?

John Wick never diesmother fucker.

Glow stick gun barrels are the future.

thats literally higher than the last 2 movies i just checked please kill yourself

1 was a good movie. 2 was awful sequel bait.

Then the third made it all better than ever and made me want more.

it was pretty decent. the bullet sponge enemies at the end gave me a right giggle, john forgot to grind

But they're also fun as shit.

>john wicks nemesis is a cat guy

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he styled all over baldy jap in that fight

yeah, his mooks gave john more trouble. was still fun tho. felt the chat they had after john penetrated him was a bit much though

This is a good critic score for an action film. How retarded are you?

They're similar. They don't reviews movies, they both average scores from other critics but RT chooses to highlight their misleading " RT score" over the average score from Critics.
RottenTomates also is known for their shady stuff like pic-related. Richard Roeper gives 3.5/4 but RT shows it as 4/4

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>>Paying attention to critics
Yeah critics care about things in films that actual audience doesn't so there generally isn't any point in paying attention to them.

Critics rarely give a shit about the actual subject matter of films. The only subject matter they care about is film studies. So all they care about in a sci fi film is about the acting and lighting and shit. A sci fi fan cares about the amazing world, the technology, and so on.

The critics generally care about only a small fraction of what the audience cares about.

yeah, he pretends that they will see again after john wick put his blade inside of him and only slumps over after wick left him

He's going to be back along with black baldy from JW2.
They're going to fight together against the high tables

Blade 1&2 are great, and you're a faggot

YOU clearly don't know how to use rotten tomatoes, since the first 2 were lower than that.
Also if anything is rated around the 7-8 mark it could either be complete garbage or kino. 7-8 is what critics rate movies when they have nothing to say other than 'good movie I guess.' If an action flick is in that zone it's probably pretty decent.


this has to be bait

As it should be. ratings are meaningless when everything is a 90+ or a 25-

They're 80's b action movies with modern slick style. They're great for what they are.


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what was the deal with the "japanese" guy who spoke broken japanese and didnt look like a japanese person at all?

Don't bully Keanu, he tries his best.

disliking popular things is fun

In what fucking world is 74 a bad score?

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Give it to me straight bros

Is it better than 2 or the first?

Yea Forums where anything less than a full 100 is a glorious flop that deserves mockery

honestly doing exposition for the whole assassin organization background setting instead of keeping it a mystery was the biggest mistake, and not like the focus wasn't always on limited conflicts and the action scenes

First one has 68 and second has 75, so not sure what you're on about you literal faggot retard

Oh shit

kill yourself shill

It should just been one movie.

2 was fucking garbage

Higher than average for Metacritic.

no it wasnt 2 had the best antagonist

It was fucking garbage and that poofter looked retarded.

A great quadrilogy is better than a great trilogy

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>it was a fucking garbage
your opinion is garbage my dude

Saw it yesterday, great movie, worth a watch for any fan of action movies.
If they make a fourth movie, I only want them to at least tone down the "EVERYONE IS AN ASSASSIN LOL!". It's a bit crazy that every third person on the planet is in secret a top assassin.

post body

It makes a lot of sense to me. They're positioning themselves in places that Wick would likely pass through on his way out of the city.

your'e a racist for the wrong reasons

kill yourself faggot scum

I bet sucking cock makes a lot of sense to you.

It's an external organ with millions of nerve endings along the shaft. Of course it makes sense faggot.

>my dude
the opinion of a zoomer is worth less than nothing.

Yeah I know, but it just seems a bit over the top in the wrong place. I know the movie IS over the top and that is fine, it just seems strange that there is THAT MANY top assassins all gathered in one place. It's not a complaint, don't get me wrong. This is also in line with the killing happening right in the middle of a group of people and NOBODY notices (the trains station for example). It's just a small gripe, one I think they should just town down a bit, or at least address it.

tits pls

Oh yeah I agree I hope they expand on what kind of understanding the High Table has with government and the local police forces to allow them to do this. Bodies are all over the fucking place.

I guess it's true, there are no straught men born after 1989

>the High Table has with government and the local police forces
This. Considering the direction they are going now, they must at least touch upon this.

It looks like they're turning this franchise into Assassin's Creed

>The movie should by rights be a “Wow!” But it feels bloated, self-conscious, and pretentious, with long waits between its few dazzling fights. Evidently, it’s hard to build on a premise that’s basically so vacuous and dumb.

dude has been around since the 19th century you worthless idiot

you retarded or what?

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"my dude" is zoomer faggotry.

>my dude is zoomer faggotry
such projection only come from a place of insecurity, maybe that's self reflection from your own soul my dude

i didn't finish john wick 2. it was very boring

>when the sequals outperform the previous titles
how does Keanu do it?
every film he has been in has been great

Its the truth kiddo, you're just going to have to deal with it.

the disconnection he exudes and his rather wooden nature makes him a very relatable and likeable protagonist

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Already watched it faggot it was great.
The new dyke was cuter than the previous dyke

The real world we're in and that exists? The 1-10 scale has been broken since at least magazines started giving reviews for movies, shows, and video games. Only the worst of the worst gets a 5. 6 is bad, 7 is mediocre, 8 is average, 9 is good, 10 is great. i know 10 is supposed to be perfect and 1 is supposed to be awful but that's not how it works in real life.

the new dyke can atleast talk
but we all know the best dykes were the one who works on those vintage ass telephone room

why do you even like the first one

>vintage ass

Keanu has a passion for martial arts films ever since Matrix. He fucking invented a camera setup just to make MA fight scenes smoother and require fewer cuts, and used this setup in Man of Tai Chi.
Another thing is he has good rapport with his director. Chad Stahelski was Keanu's stunt double while filming The Matrix. These movies are pure stunt choreography with an almost vampire-esque atmosphere for padding.

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because it's incel white male revenge fantasy
notice how he kills a disproportionate amount of POC, slavs in 1, guidos, pajeets, spicks, dykes, chinkos in 2 and sand coons, nips and gooks in 3

whats your point wyteboi

Did you know that death itself has killed every POC who's ever died? That's more than Hitler! Mortality is the most racist thing in existence.

definitely does
top notch explanation, his fights seem very real too, not too many crazy camera cuts before the punch lands and the will to go beyond for film reality
haven't seen that film in that pic you posted, thanks for the (not intended) movie recommendation

>with an almost vampire-esque atmosphere for padding.
Shut the fuck up faggot

So, Winston is going to be the main antagonist in the fourth movie if it happens?

Absolutely intended. Man of Tai Chi is an underrated gem.
That lack of camera cuts is evidence that it's got a bona fide focus on and respect of its overall stuntwork. If Jackie Chan productions weren't so fucking insane, I'd say this is approaching that level.
This organization acts like movie vampires should act. They're the perfect example of the elegant monster.
More likely the high table itself. Winston'll probably talk his way out of it, if he intended to kill John at all.

How did they do it? They can’t keep getting away with making good movies

maybe, but john's probably a bit angry at wilson for manipulating him into that "kill me and become a slave or join me and be free" speech

Winston wasn't wrong there. Turning on the High Table is absolutely what's going to happen.

youre a perfect example of a faggot

Is the trilogy kino?

>the Chad Stahelski

I wouldn't take anything Winston does at face value. Doubt he tried to kill John at all. He didn't seem surprised when John's body vanished, and nothing was stopping him from shooting him somewhere that wasn't his bulletproof jacket.

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yes, even if each sequel are trash it's much more enjoyable than everything else
only mission impossible is close desu

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It's not gonna end at three, but yes.

Assassins everywhere didn't bother me that much, it's overall a bit silly how little the general public cares about everything that goes on around them. The movie doesn't really pretend like it's trying to be realistic in that manner anyway.

What bothered me the most was the two dogs that somehow stayed alive through the whole fight despite frequently jumping out into the open and staying still while clamping down on some guy's balls. Somehow their bite also immediately immobilized the enemies. Those two little things made the fight feel a bit cheap since the difficulty level was obviously toned down while the dogs participated. I was glad that the woman took the dogs and left never to be seen again.

First one was good, rest is trash.

Just out of the jewnima
I didn't go to endgame but I gladly paid a buck for this one
10/10 kink but ending is a ducking cliffhanger
Waiting for the 4th

The fight being in the middle of the movie and not really being necessary to the plot helped, too. Probably the worst fight in the series, but still above average these days. Had some good choreography in enough places.

Chad once said that every Wick movie will either end with Wick on the run or dead.
My money is it'll end with him sitting above the High Table.

ummm sweetie i have an explanation for that
it was set in morocco, and dogs are considered haram, so they arent able to shoot them and allah obviously smite them whenever they got touched by the dogs

>10/10 kink but ending is a ducking
Hopefully this cock sucking faggot and his whore of a mother both get cancer.

Nah man, that only counts with video games. Movies get rated more harshly

Video game critics list everything they dislike a 79/100 or lower.
Remember that most of Yea Forums is Yea Forumsirgins who got tired of the rampant shitposting over there and decided to shitpost here instead.

2 is way better than 1

>hopefully this clock sucking gag got and his who're of a mother both get cancer.

Not so much harshness as it is fairness.
Even today's retarded fucking film critics understand that 5/10 is average and that anything higher is above average.

Kill yourself faggot

No fuck you. 1 was a shitty, bargain bin script that they picked because they could arbitrarily up the kill count. 2 was written from the ground up to be an exceptionally entertaining action flick from the first to the last minute. The action direction is better, the villain is better, the story beats and pacing is better. 2 is overwhelming in how much better than 1 it is. I have no idea why the opposite opinion is so prevalent.

user, some fag is replying to random posts ITT by calling them faggots and telling them to shut up. Not sure if he's a seething danyfag or if this is some kind of reverse-psychology shill or some shit, but he doesn't give a shit what you say or what's even being talked about ITT.

because you're a retarded poofter

From what I saw those were all old roasties and Penguin.

>tfw my gf doesnt let her son see these movies because they are too violent

im tempted to let him watch them in secret, but she might get mad at me


If you're gonna date a woman with a kid you might as well give him some culture.

>my wife's son

Kill yourself cuck

Assassin's Creed wishes its organizations were this interesting.

templars and assassin have run its course, with its good guys vs bad shit
here wick is an amoral guy, he kills people out of the memory of his wife and doggy and is loyal to people who helps him out

The first 45 minutes of 2 was awesome. Fell flat after that.

ummm, sweetie


zoomers get the rope

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Saw it and was a little disappointed.

It has the least plot of the three movies which means it doesn't crawl up it's own ass over it's lore like 2 did, but it's literally a filler movie that pulls a twist at the end that resets EVERYTHING to where it was at the start of the movie. Absolutely nothing that happens in it matters at all, it's all undone.

Gets weird tone and humor wise in the third act too, practically winking at the audience with the End Boss character turning into a weird goofy weeb (he literally calls him JOHNU WICKU one time in English, what?) the Matrix references, the fight against the main villains of Raid 1 and Raid 2 avoiding killing them etc

Fortunately visually it's as good as ever and the action itself is nearly impeccable. The audience was frequently laughing at how brutal it was.

almost my thought
maybe i set up my expectation a little too high but overall it's very satisfying, heads and shoulder above anything at least until gojira

John Wick 4 ending leaked image

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>The audience was frequently laughing at how brutal it was.
Same here. Audience was far more engaged than Endgame (granted, I watched JW3 at a special screening, Endgame was a week into release).

>resets EVERYTHING to where it was at the start of the movie. Absolutely nothing that happens in it matters at all, it's all undone.
What? No it doesn't. Winston "maybe" double crossed Wick, and Wick now has his sights set on The High Table. Even if it's thin, the plot has moved forward.

On Yea Forums the children/man children love to shitpost and anything that’s not 99% RT and doesn’t make 1.5 billion is a massive flop. They’ll even do shitty ridiculous math to make it look like a success bombed, I.e. “their marketing budget and actor salaries were around 600 million and with production costs that billion dollar gross just put them in the red!”

Feel the same way.
Movie was great but I was a bit let down after how good john wick 2 was.

Should I watch the second one if I found the first one absolute garbage?

>the fight against the main villains of Raid 1 and Raid 2 avoiding killing them
John spared those guys specifically to show his fanboy that he wasn't the Master of Death he thought he was. The point of that guy was that he didn't actually know John, and John only held him in contempt, shutting him down even during his dying breath.
In the grand tetralogy (please Christ let chapter 4 be the last chapter) Zero was designed to be a mid boss.

If you didn't like the first one then you should just avoid John Wick and John Wick threads altogether. It's not your thing.

baldy keep trying to say that he and john are the same

I'm going to made well written posts regardless, but I appreciate the warning.

Here's why: Zero wasn't a major character in John's life the way Viggo or Santino were. He was just a cackling fanboy who the High Table enlisted.
The narrative purpose of the movie was to establish that John's only purpose in life is to stay alive so he can hold onto his wife's memory, that the Continentals are ultimately middle management to the far more powerful and mysterious High Table, and that Winston has his own machinations, whatever they may be. While enough happened for me to feel it wasn't a filler episode, it wasn't as personal as the first two although John cutting off his finger and losing his wedding ring continues the theme of the connections to his wife stripping away. While the first two movies are standalone enough, Parabellum feels more like a Part One situation.

Man the action was great but the Winston doublecross and sequel hook were just fucking lame

Like Winston threatens a way cooler thing just minutes earlier before *farrrrrrt* it was all a ruse!

>the Winston doublecross
Is that really what you think happened? He's playing the Table, dummy.

saw it tonight and a fat boomer kept doing the most annoying laugh at every scene with the bald asian
good film but i hate those forced humor moments

>thinking he'd doublecross a man who he has literally bet on stopping at nothing to take out his enemies
>thinking he even tried to kill Wick at all

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the humor was more absurdist and still has tension in it rather than today's brand of shitty references and quips

Winston knew John would survive falling off a three storey building! He's not muttering about the boogeyman because John making it away safely was all part of his plan, man.

And it doesn't change that "Winston protects his own power and the Continental while putting John in a place where he'll have to kill the High Table" still isn't as good as "The High Table might be able to take the Continental but I have the entire city of New York in my power just try and come for us"

>Winston knew John would survive falling off a three storey building!
Why not? He's survived worse.
>He's not muttering about the boogeyman because John making it away safely was all part of his plan, man.
Yes, this is what maintaining an act looks like. Note his utter lack of surprise when she said that John was gone. You'd have to be autistic if you thought his "and that's a tragedy" was sincere. He knew John survived, or that John's survival was in the cards. It would be total character assassination if he didn't.

Wick's option
>Kill Winston who already made truce with bald girl and having to deal with Charon and table
>Have to negotiate with the high table for his 2nd betrayal, maybe being free but under the shackles of the high table

Winston gave Wick the option to enact his revenge, i'm pretty sure Wick's gonna give him the "professional courtesy" but it's not like a clear cut double cross

This. Zero reminded me of Grocer from Grosse Pointe Blank. Just that cackling autistic weirdo whose mood could change on a dime.

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havent seen it yet but theres no way its better than a 3.5/10 at the very most

>too violent :c

You forgot the third option:

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>John speed loading the shotgun

*sweating intensifies*

after the ending the people sitting next to me were like "nah they're gonna drag this out for at least two more films"
I'm inclined to agree that they will drag this out

John Wick's one of the only franchise i'm sure not going to be plagued too much by sequeltitis

As well as obviously a fourth movie, they're making a TV series of it

It's in full squeeze mode

the world's deserve a better class of action series
well if it all goes to hell atleast it crashes and burns spectacularly

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Here is them reviewing a children's movie. Critics don't know the target audience.

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6 points higher than 1 and 1 point lower than 2, sounds good

i can't believe we just had a sun ken rock ending

John's gonna sit above the high table. Guaranteed.

User reviews are all that matters. Critics are a bunch of overpaid hacks.

>dude let's make the same movie 3 times!

That's pretty high for metacritic, though. And it has a good average score on RT as well. I'm going to see it anyway, I enjoyed the other 2 they were fun entertaining action flicks, well shot, with decent story and world building. That's a lot more than you can ask for with most thrillers/action movies of today.

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And also
>74/100 is bad

It's my least favourite of the three, but still enjoyable. I thought that worldbuilding is less meticulous in this one, and sequel baiting is disappointing. Still, the action is great and it's beautifully shot.
1 = 2 > 3

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>There's a bounty on John Wick's head, and this time it's twice as much as the last time

i can imagine the reviews
>where are the women
>why isnt john wick a woman
>male power fantasy
>i hate guns

What is with Yea Forumss disgust towards the John wick series, it's not trying to be Citizen Kane

>What is with Yea Forumss disgust towards the John wick series
It's popular

it's reddit

Try watching it

I don't like it because it takes itself too seriously for a dumb action movie.

The entire setting is caricature. Most of its characters take themselves seriously, but only because they logically would. Don't mistake that for the movie taking itself seriously; it certainly doesn't.

>a kike hates a pro-gun movie
who would have thunk?

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only the third movie the previous two is ok in my opinion

>it certainly doesn't
But it does. The entire tone (including characters) is serious business

it's not got or capeshit

That's self-aware melodrama, not actual drama. The only time it gets actually dramatic is whenever it's about John's wife.

>because it takes itself too seriously
Not sure you watched them? They really don't, they have fun with the concept. Do you expect the characters to be le whacky or something, you would probably find that ridiculous and unbelievable, because it would be completely out of character for them to act like they are in fast and furious with quippy one liners. There's also humor in all of them but I guess if it's not an Avenger talking about how he has Americas ass, it doesn't count.

all of you retard know right that at the start of the movie its just your usual low budget action film and later on they made 2 sequel out of it, i think they pull it pretty much well comparing to already well known named movie franchises.

It's literally 2 hours of well shot/choreographed action. It's really good. And if you weren't so hot about 2, you will likely like this one much more


It is the least serious action movie franchise I've seen this decade.


>somebody just complained that these movies take themselves too seriously
Genocide anyone with an IQ lower than 110 when?

>if you don't like our sort of shitty movies then you like this other sort of shitty movies

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Stop making sense noooo help me ARUGHHHH

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Niche movie aimed at Patrician Action Kino Lovers doesn't get normie points, user.

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Liking shit that other flies don't eat still makes you a crap lover.

But the characters are being serious!

>movie has a good rating

I don't understand you retards, 74 is way above average

Now for the real questions: how is Halle Berry. She's not really in shit anymore, did she fuck it up?

>Lance Reddick, Halle Berry get to do action
>MAD DOG from Raid
>That fucking knife to eyeball
>All the fights
>-He shot my dog - I get it.
>Zero sitting next to John on the big sofa, fucking comedy gold.

I was dissapointed in John not killing that judge bitch, and sequel baiting, but atleast it will be Morpheus and Neo kino. I bet theyll add someone else from Matrix, hopefully it's Hugo, just for the Agent Smith jokes.

tfw Halle Berry will never spit in your water


Now that I think about it, they were already threatening to take away the Continental from Winston. He must have a long game plan running.

Why load 1 shell at a time when you can load whole magazine?

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3.5/5 i meant ... 7/10

I think that Halle Berry role initially was for the Carrie Ann Moss.

>could have had a full matrix reunion
>didn't pull the trigger on it

She was at the John Wick 2 premiere. Maybe she will appear in 4th film.

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Honestly don't even care. Just waiting for the new John Wick skin on Fortnite

Judge bitch was just a messenger; no need to shoot her just yet. Sequel bait I expected because of something Chad said with Chapter 2 about every episode either ending in a cliffhanger or John's death.
The knife throwing fight was top fucking level.

the first is good
the second also good story about how the assassins works
the third is bad, it was good for the first 20 minutes after that it feels bland like the story doesn't even matter anymore it's all about action and bass boosted punch and gunfire

If it was self-aware it wouldn't be so serious at every single turn, yeah?
>there are rules
>assassins everywhere who are also serious as can be
>I'm your friend but now I gotta kill you sorry but this is serious
>I'm super serious I just want out but you keep dragging me back in oh nooo
Not to mention the ridiculous "world building" that we're expected to buy into even though it makes little sense but just go with it because were serious about it.
It's a series that insists you take it seriously, and feels like it can't have any fun with itself. As one of you mentioned F&F I find that funny because that's a perfect example of having campy fun while still having a few 'heartfelt' emotional scenes but not taking your material seriously because you are aware you are a big dumb action movie. John Wick should strive to have a tone more like F&F

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>If it was self-aware it wouldn't be so serious at every single turn, yeah?
You're extremely fucking stupid and not worth the effort. Again, you're not expected to believe that this universe can exist. It's caricature. It's absurd by design and its purpose is to set up insane fight scenes and lightly poke fun at organized crime.

>first one was good
>second one was shit
>directors put all of his attention to atomic blonde and their other projects
>3rd one is obligatory and unwanted

people question why they used a damn shotgun instead of an automatic assault weapon military rifle and why all the hotel security uses pistol
it's probably because high caliber fmj metal jacket subsonic hollow point bullets leaves larger bullet holes

Today I will remind them

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Let's go a little more on-the-nose.

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just because the characters arent laughing and shouting one liners at each other doenst mean the movie takes itself seriously
its just a spin on the murder inc that existed irl from the 20s till like the 60s but taken to a comical level

So it's ultimately a remake of the remake of the prisoner.

>increbily boring
Remember kids, if this faggot can get paid for this shit, you can too!

I'm not OP or anything, I'm not even arguing that it's a bad rating or lower than the others, I'm just saying that looking the RT percentage is a retarded way to know if the movie is good or not.

the movie doenst even has a story, someone just robs john by mistake and kill his dog, thats the whole plot
its just cool looking action and nice aesthetics

Huh, you know I can kind of see thematic similarities to The Prisoner in John Wick. An insanely large kafkaesque secret society constantly trying to fuck with a central, but exceptionally gifted protagonist in a seemingly neverending cycle.

i figure john is cypher in his new blue pilled life.

Sorry I disagree with your retarded assessment and that's chapping your ignorant ass. You haven't epxlained how it's "self aware" in any way at all. It takes every single frame being as serious as can be and all you can say is DURR SELF AWARE THO. Fuck off

>Again, you're not expected to believe that this universe can exist.
Yeah the filmmakers are not asking you to buy into the world they've built, that makes a lot of sense.
> It's caricature. It's absurd by design
And yet it takes itself too seriously. What part of your thick skull isn't comprehending this

Yah that new Dredd was horrible. The score should be lower desu.

why does it takes itself seriously? just because everybody is angry and or depressed?

Comfy movie reference.

>takes itself too seriously
the fuck does it do that?

Fuck jewish critics

It was good, rookie was a qt, Lena acted incredibly and action was great.

>just because the characters arent laughing and shouting one liners at each other doenst mean the movie takes itself seriously
Literally every piece of the film takes itself seriously, it why I'm saying it takes itself seriously. There is nothing that is a joke in these films. It's 100% super serious 100% of the time.

>It takes every single frame being as serious as can be
You haven't seen these movies. Even if you have you strike me as one of those phonegazing fucks who barely actually watched it.
The "seriousness" you're seeing is the parody. It's called melodrama and it is a very intentional form of tongue-in-cheek humor.
For example, the Adam West Batman series also involved characters who all took themselves extremely seriously and acted like you were expected to take it seriously as well. That didn't mean the show took itself seriously.
John Wick is a less extreme version of that same kind of humor.

that just means that the movie has a darker tone, not that it takes itself seriously

>rotten tomatoes
>imdb score
>box office
>tv ratings
this is the true cancer of Yea Forums. who the fuck cares?!

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>There is nothing that is a joke in these films.
All three movies are peppered with jokes ranging from on-the-nose to subtle.

That's a good score for movies you literal faggot

and they do it because they love him. The Prisoner and the Remake are both disturbing. But yes, if the goal is John at the High Table, it was soneone's plane all along. His wife becomes the Dreamer dreaming the world...and is ultimately in on it by choice.

Fucking THIS.

Hey, hey, bing bing bing bing bang

Don't bother arguing with this fool , obvious capeshitter and comicshitter.

The last jedi wasn't fun though
neither Solo very much
I don't watch Game of Thrones
Endgame was a mess but sort of fun

Nigga did you even watch the clip in . It's funny because Yea Forums always like to complain about this scene for its sheer ridiculouslness and THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT. It's having fun with a concept of "what if the world was filled with covert assassins and they ended up fighting the title character? How would it play out?" the concept IN ITSELF is not to be taken seriously. Just because there is dramatic (very good imo) music and the characters aren't laying down Avengers quips doesn't mean it's serious.

By your logic, the marvel movies would be considered serious because there are scenes where stakes are high, or characters don't laugh because it's a dramatic moment. But yet there is levity, wit and fun. It's the same with John Wick, except without the superpowers. You wouldn't fucking try to argue the MCU is too serious, would you? You are definitely mixing up serious characters with "movie is entirely serious" and not looking at the bigger picture.
Also the movie has plenty of humorous moments. One liners aren't needed in order to have humor in a film youtube.com/watch?v=hFLLZNIc5iQ

Literally nobody ITT agrees with any of your posts claiming that there's no irony in John Wick.

What am I supposed to take away from this. God Hand must truly be awful

There are at least two other anons, you dumbass.

It's great but it was very unforgiving and didn't bother with political correctness. This review is a famous example of IGN at its worst.


Imagine not being able to have fun watching John Wick and thinking its "serious"

It`s fucking John Wick, off course its shit, we all see it becasue Kino Reeves

Doh ho ho how will serious-user recover from this?!

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Reeves can't act.

Dude, you are taking it too seriously. Chill out.

You're a fucking retard and I hope you die soon and painfully

>cites another examples that just proves my point
F&F and MCU tones are examples of not taking the content of your films serious
John Wick is the exact opposite
Ya'll niggas retarded as fuck if you can't see the difference.
I'm sorry about your shit tier overrated action film series with your favorite autistic actor.

except this is a good score. very good in fact for an action

why do actors always sort of dress like their characters but not really to its movies premiers and award shows

How did you reach that conclusion with his post explaining why John Wick isn't serious?

that's wrong sweetheart

>with your favorite autistic actor.
Um sweetie, Gosling isn't in this series (sadly)

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Really great argument, your post has added a lot to the thread.

making the same movie over and over is bound to fail eventually

Second from left needs a better tailor.
Wearing suits to premiers and shit is standard. It just so happens John Wick dresses nice. He is a professional, after all.

The costumes in a movie usually belong to the production and don't typically belong to the actors. Meanwhile they wear similar suits to premiers that belong to them or were tailor made for that premier by somebody unrelated to the film's production.

nah bro its an actor thing, look at brendan dressing as a cowboy that one time

He's turned sideways and has his hands in his pocket,give him a break. I'm sure it fits fine.

Why do critics hate action movies?

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there are literally no good suit tailors in LA because it's not suit country

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I'm happy with the good scores it's getting. I really enjoyed 1 and 2 so I will hopefully love this.

For anyone reading this and accepting it as truth, disregard. Majority of critics are just idiot journalists, their film opinions are not unlike any of yours. If they were to focus on actual filmmaking over "worldbuilding", that would make for a much more informative review than the drivel they actually produce. Also, a comment like this is a similar justification for the Star Wars prequels and their "amazing world" and "technology", rather to the actual filmmaking process which, if given more attention, could've elevated half-baked ideas into a cohesive and enjoyably structured picture.
>TL;DR Study film, disregard critics/audiences.

this. the definition of cringe

Critics love falling back on the "all style no substance" argument, even when style is the source of the substance. You have to be aware that the film critic community is a massive circlejerk since Ebert died. Before Ebert died it was a cult, and Ebert's word was divine law.

I feel like we should cherish this series more, are there even good thrillers/action movie really made anymore? I feel like they are all generic garbage or just painfully bland or bad.

At present this is pretty much it.

the disconnect between critics and audience enjoyment is unfortunately drastic
i mean i hate normie schlock too but when you read fully on their article it's empty drivel
for example

>because their too fat to do anything

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They hate bad ones, which most of them are

Dats a lotta extras

pretty sure they just shot the scene in a real public environment

Same reason they hate horror movies. Action movies are extremely common and a typical go-to genre for beginning filmmakers. This means 99 out of 100 action movies are fucking awful.

you are the most retarded faggot i have ever seen posting on this board

do the world a favor and kill yourself

A 7.4 is high as fuck for an average rating on RT.
If anything you just confirmed its great,

Why does Aykroyd makes such a good antagonist? Whenever he's the villain he's always godtier.

Just saw it, action is balls to the walls amazing as always, it just doesn't have the revenge element the first and half of the second did. Chapter 4 will be godlike tho

everything that runs too long turns to shit
this applies to absolutely everything

All 3 movies have good reviews

Based. God Hand is shit.

I agree.
You can fucking tell they're holding back here, too. Chapter 4 is gonna be balls fucking out.

kill yourself you MCU zoomer faggot

>he didn't get good

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Care to define "too long"? From my experience it varies from franchise to franchise.

John Wick series
The last 3 Mission Impossible movies
And um...struggling to come up with any other good action/thrillers...Sicario?
Bonus: Revenge

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The divide comes from each respective group's mindset, a group of critics enter a theater and, regardless of their differing levels of film literacy, are entering the theater to view "art". An audience is coming to the theater for entertainment. Exceptions aside, this is where you'll come to John Wick 3 on an aggregator site like rotten tomatoes and see vastly different ratings on both sides. The critics will quickly write off the film as more action bloat with a stilted performance by Reeves, whereas audiences who came to see an action film are met with work by some of the best action filmmakers in the business. For a John Wick film, I lean more with the audience perception as I see the film for what it is, but I wouldn't say that either critics or audiences RT scores give it as much thought. So I reiterate:
>TL;DR Study and enjoy film, disregard critics/audiences.


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RT is a far better measure of consensus.

>the first is a 6.9/10 last I checked. critics don't like these movies that much
6.9 is a good score. Basically anything above a 6 is good. Critics rate things much harsher than the average person.

based dungeonposter

Woah ,so people actually didn't notice 2 dudes hiding guns. New York mang

i hope it's better than 2

2 was better than 1 dipshit

Do the world a favor and present an actual argument, mouthbreathing nigger

>wick visits Winston and the adjudicator in the night
>elder visits wick in the night

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Yeah man and no one looked at the cameras or the two ridiculous actors with prop guns
That's not how using a location to film a scene works.

Got gud. Finished the game two times just because I wanted to like the game but it's shit. Decent tech can't save a game with awful levels, enemy combat design, trash story and unholy graphics.

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Style 'can' be substance but it's easier for plain old substance to be substance. A movie's style has to be groundbreaking for it to make up for a lack of substance, if that makes sense.

>Ebert's word was divine law
Ebert had plenty of controversial opinions.

>Finished the game two times just because I wanted to like the game but it's shit.
Why would you ever put yourself through a game that you don't like more than once?
Are you retarded?

>Ebert had plenty of controversial opinions.
Sure, occasionally. But just look through some reviews from other critics during Ebert's heyday and you'll see some hilarious parallels. I wouldn't doubt if a lot of critics just read or watched one of his reviews and plagiarized it outright.

I already told you, retard. I wanted to like the game because it had decent tech. Learn how to actually read and then respond. Are all GodHandFags as autistic as you?

You have no right to call anybody autistic if you're gonna play and then replay a video game to completion, despite not enjoying it.

Well I have to know what I'm talking about if I'm going to shit on the game, do I. Through the two playthroughs I learned how to play the game and got gud. Are you not able to take criticism about your favourite game, because of your fragile ego, so that's why you decided to goalpost?