It's almost all over boys
It's almost all over boys
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Man the first few seasons were actually kind of comfy and kino, when they were incel losers who just chilled and ate junk food all the time. They really ruined it forcing them all into uber cuckdom.
Fuck off tumblr
jewish writers what do you expect
and i remember cucks defending it that it was a character development when there were like two seasons with no nerdy shit just a straight up romance sitcom
like who actually wanted to see that annoying cunt bernadette and unfunny lame amy?
and sheldon is having sex now? that’s supposed to be a character development when you make an asexual have sex?
>and sheldon is having sex now?
Yeah, this was absolutely cringe beyond belief. Guess they couldn't have the relationship where Amy was basically the cuckquean, how dare they display a relationship where the man is in charge and holds the power. Sheldon and Amy should never, never have been a thing. Amy was garbage and Bernadette is perhaps the single most annoying character on TV.
It's not character development because it's totally out of character, especially for Sheldon. Howard is perhaps more acceptable being cucked, and is perhaps in line with his desperate nature, but Sheldon should never, ever have fucking been interested in women whatsoever.
The whole Penny/Leonard thing was disgusting from the get go, constantly humiliating him and making him jump through hoops. Making fun of his small cock in front of everyone, really just despicable stuff. She should have cheated on him to make it more realistic like the pajeet cunt did.
Unironically this.
It seems writers got tired of catering to dweebs and started catering to women.
Mainly marketing/execs take over and instruct them, writers are happy to as they get nice big fat bonuses and juicy checks.
It works though, almost every women I have talked to only started watching/enjoying after they brought the 2 retards in and forced their shitty garbage humor on everything. Ratings went up drastically around this point too, although they were already really high before being on PBS.
I completely agree with you, the first few seasons when they were all still single were comfykino. BBT is complete trash now and I'm excited to see it finally end.
Imagine betraying your artistic expression for money when you are already making a shit ton
It’s like if Desperate Housewives turned 70% into a car show because they needed a male audience
It's not just that though, you can get blacklisted and shit and find it very difficult to get work in the future if you piss off execs/marketers or, worse, cost them money.
They would likely say it's not art anyway, it's just entertainment. So they look at it as now they're just trying to entertain new audiences while retaining old ones. But yeah I agree it'sa pretty shitty and sad state of affairs.
>tfw you will never fuck that fat red head Leonard was dating
she also played in bones
Bernadette is hot, though.
She can play with my bone.
>and yeah she was in some shitty movie where she shows her huge fat tits
Lol but she fucked some 7ft nigger before in the show. Typical. HOWIE Y U SO INSECUUURE LOL LMAO xD
I hate women.
The show is going to end with everyone but Raj the smelly poo in loo in happy relationships. Even Stuart got to bang a hottie.
Literally shilled racemixing with bullshit science that got debunked a million times already.
It's 100% Jewish and trash, just another propaganda show
They actually have a "scientist" on the show for all the science related topics and dialogues...guess what his name is. Go ahead, guess.
>So they look at it as now they're just trying to entertain new audiences while retaining old ones.
Except they're not retaining the old audiences and the new audiences they're catering to don't watch their newly woke shows. Get woke, go broke.
It was always trash. Any show with laugh tracks is automatically shit.
Legitimately gutted.
I fucking hated the show but grew to really like it after being forced to sit and watch it.
What about Seinfield?
Just tell us you muppet
How would you rate this dude's looks?
David Saltzberg
They were never losers, they had successful careers right out of the gate and even being socially awkward, they had each other and more capacity to reach out and make new friends, which is more than any actual loser has.
Not a racist but I find it funny how Ashkenazi Jews push racemixing and how good it is for you (it's not really) while they are literally the most inbred race in the world.
This last season is a fucking clusterfuck. Since this is the final season, the writers are rushing shit like the raj romance and Stuart getting a girlfriend storyline, penny and Leonard wanting a baby, everyone moving away with no hint in prior seasons.
>penny and Leonard wanting a baby,
Let me guess, a million jokes about how annoying babies are, how difficult it is, how ugly she will be pregnant, how fat, how her tits will be hanging, how they won't have any time, how it will be super stressful and all the other crap?
Don't even lie, I know it without having watched it. It's always the same.
That was before it became a pol maymay, tho.
Yeah, this baby story line is similar to the Phoebe from nbc friends giving birth due to sterilization or something, i don't remember.
This is the jewiest, most faggoty television show out there.
the actor that plays Sheldon turned down 2 more seasons for $50 million dollars because he could stand that Jewish hag Blossom
>women can do what men can
>constantly humiliating him and making him jump through hoops.
What do you expect?
They cater to Asuka-fags.
this tbqh famm
wouldn't he have a hypothesis and not a theory?
Be glad that the kid comes at the very end. Everyone sitcom goes to complete shit as soon as of of them gets a baby. Friends, Will & Grace, Dharma & Greg, HIMYM, the Nanny, etc.
this. The first couple seasons were genuinely funny. Then it took a hard left turn into shit and Jews.
Never seen a single full episode of that crap
2 and a half men was unironically kino
>12 seasons of boomers mocking nerd culture with overexaggerated stereotypes and a complete lack of knowledge of what nerds actually do
>Comfy and kino
Yeah the only people that actually hate the early seasons are Reddit and failed normies/normies LARPing as nerds. Actual losers found comfort and solace in those early seasons as they empathized with a lot of that shit, even if their taste in media/vidya etc. was garbage.
You're a fucking retard so just off yourself or go back to where you came from. Stop trying to fit in.
When it's over I'm going to make the most autistic analysis of the show you can imagine
No, i'm thinking if it this wasn't the final season, there wouldn't be a pregnancy story line in the first place. It feels like the writers are kicking and screaming on the end of this show.
Who in the actual fuck wrote this
As someone who spent a good amount of his time passionately working on wikis in his teens this is
This is not trivia
This isn’t anything
Is that Newgrounds' own Chris O'Neil?
Its the fandom wiki communities. Have you seen the cobra kai one? Someone actually read the novelization of part iii and put unnecessary background information on terry silver and mike barnes.
i just watched the first episode at school as a educational material
Wait, this show is still airing? Why did I think it was already over?
Such a disgracefull show. It selfimplies it knows what nerdculuture is and declares it. I saw a bunch of retarded wanna be tech niggers behave exactly like the characters in the show because they thought this is what it means to fit into the tech industry. In reality these empty personas come as close to NPCS as anyone. It's like watching a John Oliver sitcom. While the first few seasons might have been well made the people the fans of this show are the most prudish arrogant fucks I have met in my entire life and I would gladly have a filter option to never interact with them for they are the most cancerous fandom in existence
god i want to fuck melissa so bad
She looks like she fucks black men
To honor the series finale, I'm going to play Super Mario 64 on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator tonight.
Unfortunately it isn't possible to find a girlfriend who doesn't like this show anymore.
bing bang theory went from biggest normie show of all time to "sexist garbage"
bernadette and amy are the worst additions to any show ever. maximum cringe.
And that's a good thing.
Were there any sitcoms where it add new cast members and then it drastically change. The only one I can think off the top of my head is boys meets world
A true patrician.
I'll be honest, BBT was the comfiest background noise show ever created. I remember the first episodes where they were all single and one where they were in a game store and that had halo 3 posters and Xbox 360 stuff all over. It feels like the end of an era tbqh
Yeah, shows trash now but at least I'll have the first seasons to keep me comfy while I do other things.
You'd think at least one of them would be aware of the problems with outbreeding.
Last Man Standing is nice Boomer Kino
Seinfeld is shit
no u
so he's german. not bad!
nah, big bang will go down probably as the greatest and most influental sitcom of 2010s
whenever i bump into it on tv i get wave of comfyness splashing my face and bum
in the show at least she did
they were good in season 5
correct TBBT and GoT are quintessential 2010s television
>Any show with laugh tracks is automatically sh-
Is this thread bait or have the normie retards literally just taken over this website?
BBT has never been good, it was just above absolute trash when it was it it's best.
You would literally have to be a special kind of brain damaged faggot to unironically enjoy this shit.
>he didnt buy/pirate the DVDs which have an option to remove the laugh track
I recently had some economical troubles and moved back in with my parents. It kind of worked out for both of us because they're starting to get too old to take care of themselves. By far the worst thing about living at home is they're taste in television. They watch at least 90 minutes of BBT reruns daily. Not streaming either, but local and cable television reruns with full commercial breaks. We always watch it while eating supper, but my parents have seen every episode so many times, they barely let out a chuckle.
I bought them a chromecast with Hulu and Netflix for Christmas, but I was very naive to try and change them. My Mom has actually used it to watch some kino, but supper is always served with a helping of BBT. I cannot escape this boomer nightmare.
I 100% agree. I love M*A*S*H to death, but the laugh track is so irritating. I don't mind laugh tracks in general, but there's something about early laugh tracks that are horribly spliced and fuck up the timing of jokes. I swear half the time you can't hear some of the dialogue because of the horrible laugh track mixing.
I'd rather have a mother who constantly watches TBBT than GoT like mine does.
You're going to miss watching garbage with your parents later.
i think we all do
but how would we do it
all at once or one at a time?
this made me sad
good thing no one's every really gone
Same as my parents, they always channel switch through a bunch of shitty channels before ending up rewatching the same shit over and over again.
What is it with boomers and being unable to use streaming services? My dad rather watch some movie or show he put on recording and fast forward through commercials than check if it's available on the 3-4 streaming services they subscribe to.
what do you expect from chuck lorre (((levine)))? these people do the will of satan
I liked it and found it comfy. The show got worse as Sheldon became less autistic and more confident
It went to shit when they brought in Sheldon's kike gf. The first few seasons were genuinely pretty good despite what incels online try to tell you. They're just triggered that ugly nerds that are not only smart, can also get women that are miles beyond their league, while they have never even spoken to a woman, let alone touched or dated one. That's where all the "show hate" comes from. Incels.
Baseed and feedpilled
All things considered, this show actually had decent plot progression, and will probably end really well. Something Game of Thrones doesn't, I thought I would never say this, but this show is actually objectively better in terms of late show progression and ending, than Game of Thrones (which at one point I thought was the best written show of our time).
Who knew, right at the start what the end goal of this show is gonna be, and what it would lead to. In the end, it was about Sheldon getting a Nobel Prize for Physics, which is actually very satisfying.
Other B-storyline plot endings is probably gonna be Rajesh finding long lasting love, (or coming to peace with not having it, no longer seeking it), and Penny becoming pregnant finally
This. Last summer I had nothing but weed and the first 2 seasons of bbt. It was nice.
Its gonna end with Stuart and raj banging.
desu if they removed a few aspects that make no sense, it would actually be an almost perfect show
literally the most ugly character I've seen. It used to bewilder me that Sheldon's actor was able to pretend to be attracted to that genuinely disgusting face, but then I remebered he is homosexual, so it's ok for him
They should have remained Sheldon as the volcel who's dedicated to his lifelong goal of winning a Nobel Prize in Physics.
She's a good character but her voice is so annoying
Other than that, this show would actually be one of the best
what's a znigger?
Has that joke stuck with you too?
that woman looks 200% jewish
this, when I lived with my dad I had to listen to it in the background every day, but it was always comfy and made me smile (same with Two and a Half Men)
I don't understand why it became some shitty romcom
The MMO tie-in episodes were hit-or-miss; the Star Wars: The Old Republic episode was pure shit and BioWare should be embarassed for paying for it. Meanwhile, the Age of Conan episode was pretty well-written with Penny's descent into NEETdom and eventual cleansing(even though it was a shit game).
>a group of highly intelligent, socially inept nerd scientists, one of them has a crush on the hot waitress next door
>scientific normalfags with nerd hobbies date their hot girlfriends, hijinks ensue (and the one who doesn’t have a steady gf still pumps&dumps several girls)
Truer words have never been spoken
probably written by an AI
Any sitcom that runs for too long. The Office is my go-to example
early seasons of The Office are kino, but now I'm embarrassed to admit I've watched it.
I enjoyed first 2 seasons desu
the series finale ends with the gang entering the now-fixed elevator and after the doors close the cable snaps and they all fall to their death
Finally our long national nightmare is almost at an end
oh pp moved twice
what penny and bloosm lesbians
You idiot, the character development from lonely nerds into real human beans was the best part.
the stuff with leonard and penny is pretty on point though, she doesn't want a kid, he wants, it's kinda a big friction couples have these days. raj's storylines sucks but that's just because she is ugly as fuck lol. and good for stewart, that girl is qt.
forgot to mention that I really like the fact that Leonard finally made piece with her horrible mother.
Post Melissa tiddies. They looks amazing in cheesecake factory uniform or whatever it was
This is the only correct way to end it
Spoilers posted earlier mentioned a time skip and three major character deaths.
Bernadette was a mistake
>these are the people calling you virgin and incel
Why do moms love this show so much?
>"Race mixing is bad"
>What is Heterozygote advantage?
>What is Inbreeding depression?
Not that I'd expect /pol/lacks to understand genetics, but the reality is for animals outbreeding is usually much more amenable to fitness than inbreeding. It's literally the reason why Jews have such a wide gamut of deleterious alleles including Tay-Sachs. Optimum fitness is achieved by several generations of outbreeding and a few generations of inbreeding.
that video gave me cancer
most moms grew up as stacies and identify with a show that shits on the nerds they used to laugh at in highschool.
Inbreeding is one thing, breeding with your own race is another
Not that I expect a tranny liberal to follow basic logic
>Assuming I'm transcum
>Assuming I'm liberal not just an authoritarian who recognizes the arbitrary nature of racial categories
Genetic drift within racialized populations has resulted in deleterious alleles being pushed towards fixation, IT'S A RANDOM PROCESS, so even with higher IQ Europeans suffer from higher levels of genetic disorders, it's why PKU and Cystic Fibrosis rates are inordinately high.
lol, they just made fun of nerds and made money off of hipster nerds you fucking retard.
Honestly I think Project64 was fine around that time. I remember playing SM64 with no issues back then
>Stuart and raj
best scene in the show
>that jiggle
>Bernadette is perhaps the single most annoying character
She qualifies purely on her voice. She sounds like a rejected muppet
Post more melissa thanks
Bernadette was hot desu
>Jon Mccintosh
Oh, lad...
4 U
>Making fun of his small cock in front of everyone
haha what?
raj would be the bottom
Imagine her laughing at your small dick