tfw no dying girl will force me to sleep in a bed with her
Tfw no dying girl will force me to sleep in a bed with her
wow does she rape too
asians and asian lovers are cringe
wtf I thought japs always slept on the floor?
they sleep on these things which i find superior to beds
also tatami mats are better than carpeting
I remember reading years ago Asian men dont like dating Asian women in japan. If this is true, there has to be more to it than, women complicate things. What's really going on? Why is the west becoming an incel while the east is becoming a femcel?
Why aren't Asian women in Japan repulsed by weebs?
The Japanese are pure kino
All girls are dying. Especially those with feminine penis. Do your part. Get in bed.
>also tatami mats are better than carpeting
No. No they are not. Not at all, you incel weeb motherfucker.
That's like saying chopsticks are superior to a fork and knife. They just aren't if you don't have some dickhead to USE A FUCKING FORK AND KNIFE to cut that shit up for you ahead of time.
Fucking weeb shit
I'm assuming this is a pixie dream girl romance, anymore like these from Japan?
all i want is a french girl that talks down to me with that accent.
i've been in japan and lived in a place with tatami. if you don't clean like once a week, that shit gets fucking NASTY. like gross level nasty
why would anyone wathc this shit?
I liked the movie to be honest. It is superfluously melodramatic though for some reason.
what movie is that
'I want to eat your pancreas'
I've read the novel. Not really a fan. Guess i shouldnt bother watching the movie if it's a faithful adaptation.
I miss my ex gf bros
>sleeping on the floor where rats, spiders, etc can reach you easily
>literally too poor for carpet or proper wood flooring
Honestly it is really, really hard to not be a white supremacist when you spend even 5 minutes looking at other cultures. The fucked up thing is, Jap culture is one of the better ones!
>living in a home with rats and spiders inside
Because they weight 50 kilos
Fuck off Asian framelets