Whatever happens Yea Forums, no matter how bad things get, at least you're not a söyboy

Whatever happens Yea Forums, no matter how bad things get, at least you're not a söyboy.

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that's a nice way to see things.
Thanks fren

basednuts are a good snack
tofu is good at absorbing flavor
basedmilk is actually pretty nice to drink but never as a milk substitute
"movie theater butter" is tasty
but I still don't think I'm a basedus boyicus

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They have careers, and wives. They enjoy their hobbies.

Yes, god forbid. I'll take more incel and racist brainwashing please.

/pol/fags are worse than söyboys and are generally even uglier somehow

Have sex.

I do. Do you?

Reminder that the original picture of a soi with his mouth open and a nintendo switch was a conservative who led his church fellowship group with his wife lmao

Not to mention that these pics aren't even serious.

The worst thing about these people is that they are the same kinds who are, usually, actively working in tech or in SV actively contributing to the monitoring and panopticon of globalist death ray surveillance. They are the people who want to make it so that all your traffic will be monitored and the little onions men in onions vests will come rapping at your door if you don't make sure you always use the right pronouns. Also, if you mention to these people that you do not want to use your real identity online these people will try to destroy you. I'm not kidding. Do not trust them, anyone who remotely looks like this guy, assume that they are the enemy and will try to defeat you. You may be wrong, some guys just look like this, but it's like the tomgirl hair, you need to be careful when you see a brightly colored amphibian in order to survive. These people will try to befriend you so they can record everything about you and then forward your info to canary mission so you can get publicly shamed and fired and blacklisted. We are living in the time of the redshirts and a new Cultural Revolution, they are the new Red Guard

You need to stop lying to yourself and really sincerely have sex.

take your meds

They are Nietzsche's "last man"

So that's a "no?"

user. Please. Have sex.

We can laugh at these people, but I don't think I've been that happy in years.

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unironically based schizo

Yeah. About that

No, I am kind of a basedboy.

I'm not a schizo, I "work" in cybersecurity. None of this is a joke. Terry Davis was right and you should lurk on /g/ & Infowars. We're all fucked and these people are quite literally the devil

>get career
>get married
>buy shit and feel better
>attention whore on social media
but at least you're not brainwashed

>They have careers
They don't.
They don't
>They enjoy their hobbies
They are man children

Someone post the pic of the sjw with the mask on.

Look at that guy. Married or not, no woman has touched him since grade school.

dude looks like he has cerebral palsy

This board is filled with cucks and /pol/tards Incels, they are all different kinds of sõyboys desu

Strong projection.

Incorrect assumption.

>This board is filled with cucks and /pol/tards Incels, they are all different kinds of sõyboys desu

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Someone post the picture of the "I know sjws are bad but aren't anti-sjws just as bad guys?".

You seem to be good at projecting.

Tranks to prove my point, thinskin beta. Lift more instead of crying online.

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remember that trannies filtered the word on 4chin and then spammed "incel" when that faggot shot some people :^)

too bad I look like one so people just assume I am

>at least you're not a söyboy.
lmao hilarious
soibois are white, and most Yea Forums are white guys
virgin, white, guys.

there's no difference. only one side votes for hillary and has sex, while the other votes for trump and doesn't have sex.

This desu
I don't mind the occasional "roastie" or "nigger" joke, but ever since incels gained a false sense of political empowerment a few years ago, it's gotten completely out of hand and ruined this entire site.

>only one side votes for hillary and has sex,
nice fantasy.

samefagging hard.
You sois get angry when called out. You use incel becuase thats what you are. Virgins.

The roastie thing is mostly a meme. It's a lottery, some vaginas are like that.
My mom for example has the pussy of a baby. You can't see the labia.
My sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin.
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing.
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

Get a grip, schizo

Great thread to have another da incels meltdown in without a hint of irony I’m telling you to have sex as soon as possible

based. Always been interested, how does one into cybersec?

you would know that, you incel incester