What's the point of being a miserable old prick?
What's the point of being a miserable old prick?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh family
>tries to kill his son and fucks his waifu
>treats his daughter like a breeding mare and forces her to marry someone she hates
Father of the year.
he rebuilt his house from the butt of jokes into the most feared family in the realms, not to mention giving the realm 20 some years of peace as Hand of the King. he was great at what he did.
>most feared family in the realms
What's the point if your children's actual lives are miserable? All he cares about is reputation? I thought lions don't care about the opinions of the sheep.
Because his children were determined to destroy everything he made for THEM. The dude spent years making Lannister the top house.
Yeah none of that requires being a douche 24/7.
how would you know?
Actually the Lannister family wouldn't have grown so strong if he wasn't a douche
Pride over everything. You'd know if you had anything to be proud about.
Satisfaction of being a miserable old prick to everyone around you.
But to what end? He made the world worse off than when he started. And that includes for the lives of his family.
>my children don't appraciate what I made for them, so I must destroy their lives
Literally nice guy incel mindset after getting rejected by his crush.
Based baitposter
>Because his children were determined to destroy everything he made for THEM
This. Tyrion in particular is the worst offender. Always playing the victim for being a dwarf even when Tywin told him to his face the main problem was that he was a drunk whore that no one could respect.
>He made the world worse off than when he started
If anything he made the world better. He won a war through alliance instead of in the battle field saving thousands of lives. Had he stayed alive Tommen would have become a great king too.
look at the top of his head
This cognitive dissonance surrounding unambiguously unethical characters like Tywin is baffling. And this is not at all limited to GOT, everywhere you turn there someone making a dishonest "ACKSHUALLY THE BAD GUYS ARE THE GOOD GUYS" argument. Really makes me fear for where the world is going.
Tywin didn't destroy shit for Jaime and Cersei. Cersei became queen because of him pulling the strings and Jaime was such a fucktard he wanted to be near Cersei so he joined the kingsguard instead of inheriting his own ancestral big ass castle.
Only one he hated was Tyrion and that was because his wife died while giving birth to him
Tywin’s dad was a NEET weeaboo, does that explain it enough for you?
to watch his family of fuck ups destroy Everything he build.
>Great strategic thinker
>The epitome of a strong man
>Carries himself with pride
>Commands respect
>A true lion
he hates incompetence
You see I have actually read the books and watched the shows. I know that what you just wrote is bullshit that completely disregards tons of lies and willful ignorance from Tywin that actively made the realm descend into war for his own petty greed.
Tywin was just a piece of shit. He didn't give a fuck about anyone or anything. Not his kids, not the real. Nothing. He was a misanthrope. The only thing he really liked was bullying people and maybe fucking a young whore here and there. And butchering things. He did like that.
He was pretty much a sociopath/psychopath. Just a more clever one than Cersei.
mediocre b8
i mean his first scene on the show where he's carving up the deer basically spells out his entire motivation in first person, i have no idea how its possible to not get him
>raises an idiot son and daughter
>too much of a pussy to tell them to stop fucking
>knows Joffrey is the most psycho of all of them and his reign will end in chaos one way or another, does little to try to prevent this
>too stuck up and prideful to finally give respect to his midget son who he knows is the most capable of the lot, and gets himself killed for it
Anyone else in the world of GOT would have drowned Tyrion as soon as he was born. Tywin raised him as his son and handled him plenty of privileges from being hand of the king to marrying Sansa and yet Tyrion always complained about how he didn't get enough for being a dwarf without making any attempt to see his own flaws.
>I thought lions don't care about the opinions of the sheep.
which is why they fuck each other.
Mad king fucked his wife lmao
and his midget son killed him while he was taking a shit OHNONONONO
>Anyone else in the world of GOT would have drowned Tyrion as soon as he was born.
Yeah no. Basically all of the Starks would not have done that. Sam wouldn't. Brienne wouldn't. Dany probably would not.
this desu. Randyll Tarly is the head of a much lesser house than Tywin and he gives his fat fuck son a choice between death and exile to the Wall just because he didn't want him holding his special sword.
He also insulted her tits.
Tarly was an even bigger idiot than Tywin, but the show changed his characterization near the end to be more noble than it ought to have been. The guy who refused to bend the knee to Dany would not be the same guy that would send Sam away like that. It's... wait for it... bad writing
pick one
Tywin's outlook on life basically comes from how his father Tytos was a nice man who basically let people take advantage of and walk all over him, it cost House Lannister a lot and left a bunch of problems for Tywin to solve when his father died. This made Tywin hyper averse to showing any kind of weakness whatsoever.
so Tywin is basically one of those guys who is pissed off at all the onions boys in the world because he's afraid someone might think he is one?
>Basically all of the Starks would not have done that
Ned let Cat treat Jon like garbage and was eager to let him ruin his life by joining the Night Watch. He may have treated Tyrion better than Tywin but he had his short comings and Tywin had good qualities as a father in spite his coldness. He just didn't want to give Casterly Rock to Tyrion for being a drunk dwarf, which is reasonable, but he gave him plenty other things.
>The guy who refused to bend the knee to Dany would not be the same guy that would send Sam away like that
Yeah I'm not going to stop writing the word basically because you think it's a meme.
>letting the mountain pillage and rape as he pleases
TYrant, TYwin. Coincidence?
>drowning a baby
>wife being a little extra bitchy to her step-son
That would go a hell of a long way towards explaining why he gets so much appreciative lip service on Yea Forums.
that was after he was Aerys' hand tho
It shows a positive strength of character. The same kind that would allow a man to find the good in his fat son. To not give up on him so easily.
At the same time you can say that being so loyal to Cersei was really stupid, so maybe sending his son off would be in character after all.
But Tywin didn't drown Tyrion. He was just cold to him.
it's not a meme, you just suck at writing
>letting the mountain pillage and rape as he pleases
What are you even talking about?
>great strategic thinker
>gets btfo at war by a 14 year old
have sneed
>wins the war
That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the assertion that Tywin was being particularly merciful for not drowning the boy, when that is not the case. Plenty of other people in Westeros would have treated Tyrion better as a child.
>To not give up on him so easily
Easily? He spent years trying to make a warrior of him, but nothing helped.
you'd have liked him less if he'd been played by an ordinary jobsworth of an actor who went full tywin as regards ridiculousness of appearance
which charles dance wouldn't because as described tywin looks like fucking eddie hitler from bottom
Sam is a teenager, he can't have spent that long.
It was Jaime who fucked up at Riverrun.
Stannis wouldn't do that
Great at his job, lousy at being a father. Funny, because Ned is like the complete opposite but Ned's children ultimately save Westeros.
What I'm saying is that is not necessarily the case. Even Ned, supposedly the noblest man in the show, was a shitty father to Jon while Tywin wasn't all that bad to Tyrion.
> what's the point of giving millions safety and security if your 3 ingrate children are still ingrates?
Spoiled rich kids gonna spoiled rich kids
7 years.
>considering drowning your son
>sending your "son" to a life of celibacy in a frozen hellhole because your wife is bitchy
Stannis burned his own daughter and kept her in a dungeon. If anything it only shows Tywin was better as a father.
His single biggest fuck up was not giving Tyrion Casterly Rock when he demanded it by right. It made a massive hypocrite of him and lost Tyrion's true allegiance forever.
Ned literally protected Jon from that cunt he calls a wife.
>Even Ned, supposedly the noblest man in the show, was a shitty father to Jon
Being noble has nothing to do with being a good father
I guess you're asking the right people here, most being miserable young pricks.
Nice bait bro
>has to bribe some scummy underlings to murder his enemy at dinner because he's too scared to face him in the field
I don't know what the fuck show you watched, man, but it wasn't Game of Thrones. Ned was a decent father to Jon. Maybe a little distant but he never actively bullied or did something like... I don't know... forcing a gang rape of Jon's wife right in front of him and then forcing him to rape her himself at the end, and then making her disappear and never telling him where she went.
You're fucking delusional if you recognize what a complete shithead Tywin was to Tyrion. He blames him for killing his mother. He fucks his girlfriend (and convinces her to testify against him in rigged court in order to have him executed). He constantly talks down on him and makes fun of his being a midget. Like seriously, how fucking dumb do you have to be to play the retarded mental gymnastics you're doing.
>tells Tyrion he won't give Casterly Rock to a drunk who will turn it into a whorehouse
>Tyrion remains a drunk anyway and complains about how he's mistreated for being a dwarf
and the entire episode with Tysha
Tyrion would not have turned it into a whorehouse. He would have been desperate to make it as respected as possible. Stop being stupid. Make honest arguments or fuck off.
Thats cool, but dont keep blabbering about family coming first no matter what.
Yes, and he also hates Tyrion because Tyrion is a Chad who always has a quip at hand, something Aerys used to do.
tywin did nothing wrong. well except not drowning tyrion
He didn't give millions safety and security.
Two of his children are fucking one another and the other is a sack of midge shit who killed his own mother and who does everything he possibly can to piss on the family name.
eh dindu nuffin tyron is good boy
getting shit done
most incel GOT related thing I've ever seen
>my children don't want to live the life *I* believe it's the best life for them.... SO I MUST FORCE THEM DO WHAT I LIKE AND MAKE THE MISERABLE
If he had forced Jaime he wouldn't have let him join the KG in the first place.
Cersei wanted to be queen or she wouldn't have married the GODS man
someone with the brain in this reddit wasteland
It's beter in greentext
Most feared because of its brutality. Real accomplishment there.
>Dany enters with her dragon
>Your dragon was tired
God damn it what the fuck happened to game of thrones. It used to be so intriguing and fleshed out but now its fucking garbage fan fiction with season 5 onwards having stupid shit like Cersei becoming Queen( I can fucking guarantee Cersei will not be queen in the books), Arya surviving her guts turned to mush by a knife and killing the night king.
ned was an excellent ruler who inspired his people, he was just too forthright and honest to be a capital city wheeler and dealer
>greentext is better
I lost braincells reading this. Congratulations fucking dimwit
>>treats his daughter like a breeding mare and forces her to marry someone she hates
>Father of the year.
Caring about family means ensuring they survive and breed. That's why we exist. That's how we got there.
Disney changed that into parents not having anything to do with it and coincidentally fewer people were breeding.
Modern version is that you encourage your son to transition and watch your family go extinct.
Cersei DID wanted to marry Robert at first though, it wasn't until he was drunk on their wedding night and gave her a bad fuck she started to hate him
Fuck off with this evolutionary autism. Caring about someone is supporting them in whatever makes them happy.
>God damn it what the fuck happened to game of thrones
They ran out of books.
Was talking about Lloras not Robert
Good luck with that mindset in the Medieval world.
>Fuck off with this evolutionary autism. Caring about someone is supporting them in whatever makes them happy.
It was evolutionary competition to put out mass propaganda that life is about everything other than evolutionary competition.
Your brain literally functions as a Disney script.
>Actually the Lannister family wouldn't have grown so strong if he wasn't a douche
Debatable but ok.
Tywin's probably is that he considers whatever is best for him to be best for the family and he's hypocritical about indulging his own petty desires.
He wants to be respected and feared and does shit just for that purpose, then justifies it as being good for the Lanister name because he's the patriach of the family and fearing him is fearing the family. He did the right thing sending Tyrion to be hand and grooming him to rule because Tyrion is literally the future of house Lanister and needs to be trained and empowered for the role instead of mocked. Tywin didn't like or respect Tyrion though so he had no idea how to do that, a failing as a father, and continued to mock him at every turn and permit others to do so too. If he had any sense, he'd have taught Joffery a lesson about mocking his uncle, who was probably going to be his hand.
>i have no idea how its possible to not get him
You failed to get him. The scene with the deer is just how Tywin sees himself. It's not actually true, he's a massive hypocrite and what he says isn't reflected in what he does, more than half the time.
Is not though. He doesnt give a shit about tyrion whoring, as long as he does it discreetly. Its about appearance. Tyrions rep is just literally whoring and being drunk.
This, which explains why all the stuff in this post is all the more ridiculous. Tywin is shown to be a practical and intelligent man who loves his family so much he allows his two children to fuck each other because they love each other and spite his dwarven son because he killed his wife, yet he's a petty conniving asshole who has a common peasant girl gang fucked because his dwarf son was falling in love with her, then sets up a year long prank hiring another common whore to bang his dwarf kid and pretend to be in love with him. Oh and he's sharing the whore with his son because getting Tyrions sloppy seconds every night is...funnier?
Just another instance of fat hack drastically changing a competent character at the last second to execute an improbable plot point.
You all know that’s probably how it would’ve went down.
>Say something clever, go ahead
Except for the part where Tyrion did absolutely nothing to prove otherwise until late into the civil war, when Tywin immediately starts respecting him and probably would have given him more responsibility afterward if Georgie Porgie didn't rely on every smart character being killed to move his dumb ass plots along.
gj saving ur own greentext
He was good, but he still failed. He didnt understand that there was more to family than just the name and didnt have any character himself so he could not understand the characters of others like his children.
You... you didn't watch the show did you? You're a wikifag. watch this and realize what and actual factual retard you are
His actions throughout the show had lasting effects that are still felt in every single episode.
Him being a miserable old prick set the worldview that drives Cersei to be an unrelenting cunt, makes Jaime an addicted sister-fucker, and has Jaime and Tyrion enable each other to do retarded shit all the time. Tywin being a miserable old prick who paid Frey off to butcher the Starks at the wedding is the sole reason why Sansa was important because everyone thought she was the last Stark and why Jon Snow has to act like a fucking retard with his new heritage information because "not a Stark" autism infected him with the family being broken and scattered. Tywin being a miserable old prick that turned on the last Targaryen king is why Daenerys is so single-mindedly focused on reclaiming her birthright and probably a part of why she's a paranoid wreck right now who thinks everyone in Westeros will betray her at the drop of a hat.
I know that "What's the point of [insert character thing]?" is now a meme due to a bunch of plotlines fizzling out, but Twyin is one of the few characters who did things that fundamentally changed and shaped the character arcs and plots of the story.
If only every main character was given this kind of weight.
Tywin is the ultimate daddy issues. He might be a cool pragmatist and politician but he's a terrible family man and father. An idiot who ruined Tyrion and made him into a whoremongerer and a drunk because of the Tysha episode. And also willfully blind and completely uncaring towards Cersei and Jaime with their incestual relationship and actual wishes respectively. The downfall of Lannisters is half his handiwork.
I'm not clicking any link posted by someone who writes with reddit faggot mannerisms like you.
How old will you be when you'll realize it was propaganda to outbreed your lineage?
Happiness is nothing, null.
>so he joined the kingsguard
He was forced, and there was no way in hell he was going to deny Aerys on the threat of a painful death
>Happiness is nothing
Actually, it's everything.
It's isn't. Satisfaction > happiness.
Happiness is only imagined by immature brain who are told it is a thing.
It is a mimicked behavior.
Tywin only made 2 mistakes. First, he should’ve given Tyrion Casterly Rock. Jaime would’ve been an even worse ruler. Secondly he obviously should’ve picked a different scapegoat for Joffrey’s murder. Just blame it on someone he didn’t like and use it as an excuse to destroy their house. I get that he didn’t like Tyrion but he was the only half-competent child he had.
>>Happiness is nothing
>Actually, it's everything.
Happiness is something given to you by evolution to help you survive. As are all emotions.
That has been perverted in order to destroy you. And me and everyone else.
No, happiness, like any other feeling, is a chemical reaction in your brain.
>Happiness is something given to you by evolution to help you survive. As are all emotions.
Obviously. But we are no longer subjects of natural selection, so most of our survival mechanism have lost their use.
>No, happiness, like any other feeling, is a chemical reaction in your brain.
Yes, and if the goal were to be happy, we would have evolved to automatically be happy.
Instead, happiness is just part of a complicated system of goal-setting/defining that constantly evolves to help you maintain balance in your behavior and manage your resources/ambitions wisely.
Satisfaction is, because it soothe your brain cell and dissipate stress.
Calling it happiness by contextualizing that satisfaction is purely social, not biological.
Weaponizing that happiness is also.
If your grand plan requires you to stay alive forever to control everything that really isn't a very practical plan, now is it?
>Obviously. But we are no longer subjects of natural selection, so most of our survival mechanism have lost their use.
Anytime you choose a mate, that's natural selection, sexual selection specifically.
Anytime your kid fail to breed, it is natural selection. What you think natural selection is has surely never existed.
>>Happiness is something given to you by evolution to help you survive. As are all emotions.
>Obviously. But we are no longer subjects of natural selection, so most of our survival mechanism have lost their use.
If you don't breed, regardless of the reason, you have just been "naturally selected" out. Pretending that "natural selection" is over is part of the game that people are playing to get others to not breed.
Unfortunately this will be weaponized against society when a critical mass of people no longer care about breeding.
>Yes, and if the goal were to be happy, we would have evolved to automatically be happy.
What? There are no goals in evolution. It's a process, not some kind of plan.
This, the rule of this planet only allow meta stable organisms, satisfaction allow to retain the balance.
By overindulging you become a Pavlovian stressed rat.
And that's easy to play like a fiddle.
>Anytime you choose a mate, that's natural selection, sexual selection specifically.
>Anytime your kid fail to breed, it is natural selection. What you think natural selection is has surely never existed.
And Disney literally started this meme of late that it's somehow wrong for parents to be involved in selecting mates. They invented that narrative and it doesn't actually make sense.
And now the government is literally declaring that a child's own father is committing a crime if they try to encourage their own child not to castrate.
>What? There are no goals in evolution. It's a process, not some kind of plan.
If there is to be a goal that is the moral of evolution, it is survival/reproduction.
A goal doesn't means there is a plan.
If my goal is to punch your face, that never meant I planned further.
Breeding is a hardcoded goal however.
No need for plans or divinity to admit it.
That's one of the three hardcoded goal of any living piece of flesh.
Survive breed die.
happiness is secondary to survival
if you believe otherwise, then YOU are the one with autism here
Yeah. Tywin being with Shae is grrms equivalent of SUBVERTED
So? Does that make it less real? Pursuing what in your mind is the evolutionary rationale of living is also about happiness. You do that because that though is what makes you happy the most. It's makes you sleep better at night.
You're confusing happiness with pleasure. You want to survive forever because that thought makes you happy.
Fucking based btfo that other user
>whatever makes them happy.
>if it feels do it lol
the recipe for disaster, grow up please
IRL half of all people born died before reaching adulthood. the whole notion of caring about "happiness", i.e. personal fulfillment, didn't fucking exist because life was inherently cheap and there were minimal guarantees that any decisions would lead to anticipated results.
Fucking please. Humans adapt to their conditions no matter how shit they are, life isn't that cheap and simple.
He didn't have to sack Kings Landing though. That bit was unnecessary. As was killing Raygars wife and kids. They could have just been held indefinitely as guests of the castle.
Who here?
XXI century Tywin would force Cersei to become a FtM tranny and marry Dany
I can't believe you dumb fucks have been baited by this hole for so long, you should all kill yourselves.
all the conditions so far
>All these retards pretending that Tywin was the villain
He was probably the only person other than maybe Stannis who is/was capable of being a good King in the series. Just because he is a hardline pragmatist, doesn't all of a sudden make him a bad guy.
If you kill his family, they can't take revenge. It's much safer. This was standard practice back in the day.
and religion was a big pull, life was uncertain so you turn to promised certainties like an afterlife and along with it came a way to live that generally worked, 1 man for 1 woman in marriage, know your community through church etc.
>His single biggest fuck up was not giving Tyrion Casterly Rock
Everybody seems to agree, but Tyrion really isn't all that great. It's almost like GRRM puts a blindfold on during Tyrion exposition.
>Be a fullblown alcoholic
>Spend enormous amounts of your family gold on whores
>Make salty quips under the guise of being clever
>Go out of your way to shame your family at every opportunity
>Have an occasional stroke of genius and parade it around like your some 4d chess master
wow he's just like Tywin
>treats his daughter like a breeding mare and forces her to marry someone she hates
Based and Islam pilled.
if you're dumb enough to believe happiness and pleasure are the same thing, then you should seek a dictionary first before you start talking out of your ass again.
>They could have just been held indefinitely as guests of the castle.
Really dumb idea. As long as they're alive, they're a banner around which people can rally to revolt. That kind of shit happened all the time in europe. Like, remember that retard-crusade that ended up sacking constantinople? Can you guess what the cause of that was?
Really dumb idea to leave claimants alive. Only reason you'd really do it is if you think it gives you a political advantage for some reason. Like e.g. when they left Napoleon alive (the first time), had a bunch of different political reasons to do that. Ended up biting them in the ass then too.
Cersei's no Isabella of Spain. Only utility that woman has is as a brood mare. Biggest mistake was not lobotomizing her first.
It's a reddit character. It's the "drunk and lazy genius" trope the so-yfags love so much. What did you expect?
Tyrion was that way out of despair. Only time he was given real responsibility and power was as hand of king's landing and he did expertly, then Tywin rode in to relieve him of his position and shit on him some more when he tries to leverage his admirable performance into being given real responsibilities.
This is pathetic, stop projecting yourself into the character and maybe your retarded opinion might have some weight.
Tywin was justified in his ideals, just not in his approach. He was needlessly coarse with people who could have acquiesced, incredibly proud and forthright to the point of starting every conversation (from Olenna to Tyrion) from a hostile position and he ultimately did spiteful, immoral things in service to his vague sense of legacy. Tyrion's wife being gang raped served no purpose beyond punishing his child, for all of his bitterness towards his father and son for whoring he ended up partaking in it himself.
Tyrion made things worse, obviously, by being a sarcastic and untrustworthy little shit at the best of times, but Tywin facilitated the environment that produced Tyrion. When your father cares only for legacy but excludes you from it despite your ample capabilities, why wouldn't you turn to vice and flippancy? Ultimately, Tywin's noble goal of creating a house that would stand the test of time was just, but he was crippled by his resentment for his father and rigid approach to dealing with people. He's the bitter old professor that teaches so that more people validate his position rather than trying to give people the tools to make something of themselves. Either way, he was a truly compelling character in the books and on screen. If you do not reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep.
what's wrong with you man
Things might have turned around had Joffery's successor (can't remember his name) didn't join the God Squad and become a fucking idiot.
I'm glad Cersei blew the High Sparrow to smithereens.
Probably the best post ITT but also fuck you
I hate trannies and think they're mentally ill, but let's face it. We're the offsprings of some peasants that were lucky enough to breed and not die in some Duke's local wars. Our lines aren't in any way important or historically relevant.
You're creating excuses for a character that was written as a complete dumb loser just because you want to identify yourself with him after seeing him as "le master intellectual" on the show.
Go fuck yourself with this reddit >i'm le genius bullshit.
He unironically should've pinned it on Cersei. It would've saved us from Wine Aunt villain for 3 seasons and we'd have based Tywin/Tyrion/Joffrey facing off against the Mad Queen.
don't sell peasants short, society has always been built upon their backs
But there's many of them, so if one line of peasants dies out, it doesn't really matter for much in the end.
maybe just narrate your delusional rant to your self out loud instead next time
>Wine Aunt villain
meh goes for everyone unless you're like alexander or caesar or napoleon or something. humans aren't really individuals so much as we're a collective, and we're all cogs in that machine.
Would Stannis and Tywin have made a good dynamic duo?
Stannis is the embodiment of rote, rigid politicking. He wasn't the unfeeling monster portrayed in the show, but rather a man who understood that stability required a firm hand and unquestionable veracity. He focused on claims, authority and hierarchy to guide his philosophy, yet grew weaker once he had to place it in the realm of faith. While on the surface Tywin and Stannis both were focused on their families, Stannis loved his daughter, not his family. The Baratheon name was a vehicle, a part of who he was but not anything that he made or would feel joy in passing on. It was inherent and thus, in his mind, not worth all that much. To Stannis, to love your family is to love your arm, or leg, or nose - they're part of you, but you hold no affection to it simply because it is there.
Tywin had this weird, ephemeral idea of legacy and family. You were responsible for your family and your legacy, which meant corralling your children and hiding your shame. But in his pursuit of perfection, he was blind to what his children were doing. Tyrion was smart, far smarter than his siblings, yet he was written off as an fickle demon. Jamie and Cersei's relationship was an obvious black mark on the legacy of their family, but Tywin was too proud to notice it. Ultimately, Stannis and Tywin were two orderly men who wanted different things for their children - Tywin wanted a name that invoked a sense or feeling of importance, Stannis wanted to change the world so his daughter could rule it and stability could prevail. Tywin truly did not care about the world at large, he just wanted his banner on top of it.
He did not "alow" Cersei and Jamie to fuck. He just chose to ignore it as a filthy rumour. Thats one of the reasons he was trying to marry Cersei to Loras. For the alliance and as he said," put the nasty rumours about you and your brother to bed"
He hated that his family was a laughing stock. This goes back to when his mom died and his dad remarried a lady that only wanted money. When his father died, he tried to put an end to all the bullshit.
Gods what a shit thread. ROLL you shits,your king commands it
Keep sucking Juden Peterstein cock, degenerate
Poor noblemen and women who can't keep having incestuous relationships and wallow in their filthy hedonism instead of doing something useful.
Go drink starbucks.
>we will never get a post-got grumpy old men romantic comedy series with tywin, olenna, and pycelle pulling horny pranks
Show literally died with him
Why does Randyll care that his son is fat? He's obviously smart and has potential--just not the military/hunting potential he wanted. Is it explained in the books?
pls not gilly
Finish the books, you fat fuck
>it wasn't until he was drunk on their wedding night and gave her a bad fuck she started to hate him
Incorrect. It was when Robert killed Rhaegar in combat she never forgave him.
>tries to kill his son and fucks his waifu
implying tyrion is a child of Tywin
None, it was a character flaw that actually fucked him over. If he had treated Tyrion decently he might have actually won instead of dying in the shitter.
filler character for a filler show full of shit
Show Cersei said that she wanted the marriage to work at first. She was also genuinely devestated that their first and only child died. Although the child is a show invention and her initial feelings towards Robert could also be a show invention.
The third one is typical for medieval days. You didn't care if she was happy; you wanted her protected and to not go hungry. People died because they didn't shit the right way in the middle ages and children had a high chance of dying before hitting double digits. Survival was the order of the day. The only thing against him among the points you brought up is the second point.
Cersei and Jaime are mad king rapebabbies. Tyrion is his only true child but when he saw he was a dwarf, he strangled his wife out of rage and claimed that she died during childbirth.
>caring about cersei
>Tywin raised him as his son and handled him plenty of privileges from being hand of the king to marrying Sansa and yet Tyrion always complained about how he didn't get enough for being a dwarf without making any attempt to see his own flaws.
You forget the part where he had his wife gang-raped. I say Tyrion was remarkably patient with his father instead of the other way around.
There's like 2 pairs of good tities in there.
It's a bit ridiculous. Are there seriously no actress with nice ones? Even I could find better
Maybe not father of the year, but most competent to rule of any on the show.
If your viewpoint is correct, there is no "why". Neither there are any actual reasons for a thinking being to follow any particular set of chemical reactions in his brain coded there by dumb chance, if another set of chemical reactions gives him a better satisfaction-to- frustration ration, as defined by his subjective evaluation, given that all evaluations are subjective and yours do not have any advantage over his. You cannot provide even a single reason why maximizing the amount of personal pleasure you can get over lifetime at the expense of everything else is bad, in fact, you cannot prove that the word "bad" has any meaning, or in fact that there is actually such thing as "reason". Your herd instinct, screaming that you're scared to be surrounded by people different from you, is not superior to theirs instincts.
I think he kept the trial going against Tyrion specifically to strike the deal he makes with Jaime later
But being a douche is what got himself killed
Fuck that cunt, reroll.
Fuck it
Get old. You'll understand.
Imagine being this autistic
he understood that all people age and die. you need to breed with a woman so that your line will continue to exist. no children = no future for your family because you'll just age and die and forgotten. woman are only fertile for a short period of their life so if she's not quick to breed she must be forced to do so before she becomes infertile.
his thinking was right, he was just too harsh and unforgiving in implementing it. it blinded him to the actual state of own children.
Because only hard working teetotallers post on Yea Forums, right?
>Stannis is the embodiment of rote, rigid politicking. He wasn't the unfeeling monster portrayed in the show,
Stannis in the books was defined by the fact that he thought that the world owed him power and status, and he was ready to betray anything and do whatever it takes to get what he thought he was owed. He hemmed and hawed sometimes when he had to do something too clearly amoral, but ultimately still did that something. Listening to Davos was just about his biggest redeeming trait.
>Tyrion was smart, far smarter than his siblings, yet he was written off as an fickle demon.
If you look at Tyrion objectively, and not through his own self-congratulating PoW, Tywin assessed him correctly from the start. Tyrion has enough wits to outsmart utter morons like Lisa Arryn or, sometimes, Cersei, but he is petty, short-sighted, not only vindictive but tunnel-visioned in that, easily manipulable by pussy, and, worst of all, has utterly terrible judgment of people and basically never correctly assesses anyone subtler than a primitive thug. Tyrion rule in King's Landing was, objectively, a slow-motion trainwreck that ended with the city he thought capable of holding for a couple of weeks nearly falling in a day, his niece given as a hostage to irreconcilable blood enemies in exchange for nothing, and Littlefinger getting a kingly reward for bailing out Lannisters' cause, even though he would have done that for free, given the enmity between him and Stannis.
In the Bible, it is a terrible punishment to have one’s lineage wiped off the earth. Lineages are very important to God. Even the people of the various ethnicities exhibit the characteristics of a forefather. That’s in the Bible too where various peoples are spoken of as being like the progenitor. To think it means nothing and to believe in the Bible is a contradiction.
Not being a retard.
>kills his son
Not his son, it is tagarian rape child.
>treats his daughter like a breeding mare and forces her to marry someone she hates
literally how medieval times were you faggot.
>breed daughter, now your family controls the kingdom.
Well, that's Bible. But I was answering to an argument from the materialistic standpoint.
Your opinion doesn’t matter. You need either a degree in Medieval studies or 200+ hours played on CK2 in order to speak competently on such matters.
Sent the message too early...
In short, you can agree with a conclusion argued for and still think that the argument has no legs.
And as applied to this thread, it doubly has no legs. You know what Tywin would have done had he cared about the future of his family, either in genetic sense or as a House with the tradition and the weight of generations of revered ancestors watching him from heaven? He would have remarried. His closest historical prototype, Edward I, certainly did so, despite being, by all accounts, deeply in love with his first wife, and being in his 50s when she died. Byt Tywin is Edward I as written by a butthurt Irishman, so he commands his children to serve the family, while refusing to do his duty himself.
come on, gimme Ygritte
It’s not an opinion it’s a FACT
Pls Ros, pls ;_;
power and legacy
imagine thinking you and your children are THIS important.
kill yourself you individualist narcissist.
Not being an individualist is just another form of cuckoldry, subservience to an other at your own expense
So i get Cersei and..? What quads are doing?
tfw if he wasn't so cruel to his son, he probably would have been king now
This is the most unfunny thing I've seen in my entire life
imagine being cersei
used to being fucked by jaimes average cock, then bobby b fucking destroys your pussy with his big warhammer, the best fucking sex of your life, then he calls you lyanna
no wonder why shes mad
Melisandre and tyene best tits
Hes right you fucking moron thats the crux of tyrions entire character
Yeah had to get a blond guy this time.
You mean Tommen? Would Tywin let Qyburn do his experiments?
Id have killed the dwarf. Very painfully after humiliating him.
The Westerosi Bismarck.
Tywin gave him a cute pre slag Sansa and possible future responsibility for taming the north. This would further help the family and Tywin thought Tyrion was ready to move up in the world. Sansa would have grown to love Tyrion as she doesn’t want to go back to Joffrey.
This is same retarded logic like voting.
gimme some Melisandre or Ros sweet titties plis
Remarried to his favorite whore. That’s why he cracked down so hard on Tysha and Tyrion and could never believe someone actually loved Tyrion and wasn’t using him to propel herself up at the expense of the Lannister name.
Fucking this. Tyrion effectively would've been Warden of the North, replacing the Boltons.
What if Qyburn unironically made Tywin immortal?
Expect a knock on the door
based tywinposter
why is Tywin changing the room he is in after every sentence?
make it count, margaery
>mfw i'm submitted BDSM and receiving anal from literally who
rolling for Femdom/FootMistress Daenerys
Tyrion would have to rely on the Bolton’s to keep the North in line. Roose would be happy as this is probably the best he could hope for with the Stark’s humiliated and all but extinguished and possible future marriage alliances with the new Lannister overlords with greater independence to do what he wishes around the dreadfort and to dissenters of Tyrion. He could also appreciate that Tyrion isn’t as stupid as Robb.
It's almost like RR's characters are flawed and can be hypocritical rather than fully lawful good or chatic evil. Good job breaking the code senpai!
Yes, but what if Tywin was also literally immortal?
are you stupid? Myranda is one of the Top 5 women on the show
>Ned is like the complete opposite
What gave you that idea you absolute nigger?You fucking know how big THE NORTH is?Even as the hand he was far more than competent but it's easy to run your reddit mouth when you're this much of an uninformed faggot.
Fuccking nice
I thought it was shae who seduced tywin after tyrion got arrested and the point of the scene was to show that she was a master manipulator who never really cared about tyrion
What the point of being incel?
Pls giv kennel masters daughterShe cute
melly sanders or a snek pls
The first time tywin had Cersei married he literally turned her from a noone into a queen by making her marry the biggest chad in the world. The second time he was trying to shit reputation after everyone heard she was fucking her brother which she was. Tywin did nothing wrong
boomer fag
Cersei literally wanted to be the Queen. This is the best gift a father could give his daughter.
I feel my nigga Tywin's pain.
Values family legacy above all and is cursed with 3 disappointing fuck-up children.
>h-he should've been nicer to them!
Fuck that, they deserved far worse.
>what is hypocrisy
>what is nuance
Tywin was always a hack at his core. If you think he was competent and not petty and as hell then your as dumb as the lackeys who followed him.
Dany, Melisandre, Tyene or Myrcella GET
Honorable mention missandei
Ha I get to fuck the queen
Take that jon
Suck my dick kl, I just saved your lives peasants
He never really cared about his "actual" family. He only cared about the legacy of the Family Name. Which is why he systematically planned all those weddings so that the children born off of them would all have the Lannister name and would all rule the Seven Kingdoms together with Joffrey/Tommen as the ultimate King.
Rollan fields of green
better be gud
Agreed 100%, everyone's a Machiavellian these days. Morality has become a punchline.
>Marries his cousin
>Gets mad about cersei and jaime
Double standards
Kills 10 people to save millions.
Meanwhile Daenyris kills millions to get a kick out of it.
Whose the bad guy again?
Daddy issues
>Caring about someone is supporting them in whatever makes them happy.
People who say things like this are invariably the most miserable wretches on Earth.
>. Oh and he's sharing the whore with his son because getting Tyrions sloppy seconds every night is...funnier?
It was pretty funny bro
Different means to achieve the same result. Attack where your enemy is weakest and avoid where he is strongest.
>happiness is secondary to survival
Absolute wretch mentality. Have some pride.
>tfw Lannisters and Starks honestly would have probably made a dream team but autism
Jamie is the only child that matters idiot, why would a feudal lord care about his deformed son and his damaged goods daughter.
rollerino for mommies or myrcella
he wasnt a douche though he was a hard line dude. The problem was Cersei and Jaime were so vain they wanted to fuck themselves.
>being disconnected from even entry-level masculinity
Wew society has really done a number on the young men today
so do you actually like this series? or it too reddit?
Tywin saw a weak, kindly Lannister Lord nearly beggar and destroy his house that had stood since the Ages of Kings and Heroes. He's an unrepentant asshole, but his is such as overreaction to what had come immediately before him.
But why? What does it matter in the end?
He didn't save millions. Many of his actions led down the path that caused the deaths of thousands through warfare, and then there is even the argument that his actions and inactions led to Cersei being on the Iron Throne and in turn set up the situation that occurred with Daenerys. It's far a leap to actually blame him for this, but he sure as hell didn't help the situation.
PLEASE Margaery or Karsi
53 pls
It worked for Darius the Great.