So brave...
So brave
>breaks hippocratic oath
Wow, I cant think of anything more brave and just than killing another man, especially as a doctor.
>We also took the liberty of circumcising your disgusting anteater penis while you were in a coma, goyim
>That will be 3,000,000 dollars.
>not tipping your doctor
Hes saying the black surgeon was more skilled than he was and was thus capable of saving that man's life while he would not of been. He's also currently in the middle of aiding that man's recovery. Also even if he was making an offhand comment about letting someone die, shit talking is not breaking the hippocractic oath, oaf.
this just makes me mad thinking about how cunty everyone was to Chase on House after he let that dictator or warlord or whatever die.
"us White guys" says the Jew.
Cool. Still hate niggers and jews though.
Is the patient secretly superman? Why does the doctor want him dead?
Swastikas are racist in the same way that the 3 finger “okay” sign is becoming “racist”
doesn't this doctor die of AIDS or something?
what show is this
Considering that non-white leftist affirmative action nurses have no problem hurting little newborns because of muh systismistist opprushion, this episode seems to be very redpilled.
If I'm in the business of saving lives, and I'm saving a man's life at that very moment, I'm not going to talk about my patient's death being a good thing. That's not professional. That's called shit writing.
is that supposed to be a swastika? it just looks like a weird s shape
Seventy years later and jewish hollywood still wants to remind you of the six gorillion.
What does the S stand for?
that's a pretty nice doctor who took his Hippocratic oath seriously
>>not tipping your doctor
no, he mentioned the circumcision
they are the only group who never shuts the fuck up about what has happened to them
the worst think you can do is hurt the jew. they'll bitch about it for a thousand years and steal everything you own. treat them like a spastic woman and IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE
I'd rather die than get operated upon by a she-boon with a piece of paper to certify its civility
>us (((white))) guys
Daily reminder that the oft posted image of a Klansman being operated on by black hospital staff is actually from an ad and not real
Why do you have so much hate in your heart? Why do you hate people for something they are born with?
Daily reminder being a literal nazi and unironically racist is bad
Butthurt Nazi.
100% based George.
means hope
>that'll be $50606707 american dollars
>thank you
God bless amerigan gapitalism..
>i'd rather die from something that can be fixed than get operated on by a licensed physician whose dedicated their life to understanding how to fix people
Holy shit. Never change /pol/
Yes yes, everyone in your perfect fantasy acts like flawless robots without any character flaws or moments of poor judgement, go ahead and write that screenplay of yours I'm sure I'll do gangbusters.
If a doctor ever threatened me like this, for whatever reason, I would kill them.
>anecdotal evidence
It's a matter of fact that white people are more likely to help than black people, there are studies on this. Also why white are called a "guilt culture".
Hollywood is so pathetic.
Define racist. Everyone is tribal (and only whites get bashed for it).
Believing people deserve to be treated differently because of their race or simply hating them for their race
>im not evil i just want all niggers and kikes killed
>whaaat? you think the world would be better if i died?! how dare you you hateful biggot
/pol/ is special kind of retarded
Show me where Hitler said anything about killing black people. Show me evidence Germans were more racist than Americans
Blacks can live, just in their own countries. I would even give them 5 states to make their own.
Jews can all die. Everyone else would be better off.
If this were real that doctor would immediately lose his license.
Hit by a car driven by immigrants actually
You haven't heard about all the lawsuits have you?
For me, it's the spooky black magic swastika
I like nazis. I hate niggers.
Treated differently is arguable but sure, you shouldn't hate people for being a different race. If this would be the official defintiion everyone would agree on, I don't think anyone would call himself a racist.
>if I parody my political opponents' positions and then talk down to them like they're misbehaving children then that means I'm right
damn Yea Forums's really challenging my preconceived notions these days
Affirmative action you retard. There is no good sheboon doctor. Niggers want white or asian doctors for a good reason.
Racism = power + prejudice
Only whites have power therefore only whites are racist. Don't you dare bring a definition that exonerates white people
it's very subtle
If whites had power they could put anybody in prison like jews can. Btw several states in america have laws that don't allow to work against israel. Lol 1st amendament
literally every single human being on the planet treats people differently based on race
everyone but the 21st century western liberal has done this throughout history
discrimination is a psychological term that was hijacked by political theorists to try and paint people who differentiate groups or situations based on common traits or circumstances as sociopaths
mandatory state enforced participation in the diversity cult for the past half century hasn't made anyone's life better
that is the shittiest swastika i have ever seen in my life
I hope this is sarcasm but I don't even know anymore on Yea Forums.
But would that mean that all the marginalized losers on /pol/ who have no jobs, no power, no authority, no nothing actually aren't racist and that no one can be reacist towards Ashkenazi Jews?
>Only whites have power
Yes, we have the power of becoming a minority in our own country while hordes of migrants are trampling all over us and we can't do anything about it without being called bigoted, evil racists. Truly faustian.
god bless these digits
t. seething low iq nazi
He could (and can) sue the hospital/surgeons board for malpractice and unnecessary mutilation, Assuming this is in the US.
I would.
t. Lawfag
Foreigners with the Hakenkreuz are so fucking cringe worthy, get your own racist movement
to the mongs saying the swastika is bad, he apparently just had abdominal surgery. though even that doesn’t really make sense since it appears the surgeon didn’t just make a midline incision but actually removed a patch of skin
I was gonna say this but I didn't want to deal with all the assblasted trannies giving me (yous).
To get this result the surgeon's removed like 3 inches of skin which is needless, but would also cause strechmarking and breathing/abdominal problems. Show writers just did it to be woke.
>implying a judge would side with someone with a swastika tattooed on their chest
even if he won he'd come out with a net gain of like $50 and a small order of fries because you lawfags charge an arm and a leg
>of been
Kill all nazis. Burn them, their children, their babies, their animals, kittens puppies, eat them, poo them out, kill their 3rd cousins their grandparents. I hate nazis. It's 2019 and it's not a time of bigotry.
This person will never say anything like this to anyone in real life, especially a black person. Good thing you're on the internet though right?
>t. whines every day on every board about white genocide
This but unironically
this but everyone who doesn't share my ideas about government theft is a nazi
Who the fuck writes this shit?
So white doctors don't exist?
>doctor is jewish
>patient doesn't even bring that up
doesn't seem like a nazi to me
He has that tat because he voted for Trump.
>being a nazi in 1945+n
>thinking there is kinship with people like faggots, cucks and other degenerates because of their race
Who Triple H gang here?
>"us white guys"
Writing like this is always so god damn cringy but you see how legitimately stupid the fans of this sort of thing usually are and you realize it evens out.
tattoo of 5
>nigger does his job for once
wow epic, its not like you are supposed to threat everyone despite their beliefs
>"i want all blacks killed"
>"i want all whites killed"
>perfectly fine
Can the SJWs itt explain?
Nah dawg don't you know that they just want to dismantle whiteness, whatever that means, oh by the don't you dare to dismantle other races or Jews that is racist and anti-semetic
Imagine an episode where a doctor said that to an orthodox jew or some Muzzie fundamentalist who hates kaffirs
No not at all, however retards who dont pay attention to the colour and the angle of the sign and confuse it with the Buddhist symbol are. retards
Imagine being such a cancerous black doctor that you wouldn't save a dying man just because he has a tattoo on his chest. Imagine that.
>"Woops, he's a nazi. Looks like I'm not making money today!"
Fucking niggers.
>doctors are commission based
Found the braindead nazi lads
lmao these nazis trying to play innocent
Lel, I actually know one racist volounteer paramedic who practically everyday helps niggers.
"fucking niggers"
why tf are you angry at niggers? Jesus christ you're fucking stupid
The Nazis were allied with Muslims and Japanese. The idea that the Nazis hate people based on skin tone is ludacris. Their greatest enemies were the Russians. This racial hatred values of the 2010s is a complete Jewish fabricated dystopian nightmare.
pretty intollerant and BIGOTED by the doctor to judge his character and motivations by his looks alone. maybe he identifies as a Hakenkreuz, it's 2019 fuckers
A black woman did her job for once what now poltards?
Do any of you racist bastards think you’re deserving of life?
There is literally nothing wrong with being a nazi
wow thats intollerant and BIGOTED. you are on the wrong side of Her-story you hateful cisshit
More than any shitskin
There it is. That’s why no one will weep when your race is bred out of existence.
Didn't some other medical show already do the man has racist tattoos plit
This. The entire scene makes sense. Nazis did not hate blackpeople. Ironically america was more racist then nazi German
>it's a bbc larp episode
post the webm of the affirmative action sheboon surgeon and nurses who got a guy killed because they were filming themselves dancing during the operation instead of doing their job
>"I won't save you because you are black and I'm racist!"
>sued and jailed for life
>"I won't save you because you said you are racist towards blacks and you have some kind of racist tattoo!"
>congratulated and rewarded by the liberal elite
superman belief system?
Who cares. If there was a white doctor with a swastika tattoo, they would've let a black person die on the table.
Was the guy white? If yes, no one cares.
Nazis didn't "hate" black people, but they were still seen as inferior and were forcibly sterilised
But then again, anyone who wasn't pure ethnic German was seen as inferior as well
>be me
>get stabbed
>wake up to this
What do?
>a guy killed
A girl* It was cosmetic surgery.
Get better, then kill them.
>wtf don't say you want to kill me that's mean
If white supremacists/ white nationalists are so fucking evil and disgusting, why aren't they allowed to take uninhabited land and make an ethnostate? I mean really, you'd think if society wants them to fuck off so bad they'd let them. Instead they're expected to stay on the grid but remain silent if not just die. Because god forbid white people who just want to live with other white people in white only communities have their way despite every other race being able to do that.
Also that fag probably went home and wished the Nazi would fuck him.
>"a christian bakery shouldn't have to bake a cake for a gay couple!"
>"a jewish doctor should have to help a nazi patient, though"
Also this.
what show?
This. The shitstians violated their Baker's Oath, they need to fucking die.
if they want to pool their resources together and buy some island and move there sure. The problem is you think you can just take over a piece of land in a country and then ethnically cleanse/genocide all non-whites living there.
>black doctor
LMAO I'll bet that there's less than 100 black surgeons in this nation. 200 max. Tooth and foot surgery doesn't count.
>Now give me reparations and welfare
You're not gonna weep anyways you're a disgusting animal
Obviously you have never really lived or worked around them.
>be tranny
>hate CIS straight males and want them to die
>go to straight CIS male doctor to get dick chopped off
lol nice double standards there
Grey's anatomy. You don't want to watch it.
Didn't Hitler shake Jessie Owens hand when Roosevelt didn't?
just wanna see this scene, thanks user have a pleasant day
Hitler *might* have given him a wave at most
Jews can magically choose between being white or being an opressed minority.
Funny how that works.
Isn't this a trope for every medical centered show? The bad guy having to get treated by some x minority and getting "owned" about his beliefs.
What ideology does that even represent? I remember seeing it on the manifesto of the Christchurch guy and I've seen it pop up here and there but I have no clue what it's supposed to mean
>falling for allied propaganda
pathetic. Owens himself and sport-photograph Mischner for the almanach both said he shook his hand and congratulated him backstage.
Well user you're wrong about that, because white people have done that and have been shut down for trying it. Also nobody said shit about the genocide of non whites. I'm saying white people aren't allowed to pool their resources, buy land, and build an all white ONLY white community. The moment a home goes on the market and it's found that none of those homes are being sold to niggers or spics or if there is a school that community built and the nigglettes and spiclettes aren't allowed to attend, it would get shutdown.
Non whites (specifically niggers) need our resources and need to adapt to our advancement or they devolve and die.
>his ''friends'' treated his funeral as a joke
Still don't understand why hey didn't just end his character by sending him to iraq.
are you clinically dumb?
hippocratic oath is bullshit though
They never write an episode about the racist surgeon who saves a black persons life, do they.
Really makes you think.
No, he's clearly breaking the oath. I'm fairly racist and I'd never act like that towards a patient, or in any way compromise or delay care. His character is utterly unrealistic if you work in a hospital. That's what leads to shit like that German nurse who killed hundreds of people, its fucking sociopathic.
Cool it with the casual racism. Hate speech should be banned off the internet. Hate facts and hate opinions too. Go away mean racists.
Why are Americans so obsessed with race? Who cares what color someone is as long as they are a good person
I wonder if the writer of that episode has a last name ending in -stein.
Go to Detroit, Oakland, Chicago, or South Africa and see if your anti-Nazi belief system will help you there.
Who says we're American? All shitskins are bad people
t. France
Europeans are obsessed with race, too. Just look at all the brown people flooding in.
World of fiction is so great, why we can just live in such reality?
Seeing as how liberals hold all the power, we really live in a fictional world.
>t. shitskin
you say that when you have a toothache faggot
My girlfriend watches that garbage. I'd say about 40% of the doctors are black or some sort of minority.
I am a gaul you filthy animal pooskin
not a real oath
So the doctor thinks it's okay to kill and let some people die on the surgeon table. He's just as bad as the nazi.
>doctor refuses to operate
>another doctor operates instead
what's the problem?
>The person in the bed thinks different races should live separately
>The doctor believes he should be killed for thinking this, and he would do it himself if he could get away with it
Who's the bad guy again?
>its only op saying its brave
>/tv-pol/ shits its pants
You are so easy to control
go away, glownigger
A doctor refusing to operate would quickly lose his license. Once it's gone it's pretty much impossible to get it back.
Thanks greys anatomy for reminding me that nazis and white men are bad in 2019 I will remember to vote Democrat in 2020 so that our medical system can be flooded with all those wonderful foreign doctors I keep hearing about.
>say that niggers need to die
>/tvmblr/ loses its mind
seething leftist
Black sun is based
Racism btfo forever
You sound like you have white privilege.
Give up your job and home to a black family. Also kill yourself.
When you enter healthcare as a provider you are legally mandated to help people
More tears, /pol/fag, I love the butthurt.
Muttmerica is only 56% white, so that sounds accurate.
why do people have such a hard time understanding the difference between groups and individuals?
>at great personal cost
Since when is getting a ridiculous amount of money for doing completely non-threatening work a "great personal cost"?