Zoomers are going to be the most redpilled generation ever. They have full access to the internet and the mass media programming has little to no effect on them.
I think the next Hitler will be part of gen Z, social change is inevitable.
Zoomers are going to be the most redpilled generation ever...
Boomers call us snowflakes yet boomers will have a fit when ever we make fun of Israel or 9/11.
Reading this is illegal in New Zealand lol.
well that's not a very nice thing to do
Instead of taking a pic, this person could have slapped this twink and fucked the Muslim chick
Mods, do your job and ban this fag.
Based but bluepilled
>not the other way around
>They have full access to the internet
Last time that will ever be true.
Remarkably based
Very based
This is your brain on white knight
sure there is one kid "puportedly" doing what the captain says, but then you have another kid in the class who is absolutely filming or taking a photo of that kid to shame him online illegally for her left wing political bias.
so what can you really get from this pic? only that we have plain clothed gestapo in gen z
>redditor slapping anybody
He posted the guy on social media because he was too much of a pussy to stand up to him.
Guys...they keep saying the future is female. Does that mean the next hitler will be a qt? Plese anser me.
complete chad
That poll is a bit suspish. Plus gen z haven't fully formed their political biases and are more than likely to become less lefty as they enter young adulthood, explaining the poll answers.
are you worried about being clumped up with other user people?
>red pilled
they are growing up on fucking fortnite and ninja they will never be redpilled
Because it said word to word what the government would do in response to the attack
They're actually not like millennials at all. Millenials were more open and comfortable with sex, more accepting about sexuality and things that make a lot of gen z cringe like boobs in video games.
>New Zealand classified his so-called manifesto as “objectionable” on Saturday, making it a crime to possess or distribute it anywhere in the country.
>“People who have downloaded this document, or printed it, should destroy any copies,”
>As of Thursday, at least two people had been charged with sharing the video via social media, under a law that forbids dissemination or possession of material depicting extreme violence and terrorism.
>Others could face related charges in connection with publicizing the terrorist attack, under a human rights law that forbids incitement of racial disharmony.
try to oppress the majority and thats what happens. History repeats itself meme...
Jesus christ
I'm 18, so I am a zoomer right?
Lol, what is this 2018 grandpa?
They don't know the difference between a search engine, a browser and an OS. Everything is either Apple or Google.
They were raised to be perfect consumers, and since they didn't see internet being made in the 90s and 00s, to them it is just a black box of black magic they don't question.
They're bluepilled good soldiers.
based zoomers
keep it up faggots. have fun getting fired from your job in 5 years when pics of you like that get brought up again.
The pic had his face censored lol. Nice try boomer cuck
They cringe at boobs in video games because they're taught it's wrong. But not for traditional moral reasons, but because of sexism/objectification etc. Some dipshit 14 yr old is not going to know that, but that's how it is.
zoomers dont even pirate media. they pay for subscriptions to netflix and apple music lol wtf.
The problem with the millennial/any generation name is the wide age range. Can you really say that that applies equally to a 1985 millennial and a 1995 millennial? Hell, the name and age range will probably change sometime in the future.
burning books makes people wonder what was written in them. In this case i read the thing and what was written in it was mostly the truth albeit he made Muslims his enemies when actually it's a whole separate religion he logically should have been against.
and by the way i write this as somebody who is jewish. albeit not religiously and never around them as a group.
oh yes so censored, how will they ever figure out who who the skinny white kid with the red shoes, red iphone, and short brown haircut is?
these """people""" are not only subhuman, but also extremely self-unaware
I'm from last year of millennials, 1996.
Most of us are libtards and any right wingers do it mostly to be contrary to popular culture and muh heritage.
Both sides hate the other so much that they can't see their own team is fucking them over.
For me, it's radical centrism
>radical centrism