Tywin Lannister is one of the few portrayals in modern media of a wise, ruthless, masculine patriarch...

Tywin Lannister is one of the few portrayals in modern media of a wise, ruthless, masculine patriarch, which taps into something deep in the human psyche. The character and performance are great in a primal way in a show otherwise full of mediocrity.

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I agree

If Varys cared so much about the realm why did he support a vengeful girl with three weapons of massive destruction instead of Tommen and Tywin? They would have made the seven kingdoms prosper.

dragon bussy

He was redpilled about the eternal midge


Dude I only read the first few words but I'm gonna go ahead and hit you with a Have Sex

Varys is a Blackfyre (cousin branch of the Targs) and he wanted revenge against the Baratheons and Lannisters for overthrowing his family.

because they didnt include faegon in the show and d&d could not think of nothing else for him to do


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except the blackfyre's hate targs

and bastard branch is more accurate

Probably because it wouldn't have been peaceful. People don't like Lannisters and definitely don't see them as royal family material, and there would always be Cersei mucking things up anyway.

Same thing with Stannis; just like Tywin it would probably be peaceful for a decade or so until someone else tried to usurp them since at that point the rate of secession is meaningless.

his character revolves around his own myth and lore

we didn't really get to see tywin enforcing any of that, we just get a portrayal of his reputation

Tywin had already had a peaceful reign as hand of the king in his youth for twenty years and Tommen while naive had a good heart. They were a way better bet than bringing the daughter of the mad king with her three dragons to invade King's Landing and take the throne by force.

TOXIC Masculinity
His kids were monumental fuck ups - the twins needed the family love he didn't provide so much they started banging each other, and his other son murdered him, GG dad

Is that even legit in the show?

Tywin being hand of the king to other legitimate monarchs is much more palatable to noble houses than tommon with tywin as the real power. They all know lannisters are only interested in furthering the lannisters and nothing else

As much as people complain about everyone acting out of character this season to move the plot the problem started in season 4. Tywin despised Tyrion for being a drunk lustful deformity that killed his wife but he was also protective of him and even just. He would have never let Tyrion go to trial. Not only because Tyrion was still his son but because such morbid spectacle exposed the good name of the Lannisters.

But Tywin was wise enough to know you can only oppress people so much before they revolt. He even says something like that at some point. About how you must help your enemies to stand up again after you have defeated them or otherwise no one will support you.


I thought Aegon was the Blackfyre

Except he did let Tyrion go to trial because the whole thing was a gambut to push Jaime to quit the Kingsguard and take over Casterly Rock.
Tywin agreed instantly when Jaime proposed to do this as long as Tyrion be remanded to the Night's Watch.
At the same time, Tywin is rid of Tyrion for good and gets to fuck his hoo-er too for good measure.

Tywin could have made the same pact with Jaime offering him to tell Cersei to stop her bullshit and stop the trial. Sending Tyrion to the wall wasn't worth making everyone believe a Lannister killed his own Lannister king.

>When your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you. And any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king at all. Aerys never understood that, but you will. When I've won your war for you, we will restore the king's peace and the king's justice

>strong daddy figure
>incels immediately cum their pants
Tywinfags are insufferable



Unquestionably the most wizened, experienced, and qualified person to lead House Lannister. But a wise man at his age would have learned to let go of his grudges. And it was ultimately his grudge with Tyrion which cost him his life. The rest literally doesn't matter if you're not all that wise.

>taps into something deep in the human psyche

Its the grandfather figure. He was Fred Trump made flesh, and thats what makes him fascinating - the man of the house who would like to retire knowing his house will be governed by better hands but can't because he knows hes better than everyone and heres all the ways he'll prove it.

Book danny is set up to get slaughtered by a well defended Robert to weaken his forces before Varys led young griff is brought to Westeros. She gets hung up being breaker of chains and griff gets tired of waiting. Varys is a blackfire who wanted to use the remaining targ as a suicide smart missile

>it wouldn't have been peaceful
What would be peaceful anyway? All of humanity has been trying to find peace for so long and we still haven't found it.

He understood it. His successors did not. Therein lies the problem with the Houses. House Lannister is beneficial for as long as House Lannister is well managed by people who are suitable to the challenge of management. Tywin's best actual candidate for leadership was Tyrion, and he hated Tyrion too much. And without the mantle of leadership over House Lannister, there was 0 reason for anyone to respect Tyrion - let alone allow him to have any actual power.

As far as post-Tywin reality goes, Cersei would have mucked up everything eventually. Cersei simply had too much power and too little self control to exercise it well. No one who knows enough about Cersei would agree to a long term management deal with her ass in the same building.

Greatest character in the show by a mile, topped only by the brilliant rendition performed by the actor.

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Yeah, chads hate strong male role models.

>literally cucked by his king
>midget sperm
>dies on toilet
literally Yea Forums the character

Show Varys was forced by Jaime to save Tyrion and wasn't planning on escaping Westeros with him, only did it out of fear of getting caught. He didn't plan on having Tyrion killing Tywin and was being harmful to Daenerys' cause as late as Season 4 (it was him who sent Tywin's pardon of Jorah to Essos). He started supporting Daenerys out of necessity

Book Varys killing Kevan and Pycelle after acknowledging they are saving the realm is just retarded as fuck


why did they cut tysha not being a whore

Charles Dance stole the fucking scene literally every time he was on screen
I feel sorry for Godzilla, gonna get cucked out of his own film

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They didn't. Just Jaime never bothered to mention it to Tyrion.

Talk about wishful thinking. That sociopath would porbably roast him alive before he could even say a word.