I've never seen a more forced scene in my life

I've never seen a more forced scene in my life

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Some of them flew across the battlefield just to line up for this
Didn’t even pretend to have a story reason
Reminder women think this is unironically powerful because they’re stupid

have sex my dude

Why the fuck is shuri even there

First question: Why do you watch capeshit at all?

at least they gave her techno arms. the fuck is Mantis going to do, make the bad guys moody?

>Character that can put a planet to sleep is useless by simply touching
Are you retarded?

>Paper out of a blue shows up in Iron Man costume
Isn't she supposed to be a stay in home mom?

i don't even care about all these incel complaints about women in movies, but they didn't earn this scene at all. it doesn't make sense in context, like all the women on the battlefield psychically knew to gather in one spot for 10 seconds.

nice english pajeet

>the people trying to stab and shoot you

very nice of Thanos' army to let her go right up to them, touch them and concentrate for a minute, and then put them to sleep

I dont really care for the whole slay queen scene, wasn''t until after it that I realized what they just did. But what bugged me was pepper randomly being there to fight. I'm sure in the comics she becomes an iron man character but in the movies she's always been against tony being iron man. Also with them having a kid she leaves their daughter with the potential of having both parents dead

>Giant hectic battle to the death
>the women are more focused on synchronizing for this one scene than they are on actually fighting.

It’s capeshit you can say that about 99% of the scenes

Yeah it was embarrassingly transparent. Real feminists have a problem with it.

To think they were thinking about scrap this scene.

>midway through epic battle with Thanos
>Peter has the Gauntlet in his arms
>Carol sees him and lands near him
>"Oh hey...I'm Peter Parker..."
>2014 Gamora looks up and sees the glowing butch
>Scarlet Witch turns to face her
>"Come, gather all the women, and let us assist her."
>"Why should we do that? She just took down my father's ship."
>"Yes, but the world is watching and I have a feeling they're filming her right now so we should all go there and do a girl power moment."
>"What the hell does that even mean?"
>"I don't know, we'll just disappear after that and pretend it never happened."

For me, the worst part is that she didn't even need any kind of help, they made her character so strong it doesn't matter if she had any backup.


thefuck is she even gonna do?

Asking unironically, if Ant Man made himself huge, why didn't The Wasp do it as well, or can she only make herself smaller than her real size?

Also growing huge really drain Paul Rudds energy. Being that big should have taken him out of the fight after like 30 seconds

>all the women are gathered together during a battle
>the men got as far from them as possible
>they all converged and started gossiping about Thor’s cock
Was this scene redpilled?

I love how the following scene was an implied rebuttal of how this was obviously forced by the studio, because they all just get blown out and disappear and we're back to the main action.

She fought alongside Tony at the end of Iron Man 3. You probably don't remember it because nobody wants you to remember it.

This, they have the big girl power moment, than she just super man dat hoes her way across the battlefield in 5 seconds, lol.

So you could watch? Fucking cuck

This is the worst scene in history.

>I'm sure in the comics she becomes an iron man character
She got her own (nonlethal) armor and called herself "Rescue". But it only lasted for a short time because no one cared to read about that shit.

A scene in an action movie is supposed to look cool rather than make sense? Oh boy.

The planet wasn't pointing a gun at her.

this group doesn't look very gender diverse

I rolled my eyes. My wife elbowed me. It's a stupid pandering scene, but apparently it's there for all the little girls watching the movie that want heroes to look up to. I get it. It's still lazy as fuck and unearned, but I get it. Look, at least they just flew in and flew out. We didn't have to endure

>"Oh, no! I'm fucked. No man can save me!"
>"We aren't men, sweetie."
>"Come on ladies."
>Destiny's Child plays while they walk in slow motion toward the horde. Hips going side to side.

That scene was pretty trash, but its a movie for kids not Kino. Capeshit is capeshit.

Little girls don't watch this though.

It was a pivotal moment in MCU history though, sure if she went to fight there was a chance she could get hurt and even die, but she was also there to help, if she didn't go she would survive but with less power to fight off Thanos there was a higher chance of him succeeding and thus killing eveveryone on the planet, including Morgan.

>it's there for all the little girls watching the movie that want heroes to look up to. I get it.
I don't. I mean, I see the logic they're using, but enabling kids to only appreciate surface level identifiers only encourages tribalism. No child NEEDS to see their exact copy on a screen in order to appreciate heroes. That's quite literally infant-level thinking. If you want to teach your kids empathy, encourage them to idolize characters who DON'T look like they do.

I'm not a woman, so I can't really speak for them, but isn't shit like this incredibly pandering and downright insulting? There is no rhyme or reason to this scene apart from "let's just get all the girls together GRL PWR".

put yo ass to sleep nigga

Who cares. It's a movie for children and young teenagers. The only reason an adult should watch this movie and movies like it is if they're chaperoning their kids.

>she was also there to help, if she didn't go she would survive but with less power to fight off Thanos there was a higher chance of him succeeding and thus killing eveveryone
See there's this thing called "drones" that the Iron Man sequels introduced that worked out pretty well. All you would need to do is send a few dozen empty iron man suits rather than selfishly going in and risking yourself in order to "look cool".

>Hips going side to side.
Why did you feel this was a necessary thing to say? Hips do, indeed, go from side to side when people walk.

why didn't they just have a scene where they posed together after the battle?

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>If you want to teach your kids empathy
Do you seriously believe hollywood wants to teach kids empathy? And in capeshit of all places? Like everything else it is a business, and yes people will pay money to something that panders to them specifically.

>Tony gets back to earth
>says “I told ya so” about Ultron to Cap
>Cap essentially concedes
>five year timeskip
>they never made a new Ultron that actually works and was in development for more than a day

Interesting plot lines aren’t allowed

Pretty sure they were all destroyed after Iron Man 3, and also pretty sure Pepper wanted Tony to stop making them, and after years of living in that lake house is not like he could've been building them since Tony himself was trying to get over everything that happened, and they didn't even know that they would need them anyway.

Yes, actually, for all that can be said against Hollywood and the production of art as a commodity, there are still people working on these movies who want to promote humanist virtues.

Yes, of course, nothing but wholesome values of course 4u

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Reminder that if it were all men no one would care

>"She's got help."
>Scarlet Witch looks at Okoye.
>"Woah, who invited the ape?"
What the fuck Raimi?

I would care because why the fuck would every man in the movie gather for one single shot when they're all doing something else

The entire movie was cringe as fuck

>I would care
Sure you would, sweetie

Scarlet Witch vs Thanos is an empowering (and too short...I wanted more) scene, and girls and boys are rooting for her.

This, on the other hand, is empty and pointless. It was obviously added in late and not planned out as a proper action scene.

They could have simply had Carol carrying the gauntlet, and as she travels you see the other ladies helping out, like the original Avengers continuous shot.

Whedon gave them the perfect template of how to do this in 2012, yet the Russo's use a contrived means.

Eh it wasn't even the worst part of the movie but it was pretty silly.
I checked out during the funeral scene and 4 other times went for a poo poo pee pee out of boredom

> Wanda flies off "fuck this shit".

>Black Widow, the woman who has been part of the MCU the longest, doesn't get any GIRL POWER moments
>Her biggest character moment is fighting Hawkeye to see which one gets to commit suicide

I clapped.

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They all lusted for Peter's cock and just wanted to impress him

It was 5 seconds, get over it

Must admit, it did take me out of the movie a little. Bear in mind that this is a film about superheroes fighting a gigantic purple alien with a time travel machine, but up to this point it had stuck to a certain internal logic and had a consistent tone.

I feel it's going to be a 'Chicken Sketch' moment. There was a comedy duo on British TV named Mitchell and Webb who once had Webb wear a bright yellow chicken suit during a skit. Mitchell asks him why, and Webb says "Tomorrow, I bet you the audience only remembers the chicken suit." In other words, it's a scene that somehow becomes all that people remember about the movie.

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>white people
>having and caring abotu their children instead of letting the (((government))) do it

Have sex, sweaty

Getting all the girls excited for the next phase of the mcu. The next phase is gonna be woman empowerment and blacked superheroes, disney fags can't stop being cucks.

sweet foolish summer chld

Imagine being grown man and voluntarily watching this shit

literally all females I talked to hated that scene, it was like watching 50 year olds trying to act hip

This moment in film probably helped a little girl who will become president some day.

isn't that shot not a typical element of cape shit?

they always line up in one way or another...

But does the girl need to see them all together for the representation to count? There was no reason for them to have an all girls scene.

That's an ironic statement after seeing 3 men take on Thanos by themselves. I'm a guy. I enjoyed seeing all the Marvel ladies together like that; I even withheld doing an air fist pump while in theaters during this scene. I loved it. It's crazy how you idiots can't see the irony of your statements.

I didn’t even notice. Is this when the armys gathering behind Cap?

>but apparently it's there for all the little girls watching the movie
Everytime i watched one of these movies at cinema the audience was more or less like this:
>packs of 20-30 years old guys
>packs of teenager guys
>boomer dads with their 20-40 years old sons
>1% of couples where the girl/woman was obviously dragged there by his boyfriend/husband

Also i dont know a single girl remotely interested in superheroes. I refuse to believe my country was an unicum so more or less this must be happen everywhere...what audience these hollywood jews are aiming their products at?

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I thought it was a powerful moment. Brought a tear to my eye thinking about how much it would mean for my wife’s daughter to see people just like her on screen for once.

>but its a movie for kids
Just makes the scene more dangerous and influential.

beyonce is bey (ignore the sweatshop workers)

Besides the pandering, I'm wondering why Past Gamora is even in the line-up. She has no real connection to any of these people.

There are all female team ups in capeshit all the fucking time, and it was interesting to see most of our heroines together like this during an apocalyptic event. It was a nice to see since they're rather sparsely scattered throughout their own series as usually the 2nd - 5th tier characters to the males who headline each series with the only standout with her own movie being Captain Marvel.

Grow up, kid. Comics have been pandering to our kind for years. Stop bitching about the broadening of their appeals especially if some of these appeals are exactly the same to how they pull in male readers/viewers. Most comic readers, if not all, have always loved female characters and support their inclusion. A scene like this is just par for the course.

It was fairly cringe, like modern women.

Yep, it's cringe.

Nah, your bitching is cringe.

Edward Panther Hands

It's a hero lineup shot, it's supposed to look cool not make sense. This is from the first Avengers where essentially the same thing happens

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Be cute

The planet has to be sentient for that.

In OP picture is one of her hands holding flame

Have sex

The real feminist scene was Scarlet Witch soloing Thanos, but what can you do.

Is she pregnant?

Actually a lot of girls were complaining about being condescended to.

Toy sales.



actually, most of them have zero connection to each other
I can only think of Pepper having a connection to Captain Marvel but only because she saved Tony

this makes sense because it's the whole team being surrounded

They have interacted with each other prior to that scene, so that scene has emotional weight.

The ladies in Endgame have never met, so their scene is empty of emotional weight.

The way they all protect Spiderman (The most popular hero) is also very "mommyish", kind of sexist when you think about it. They (The Marvel females who don't have solo movies) are there to suck up to Spiderman and Captain Marvel.

Except there's actually an in-story reason for them to group up like that

I literally burst out laughing in the cinema when this happened

The contrivedness of it is increased when you consider every female hero was seemingly doing nothing whilst every male hero was either occupied or chose not to help. It really drives home how much the presence of Captain Marvel hurts the film when you consider Scarlet Witch and maybe Pepper are the only ones who could actually do anything significant to assist. It seemed entirely plausible that Marvel could just get through the whole Battlefield entirely unassisted, especially considering she can just fucking fly above everyone.

I've never been a Superman fan for similar reasons but at least he's often likable.

What was Mantis even supposed to do in this fight? She has no fighting skills and at best she slowly incapacitates someone but other person needs to finish the job

She has a daughter now, dude.

aww, little user can't handle females with power. lol get overit incel.

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>No child NEEDS to see their exact copy on a screen in order to appreciate heroes
this. A character with good motivations and actions can become universal

Their suits have different properties don't they?
Antman dosent have wings or blasters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mantis tanked a meteorite in GOTG2. She sure as fuck would last longer than Shuri.

I didnt realise jews could criticise capeshit

>Real feminists

Like real communism, right faggot

>for all the little girls

That makes it more sinister

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