Kinos for this feel?

kinos for this feel?

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kinos for this feel?

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what is going on in this image

imagine the smell

Look up "Jonestown mass suicide" to go down a fun rabbit hole. Last time I checked they still had a clip of the cult leader giving a final speech on Wikipedia, genuinely spooky stuff.

>tfw audio recordings of parents trying to get their terrified children to drink poison

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That one part in that one v/h/s

You can't expect anything intelligent from religious right wing nutters

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This is a good troll post because you got me to reply and you know very well that Jim Jones was in fact a left-wing wacko, as opposed to a right-wing wacko - exactly as Lee Harvey Oswald was.

this image is a computer-generated composite that gets posted here from time to time.

The Jones cult were all hardcore Soviet style collectivist Communists. Its always fun to go into /leftypol/ and point that out.

not quite, but The Invitation

I wasnt asking about the jonestown picture but ok

yeah I misinterpreted your post, sorry. I just find the backstory on OP's pic really cool.

Why are Americans so crazy?

Alright what the fuck is this and why is it being posted so much lately? Is it related to that chernobyl show?

The entire final tape is on archive dot org. There's a woman who tries to argue against suicide and people (not the leader) rationally talk her out of it.

read the thread mongo

>jim jones
>right wing
Please learn about the topic before opening your mouth you silly child.

In this case as with urban crime and "gun violence:"
"Americans" != "Black People"

most cult environments are collectivist

Post-soviet countries today are far better off than western countries like France, Canada, UK, US, etc.

A Jonestown show would be kino for the same reasons as Chernobyl.

Post election results 2016 DNC convention

please explain, although i assume you refer to the countries nigger levels

>bunch of dead whites
any kino that makes you feel good inside, cause that is what dead whites make all of us feel

Not just nigger levels.
There's a stronger sense of community and ethnic identity in those countries.
You're much more likely to get mugged and raped walking down the streets of LA or Paris than you are walking in Kiev or Budapest alone at night.

I'll take that over 'higher GDP' anyday now.

weren't most of these whitey though?

Jerry Brown was friends with Jim Jones and used his connections as governor to erase all the recordings of their meetings over the years.

that's fair

fucking white people...

Jim Jones was an open leftist progressive.

Also parents murdering their children is a touch-stone of leftism. Look at the fit leftoids are throwing over Alabama and Georgia.

this picture is driving me nuts

>You're much more likely to get mugged and raped walking down the streets of LA or Paris than you are walking in Kiev or Budapest alone at night.
well they assume you don't have anything of value on you

You're clearly unfamiliar with Jim Jones.

Say sorry

Ah yes this is why millions of french and british are moving in Poland and Ukrain ... oh wait ...

>ywn be the nigga who pretends to drink the death aid but didn't so you can grope all the dead girl's boobies
feels fucking bad man

You could almost say it's lovecraftian, in a way.

A high percentage of members were blacks you know ...

>be polish
>move to uk
>make shitloads of money in uk
>send the money back to poland
>move back to poland and live the good life

Most of these people don't plan on living in shitholes like UK or France forever.
And why would they? Poland has less child rape and acid attacks than UK, despite the UK media stereotyping Poles as violent criminals.

having this many people go at the same time at the same place probably has ripples somewhere in the collective conscious of us all
wonder if they transcended because of it

I'm sure all the life lost in japan and shit in one instance with a nuclear bomb did something crazy to our collective conscious which is why we're all fucked today

>UK media stereotyping Poles as violent criminals.
Poles dindu' nuffin'?

>"who walked outta here today?...mostly white people"

Well they voted for drumpfo so you know what we are dealing with

Jim Jones drank their souls and ascended.

If poland is so bad then why is the country safer than the UK?

>Most of these people don't plan on living in shitholes like UK or France forever.

Sure, this is why they are present in France, UK, Spain since the 50's ..

You haven't been to Eastern Europe have you? American?

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Foreshadowing for the future of the USA.

What was the score for that? Does Kool-aid have it's own score board?

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Polish criminals know better than to waste time in Poland.

>some white retard
any dead white is fine by us

why would the world be sorry for something objectively good like dead whites?

It was Flavor-aid, Kool-aid is the generic that overtook the original.

Is it really that easy to make "shitloads of money" in the UK? Why are there so many unemployable bong incels on this board then?

It was Flavor-Aid, actually. And the full body count was 909 cultists, 907 of which died by suicide.

More than half of the members were blacks, retard

>If poland is so bad then why is the country safer than the UK?

>t.eastern european diaspora living in the west and leeching off our economy

I bet you are one of these eastern europeans that came here and changed their name to a western one and then LARP as white.

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You haven't been to any american city.

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Poland is objectively safer than the UK by many metrics. This is indisputable.

For one, Poland's police force doesn't ignore child rapes and doesn't actively arrest the fathers for trying to find the whereabouts of their daughters.

Brits are autistic

Yes and I'm not making any claims about your cities now am i

>I, Marceline Jones, leave all bank assets in my name to the Communist Party of the USSR. The above bank accounts are located in the Bank of Nova Scotia in Nassau, Bahamas.
>Please be sure that these assets do get to the USSR. I especially request that none of these are allowed to get into the hands of my adopted daughter, Suzanne Jones Cartmell.

What are we going to do with these right wing commies lads.

Looks like some fun roughhousing before a footy match there

>that's me in the corner
>that's me by the truck ruts
>snoozin' for my religion

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>muh child rapes

You mean like your Catholic priests that you made a whole documentary about how they rape children? Yea I am sure that the polish police will actively prosecute them. But lets ignore the fact that your whole government and law enforcement is blatantly filled with nepotism and corruption.

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the commies are based. you just cant deny

No one kills more commies than commies
it's not real communism though

I hate catholics.
I live in the american southwest and seen firsthand how shitskin catholics from across the border have ruined these states.

But do continue shitting on superior whites and safer countries than yours, you filthy anglo.

>crazy commie niggerloving preacher from california whos in bed with major Democrats like Feinstein and Jerry Brown herds a bunch of blacks out of the US and kills them all through mass suicide
the face of American leftism. this will be the fate of blacks under democratic leadership.

Then maybe we should continue voting in democrats.

>these anti-logos cringe posters
Name one pr*testant kino

Attached: catholic kino.png (1308x1523, 3.54M)

>eastern european
>superior white

Lmao. If eastern european are so superior, then how come they abandon their country to come to western europe and north america? How come that once they settle, they give their children western names? How come they try to hide their origins from us westerns? How come your women dye their hair blond and brown and put fake color contact lenses to appear more western? The truth is eastern europeans are just leeches that can't even fix their own countries. Heck, you KNOW that you are nothing more than leeches and thats why you try to hide your ethnicity. You know what is even more funny? One time I heard some polacks complaining about syrian rapefugees and telling them to go back to their country to fix it. Meanwhile eastern euros abandon their country and culture to come here, take welfare and then work under the table.

>thread derails into amerifat incels farming for (You)'s
every time

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eastern eurotrash BTFO

If you're into found footage

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Hey I got those camouflage shorts


KINO as fuck

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no, they're not
t. someone from eastern europe

>this level of cope and delusion
The people who "followed" him were not.

>collectivist Communists
>fanatical devotion to one charismatic leader
Try again, pal

Most of the idiots that drank the poison weren't white. The whites fucked off because they knew better.

Lol. Holy shit when was the last time you left your house, Stanimir?

Kill yourself, buddy

Ah yes, the original angry brainlet menchildren

lol imagine actually thinking this

Budapest, maybe, its a great city
Kiev is a degenerate shithole and you will get robbed if you walk alone (especially as a woman ofcourse)


They are fucking leeches, man. That's why. You've pretty much nailed it here.

>Eli Roth
No thank you, I'm not braindead

Most cults are personality cults where people fanatically worship a charismatic leader.
That's not communism.

Suicide is a human right

Being a gullible retard apparently is too.

Pretty sure the guy you are replying to thinks the core tenants of communism are whatever Stalin and Mao did in Russia and China. It's basically babbies first introduction to communism.

21 at the oldest, gets worldly wisdom from articles online. Fucking Americans. Shut the fuck up.

Disaster kino, Jonestown massacre is infamous for the "don't drink the kool aid" meme. As a non-American I knew what it meant before I ever wondered how that phrase came into being.

>nothing bad that happens is the fault of someone whose stated beliefs are similar to my own


Soooo what's the story on this pic

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Google has an AI that can see the world as it really is, minus the perceptional filters that we create for ourselves.

Attached: google deep dreams night city.jpg (1024x768, 300K)

And John Wayne Gacey, both a practising Democrat and a hombresexual

I don't know if I'd call it kino but this comes to mind.

Attached: drones.jpg (620x349, 14K)

>right wing

Unironically this

fucking zoomer socialistas the people running the place literally left notes leaving all their assets to their comrades in the USSR. Your stupid fucking ideal is so unattainable that every single attempt fails miserably for a myriad of reasons because....communism doesn't work!


religious != right wing
He literally tried to flee to the Soviet Union as it was seen as an ally

>communism doesn't work
That wasn't the question here. I'm sorry if this conversation went over your head.

>Communists can't be right wingers or conservatives
What's it like being an idiot?

>right wing
They were commies you retard