How do they keep getting away with it?
How do they keep getting away with it?
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I didnt even know the top two were made. Who the fuck is watching these?
I think the Lion King looks pretty dumb and I am beyond pissed that Be Prepared was removed for an OC song but I'll still be seeing it on opening day with my Mom, Brother, and Sister
zoomers don't like cartoons
I am. I am unironically hyped about live action Aladdin. "Live action" Lion King can go fuck itself though.
If you saw bottom right without context youd never think it was Scar, its literally just a lion.
First looks good
Second looks like absolute shit
Third Scar needs a dark mane
desu he looks like he's from a remake of the modern planet of the apes movies but the lions rise up instaed of the apes
The casting of Aladdin is so bad I still think it’s a joke. He doesn’t even look classically Arabic, he looks like a hairy little Pakistani man of 35. Should’ve got Zac Efron and to hell with blue tick mouth breathers and their faux outrage.
Why is the guy playing Aladdin always making that face? He has none of the confidence Aladdin pretended to have to hide all his insecurities.
ayy beast looks like Na'vi-style
You think aladdin is bad, but all I see is WIll Smill looking like a white man with blue paint on him, how tf did they get such a palid nasty shade of blue
Live action Beauty and the Beast is pure kino tho
Oh I get it, they made Scar looked fucked up because he was attacked by the Hienas.
>unironically hyped for this
Getting away with what?
They should have gotten Woll Smoth instead
Tht genie could look like anything. Why make him look like Will Smith's head on someone else's body?
I think this should be a thing. Someone please make it.
Why not cast a real lion?
>Should’ve got Zac Efron
I would watch this.
I am also unironically hyped about the live-action Aladdin movie because it looks kino as fuck, but I couldn't care less about the live-action Lion King movie.
Holy shit, never thought about that. Zac Efron is the perfect Aladdin
found the cuck.
Oh shit I see it and now I want to see that Planet of Lions movie.
Because apart from some exceptions like Karl Urban actors are divas and want to have their mug be seen.
Do they? Dumbo flopped pretty hard.
Also the grills are hot
Disney's current model is built entirely on nostalgia. This shit makes a billion dollars every time.
My grans Turkish soap looks better.
Doesn't look horrible. Obviously it's bland as fuck in comparison to the original, but not horrible.
By starting in 1996.
Why are we calling the lion king movie live action when it’s literally going to be all cgi?
Kys remake liking pleb
same as how they got away with it the first time around
esti roman cois?
I completely agree with you.
Disney has brainwashed America into infantilized consumers and when that's not enough they buy their own tickets
>But user, we need these remakes, reboots and sequels to introduce a new generation to these movies!
If someone has no taste in movies, you cure it by showing them good movies. Showing them bad remakes of good movies is like making someone eat a crappy frozen pizza because they've never had pizza before and for some reason you think they aren't ready for good pizza.
Enjoy your Prince of Persia asset flip.
>scar is a pasty white lion
this shit is so fucking trite
she looks like momo
why aren't their heads covered?
I would have mae it super dark and realistic with talibans and hasshish-magic
нe , пo-вepoятнo oт Бългapия
Because for every film normies are willing to call out as shit such as Aladdin there are also ones like the Lion King where they just eat that shit up
I actually enjoyed the two jungle book movies but the Fuck was all this? I never seen any of these terrible cgi love action shit.
And we know it can be done well see who framed Roger rabbit and space jam.
It's just the cgi irl hybrids always loo kshit I've never seen it work the uncanny valley is just too ugly.
Bad animation compositing and cheap sets props costumes stick out as well this shit just looks cheap especially alladin
Nie wiem o czym do mnie rozmawiasz kolego.
lions don't have black manes
>Black Leon is bad again
No, seriously, how did they get away with it?
Lion king
Beauty and the beast
Jungle book
Whats next to be ruined?
Millennials dont care about Dumbo, Aladdin and Lion King are the main things they care about
>Genie has a belly button and nipples
For what purpose??
I randomly caught lion king on tv the other day, loved the movie when i was a kid, havent seen it in probanly 15 years, shit brought me to tears was really unexpected.
The new lion king looks so incredibly soulless, not even in the meme sense, it just looks like a really bland cash grab
The Mogli show on Netflix was better than the Disney one by a lot. It was better in every way and told us the same story in a way we didn't see it before shot for shot with cgi. I wish the Disney remakes all did what Mogli did desu they'd probably be a lot better
I think the guy that plays aladdin is pretty good.
Genie and jafar are absolute misses though. Why cant the villain just be intimidating, why does he have to be some faggoty little nerd 90% of Yea Forums could take in a fight
Head coverings are a modern thing.
Mulan is next with the films, not sure about what's after that.
Kids these days won't like old Simpsons because it references Bush snr but new Simpsons they can understand.
Is this literally the most lazy period in film making? They arent even making sequels
Don't forget Lilo and Stitch.
Mulan has been in the works for years. Every time they get started the web site "Angry tiny asian penis man" make a fake outrage story that mashes the plot of Mulan with a made in china international movie. When 'Dragon Gate' was coming out "Angry tiny asian penis man" said Mulan's new love interest would be a roman, when 'The Wall' came out "Angry tiny asian penis man" said Mulan's love interest would be a Maco polo type trader
To be honest it is sad that Mulan saves china and her reward is to be molested with a Vienna Sauage
The ones that steal do
that's not what whitewash means pleb
holy fuck this is embarrassing
who the fuck would watch this?????
At least they got it right the kids name is Ali
He is Ali the son of Din (Din the lazy tailor)
Ali Al Din
IRL rich, black manes on lions are a sign of great health and prosperity.
Making him look mangy and underweight is the better option
planet of the gamers
lions don't have black maines, only the tips of their hairs are darker and they frequently moult so these rarely grow to much length. It might be a sign of captivity in colder countries and zoos where moulting isn't necessitated by temperature. Maybe if Scar lived in caves all the time he'd moult less, but it still wouldn't ever be that black.
lions also don't plot coups and engage in palace intrigue against each other, or come back for revenge after being exiled
or talk to apparitions appearing as clouds
or talk at all
or sing
Trashy Mexicans and latinos eat that shit up. If it's disney, they'll take pedro and juanita to watch it and then go buy garbage disney clothes at ross dress for less.
they do the first two things, they communicate to some degree and will sing like dogs do if they hear notes.
they could've at least given him a fucking black mane
some lions actually have those
it's not just a cartoon quirk
you may pretend to have a day job so your parents won't kick you out but you can't convince me of this retardation
Pic related should have been Aladdin
>zac effron
He doesn't look like Aladdin you fucking idiots! He's white
Yeah, this guy fucks. I want Chadladdin, not Alvirgin.
they went for muh arabs only bullshit thats why
should have gotten avanjogia
They are already working on live action remakes of Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Lady and The Tramp, Hundred and One Dalmations, Pinocchio, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Lilo and Stitch, and a sequel to the Snow White one they made a few years ago.
not sure if real but gonna leave this here...
Poor Dan Stevens.
>obvious troll
>white lion is the villain
>black lions are the good ones
woah... it's like... based on real life or some shit
I'm at school and half of the people here are international students, with a big percentage of the internationals being from shithole countries like India.
Indians really like these trashy Disney movies for some reason.
>trash people like trash
Imagine my shock
>make a black lion white
>not whitewashing
Fucking racist.
Mulan isn't until March 2020 before that, not counting Aladdin or Lion King, they still have releases planned for the Snow White Sequel in October 2019 and Lady and the Tramp in November 2019.
Soccer moms and zoomers
excuse me user but indians are shit people, trash people are chinks
>First one
Beast looks too human, he needs the horns and teeth back
>Second one
Why did they fuck with Aladdin's clothing? He doesn't look poor anymore, he looks like a fucking billionare
Scar needs the colors back
>CGI elephants
Because Disney couldn't bother to film that sequence in India with real elephants
I don't get it. Why don't people just watch Animal Planet or Spectrum or some other channel ?
beauty and beast remake was awful. it doesn't get less soulless than that.
its terrible
Beast also needed more fluff on his face
They did so because a bunch of people in critical studies and the media formulated the idea that Scar is supposed to represent a black foreign pedophile and that the Lion King is inherently racist and has an anti-integration message
>Although universally acclaimed, Scar has sparked considerable controversy regarding the character's appearance and personality, specifically his darker-colored fur and alleged sexuality. The general public, however, appears to have remained largely oblivious to such concerns according to David Parkinson, author of The Rough Guide to Film Musicals.[145] The Washington Post felt that "Scar clearly is meant to represent an evil African American because 'while Simba's mane is gloriously red, Scar's is, of course, black."[146] Meanwhile, Scar's mannerisms and voice which, according to Nightmare on Main Street: Angels, Sadomasochism, and the Culture of Gothic's author Mark Edmundson, resemble "a cultivated, world-weary, gay man,"[147] has been deemed homophobic by some commentators because, according to The Independent, "the arch-villain's gestures are effeminate"[148] while, in addition to the film being "full of stereotypes,"[149] the character "speaks in supposed gay cliches."[150] Susan Mackey-Kallis, author of The Hero and the Perennial Journey Home in American Film, observed that Scar is "more effeminate [and] less brawny ... than" both Mufasa and Simba.[151] Additionally, "Even though [Scar] would be expected to mate with one of the lioness, he is never seen intimated by any."[136]
Who is that with Jasmine? Did they make Rajah her handmaiden in this adaptation?
why the fuck do they even do this shit? just put the old one on theaters again you niggers
alladins costume is fucking terrible. he looks preppy
Why remake a movie that is literally perfect?
You mean 1994?
To keep the content out of the public domain, so they can still profit off of it indefinitely.
This tbqh
Nobody is going to talk about the obvious reddit posting?
Laughably enough, this movie was widely panned by critics and audiences back in the mid-90s for being a bland, pointless remake. I guess some things don't change in 20 years, except for the movie critics themselves who now apparently love bland, pointless remakes.
You keep buying retard.
I sincerely hope that the bottom two flop beyond repair
God it looks like a trashy Bollywood film. There’s no colour or whimsicality at all, it’s just so slow moving and bland.
It would be way better
But kids nowadays are a bunch of retards who won't watch anything that's not CGI crappola
They don't like 2D animation
>They don't like 2D animation
i can only speak for my country and kids i know from my own family but here in the 3rd world they absolutely love 2d animation and are indiferent to cgi ones.
Didn’t Scar have a lioness harem? He wasn’t gay.
I have no idea what your country is, but here in the States kids hate 2D
So did George Michael
i remember one time my mom brought a cheap pirate cd of bootleg 3d cinderella to my younger sister (who was like 6 at the time if i remember correctly) and she keept whining to my mother to buy "the cartoon one" instead. do kids really dislike 2d animation in the us of a?
She is actually called Dalia, stupid thing is that Dalia isn't Arabic name but Spanish one...
Hand Maiden actress from Iran, Princess Actress from Uganda
I hope they keep failing. Disney's live action department had a few bombs already.
>casts a paki
Jafar. Main villain using magic and trickery to obtain power. An old sleazy advisor character who likes to manipulate people with words.
So of course cast a guy who looks like he can bench press Aladdin and fuck him over in an MMA fight.
It's Disney
They never flop hard enough to learn the lesson and have a minimum shame in their faces
They took out the scene where he tries to rape Nala so they didn't know
>tfw I have all 3 on the left on blu-ray
lmao I dont need these "remakes" when I have the originals playing on glorious 1080p on my PS4 slim
>acknowledges movie panders to nostalgia
>states the film looks dumb in general
>expressed disdain for the removal of a song
>still going on opening day
Its actual retards like you that keep these movies coming out. Remakes, spin offs, prequels/sequels are all because of you faggots.
At least normies are truly ignorant. YOU actually realize its garbage and STILL give them money.
Is that motherfucking don pedro?
You forgot Sleeping Beauty and theyre about to ruin it more with Meleficent 2.
I remember reading a similar article about the design of the main villain from the first Robocop movie, Clarence Boddicker. They deliberately made him this small, balding, wiry guy with glasses, and just about the most unlikely person you could imagine running Detroit's toughest gang. This actually made him a lot more intimidating, as it's obvious that he uses his smarts to outwit opponents, as opposed to just trying to outmuscle them, which would not be a threat against a near-invulnerable cyborg like Robocop.
Some adults should really not watch cartoons holy fuck.
Why are they whitewashed?
I remember the time that I posted a very stupid and cringe video on Yea Forums, thinking it was cool
But fortunately they crucified me and put me in the right place
I deserved it
Mine wants to go see Aladdin.
It was my most viewed childhood movie and I still don’t give enough of a fuck to actually go see it.
kinda interested in seeing how they handle the red clothing Jasmine though
Black manes mean higher testosterone in lions too. I have no idea why they removed it.
Wasn’t there already a 101 Dalmatians movie in live action?
Yes they made one with Glenn Close as Cruella but it's been 20 years and shekels don't grow on trees.