I can't wait

I can't wait

Attached: 1555492390709.jpg (602x650, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


she looks like a bitch irl

>not even 18 and already looking like a hotel maid
Beaner genetics

Who this?


Attached: 1512489255317.jpg (434x319, 38K)

Hit the wall

only a couple of years until she becomes one of them

Attached: 1552521824159.jpg (962x650, 221K)

>the absolute state of wh*te coping

oh no no no

Attached: 1543443184773.jpg (720x725, 218K)

Wrong these women were ugly their whole lives

Absolute units


She is not even mexican you retarded amerimutt.

I hope there will be Dora bikini scenes.

Attached: Isabelle Moner Dora.webm (1920x1032, 2.77M)

They know their audience

the porn parody was better.


Michale Bay is a Yea Forums poster.

, wow , dora the explorer look like tHAT ? ?

>intended audience show up in theatres
>mass coordinated sting operation
>all pedoshits in the nation behind bars in one day


wtf i thought dora movie was a fucking meme?

A cute hotel maid

>ONLY fucks and sucks big white cock
How do brown people cope?

>mfw this movie will cause wh*toids to breed shitskin taco pussy
>mfw will cause more available wh*te women to fuck em and leave em
pretty based when you think about it

lmao what tf is this

that's my thing.

like that matters LOL

that slide at the end is fucking pointless. that blade is not even spinning that fast

Attached: 1544107053390.gif (300x258, 3.32M)

Friendly reminder you share this board with a bunch of shit taste Mexicans and latinos who've been trying to shill this ugly midget from the Mayan riviera for years.

Attached: lmao.jpg (505x470, 25K)

Sudacas are pretty much all the same. The retarded amerimutt is right.

>waiting until I’m in bed to start the Moner thread
You guys are dicks

Attached: 09D5796D-169E-47F8-ACB1-25AB2CFBBEAA.jpg (1350x1080, 270K)


Attached: 029173CE-000D-4B14-81E1-BD67EB0C4A0B.jpg (1080x1350, 121K)

Shes half white from her chad firefighter father and half some south american shithole.

Hnnnnnng need cute Latina gf

Seems like she has nice personality actually
Even adopted that three legged doggo

Moner is gorgeous, though

Attached: 4BFE5ACF-0D63-4129-8441-4ACC97C195D4.jpg (1080x719, 97K)


Half Peruvian, Half Slavic


Attached: E3342B47-98EB-47CA-9EF1-846E82FF88CD.jpg (640x504, 142K)

Fuck this smug cunt!

Attached: Isabela-Moner_interview3.jpg (694x694, 225K)


>Fuck this smug cunt!
I wish I could

>every dude you meet is trying to fuck you
>every woman you meet is jealous as fuck about all the dudes trying to fuck you
how could you not become a smug cunt?

Fuck this PUTA!

Attached: CUNT.jpg (1600x900, 86K)


Attached: 74362975-7B2B-4B07-AEC4-B36C9A0B0E07.jpg (1080x1350, 259K)

She's a cute Slav-tina from Ohio.

Why did they recast the male lead?

Attached: isabela-dylan.png (870x792, 456K)

>trying to pass this ugly looking Inca dwarf as gorgeous
She might be if you're into aboriginal looking pygmies.

Attached: isabela-lede.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

She's not bad looking for a wetback

Brats are made to be broken.

all I see is CUTE

Attached: 1509870843542.jpg (3129x2020, 909K)

Here's what her future would look like if she didn't have access to plastic surgery.

Attached: aquilina-palomino-cronologico.jpg (1000x550, 304K)

Me too. It's better to be alone than miserable with a skank that bleeds you dry financially, emotionally and spiritually though.

stfu retard

It’s a good thing I just jerked off, I gotta get to bed.
Night, Monerbros

Attached: 72754AD2-47DD-4317-B4F4-A7ACAA3209A6.jpg (659x623, 55K)

Moner is a wealthy sweetheart, tho

Attached: C6B5D5D8-EAF3-4A43-823B-F12D0283DA62.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

It's a sad truth, honestly. With the rare exception, like Salma Hayek, most mexican women go to shit as soon as they hit their mid 30s.

>not calling them bean genes

Makes sense. South American Women Ranking:
1. Colombia
2. Argentina
3. Brazil
4. Peru
5. Venezuela
6. Paraguay
>-Pero si estan hechas mierda Harry line--Kill it with Fire line-

She isn’t Mexican and her parents don’t look anything like that

Don't mind if I do.

She kinda looks like a Mexican Jenna Coleman

Interesting. Don't know much about how well South Americans age. Mexican women do age like lemon-infused milk, though.

her face looks bloated there

bunch of bitter incels itt lol

There are some real qts from Chile tho

100% true. I know a mexican chick she used to be smoking hot at 19. At 21 she gained about 100 pounds and looks like a burrito truck girl.

You posted this image for insult?

For now, until she hits the wall

She looks like Alita but real.

Attached: 35693560.jpg (373x344, 19K)

Mal gusto
1. Uruguay
2. Argentina
3. Colombia
4. Brasil
5. Venezuela
6. Paraguay
7. Chile
8. Ecuador
9. Peru
10. Bolivia

In all my years on Yea Forums I've never understood the endless actress waifu threads. But these Moner threads stir something primal in me. Feelings of female perfection, forever unreachable for the likes of me. Yearning for a kinship that could never be.
I don't like it.

Attached: Concerned Buscemi.gif (232x196, 632K)

>1. Uruguay
You could as well like men.


Isabella Moner is white

Seething roastie

stfu retard