why does homer hate flanders?
Why does homer hate flanders?
Evan Morales
Jaxson Nelson
why is there a bush between the flanders property and the simpson property
Brayden Moore
no idea
Leo Nelson
Ned is his annoyingly perfect neighbor. He has a happy family, bar in his basement, and a small business owner. Homer hates him out of jealousy.
Parker Lewis
why does timmy's dad hates d*nkleberg
Samuel Lopez
Homer hates Jesus because he worships Sneed.
Grayson Long
why does chuck hate sneed?
Cooper Thomas
Because Ned doesn't accept the Holy Trinity: the Farmer, the Seed, and the Holy Sneed.
Jaxon Thomas
he saw ned at Chuck’s fuck and suck getting fucked and sucked
Hunter Hughes
Ned Flanders is an anagram of Flarnd Sneed.