Cast him for the sequel to the motion picture World of Warcraft

Cast him for the sequel to the motion picture World of Warcraft.

Attached: Green Jesus Returns.png (1276x794, 1.35M)

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Idris Elba.

Thrall is Chris Metzen. That's the entire point of that cinematic. The subtext behind everything is the old hero returning to save everything he loves. In this case, the face of Warcraft coming back to safe the dying game.

There is no world of warcraft movie moron.

Hold up is this for real? My boy Thrall's back?

Yeah, but it's wrapped around another "Saurfang is sad" cinematic. 50% of BFA's story revolves around Saurfang complaining about the Horde's 'lack of honor,' while the other 50% is Jaina's family drama.

Man, Blizzard's cinematics never fail to give me goosebumps, even 5 years removed from playing the game. I wish they would just make a 2 hour movie with graphics like that, but I know it would cost too much money.

I dunno, man. If nothing else, Blizzard has been ramping up the cinematics this expansion.

This is 18 minutes of animation right here, with most of them done for no reason other than being really expensive advertisements.

I wonder how much it costs them to make these. The cg is better than anything in any major picture released this year.

That's what's kind of confusing. When they released Old Solider, I kind of got it, because they more or less reused a bunch of assets from the Cinematic Trailer, Then Lost Honor only reused character models (the biggest corner cut being Genn. There's no reason for him to be in wolf form while in Stormwind. They just obviously didn't want to have to make a human model for him). Safe Haven though is pretty much brand new.

God I wish they'd do a 6-8 episode mini-series on HBO/Netflix.

actual kino

>There's no reason for him to be in wolf form while in Stormwind.
He have a reason to be in wolf form in Stormwind


made this hours ago, someone please shoop a Monster in it somewhere

Attached: Boomer_Thrall.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

>please shoop a Monster

because dude lmao everyone else is doing it and repetition makes it funny lmao i fit in right just shop a monster in there or go back!!!!!!!!!!!

this was a very shit pointless video. blizz cinematics used to be good.

>no i followed them
what a fucking cringy line that was. do people actually enjoy this shit?

implying metzen is returning, lol. He'll voice act and that's it

its most likely not only expensive, but takes months to render these

That line is more in-character than him being followed, the guy is a fucking war veteran several times over.

>he guy is a fucking war veteran several times over.
He never was good in war and he never was good in hiding or following assasins

>3 fucking cinematics about saurfang
>Now thrall, the cowardly cheater is back
BfA is an abomination.
The entire lore went to shit since fucking TBC
RIP Arthas, you will always be my true king

Since this thread is on Yea Forums:
Was the hut with floating islands in the background supposed to be something WOW players would recognize? I thought it looked shitty with boring framing (for such a fantastical setting) so I rationalized that it must be a video game reference

I still can't believe they're doing MoP 2.0, lmao. They've followed it so rigidly beat for beat at this point, that I would not be surprised if they don't even do anything to change or twist it: Sylvanas is the final raid boss, having been corrupted by an Old God.

It takes place in Nagand, the old homeland of the Orcs, which Thrall retreated to after abandoning the Horde. I'm fairly certain the music in the cinematic references the theme from the zone as well.

Hey Little Donny!

he looks like a mad cunt here honestly
he looked so fucking gay after cataclysm

Yes, it takes place in an in-game area that's existed within the game for more than 10 years now.

Attached: pcg0sheluey21.png (783x768, 856K)

floating islands are from Bad Timeline where an orc tore the world asunder with portal magic and its still falling apart today

The orc CGI from the movie was better, it was a shame the humans and Garona looked so shitty and ruined it by association.

He's obviously lying to get Thrall on his side. Saurfang was the one followed and he reframed that to make Thrall think they were coming to assassinate him.

>thrall with 2 hand axe
do enhance shaman get 2handed weapons on patch 8.2? our time has come again finally?

except in the storyline in game, you help saurfang and he is following the assassins you dumb dumb

Is it worth coming back? Played two months into BfA and gave up.

>Is it worth coming back?
Nope. Wait for Classic

He isn't shaman anymore

since when can you change classes in wow? this isnt ff14

Thrall always used a 1h to fight, and Anduin is a priest who wields a sword. Lore doesn't follow game mechanics.

When did Blizzard cinematics lose their S O U L?

How do I get that body natty?

>since when can you change classes in wow?
He is an NPC