What movies do Stacys watch?
What movies do Stacys watch?
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I hate women
They hate you too.
why would a man with the other four be single? i don't get it
her husband has miley tho
Why didn't she just say 6'?
How big does it have to be?
Because I have the others or at least as much common sense and empathy as a person who wastes time on Yea Forums could have
What are all the single women doing?
There's more women then men. With all the single men where the hell are the lonely women?
At least she doesn’t list money
Being passed around by chad
liam beeson confirmed for big dick bros
based and thotpilled
>Liam Hemsworth
>no hoes
But that would mean there's even more women available since some women are hogging most of the men.
We know. It's all bed wetters like you ever post about
>With all the single men where the hell are the lonely women
Femcel sites, or getting ignored as all the men pine for Stacies and ask what movies they watch to try to get closer to them as they ignore women who would gladly have them.
Women can't be only. The only time they're "lonely" is when they don't want to settle for average dudes
Men with all that do exist it's just the 5th thing she listed means they actively avoid 'Sourpsycho' and her type to begin with.
>There's more women then men.
This is only if you include people of all ages, because women tend to live longer than men. When it comes to dating age men and women (18-35) there are slightly more men then women.
Men and women are different. But they can't be that different
lower your standards and learn to take women for who they are and learn to love that instead of trying to check off boxes
>some women are hogging most of the men
You've got it backwards. Most men aren't Chad. Most women are sharing Chad.
How does that math work?
She's right. I've got everything but the big dick.
Anyone here have all 5?
I literally have all fucking 5 of these, plus /fit/ with good facial aesthetics, and I still can't get dates.
What’s the opposite version for this?
I'm guessing men get themselves killed/suicide more often than women.
I do not care about the opinions of worthless women.
Yes but that doesn't make sense.
Women don't want sex they want a relationship. That's why for thousands of years there was stories about women going on sex strikes, including today. Because men care more about sex.
Sex birth ratio is 105 men per 100 women.
>little dick
see you in hell, fuckers
There's only one woman I have loved. Nobody else has connected to me in that way. I didn't understand them and they didn't get me. And more importantly I didn't care. Talking with them felt like a chore. Not with her. I waited with baited breath for every chance I had to talk to her and I loved her.
i do but i'm a 23 year old live at home neet, makes things weird once i have their attention
>getting ignored as all the men pine for Stacies and ask what movies they watch to try to get closer to them as they ignore women who would gladly have them
Nice fanfic there, bud
kys incel
All but the first for me. And its the only one i care about
how does that mean more men?
Does 5'9" on the money count?
we're all getting fat, unattractive, stupid, and lazy. WW3 can't come soon enough.
Tbh this is the Twitter equivalent of "tfw no ___ gf " posting
I've got height above 5'9, no hoes, and common sense. Big dick's clearly a no, and I would say I have empathy except when it comes to roasties.
Go get one.
Gonna go out on a limb and say either youre lying or youre lying
>Women don't want sex they want a relationship
The greatest lie ever told
Women want sex with Chad above all else. It's in their instincts to breed with only the most ideal male. But they understand that they need someone to provide for them and their offspring, so they settle for a sub-chad and pretend they just don't care about sex. (And it's true, they don't enjoy sex with sub-Chad males.)
>pretty white girl
>tfw no friends
stop this hollywood meme
don't share pictures of me on the internet, thx.
Only if you have lots of money.
I have all that and a wonderful wife and kids, I just hang around this shit pile for the entertainment and banter since everyone else on the internet has become self righteous niggerfaggots.
>no hoes
>is dating Miley Cyrus
Something doesn't add up
Doesnt matter when they're one with dirt
>Most men aren't Chad
Yes they are, lonely virgins are a minority, and for that, they deserve to be mocked.
I do ok to be honest.
Its not all its cracked up to be. I have a girl that loves me like crazy. But im still not happy bc i lust over literally any girl thats hotter than her
Small dick detected
Based worst Hemsworth
have sex
Most men are just average, and average men might as well be lonely virgins in the eyes of women
8x6.5 you projecting dicklet
I have at least 4 idk what white women think is a big dick, probably a 12inx8in so I maybe dont have that. Ive always thought my dick was small until i looked at statistics
What happened?
What qualifies as big dick?
day of the rope won't spare your kind, filthy eunuch tranny.
The evidence doesn't make sense for that though. Look only at if it's men or women initiating sexual contact, or the reason sex declines in married couples, or the thousands of years of sex strikes, or the "I have a headache" meme that's been presented for the last hundred years. You can't say oh it's different for Chad. I'm saying women don't care as much about sex and that's the only explanation for all those things.
>lack empathy
>be 5'10, big dick, common sense, no hoes
>still incel
Women would rather be alone, waiting their turn in line to ride Chad's cock, than to even think about fucking you
There's no such thing as a lonely woman. Any woman who isn't a 300 lb embarrassment will have more potential suitors than she knows what to do with, and if she's single, it's because she's between relationships or holding out for Chad
I have all of those but also fat.
2, 4, and 5 don't matter when it comes to getting pussy. You're probably better off with none of those 2bh
t. 1&3
That's what the bottom of the barrel tells itself, i'm average and I have no problem getting laid.
What you millennials have to do is drop this thing of pretending as if your opinions or your situation is what the majority lives through, it's not.
10 inches at the least
>probably a 12inx8in
lolwut that is fucking freak of nature tier. Probably only .0001% of men have one like that you clown
I’m a serial cheater and have zero empathy. Got the rest though.
me, my dick is like 152inches
Her name literally includes the word "psycho"
>big tits
>big ass
>not a slut
>has hobbies that aren't shopping
Isn't that nigga cole cheating on her?
Why does the most autistic board in Yea Forums pretend to know about normalfags, chads and women?
actual zero empathy, like setting animals on fire tier?
>satanfags get any poon
Lmao, step out in the real world
Because the roastie forgot to add 'good looking' to the list
>perfect man has “common sense”
>gets with some whore
Yeah no shit it’s impossible
We're all gonna make it brah.
Statistically you are above average if you're getting laid at all. Stop humblebragging
99% of women have no common sense at all
>women don't care as much about sex
In a way, you're correct. Women don't care about sex with average males. But pair them up with Chad and they'll turn into animals.
>Women don't want sex they want a relationship.
I've got all that, I just don't have a job.
Well, I guess not zero then. I love animals but don’t give a shit about any girl I’m with. Dogs and cats are better than women.
>Why does the most normalfag board on Yea Forums pretend to know about normalfags, chads and women?
Gee I wonder
If men only cared about sex they'd just buy hookers or hit up slags in the clubs. well, I guess a lot of guys do that. but that pump-n-dump shit isn't normal human reproduction, it's just the aspect of human sexuality that's been pathologized as the ideal by modern society because it sells better.
normal human sexuality is monogamous pair-bonding of a long enough term to raise the children to adulthood. this is what most people want. why it isn't working out the way people want it to currently is, well, there are a lot of theories on that. personally, I think it's because humans are lazy and as a result outsource much of their thinking to their culture, and since our culture doesn't value said relationships as much anymore that means people who are just going through life not really think very hard about what they're doing will end up fucking themselves over as a result of adopting these popular but self-destructive behaviours
Post those stats, but i'm going to make a guess and say that they are from losers from a dating app or a dating website.
Please, save your millennial ebonics for yourself.
>you millennials
Fuck off Boomer. You hippie degenerates ruined the country and set the stage for the hell we're living in now
"Common sense" means "reads my mind" which means "Occasionally remembers my name and is hot enough for me to excuse any and all behavior"
Me too man
Although recently I started using a swinging site and you might be able to find guys who want a younger guy with a bigger cock to fuck their wives like I did,
although I also do stuff with the guys sometimes because I’m bi
yeah the fundamental difference is women don't want you because you're a retard who only thinks about getting his dick wet, just like chad, except you're not even attractive. and the actual top women want emotional bonds instead of a fuck which is why they won't go to chad, let alone you.
>in shape
>cute face
>cooks and cleans
If you have 5in but 6in girth does that make up for the length or am I doomed a chodelet
She broke up with me obviously
Otherwise I wouldn't be blaming myself.
Styx sums it up pretty well in this video
No, i'm 20, all the problems you claim to have finding a job and a girlfriend are because of your stupid choices.
Then again, can't expect anything else from the generation that spent 10 years pretending they were saving the world by posting crap about videogames and superhero movies on the internet.
You are the biggest bunch of pussies in the world and you wonder why you aren't getting laid?
Give me a break.
You know the answer to that, user.
>in shape
Yea Forums wants thicc fat hogs now
>7 inch girthy dick
>Highly empathetic and caring
>Loyal to my fiance
>Pride myself in my logic and common sense
I think I did it bros
>sex strike
what is this meme? you sound like that dumb bitch who got mocked by everyone on earth not that long ago for pushing for a sex strike (because abortion laws etc.), which is obviously idiotic since sex strikes is literally what men want from wome,. they'd unironically take a woman who didn't have sex and just fap over a woman who had sex but with other guys as well as themselves
again, you can always buy a whore if you just want sex, and whores don't go on strikes
>Any woman who isn't a 300 lb embarrassment will have more potential suitors than she knows what to do with,
How does this math work?
>women don’t want sex they want a relationship
>woman want sex with chad and a relationship with a duck like you to support their poor financial skills
Oh great, twitter gossiping about literally-whos.
KIll yourselves.
nobody has a problem getting laid as long as their standards are low enough. problem is getting a woman (who isn't garbage) to stick around for more than 6 months.
>I’m 20
the game is so fucking rigged it's not even fun
Yes. That's what the evidence points towards.
It's men leaving in the morning after a night of sex not women.
It's women who stay in a marriage and stop having sex. Not getting a divorce and getting laid at the club in their 50s
Based af
Holy shit he's losing it. Unironically who hurt him?
The number of gentleman callers the average woman has divided by the weight is the adjust expected average
nothing more cuck than spending your time and energy giving free sex to a slut because her husband wants you to
>the actual top women want emotional bonds instead of a fuck
imagine buying this hard into the lies
And that's the thing, you refuse to lower your standards.
Then all these threads tell people to improve themselves and they go
Millennials deserve to die alone and miserable.
And millennial women too, fucking ugly blue haired landwhales.
Interesting how being fit and good looking isn’t mentioned on her list
Or is that just expected by default
I just think that whatever I say you'll say that it's not true for Chad.
Like some no true scottsmen kind of thing. All those rules are in place for average males but there's these unicorns who don't follow the rules and if I post data that doesn't follow that idea, those guys weren't real Chads in the first place
>whores don’t go on strikes
Can any anons that live somewhere that has legal prostitution tell me if the whores join unions and sometimes strike for better treatment?
I feel ya haha. And my girl is def cute, but I am human and I want what I cant have, not what I have an abundance of. I go on tinder behind her back even
I have not had a social conversation with anyone outside of work or family in like 2 years
>mine does
>dont give up
why dont women suggest to each other to be more like what men want in women? shouldnt she know that fucking another 100 guys isnt going to get her what she wants?
If a person isn't fit that person is completely worthless.
Fatasses don't deserve to live, neither men or women.
There's zero excuse to be a fatass nowadays.
In fact, there's a zero excuse to be a fatass ever.
>tell men they need to settle
>tell women they dont have to
Pretty much. Chad is the unicorn you're talking about. The rules of the game simply don't apply to him
Relax spaz, go take another selfie of your thighs and post it on a website full of dudes
imagine falling into the demoralization meme
>Yea Forums discussing getting a girlfriend
What the fuck are you doing?
You have already settled your mind that chad this and chad that and that women only have sex with 5% of men.
What's the point of repeating these threads?
To periodically tell yourself that it's totally not your fault you are alone?
t. obvious hambeast
Women don't take advice well, they just want to bitch and throw empty but positive responses at each other
i want the word pompous to be burned into your brain it should help
No, i'm a man, and I have zero respect for unfit "people".
Why would I respect you?
You actively chose to eat like a whale, to not work on your body, to let your only body, the only body you ever have had, to rot away.
You made your choice, don't expect anything but mockery, and the support of anyone who isn't part of that "hurr muh fat shaming is ebil" group formed exclusively of Tumblrinas.
>What movies do Stacys watch?
Okay so there's a recent actress who declared a sex strike against abortion
It's an idea going back to the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata, and has happened for literally thousands of years. Because men care more about sex than women.
I am volcel. Dumped last three gfs because women are shit and I don't know where to find good one besides kidnapping a teenager
if you cant stand me at my worst you dont deserve me at my best
I have a gf and youre bigger than me. Ive never had sex and really enjoyed it bc i always assume she's just faking it bc of my little dick.
Whatever they "watch" with chad.
Volcel, incel...
Millennials, do humanity a favor and never come up with more terms, you autistic fucks.
>a teenager
You actually think teenagers are good?
Tbh I agree
but it’s been so long since my last relationship and I can’t meet any girls that like me, I’m sick of waiting for the next ‘right person’ and tinder doesn’t work
The worst part is that I feel the most cucked because I want emotional Connection that I can’t have
I wish I was enough of a faggot to be romantically attracted to men and wanted to date them so I didn’t have to be alone
A woman.
But yeah he was 100% right. You turn the blame back on yourself because the other person is so idealized and you love the idea you have of them in your head you have to turn the blame back to yourself.
And most women you don't fall for in that way. It's one in a thousand
This 20 year old zoomed retard’s whole schtick is just trying to be the exact opposite of whatever dumbass stereotype of millennials he has in his head lmaooo
Give it a rest retard, you’re still sitting on the television and film board like the rest of us.