One day you wake up in the Game of Thrones world as some random peasant in Winterfell, just as Bobby B is arriving in the first episode. Knowing the full course of what is about to unfold over the next few years, what actions do you take to make things play out differently?
You wake up in the Game of Thrones world
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill myself
I immediately fuck Robert Baratheon in the ass
Go to kings landing and make a significant wager for the mountain to knock the flower knight off his horse in the final joust.
Look for Qyburn and help him invent muskets
Also kill Tyrion asap
I swear my allegiance to the one true king, Stannis Baratheon, and die at Winterfell.
Insider information is illegal
Save Joffrey from the poison
Why the fuck would you bet on that? Loras had a mare in heat, why would you make a big bet knowing that you'd lose money?
Rape Cersei, Daenerys, the Tyrell girl and Ygritte in that order
Head straight for the wall and chill with Jon snow killin wildlings and shit
Do anything to get to Dorne.
i stand below the tower waiting for bran to fall
tell tywin his imp of a son will be his undoing. protect the realm at all costs.
Buy bitcoin
Honestly this, it would be miserable but it's not like I can be useful anywhere else. I'd probably just kill myself though.
I’d tell him about the treason of Cersei and Littlefinger while he was safe in Winterfell. His home would be secure and then he could deal with the threat of Dany. I’d keep quiet about Jon for now. Also explain about the NK.
Find Littlefinger and become his advisor
Make myself unexpendable to him, then kill him and kidnap Sansa from the Vale when the time is right
Kill Arya
Find the dragon eggs and deliver them to our lord and savior, Joffrey.
Kill Renly Baratheon. That fag ruined everything for Stannis. Also kill Tyrion for being a degenerate and defending kings landing
That's not very woke of you
find the latest tavern so i can bang some northern wenches
who cares about winter cuz arya
I'd tell Robert the truth about Jon Snow in front of Ned Stark.
Get a job at the iron bank and invent wall street shit.
I would declare myself a claivoyant, say that Ned Stark is going to die and a war is going to start. Of couse they wont believe me but when the shit goes down in KL I would try to advise Robb Stark the best I could to avoid the kerfuffle that killed the House of Stark.
Also I would kill that idiot Theon before he gets to the Iron Islands, mostly to spare him the torture but also to avoid that whole shitshow completely.
Tell Ramsay what’s going to happen and help him build a harem including Sansa, Arya, Dany, Melisandre, Margaery, Ygritte and Missandei
But killing theon frees up balon to reave the north regardless
Go to the Vale and hide out there. Either that or try to join up with Howland Reed somehow.
I’m an engineer so I’d use that base knowledge to make some semblance of a modern lifestyle. Could probably sell semi-modern weapons (such as muskets, cannons, etc.) to gain land and power. Basically live a Qyburn style life without having to grovel.
Murder Jamie and Cersie, saving Bran. Then rape Sansa in front of Bran and push him out of a window.
its the whole point of the thread you dumb nigger
Go to kings landing and use my knowledge to become associated with varys and littlefinger. To do this I would pretend to have greenseer powers. Then we pull the strings and tailor the game in our favour until I am more trusted than they are. Then I have them killed and do everything in my power to ensure that Stannis takes kings landing and gets the throne.
>go to the brothel
>fuck Ros
honestly I don't know what the fuck i'm going to do as a random peasant, nobody important will likely think it worth their time to talk to me
Might as well bang a cute hooker
I teach Joffrey how to make firearms
Somehow convince Bobby and ned to follow me into the tower, catching Jaime and cersei, warn them about the Others, and kidnap Arya
molest bran so he doesn't find jamie and cersei
stick a finger up cersei bum
Fuck Dany’s Mad pussy
an hero immediately
I'd make sure Robert knew that his sister was getting fucked by Jamie up in the tower. I probably wouldn't tell him directly since he'd have me executed on the spot for a perceived insult to his wife's honour. I'd probably tell him something like his wife called for him and it's an emergency. I'd time it so that he's there with a crowd the moment Jamie pushes Bran. There is now a crowd of witnesses to Jamie's crime, Bran can still become the Three Eyed Raven but now Robert is gonna go into the tower and see his wife and Jamie naked with each other. Jamie and Cersei will be executed, and Robert will not die in the hunting accident. When Bran wakes up I'll tell him to stay the fuck away from the Night King and make sure he doesn't get marked. Presumably a united Seven Kingdoms will be able to defend itself against Dany when she arrives, especially if I suggest they start building Scorpions ASAP. Or maybe I'd try to convince Robert to pardon Jorah earlier so that Dany gets killed by the assassin.
After that, the timeline will have diverged away far enough that my knowledge would be pretty much useless. Hopefully the kingdom could protect itself from the White Walkers? Or maybe the Wall would hold if the Walkers don't have a dragon to knock it down?
Based and finger-in-the-bum pilled
Try to become a sailor, and make it to the free cities or the summer isles. Westeros is a shit place
Sneak around to rape Sansa than Cock-eyed arya. sail over to essos rape daniel
Take the black and suck off Jon
Go fuck ros
Fuck you retard you won’t do shit
i'd do this and watch the hilarity. worth whatever punishment i end up with
Find the dragon eggs and hatch them and live in the mountains for decades watching them grow larger and larger and then just rule everything
Ill assume we’re just talking the what happens in the show not the books
I’d immediately attempt to migrate to dorne
Try and find a way to let Doran know that his brother’s cunt female orbiters need to stay in prison and are dangerous after oberyn is dead
nothing ever fucking happens there and they don’t seem to do anything in the wars which doran will ensure
gather a large group of peasant friends and purposefully find Cersei and Jaime in the tower, maybe make sure some of my m8s are guards who really like bed so they support me
We all tell the lords what we saw
Also we can save bran from falling so that faggot never gets his rape porn
As reward for revealing the incest of the queen I get to talk to bobby b
I tell him to kill the targ whore immediately
Watch as Joffrey myrcella and Tommen are all put to death
Also I just realised that Ned encouraging Jon snow to join the nights watch is based manipulation
>I love you Jon you have my blood
>join the nights watch to which you are sworn for life and can never leave or die
>when I get back and you’re already in the nights watch I’ll tell you that your real dad was a Targaryen
>Jon can’t do shit about it because he’s stuck in the nights watch
>Ned has tricked Jon into cucking himself permanently to protect the realm
Ned is very based
move to based essos
This. They are are completily untouched by war.
too bad they were petrified and only hatched through forbidden blood magic
rape Sansa
What would Bobby actually do in this situation? Have Ned beheaded in his own castle? Go to war with the North to kill some bastard? We can assume riverlands and in this scenario also Dorne take North's side while Vale stays neutral. Tyrels also have little reason to join the fight and considering they were loyal to Targs they may also join Ned.
I hop a boat to bravos and get a job in the theater. If I can’t do that then I go to dorne and become a merchant. I’m not dying for some stupid cause and I’m certainly not living in the shitholes of King’s Landing or the frozen wasteland of the north.
Travel to Essos, kill Visersys, have consensual BPD sex with Daenarys, go back to Westeros. Reveal Jon Snow's identity, Robert kills him off. Allow Robert to be killed off by the boar but have Joffrey and Jaime and Tywin killed off first, add Cersei to my harem. Bro down with Ned Stark by challenging Petyr Baelish to a fight to the death, garner influence thereafter. Introduce Tomas to Margarine Tyrell (a regrettable loss for my harem but necessary because it will permit the unification of the Reach and the Crown, allowing a stable monarchy). Invade Dorne under false pretences and Rains of Castamere it. Kill off Melisandre just in case that becomes an issue after the fact.
Use foreknowledge of the Night King to convince King Tomathy to demand enough dragon glass be mined that top part of the wall can be covered in it, making it impassable. Also levy a tax to pay for pitch ovens so that burning oil can be dumped on the wights from above, because regular fire is more of a hindrance to the Night King than dragon fire. Also since Daenarys' dragons haven't hatched he probably can't get through the wall in appreciable numbers.
All of this would have been 200% better than the actual series even if half of it was just a behind-the-butthole nutsack shot of me nailing Emilia Clarke.
Just go to dorne and chill over there
Everyone would just end up failing hard in a world they had no useful skillset in.
Catch Bran as he fell out of the window, becoming a hero and allowing him to tell everyone what he saw.
Then I'd go take a shit inside the Weirwood tree and tell the greenseers I hate them.
well provided ned doesn't sperg out he might deny your claims. i'm sure bobby trusts him more. who else knew at that point? ned, howland reed, and a book in the citadel? you could maybe tell him some other information no one else would know but then the focus is going to be on you.
If I am a pesent I probably cant do much. Probably would invent something that I know about from today and try to get that short hair sand snake girl.
Maybe telling Ned about Joffery immediatley would mess with a lot
Wait for Arya at the port, kill her and take the coin. Become a Faceless Man myself, get rich in comfy free cities of Essos
Get on a boat and fuck off to some island somewhere.
based and redpilled
Would fedoras actually be useful since they study the blade?
unironically go to dorne
Let things play out normally until Bobby B is about to be wounded by the boar. I'd kill it and save his life, earning his trust.
From there, I'd tell him about Cersei/Jaime and use spies to catch them in the act, if he questioned me.
Once Cersei, Jaime, Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella were executed, I'd find Gendry and introduce him to Bobby B, who would (having no heir) legitimize him. (Also kill Littlefinger here).
From there, I'd send some assassins to kill Dany, and then mobilize the White Walker defense. Without any dragons, the Night King can't get through the wall, so I'd just work with Qyburn to bring Wildfire defenses to the Wall, along with all the dragonglass we can find.
Having years to bolster defenses, and no ice dragon to worry about, the Night King should be EZPZ.
Eventually Gendry would become king and I'd probably be his hand, which would be chill.
Set up my cart full of bedding under the stark tower and go get drunk
post boar of this
What makes you think the fucking King is going to want to talk to some random peasant, let alone that he will actually believe you instead of laughing his ass off and demanding more wine?
>he’d legitimise gendry
He’d probably just marry someone else and have kids with them
Gendry only needs to be legitimate in the show because literally every legitimate Baratheon in the show is dead
do you think the 3ER/Gods would react to Some random showing up from another dimension and fucking with the natural order of things?
>Would fedoras actually be useful since they study the blade?
Wouldn't even get to the point of owning a blade.
Well he didn’t seem to react to qyburn so clearly not
I'd go find, fuck and marry wildling girls.
We could all be war strategists.
>Don't fight Dothraki in the Open Field
>Have your artillery behind the walls when fighting the NK
>Shoot nets or chain shots to take down the dragons
>Give a weapon to the giant in the battle of the bastards
they know about qyburn though, you're just some rando that popped into the world knowing things you shouldn't. i'm sure they'd take notice
It’s a shame that we can be strategists in this setting just because the writers of the setting are hacks
Catch bran as he falls out the window.
No more... no more Lancel
I travel to king's landing and make as much money as I can. I use all of it to win bets at hand's tourney. The hound unseats Jaime. Loras unseats the mountain. The hound wins the tourney. Thoros wins the melee.
I make mad bucks off that and use it to retire somewhere the war will never affect me.
You would lose all your money. For one Loras unseats The Mountain and only gets knocked off his horse after that. Second, it doesn't happen in the final joust. It happens in the semifinals. Loras was due to ride against The Hound for the final joust, but Loras gives The Hound the victory after The Hound defends him from The Mountain and saves Loras' life.
Gather 20 good men and head to Essos to spend my life there.
Enjoy getting raided by Ironcunts.
"Your grace, there is something you must see. It concerns the queen!"
>lead them to the tower where Jaime is fucking Cersei
Sure Jaime is based later but if I can get him, Cersei, and Joffrey executed and avoid the war then maybe Robert will protect me from Tywin.
Adding to this. Catch Bran before he falls. As a peasant I'd have no money so doing this will get me the favor of the Starks. They'll give me quite a lot of money for saving Bran so I'd be loaded for whatever came next. At least enough to go anywhere or do anything I wanted. I'm not exactly sure what would happen after Bran was safe. Maybe he'd tell his parents and maybe he wouldn't. If they tried to kill him again via cutthroat I couldn't do anything to stop that as I've already changed the way things would happen. But I would at least know I'd have seven years or so to get South if I wished. But without Bran being a cripple now he's never going to become the 3ER. Now that everything is different I would probably go to KL and invest in stuff to get more money, probably by selling my secrets to LF or Varys to manipulate things and avoid any big disasters I could. This doesn't mean I'd be safe because I probably butterfly effected everything. Still I'd at least be rich and could spend a lot of time fucking whores and affording the best weapons and people to teach me to use them, maybe even hire some body guards and if shit did go south I'd just buy a boat and go to Bravvos or something.
I travel to the inn at the crossroads and hire Bronn to be my bodyguard on the way to Dragonstone.
With Bronn out of the picture Tyrion gets killed in his trial by combat and Stannis takes King's Landing.
I've only ever watched the show but
>go to where the Robbert gets BOARED
>save his life
>As any cliche lazy king would say he would grant me "anything" he could possibly give me
>Ask for an audience with him and Lord Stark
>Tell them in detail everything and wink at Lord Stark when I talk about the tower of joy saying that he may have lost to Arthur Dayne on that day but it was to be expected
Basically, good guys win, nobody dies. Lannister house dead. I'd also make them flay the bolton as a reward or something (yes I'm a good goy). And as a finale reward I'd ask for a castle, title and all the shit that comes with it. Something up norse though so I have some kind of excuse for my tiny penor
Head North of the wall. Kill Craster and take his wives as my own; live like he did, sacrificing baby boys and all. Go and get that dragon glass stash at the fist of the first men. When the Nights Watch comes around on their little trek, I'll give them the stash and tell them exactly what I know: that this shit kills them, along with fire, and that if you take out the main guys, it takes out everything they created. Also tell them about all the dragon glass that can be mined on Dragonstone. If they ask how I know so much, I tell them I was sent by the 3 eyed raven/children of the forest to help men defeat this evil, or something like that. I'll also let them know that a few dragons were born across the sea and they should probably send 20 good men to go get them and bring them as they would help.
They stop the white walkers before they even get past my new home, and I get all the pussy I could want. Simple.
You could have Gendry help you save Bobby B's life.
The books talk all about (and the show insinuates) that Gendry is very similar to Bobby B. I'd think if his bastard saved his life, he'd legitimize him, especially since he is about to go from 3 kids to 0.
Fuck everything I'm going to bang sweet, not broken Theon
If I am a noble, I would just keep an eye on Bran and keep him away from climbing. If some pesent, then nothing
Invest in Amazon stocks
Bobby B would say "YOU THINK I DONT KNOW THAT" and continue to do nothing
Stick a S1 Arya with my pointy stick...
I'd fuck off to Braavos and live a peaceful life
I go straight to the brothel and inseminate Rose
Introduce the poor people to soccer.
Loot some coin while everyone is distracted by Bran falling out a window, use that coin to sail to wherever Daenarys is, and somehow convince her to have me as her footslave.
>what actions do you take to make things play out differently?
Spoil the shit out of everything in exchange for land and power.
>first chance I can get I leave Winterfell and travel the land
>attempt to learn how to wield a sword be at least somewhat serviceable in a fight
>just travel enjoying the countryside for awhile
>getting some worldly knowledge, attempt to head to where Dany should be
>once I hopefully, without maiming or death, find her, tell how to win over the people of Westeros
>tell her to introduce the greatest modern invention I can muster
>the most deadly weapon of all
>the biggest
>the fattest
>the only
Unironically pretend I'm a greenseer
Tell Ned that the visions revealed to me that R+L=J. Hopefully he doesn't kill me, but will listen to me
The best way to convince any of the characters you're telling the truth is by proving you are psychic. You know a lot of things about their lives because you've watched the show or read the books and heard them tell stories to people in private.
First thing to pop into my head was fuck Ros
go to Dorne, have a pint, and wait for all this to blow over.
Travel past the wall so i can get 3 eye raven powers too. Then watch the rape of Sansa whenever i want.
Do you really want things to play out differently? I mean it could be argued you could make the world a better place but also you could fuck things up and cause the NK to win.
Best to keep your head down and not do anything.
I move to Oldtown. Second largest city, actual clean city with sewers, has the citadel and the old hq of the faith, kickass lighthouse fortress, ect. No nead to fear dying at the hands of silly zombies or dragon-cunt and her hoards. Just making a living and always having the option to join the maesters if going hungry, as me knowing how to write and read puts me above 99.999% of the population.
Groom the fuck out of my lord's wheat, since i'm a peasant. Maybe even poach a trout from the lord's stream or a rabbit from the lord's hedgegrows every once in a while when i'm feeling rebellious.
I’d be waiting for Bran to fall out of the tower and make sure he died
Why would robert believe a peasant over his childhood friend
that burger triggers me, everything is stacked the wrong way
>get fucking slaughtered by Euron
Bobby is very paranoid about targaryens.
its show only, so you don't even have to worry about the faceless man their
Nah dude, there're slavers and Dothraki over there. Join me and the other anons headed to Dorne. There's safety in numbers, and we can all settle down making Meade or some shit.
Show euron is a teleporting meme that stayed away from oldtown.The show mostly forgot about oldtown outside the citadel. It's perfect to stay low and away from all the bullshit.
Balon had written off Theon: Yara was his heir, and he was going to attack the North no matter what because he wanted revenge.
really this, its so obvious, go to dorne, but first do something beautiful with sansa
Prevent Bobby from dying.
Prevent Dany from ever getting the Dragons.
Tell Bobby he was cucked and to legitimise Gendry and his other bastards.
See Cersei and her devil spawn executed.
Make sure Arya and Sansa stay the fuck in Winterfell so they never become relevant.
Plant the seeds of discord that will ultimately lead to the Boltons getting executed.
Fuck Melissandre in the ass.
All of you with these cool and awesome plans forgot one man....Tywin Lannister
>We could all be war strategists.
>>Don't fight Dothraki in the Open Field
>>Have your artillery behind the walls when fighting the NK
>>Shoot nets or chain shots to take down the dragons
>>Give a weapon to the giant in the battle of the bastards
So I guess the question is if you are stuck in the books or the show.
ROFL. Good point.
>make a significant wager
With what money? Also bandits rob you and rape you before you get to king's landing
travel with the kings group when they go back, try and think these things through, the better question is how the fuck is a peasant going to get cash
I would enjoy the first couple of seasons, try to get best view of all the horrific events and then die from pneumonia.
ok so
>1: save bran or at least catch him to get reward from starks
>2: travel with kings group to kings landing
>3: use reward to bet and win a fuck load at the tornement
>4: get down to dorne loaded with cash
Rat out Jon as a Targaryen
I would suck Jon Snows cock and I would tell him not to go to the nightswach. Instead he should marry me in King's Landing where we can warn Cercei that she will soon marry Loras Tyrell. Because she now knew about it a lot earlier, she is kinda ok with that thought and will marry him. Then we will forever be friends. Three gay men and one fag hag having fun in Westeros sightseeing.
The only thing I’d try to do is save Ned. Everything else I’d just let play out, I’d make sure I’m thousands of miles away in Essos when all the shit goes down.
I start building a trampoline.
>provided ned doesn't sperg out
The guy is honor personified, if the king demanded to know whether what you just said is true or not, he'll do the honorable thing and confess, because that's who he is.
I head over to the East and tell Viserys of the Dornish marriage pact. Then I sit back and watch the fucking fireworks.
The main problem is that you have no influence and no power. You could get some by ratting out Cersei OR saving Dany from assassination via poison wine.
Or you could wait for Bran to get crippled, then struggle with the assassin sent to finish him off. Or be Viserys's yes-man. Or go to the Wall, which is a bad idea. Or get Arya to Winterfell after Ned dies.
Poor Daniel
>Arya to Winterfell after Ned
what an awful idea, a veteran of the nights watch and the fucking hound couldn't do it, plus even if you could what do you do about ramsay
Joffrey is insanely hot.
imagine the smell in kinglanding, they shit on the street man
Why daniel?
I'd make sure Bobert didn't get gored by that boar then protect him with my life.
It depends. You know what's going to happen, while Yoren doesn't. It's still a long-shot.
Alternative, you could advise Stannis. Put it all on the line, like "Have me killed if I'm wrong." He wouldn't trust you, but it makes sense that he would at least investigate and take you seriously.
Anyone who tries to work with Dany is going to die when the khal splits up.
The problem is that as soon as you change something, all of your foreknowledge becomes useless. So that means you either need to choose the moment you decide to intervene VERY carefully, or just not intervene at all and instead use your knowledge to enrich and empower yourself, and to always make sure you are in a safe place and on the winning side by the end of the show.
This is assuming the show has a happy ending, and not Bran as the new Night King or something, like the end of a horror movie when it reveals the killer's still alive in the final shot.
Only elite clientele could afford Ros.
does daniel really deserve it? what did he ever do?
We can visit the remnants of the Daynes
I'd go plant some crops before going to the tavern to get drunk. After that I head home to beat the wife and kids followed by a good night's rest to start the process over the next day.
>muh butterfly effect
nah fuck off, their are ways, for instance be ready to help with the assassin and reap reward, doesn't really effect anything
Some really useful advice would be:
> "Don't marry Hidazhar, Quentyn is showing up with another offer."
> "Your nephew is alive, and he's got the Golden Company."
> "Uh, Oberyn? Be really fucking careful around the Mountain."
The best bet is to advise people on what they're going to do anyway.
am I constrained by time and space or do I get special teleporting abilities like the rest of the non-npcs
That's actually what I mean by not intervening, and just using your knowledge for your own personal good. I don't know if saving Robert and Ned right at the beginning is the best way to maximize your position.
If you did that, you would probably wake up in Varys's rape dungeon. The fat eunuch would be asking very, very pointed questions.
Also Ned Stark is pretty bad at lying. There's a chance he becomes visibly shaken and Bobby B, who might normally just laugh at you and have you killed, will get suspicious and ask Ned about this and he could possibly just blurt out the truth.
This falls under not intervening and using your knowledge for your own personal gain.
Saving Robert would be "intervening," as in changing the way the story plays out. Once you do something major like that, a lot of your knowledge becomes useless, so you have to make sure you've maximized what you can do with your knowledge before you make it obsolete.
Ah, I still think
>get reward
>win at tournament
>head to dorne
Yes and be his confidant. Kill roasties with crossbows etc. That would be fun. Let the true incels rule over KL
>what actions do you take to make things play out differently?
lmao fuck that I'm going to dorne
We can go hang out with the Night
become Bobby B's court fortune teller
Honest question, have you ever killed a boar before? I actually hunt a lot, and it's damn hard to kill them. You can't even shoot them with small arms, you need a hunting rifle. I'm just saying, it's really hard.
travel to asshai and become a necromancer or some shit
Tommen and Marcella weren't devil spawn.
Ask Littlefinger to arrange a good corpse-fucking since I know he offers necrophilic services.
It's a good plan, but would that really give you enough money to live a life of luxury? (relative luxury, considering you still only have access to medieval technology)
If the Stark's give you the equivalent of $10,000 for saving Bran and you win big at the tourney you could MAYBE turn that into a couple hundred thousand, max.
Position marksmen one the roofs surrounding the building where Dany lands with her dragon and booby trap the building with wildfire. All the tyrants in the world and dead and Jon can ascend to the throne.
Alternatively, tell Jon what will happen if he doesn't fuck his auntie the night before the siege.
find little arya before she makes her way to harrenhal and rape her
He will have you murdered for treason. You have the I.Q of a peasant user, sorry.
And even then it's hard (only youtube experience). Aren't there like special boar knives to stab them with once they are weak enough.
its loras mountain match that you win big on, also can bet thoros will win the melee, but i'm not sure if thats book only, or thoros mentions it at that point, the real problem with waiting for the assassin is you might miss the tourney, but maybe you could convince cat to let you go with her
Tell him about the dragon bitch
tell rob to marry the Frey girl and not be retarded. no way would he listen and shit would go the exact same
you can read and write which already puts you above most peasants you can always make money as a scribe if you run out of cash, no matter where you go
Why would his wife send a peasant to call him? You could be easily setting the king up for assassination. He would have you murdered.
Robert would probably check it out himself. He's super-bored. He'd be like:
> "If this is nothing, I swear I'm clapping you in irons!"
but he'll still waddle over.
Wait until Shireen is older and marry her. Also help Stannis winning the War. Maybe try making a new religion that combines the faith of the seven and the R'hllor to keep both partys happy.
Also, tell him how to find Arya.
Yeah if Cat made it down there then you can too especially after you earn your reward money.
True but given how advanced your knowledge is, and how shitty medieval life is compared to life today, you're not really going to be happy unless you are very wealthy.
Kill Cersei. I'd die certainly but Bobby B wouldn't be killed hunting and even if somehow that plan was already in place, Ned would be Lord Protector. He'd have to deal with Tywin eventually but without Cersei there to muck things up, Tyrion would never kill him so Tywin would appropriately deal with Dany and the WWs. But odds are it'd just be Robert and eventually Ned exposes the incest and Robert either legitimizes a bastard, has another kid, or turns it over to Ned anyway.
Much as I like Ned, Tywin would wipe the fucking floor with both of them.
you could probably be a famous doctor in dorne after winning at the tourney, but iirc the maesters aren't that bad, much better then real medieval doctors
>Euron pulls up
>I'm About to End This Man's Whole Career
>ITT people with sub 100 IQ
>tell Ned Stark That Jon Snow is a Targaryen
>gain his respect and trust and swear to keep it a secret.
>tell Ned Stark where Jaimie and Cersei are fucking in the tower.
He would then tell Bobby B the truth.
>I gain the respect of both Bobby B and Ned
>Tell Bobby B that Joffrey is a Lannister and Dany is still alive
>Become the new Hand of the King
Everybody else in this thread is a fucking retard.
And then what? Are you going to out-maneuver Varys, Littlefinger, and fucking Tywin Lanninster when you are the new hand of the king and they are all trying to play the game of thrones against you?
>ITT people with sub 100 IQ
>tell Ned Stark That Jon Snow is a Targaryen
Ahem, user, i have some bad news for you
>tell ned
he immediately cuts your throat, this is the worst plan i've seen, you are a peasant
The problem is that if you overplay your hand, Varys or Littlefinger will find you and fuck you.
Id let it all happen and live peacefully in dorne
>Tywin would wipe the fucking floor with both of them.
(Show)Tywin is constantly beaten on the field
Joff is a ticking time bomb
Ned Stark is the most honorable man in GoT. Not only that, he would be very curious as to HOW i have acquired that info.
You have 0 social intelligence user
I also think joining some group would be a good way to ensure my survival. Maybe join the maesters, or maybe try to learn magic since it's actually real (although it's probably the kind of magic that fucks you up), or maybe join the Lord of Light religion and get who/whatever he is to give me awesome fire powers, and possibly even visions of the future, which will be helpful if any of my actions change the way the story happened on the show.
Okay simple. Expose Cersei and Jaime immediately. Their kids are killed, Fuck what Ned says. Advise Bobby B. That The Dragon Cunt will kill us all if she is allowed to live. Have Little Finger killed for sure. The White Walkers will never make it down without the Dragon so who cares about those savages north of the wall. Find me ONE flaw in this plan.
>drop subtle hints that come true
>become winterfell’s psychic
>speak to rob
>don’t go to see the frays he’s gonna fuck you and your family up
>cheers lad
>get made a lord
>steal money using the fear I have instilled in people because they think everything I say comes true
>escape across the sea
>fuck mad bitches and live like the last days of rome
and how will you convice him? thats the only useful peice of info you've got, you can tell him lysa murdered jon aryyn but you think he'll believe you? this plan has such high risk and so many flaws, why the fuck would you get involved in the game?
I think the Lord of Light would be very happy to use someone isekaid to his realm to accomplish his goals, and lavish them with all kinds of disturbing and exceptional powers
You'd get executed by Stannis because of 'muh law'
I will make a homemade AR-15 and use it as the boomstick against subhuman northmen, dothraki, dragons etc
Okay big flaw in this is your meddling is going to change shit up and possibly get you killed.
>wink at Lord Stark when I talk about the tower of joy saying that he may have lost to Arthur Dayne on that day but it was to be expected
Knowing Bobby B's ego, he would probably expel al lannisters back to casterly rock. Littlefinger is only dangerous when he gains someone's trust. That would never happen. Even if he fucks me atleast I died a affluent man.
>Find me ONE flaw in this plan.
You are a peasant
You have no power to execute your plans
Sneak up on the Lannisters mid fuck and kill them during coitus
i just fuck off and go live it out in some village that wont be attacked by Boltons or zombies or lanisters or Dragons
Once I expose the twins I'll be on Bobbys good side. I can also tell him the CIA guy had John Aryn killed.
But he knows the truth? He knows Jons mother is his sister. The mere fact that some random peasant knows this would spark his interest. I then double down with Jaimie and Cersei and that's where I'll have him.
Probably another fallout with Ned promising to ship Jon off to the wall and never having him return on the threat of death. Bobby B has lost much of his rage and fury at this point. Him and Ned would be done though, for real this time.
Make a living chopping wood and try to keep my ass out of trouble as much as possible.
>join the maesters
remember this is show only thats why I discounted joining them, how much shit do you really want to clean up?
Fucking genius...
you've got 3 pertinate things to tell him, but I still think as a peasant its a huge risk since you only know one secret, although if you say could quote him line for line what went down at the tower of joy, then maybe, still think its too big a risk, i'm going to dorne
Uh none obviously.
Ironically, Stannis has the most upward mobility. But do you really want to work with Stannis?
Renly might work, but the Shadow is going to kill him. Going by the RPG (by Martin) only Valyrian Steel or dragonglass can kill a shadow.
so don't join the fucking maesters, still you could live pretty comfy in old town after you got all that cash
I'll just tell him the Gods told me everything and boom! Also the fact that I willingly choose to withhold that information from Robert would make him trust me even more and rightly so.
Bobby already had a hard time believing Ned would commit adultery since he is an honorfag
i would try my best to replace the stupid valerian dagger used for the bran assassination attemtp with a replica.
Robert and Ned are the easiest to work with and manipulate.
A way to get even richer is to take advantage of the imminent siege. With your tournament's winnings, go to King's Landing. Buy out a merchant, buy all the food you can. Sell for an insane profit during Stannis's brief siege, then use the money for whatever.
Tywin's lieutenants are. Tywin will outfox Ned one way or the other.
There's no point in having scorpions if everyone guarding kings landing is too fucking retarded to even fire them when a dragon shows up.
put some spikes below the window that bran falls from
move to dorne immediately, start a new life there until brans on the throne and knowing whats going to happen, i set up a trading network planning to do mass trade north after the wars are over
i also make silly little bets on things that will happen that im sure people in dornish pubs are doing
>who you thinks gonna win, that wolf lad or the blone lannister brat?
200 gold the wolf doesnt even make it to kings landing, i bet he dies without and heirs too
This could get you rich or very, very fucking dead.
The problem is your actions would change the course of events. Like imagine warning Robb about Walder Frey and the Red Wedding, a soon as that event didn't take place, then the entire course of the war would change.
Head south and go be a peasant somewhere that doesn't have any conflict for a healthy life of hard outdoor work to look after myself and whomever may become my family.
Dress myself up like a mystic an seek an audience with ned, tell him everything that unfolds
>buy perishable food
>wait months for cities food to run out
>all your food is rotten already
travel to the summer islands with my wife and watch her get blacked
You don't actually need to wait months. Grain and stuff like pickled meat will last a long time. Also, people will engage in panicked buying. Water and alcohol will be precious commodities, as well as things like hardtack and other staples.
I think either change everything right from the start, by telling Ned whats going to unfold and getting him to trust me, or get to dorne asap and just wait out the whole thing, planning a business around taking advantage of things once peace begins'
or maybe go straight to dany and tell her everything instead, im not sure how quick i could reach her but id get her to make me her hand
i would make sure selmy doesnt die
>save bran from assassin
>ask for monetary reward and to accompany cat to kings landing
>bet on loras to beat the mountain
>get the winnings
>travel to essos and become a red priest
>do nothing until the long night comes
>travel back to winterfell since the laws of travel don't matter in the later seasons
>find the room where the hound and arya meet up after beric dies
>after the red lady tells arya the shut blue eyes shit, i concur with her
>when arya turns away i stab her in the back
>either jon kills the night king or we all die and he takes the throne
how can one user be so based?
what would you do to help stannis win?
>Contract Greyscale
>Give it to Arya
Tell him about the trap at the Blackwater. He may not BELIEVE you, but he'd check it out. At the very least, knowing about the Lannister / Tyrell reinforcements is good intel.
Stannis sends decoy ships into the harbor and brings Melisandre with him. The wildfire gambit fails, and Stannis wins at moderate cost.
Nothing. I will simply destroy wildfire in the city so Stannis Baratheon the one true king can win the battle or blackwater
the ultimate gamble
i dont think stannis would listen to you to be honest
He would, however, check it out.
Enjoy becoming the most powerful man in the world
Glad to see that their is a dungeon master in this thread moderating these idiots, forgetting they are peasants.
How would stannis deal with dany?
Where was dany at the time of blackwater and what would stannis do after he won the battle and was king?
Dany is in Meeren, busy with stuff.
As Brandon falls from the tower, the trampoline catches him, but causes him to bounce high enough to shatter his ribs on the blacksmith's forge. His screams are heard and Winterfell is vengeful to find who is responsible. Ser Jamie immediately rats you out, and you are castrated and left to be eaten by the direwolves.
The game is over
>as some random peasant in Winterfell
go back to sleep, no fucking thanks m80
This is the best strategy, you can continuously save and advise Jon and hopefully make it on to the small council after the Dany shit goes down.
i wonder how things would go if you saved viserys
convince him the khals are going to betray him and he needs to find another way
many people are offing tyrion or doing things that save based tywin
Become an entertainer and introduce the people of Planetos with the stories of Earth. Starting with a classic: Neon Genesis Evangelion
are you kidding
being a nightswatchemen from the start means a countless amount of battles your gonna have to figure out how to survive
i dont think ud make it
Three words to start
Hot Air Balloon.
Entirely Medieval tech HUMAN FLIGHT. Get Start up cash off the novelty sure to appeal to bored nobles. Make some Tourney bets and find and purchase Bronn's services long before he shows up in the show to prevent all that shit.
I guess I'd die eventually anyway but I'd have fun waiting for it to happen
yeh good idea
move to dorne and become a writer
tell all my favourite stories
my magnum opus will be a 6 hour play of the first season of The Wire, set in kings landing.
Have sex (with Margery)
this is a really dangerous plan especially with tyrion in charge at the time, and he is immediately followed by tywin, bronn would fucking kill you this shit was and still is punishable by death
Wait for the war and join Stannis' army. Die on the Blackwater.
You whore yourself out to make enough for passage to Bravos. On your voyage the salty sea air does not bug you as you've grown accustomed to the taste of cum. Your ship is boarded by Horny Butt Pirates who haven't made harbor in 3 weeks. You attempt to hide in a barrel of rum but are soon discovered after the raid is over and most of the shipcrew are dead or swimming in the open sea. The Butt Pirates are angry that you tainted their elixir, but still drink it and ravage your butthole for days on end. Toss you aside in open waters as you have open wounds around your ass and the burning sensation of the salty water make impossible for you to swim. Moments before you drown, you are raped by a pack of rouge dolphins. You are dead. The game is over
10/10 post
>Play Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire RPG to find out what happens! Available now!
>as some random peasant in Winterfell
Commit suicide. There is no possible scenario where I'm going to enjoy the next few years.
>have to go fight for Robb, almost certainly get killed
>stay in Winterfell, get killed by Ironborn or the Boltons
>even if I survive that, get killed by the Others
>or maybe I just starve to death
>or freeze
Fuck that
Kill Talisa/Jeyne Westerling
go hide behind the rock where euron came out from and wait for 8 seasons, then i can subvert the writters expectations by being the only person there that didin't fuck the queen therefore ruining eurons perfect arc.
you deserve to die, with what you know you could live like a king, or writer in dorne w/e
just stop him from climbing lol he's a kid, even his mom continuously told him to not do it so nobody would mind.
That would have probably just made Cat stay at home and let Rob win the rebellion.
low test, their is still Stannis, and dany to deal with
Lancel should've shown up, we were cheated of the 3 way men who fucked the queen fight we des
>And if you believe I'm lying to you King Robert, have me executed on the spot
>Robert motions to have you executed
>Ned: "I cannot allow you to execute an innocent man"
easy, unless ned just lets you die.
He would 100% kill you because he'd think you're blackmailing him
Whats are my current assets?
Am I on good standing with others in winterfell?
Do I have any family or am I totally alone.
Have I been paying my taxes?
not really, maybe if thats the only thing you tell him
but if your an autist like me and can recite even more stuff, make sure you get an audience with him before robert arrives and tell him everything that robert will say
then make sure you save bran from the fall, work with what you got i dunno how high it is really, i meant its 2-3 stories right? any higher and bran would actually be dead, so make sure you pad the falling area as much as possible
if you dont think you can, then alert the winterfell guards that you saw someone steal some of the kings stuff and followed them and saw they went into the tower, so the guards catch jamie and cersei fucking
either jaime will kill them or some will get away and word will get out real quick
robert will be furious
he wont blame ned though, cos it was jsut some guards who found them
ned will come find you afterwards and will ask how you knew everything robert would say, then you tell him it was you who told the guards and that you have much more to tell him
I can only remember major events and faint details, so my knowledge of Westeros is vague. I'm not confident enough to pose as a lord, but I can pretend that I've traveled across the map. I'm a bastard for real, so I take the name Snow. Now somehow get coin. Find work as a cook in an inn outside Winterfell, maybe. I lay low for a while, saving what money I can. I'll drink lots of wine, though. I always do. And when I'm drunk I will spread tales of the dragon Queen. But I want to get South before Theon betrays Winterfell. Hopefully in time for Joffrey's name day tourney for a bet on Loras Tyrell winning against the Kingslayer. While I'm in King's Landing, I'll try to find Varys and encourage his support of Daenerys Targaryan, claiming to have witnessed her miracles. Once he flees East, I continue to lay low as a cook somewhere outside of King's Landing.
Meanwhile find someone to train me in sword fighting.
After I have established myself, I befriend a seamstress and introduce some of our world's fashions into Westeros, potentially making millions. Find a cobbler to craft some mad kicks, the people will go crazy, they'll love it. Depending on the food culture, I can influence that. Introduce modern cooking techniques. I invest in food and clothing.
I wish I knew more about electronics.
With a bit of coin in my pocket, hopefully, I invest in a brand, opening a series of inns and taverns across Westeros, I'll open the first ride-through along the Kingsroad, they'll all be dragon themed! The Dragon's Arms! The Fat Dragon! The Hiss and Roar!. And I'll open a chain of clothing stores in select cities, our flagship store being in King's Landing. I'll offer a range of traditional Southern styles along with my modern style and a collection of Eastern styles, honouring the Dragon Queen, spreading a positive image of Daenerys. Hopefully through influencing their culture, the people will be more loving of the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
>The Hiss and Roar!
>The Piss and Boar!
Dude, I'd fuck ned stark in the ass in single combat and I've never held a sword in my life.
Just kidding I'd wink at him just so he could kill me sooner so I can finally get out of D&D's nightmare.
Expose the wildfire under the sept before Cersei's trial so that she gets executed and Tommen and Margaery live happily ever after.
Without Cersei Olenna would basically be in charge of the seven kingdoms and would be smart enough to sort out the other issues with Daenerys and so on, so things would be in good hands.
And then a new civil war starts. Plus Robert owes Tywin a shit load of money
sail to dragonstone and serve stannis. warn him about the wildfire before blackwater. boom he takes the city and makes me a lord. I chill with hand of the king davos at kings landing and make my house sigil a pair of crab legs.
>implying the king can have debts
THE KING takes what he wants.
good idea
This applies to most of what people are saying here. Being present at a siege is a stupid risk as I imagine it's fairly easy to catch a stray arrow, falling wall it get your throat cut by a soldier/criminal. Also, telling Bobby about his slut wife first assumes you can get his attention, prove it, and not get executed for speaking treason.
>inb4 kill a boar to gain his trust
You would have to know where he went hunting, then be able to kill a boar with your hands (because you're a peasant) and again, not get killed. You can't win money at the tournament because you're a peasant and thus have no money.
The best posts I've seen take advantage of the fact that in the show, they use English to write, so most of us would be literate enough to appear learned. Any attempt at gaining somebody's ear by warning then of incest/Jon's parentage etc. would have to be backed up by a willingness to be executed should you be wrong which it could easily be if you've affected anything beforehand. Even if everything goes well, you still risk getting killed just for being in proximity to it all, as we've seen with countless characters in the show.
While it would be fun to try play the game of thrones with advanced knowledge, if you are to live and die in the GoT world, your best bet would be to piss-off somewhere safeish (like Old Town) or do something that will garner big rewards without a guaranteed death, perhaps warning Joffrey of the poison.
thats not terrible
I still think helping with the assasin to get inital winnings, remember the goal really is to get the fuck out of the norf before theon then ramsay then the fucking dead show up
id go to dorne and become a sex slave for the sandvipers
Warn the ice king about arya and tell jon not to charge him in a field with undead men.
>directly goes for the BAD PUSSY
recollect my scientific and mathemathical knowledge, then try and meet up with a maester and drop all this shit on him. If I'm lucky I can invent some useful shit and improve the pissy world by just a smidge. I don't actually know anything about gunpowder or that, but at least I should be able to prove cell theory and mendelian inheritance if given some resources
Find out if there's a show Mya Stone and if that's the case get a qt tomboy bobby b bastard gf.
They would poison you in your sleep.
Now I'm not certain how long it takes for Daenerys to reach Westeros, but hopefully I would have established popularity of my brand, while remaining publicly elusive so I don't get cucked by Cersei. When the Dragon Queen arrives, I will endorse her fully. Verys will remember me and I arrange for a meeting with Daenerys. I say to her that I believe in her and thousands of my patrons across Westeros sing of her and raise their cups in public toast because they love her. I take her to my inn, one that I maintain myself and trust the patrons to praise her upon arrival. As a reward for my loyalty to the true heir, I ask to be appointed on her council as 'public relations' adviser.
I travel with her back to Winterfell with my own hired swords and find a quiet place to shit myself through the Long Night.
During the victory feast, the Queen feels loved as I raise toast to her bravery, claiming that the people of King's Landing will welcome her as savior of the living. I send ravens to all my taverns and inns, two for one special on all mains and happy hour all day. The bards are to sing loudly of the Queen's victory. Sixty percent off on all items from the 'DragonQueen' collection and half price on all other items at participating 'Dragonstore' outlets. Then I'll drink too much wine and have a little dance. I like to dance when I'm drunk. I'll embarrass myself and ask the Queen to dance, but something Jon said made her leave to sulk somewhere. I need to find Varys.
Jon Snow can fuck off. He'll make a good King, but Daenerys is The Queen. The people love her. Well, my people do at least. I ride back South ahead of the rest, I unironically forgot about Euron.. I was going to go straight to King's Landing, but I detour to pay for a distraction along the way. A small fleet of ships, fishing boats, mainly, it's all I can afford, but it's enough to put something in the way of Euron and Daenerys. I send warning to Varys about the ambush.
Back on the Kingsroad.
Aren't the maesters neutral, reasonable and for scientific progress?
This is easy.
>Go to Kings landing
>Go to differemt children and tell them "I have important info for varys, I'll be posted at this corner today and tomorrow."
>His birds will eventually tell him
>At some point a sell sword will approach me and command me to go with him, he takes to to varys
>I tell him I know the date of the realm and want what he wants, peace. He doesn't believe me, he wants proof.
>Tell him the story of how he got cut and the voice he heard in the flame.
>Tell him how the hand died because of little finger
>Tell him about Jaime and cerce
>Tell him about denerys and he will soon know the info I told him is true as his info will take time to make it's way back to him and it will confirm mine.
>Tell him to make me rich and together we will bring peace to the realm.
>Tell him how things will play out and we scheme a way to win the war.
They also killed all the dragons and actively tried to wipe out magic.
I heard they hated magic and like a more scientific approach. They would embrace him
Only good post in the entire thread.
Not a terrible idea but I'm assuming that our magical transportation to the world of GoT is a permanent thing, so helping with the assassination attempt pretty much means I need to come to terms with possibly getting killed a few weeks from now.
People also seem to forget that anything that alters where Tyrion goes will likely fuck you over. Dany was happy to fly over to Westeros and level it instantly before Tyrion came in with his "help the innocents" stuff, so you could end up getting incinerated because of that. I'm also dubious about the Long Knight. The show makes it out to be pure dumb luck that the NK gets killed, so there's any chance that in an altered world you get killed by that anyway.
There's an interesting short story about an engineer who is transported back to the time of vikings who's knowledge of metallurgy gets him nowhere because such knowledge is useless in that time. The same applied in the story to his bridge building experience, which did not apply to dark age stonework. If working with the maesters however, it might get you some cred for solid theory work.
yeah but I don't know shit about magic and dragons are basically natural disasters on wings
The problem is that he might kill you.
It wouldn't even be malicious. You might be genuinely too dangerous to leave alive.
How tf do you "wipe out magic"?
That would be like trying to wipe out gravity.
Maybe. I'll tell him I could have gone to anyone but I chose him because I want peace. I'll make a case for myself that I am a good person and want what is best for everyone.
>step 1: go to Kings Landing
Not easy
Also I might tell the wrong child I need to speak to varys. It could be one of little finger spies.. getting a hold of varys is the tricky part
yeah, but I'd adapt my knowledge to the medieval period. Westeros and the maesters are pretty advanced in terms of infrastructure and materials science (not to mention the shit that doesn't exist in real life), and I don't think I really know much that requires good crafting skills, except for microscopes. They'd probably accept me as a pet just for knowing y=ax + b in any case.
I imagine you would have to do some grovelling about how you care for the realm but I think Varys would keep you alive, especially as a humble peasant. Obviously this would be very self-sacrificing as the rewards from doing this would be limited to the good-will of Varys.
you've got a few weeks and you can read and write, if you really want to get detailed you talk to the maester say you can read and write get a job better job at the castle wait for the assassin and get a crossbow, you have weeks to plan this, the wolves are coming to help all you need to do is shoot him, tyrion isn't involved he's at the wall at this point and you leave with cat before he comes back, also by the time he's back in KL you're in dorne neck deep in bad pussy
Yeah.. I just need a little bit of seed money to make the trip. Maybe I can make some silver telling story's and rip off some Gary tales lol iono I need some help with this step
Tell everyone some faggots in other dimension are looking at us as if we're a show. So to spoil this show we have to start acting as weirdly as possible.
It's believed the dragons existence is linked to magic.
Fary tales*
Fair enough. A comfy life is probably your best bet.
Again, a good idea but it risks getting yourself killed by an assassin but also known to the Lanisters as a friend of the Starks. Cashing out and going south would maybe work.
I warn bobby b about the boar that launched a war and tell sansa about the rape
Go to Dorne and fuck bad poosy.
I work hard and use every bit of coin I could get banging ross and evetually get killed when winterfell gets sacked
Invent gunpowder for the lulz.
75% saltpeter
15% charcoal
10% sulfur
Hide down in the crypt and tell Ned and Robert everything that will happen to them and their families.
you have to find some way to get out of the north, you can't just hitch a ride with the kings party, even with the reading and writing you need to be working for someone, and get some coin so you can bet at the tourney, maybe find joffs sword in the river and return it to him to get a reward, thats also a risk since he's psycho, but maybe worth it
You are now executed for treason for insulting the kings wife and having information that endanger both Ned/Jon and bobby.
You also are accused of threatening Neds family.
Good job hero
You could potentially follow the King's party South, but then you would be fending for yourself along the way and like you say, risk getting in trouble for it. Joffrey is again a risky one because you're right, he could either reward you or have you killed for being a dirty peasant touching his sword.
Making what would seem like threats to Lords while acting like a witch would see you get into big trouble fairly easily, especially without hard proof.
Get my phone out and show him leaks for the finale
Introduce gunpowder.
Same but I introduce them to bobbyposting
the cash you make during the month or so they were at winterfell, being a scribe should give you a bit to start with and maybe even a recommendation from the maester to go south with them, scribing is easy fucking work compared to what you might
I can't use a quill for shit so I'm not sure how useful I'd be.
but if you prove you can read and write it might be enough to get you work, then you have to learn, honestly its the best option I can think of
how exactly are you going to out duel jaime or get close enough to cersei to kill her? you're not some kind of super ninja. you're an underfed illiterate peasant
become a big guy