Movies in a franchise that normies can't appreciate

Movies in a franchise that normies can't appreciate

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Final Fantasy VIII is the Judge Dredd of video games. Excellent soundtrack wasted on an atrocity.

Judge Dredd has a good soundtrack?

But this game is excellent though


But the game is a masterpiece.


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How can a fucking comic have a soundtrack?

Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VIII are the greatest games of the PS1 generation.

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What don't you like about the game aside from the (flawed-but-enjoyable) story?

If you had a lobotomy, maybe.

Move aside plebs

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time for alita thread!

But user, Symphony of the Night is one of the most beloved games on the PS1. I'm pretty sure normie can appreciate it.

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Where is the discussion of film?
Why is Yea Forums always given free shitpost reign on Yea Forums?

excellent gameplay, very stupid characters. selphie is my bitch.

FF8 is a disaster on every front sans music

that would be xenogears, despite being unfinished

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XV is way worse than all three of these games

FFXV is better due to the existence of the fishing mini game, though it's the 4th worst

If XV gets a pass because of the fishing game, VIII gets a pass due to triple triad.

>the random rule has spread across the land

XV is based because of Ardyn, one of the best Final Fantasy villains to be conceived.

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>one of the best Final Fantasy villains to be conceived.
not saying much when the only good villain in the series is Gaius

The game is way worse than 6,7 or 9
The card game was pretty dope but that's about it

VIII and XIII are ok. II and XII are the only truly awful ones.


I like 8 the best, I was playing this game home alone on new years eve in 1999.

I remember getting panick attacks while playing this game instead of doing my homework.

The last time I played it I got to ultimecias castle and said fuck it

9 was quintessential fantasy kino and shits all over 8 and 7, fight me

I can't
9 and 6 uberalles

>playing any FF with a 2 after it

7, when properly translated, is about as good a 9.

>tfw plebs don't understand your fantasy kino

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Ardyn is fucking trash.

The music is the best part, but it's also the best part of 10 too.

8 really isn't that bad and it mostly gets hate because of FF7 being a massive hit.

I know you're just shitposting but for real I challenge any genuine FF8 fan to explain the bullshit that was the amnesiac orphans plotline.
>All the main characters were raised in an orphanage together
>But uh they forgot because Guardian Forces
>We established that GFs can cause memory loss through literally one line ingame and maybe some info dumps in the index
>All the main characters forgot they were raised together except this one guy because his Mercenary Training School doesn't use Guardian Forces for some reason
>He doesn't bring it up because reasons
>Even when his history directly interferes with a mission to assassinate the bitch who literally fucking raised him
>At no point is he like "Woah guys she raised us maybe we shouldn't just kill her"
>At no point does he even try to talk to the other characters as if he knew them as kids
>But the game busts it out as a plotline anyway
It was complete fucking garbage. The only good parts of FF8 was the music and to some extent Ultimecia's castle. I totally dug the whole "dungeon crawl in a surrealist landscape" thing.
Even Laguna's plot was stupid and made no sense. He was shit too.

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Introduces main characters way too late in the story. Zidane is a furry. It's a furry fantasy.

Overrated as hell

Golden Sun>FF
fight me

>Final Fantasy live-action movie
Imagine the product placement

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>hey guys, I know you're elite mercenaries and all but fyi we all grew up together and the giga evil witch we're hired to kill was our orphnaage matron

>nigga wtf are you talking about i bet you're possessed we should kill you and carry out the mission

How FF8 would have gone if idiots like you had their way

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V is the best FF. Don't @ me.

i don't fight retards

I know you’re stupid as fuck because you didn’t mention Tetra Triad.

Tactics is the best you faggot. V is second best.

Star Ocean 3 is the greatest jrpg of all time

>The only good parts of FF8 was the music and to some extent Ultimecia's castle
Ahem. I think a certain pleb has forgotten the best romance in video game history, perhaps?

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I never played 6 and 9. I loved 2 and 8. Fight me.

It's a physical reality of this universe.

His theme is kino.

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Halloween 3
Friday the 13th 5
Exorcist 2
Return to Sleepaway Camp

FFT would beat Game of thrones

Fuck off retard, literally at no point did Irvine even HINT that they all knew eachother or were raised by Edea until it was trotted out as a plotline, and his reaction once understandably grilled on WHY THE FUCK HE HAD NEVER MENTIONED THAT EXTREMELY RELEVANT INFORMATION was, and I shit you not, basically "I dunno lol"

I never bothered with that stupid card game because of how inane the rules got and how they always changed depending on location and time or whatever.

Agreed, and Laguna is based.

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1. He didn't mention it because they clearly didn't remember him, even with him being super creepy towards Selphie to try and jog her memory of him being her little lap dog in the orphanage. He didn't want them to drop him for being a psycho making things up.

2. You convert unused cards into items, you should never have more than 5-7 cards that you can actually use in games in your stock, so the rule changes should be irrelevant

putting in a time wasting card game was one of it's worst aspects. the only things cards were good for were to break down into powerful magics you could junction to your stats so you never had to waste time leveling up. what a complete fuck up of a game

I've never seen an opinion more wrong

Using cards to get magic is often faster than drawing 3 magic from a monster per turn.

I excused the nonsense and enjoyed the ride for the most part with VIII but as soon as it got to that future city with the shitty boopy music I just checked out a little. Good thing Ultimecia's castle and the final battle were kino

Based Crosschad!
Cross >>> Trigger


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this is me

A well-done FFT adaptation would be absolute pure concentrated kino. The first chapter would be framed as Alazlam telling the story of the rise of King Delita the Commoner and could focus more on him, but then he'd start talking about Ramza at the start of the second chapter.

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Absolute kino
There are 2 games i can't remember their names
One was with cars fighting and taking a tourist, like a taxi
The other was a fighting game were you filled a bar and then you ended up blindfolded and the one who touched was losing his head

Delita is a faggot

Yeah I know. I think it'd be good to headfake toward a political intrigue story then have the narrator be like "oh no no no fag, this is a story about demons n shiet"

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The no hoverhand on the right is cute.

His left hand being turned the wrong way to he's groping her crotch is degen

VIII was the best overall.

Best art style before maybe X, realistic character proportions, amazing soundtrack, good GF system, junction was unique and fun once you figured it out, grinding was rewarding but unnecessary, cool atmosphere and worldbuilding, memorable characters, it goes on.

The trailer was 100x better than the movie

Just Lalafell.

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>elves and moogles aren't gay enough
>lets combine them and give the resulting abomination the worst qualities of both and an awful name
>Square you are a genius

How exactly would you raise this issue without everyone thinking you are crazy?

>I never bothered with that stupid card game because of how inane the rules got and how they always changed depending on location and time or whatever.

What a fucking pleb opinion. The changing rules is what makes the card game challenging after you own all the best cards.