>but with GIRLS
Kaitlyn is a qt3.14159
>its another user is mad at women episode
Im more mad at the lack of originality
Also stories dont always work for both genders
>the plot of any comedy is important
I could give a shit. Are the jokes as good as in Superbad?
Since when Olivia Wilde start directing movies?
was superbad the best depiction of having a cellphone in the late 00s
i'd say yes
Why are white women so boring?
i'm a sucker for teenkino so I'm looking forward to it similarities aside. can definitely tell they're pushing politics in it though, something that would've seemed bizarre to fit in during Superbad's time
Because they can only create inferior copies of what white men do.
Even dick jokes are funnier than vagina jokes.
why do i want to fuck fat beanie
This is her BIG DEBUT
Never really cared for Superbad to begin with probably the most overrated comedy ever.
Name a movie starring women in lead roles that is objectively funny
>Im more mad at the lack of originality
why do incels always say this?
Women in current year (+4) are fat and ugly without exception.
This is dumb. Girls don’t get into funny little mishaps and adventures they just take pictures and listen to rap.
I actually thought bridesmaids was funny
She literally looks like a fat girl version of jonah hill
Kaitlyn Dever has starred in hundreds of my wet dreams since 2011.
That's because it is
Jonah Hill Has some pretty big boobs,whats the problem?
Do you like them hairy,op?
I'm a fucking loser
Funny is funny,fuck you politics,op.
Probably because they're siblings you dumb fuck. Stupid retard.
Fuck off fatso,nobody gives a hit about you fat,ugly sister.
t.pretty french girl
me too user, i wish i was dead
mean girls
lol imagine wanting to watch this horseshit. i mean if ur a woman or a faggot i get it, but otherwise, wtf is wrong wit u????
also why they trying to make jonah hills sister a star now? freakin jews man.... they always find a way to weasle their way into stardom taking good jobs away from the way more talented non-3 parenthesis actors out there!
Why do faggots like you get so scared when this is pointed out?
lmao the bitch on the right actually looks like Jonah hill
they both got resting angry SJW feminist face. HARD PASS!
why are women so fucking shrill and unlikeable these days? chick flicks of the 80s and 90s were so much better, now they're all #MeTooTimesUp crusaders
why do virgins like you get so insecure when your virginity is pointed out?