Why is blade runner 2049 so popular here? Is it because most anons in here identifies with him?

Why is blade runner 2049 so popular here? Is it because most anons in here identifies with him?

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Yeah, except I'm not tall, handsome, stoic, appealing to women, athletic, reserved, polite, professional, or as cool as The Goose.

movie is kino
and goose is one of us

The movie is excellent in terms of audiovisuals but pretty mediocre in terms of story. It's a good pleb-pass filter.


i saw this movie on a fucking plane last summer, wish i caught it in theaters

I'm not going to scream today.

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>you incels only like it because you think "he's just like you!!!1"
Me, an intellectual:
>it's a study of the human condition, and what it means to have a purpose in life

Because its literally about us

>What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?
>Do you long for having your heart interlinked?

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a true pleb filter

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It actually isn't. The vast majority of people praising it here are from a meme facebook group called "IMOGENsfavoritepage"

I FINALLY got around to watching BR2049 last week, after seeing countless screencaps I managed to avoid spoilers.

It was fine, it didn't blow my mind storywise but it was definitely fucking beautiful to watch. I wanted more Batista than what we got. A little more Harrison Ford would have been nice too, I was a little surprised how long it took to get to him. Gosling was mostly decent. Joi was hot as fuck and I was sad when she got the stomp.
The final shot was cool.

7.5/10. Kino audio/visuals.

I don't think that's true. It takes the philosophy from the original and the book that we turn into androids. In fact Blade Runner 2049 shows a society where we have fully turned into androids. It's a reflection about our society today. It even shows the fact that all of us think about ourselves in a very highly manner, like we are something special, but in the end we are just one of many. We just function.

Reminder the best scene in the movie is when the renegades' leader says, "everyone wishes they were special".

Johnny Joestar, the cripple man is literally me.

Its the most recent kino to come out. Not capekino. TRUE UNFILTERED 100% CONCENTRATED KINO.

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We live in a society

That's one of the worst scenes. It was on-the-nose and had terrible dialogue. The objectively best scene is the giant purple lady scene. It singlehandedly elevated the movie from just a film into a kino.

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>the most recent kino
>This is what capeshitters actually believe
Jesus. Give them a taste of McDonald's art house like 2049 and they'll think it's a classic

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>It singlehandedly elevated the movie from just a film into a kino
No it's still just a movie tier piece of shit for IMDB teens from Yea Forums

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Give me your most recent kino to come out?

>posts screencaps from weebshit

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That scene would have been better if it hadn't of included that stupid voice over from that rebel woman explaining what he was about to do and why.

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The Phantom Thread
Of course capeshitters couldn't even begin to understand it so they either ignored it or raged about it in what few threads where made regarding it


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for me it's this one
it literally covers everything in the entire movie including your pic

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yeah im thinking you're a brainlet

Suffered from pacing issues because I wanted every scene with Luv to just be over with since the women who portrayed is abysmal at acting. So you'd get great scenes like and then I'd be in agony for the next 30 minutes because of the shitty overlong water fight with Luv

It's alright if you get past the doomer autism

It might actually be my favorite movie at the moment. Maybe I'm just a pleb? Main reason probably is just because of the visuals, tone, and atmosphere of the movie. In terms of rewatch potential that is more important than plot to me. I will concede that the plot isn't particularly interesting, and perhaps that is why many people didn't like it ("nothing happens" which is kind of true) but in terms of the feelings it conveys it is 10/10 to me.
I guess in a way I enjoy it in the same way I enjoy music (which is more my thing than film anyway), whereas I am super content to listen to stuff over and over again (even though I already know how the song goes) because I simply just like how it sounds.

>Phantom Thread
pretentious trash

also, go back to r/movies you fucking pleb

The context of these two scenes are polar opposites. You're not smart.

The story is simple, like the OG Blade Runner, but it's the world building and thematic elements that make it truly special IMO.

>pretend gf. hires prostitute to lose virginity. spends whole movie trying to find humanity, for it all to be taken away by a girl
>dies for all of it
>isnt even remembered

I liked it because of the aesthetes, the plot was meh

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We are all good Joes

The best scene in the movie is in the basement room where Luv bludgeons K with aggressive and insincere sexual advances.

I look the same as him desu

It's a well shot film with likeable cast, a good unique astetic, and a interesting character arc for our hero. Goose is ultimately a thing without purpose, struggling to come to terms with It, and the general meaninglessness of everything he's ever held dear by the third act. This speaks to user's who by and large also have no direction in life.

>the most human thing we can do is die for the right cause

It is a staggering, powerful and perfectly executed observation on what it means to be human

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This, him seeing everything he cared about was just a commercial replicable product was one of the best scenes of the decade. It sold how meaningless he was a lot better than any dialog ever could have.

I'm a sucker for any movie that has the "Your journey is forged by you and not destiny" message, so this hits home hard. It even builds upon blade runner's main theme of "Are replicants humans?" by asking the question "If replicants are human, does it matter in the first place?"

Not the interlinked or K getting lunch

because he's just like me

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What do you mean?

sucks for you user, i'm all of those things.

Don't be dense. His Joi went beyond a product. She literally chose to die for him.
In that moment you're describing, there's voice-over from Freya from earlier in the movie where she says 'the most human thing we can do is die for the right cause'. The movie wants you to connect the dots that K's Joi was sentient.

The whole story of the film is 'can a thing be human'. It asks it with K and it asks it with Joi. It's not a particularly clever movie. You're a complete brainlet if you read the film any other way.

It was a nice movie that was a legitimate modern successor to the original film in that it the world it built was portrayed as lived in, accepted the science of its fiction. I think the perspective and the journey was more faithful to the ideas of the original source material than the original Blade Runner as the viewer follows the protagonist and his tribulations of being a Blade Runner who serves society but is ostracized from it. It again asked the questions of what constitutes humane ambition for those beneath, at and above one's station.

Cinematically, it delivered an honest mystery with all the pieces laid out on the table, without resorting to a Shyamalanian twist of some major detail held off-screen. The modern pacing was much more palatable, and I didn't feel like I was sitting through an art deco museum piece.

That's just my take. I enjoyed it.

I don't know why it's as popular as it is here, but it's a good movie.

Pic or fake


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>not realizing that scene is left delibrately open to interpretation

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I just love cyberpunk.

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This. You can argue for Joi's sentience but you can also argue that it was just down to very good programming. As seen in , the whole point of Joi is for something to say and do whatever you want it to do. In the moment, K wanted something to actually care about him.

It's an interesting scene all in all.

>whole movie is about love
>'this one scene isn't'

There is only one scene that alligns with your view. That clumsy, almost completely unconnected scene with the rebellion and Freya.
Every other scene in the movie strongly confirms that it's about love being an extension of sentience. It's never about destiny or fate.

Don't be such a jackass.

That's a horrible way to look at it, user.

>do you enjoy your work officer?

what did she mean by this?

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She was also programmed to spy on K. She KNEW that Luv was using her and had K break the antenna to protect him.
Remember, Luv was suprised and pissed that Joi's antenna was broken. Joi's choice was unprecedented.

She was programmed so well to love K, that she actually did. And in doing so, a miracle occured and she became 'human'. There is no space for interpretation there.

It's a pretty depressing movie overall though. Even though to K it confirms that Joi actually cared about him and motivates him to return Deckard to his child, as an outside observer you have more freedom to critically look at the events and characters. We know Joi is supposed to be whoever the consumer wants them to be and as far as we know there is nothing "special" about K's Joi other than the fact it is his Joi. We also don't see how other people's joi's act.

Point being that you can argue about it either way. I personally go for Joi is sentient, but there are compelling arguments that it is programming that mimics life very well, again, playing into Blade runner's biggest theme of "What makes something human?"

I actually completely forgot the breaking of the antennae while writing my posts, so I guess you're right then. My bad.

it was unironically the only film since the Dark Knight that I paid real world dollars to see TWICE on the big screen at the theatres

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It's the most reliant genre, especially the more absurd stuff like Snow Crash. Any kino recommendations?
Watched Strange Days last week and I remembered by I like Katherine Bigelow

in 20 years this scene will be remembered as on the same calibre as indy running away from the bolder or ET crossing the moon. Caling it fucking now in 2019

>Why is blade runner 2049 so popular here? Is it because most anons in here identifies with him?
The film was fantastic.

It was an exploration of what it means to be human. It was personal, haunting, and dark.

Complaints of Leto's performance fall on deaf ears for me. Villeneuve is a consummate professional. Are you familiar with his work? He had Leto give him what he wanted. It had purpose. I have not heard anyone spell it out, so I'm not sure I'm sure if I'm supposed to. Should one spoon feed the mouth-breathers? Anyhoozlebee, Leto's character was the antithetical "development." He was a man who was "becoming" a robot/android. Do you understand? He was less human than the androids. The majority of the film explored what it would take for an android to be considered human. Leto's character was going the other way.

Bit off-topic:
This was a more "difficult" film than the original. Just out of curiosity, which ending(s) did Yea Forums see with the original?

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that earth was a shithole and having to police it was a degrading and unthankful job

looks yummy

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Does he enjoy killing beings just like him?

That's literally the opposite of the point of that scene.

It's because the extremely high quality of the film, also a namefaggot spammed the board with anti Blade Runner and then it turned out he was a videogame playing, capeshit connoisseur unironical redditor

Almost forgot him and his word vomit. You could tell he was using a thesaurus when making his posts.

Story wise the film’s core theme revolves around the alienated relationship between men and women. The female cast fills various roles in K’s world, from boss to killer to lover to whore to “revolutionary leader”—each of these women serve a role in his story but none of them can fill his basic human desire to be appreciated and, more importantly, have a sense of meaning in his life.

Coincidentally he finds meaning towards the end in rescuing Deckard so he can reunite him with his daughter. The daughter, a sensitive and real woman who can probably love him, is locked behind glass. There is no woman for K, no sense of unity between man and woman.

Instead of throwing his life away though, he chooses to sacrifice himself to preserve that most sacred to him: the meaning of male/female relationship, which is the “child” of a Deckard and Rachel. There is even a biblical reference by Wallace about God blessing Rachel with a child. K chooses to preserve life instead of destroy it, and that is what makes him “human.”

TLDR: It appeals to anons here because we identify as a man in a hellscape of alienation, unable to find meaningful relationships and create that which is the only evidence of our true worth on this planet: children.

Reading though this I'm realizing the film was just a much better catcher and the rye. In that so much is deeply human and ambiguous you can draw whatever message you want from it.

Goose, a purposeless loner who is loved by no-one besides his own fantasy woman is tricked into believing he's someone special. The moment that he realizes that he isn't all at all - he is worthless but still can be of use before he dies is beautiful.

Anons are by and large covert narcissist incels who see their own struggle reflected in this.

>unable to find meaningful relationships and create that which is the only evidence of our true worth on this planet: children
i don't have children but long ago i reached the conclusion that that is the only longlasting worth we have as humans beans becuase it's our only way to trascend in a meaningful way and its beautiful
glory is worthless

fucking reddit

And you aren't looking deep enough. His joi was sentient, and it genuinely gave her life for his. And if he bought another one she would do the same. The revelation was not "objects can be human" but rather "what it is to be human is no longer incompatible with being an object". Joi Is alive, but utterly mundane in that respect, her love is genuine, but also a product, she is free to act, but can not escape who she was made to be.

I agree user. I reached this conclusion only a few years ago as I watched our culture go to shit and realize every “dream” most of us were ever conditioned to have were vainglorious attempts to inflate our egos, be in money, sex, or drugs.

The film spoke to me because it spelled out our problems so thoroughly, and is the only major film in recent memory to do so.

Can we all agree that Leto was the worst part of the film?

I don't get that meme. He was even fantastic in the beloved American psycho

Leto said he based his performance off of Silicon Valley technocrat types. I thought his performance was meh too but if you watch the Tim Cook ADL speech then you can see what he was going for. Totally disconnected from humanity, cultish as fuck

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Under the meme surface, Leto is pretty good and serious actor

Leto proved himself as Harry Goldfarb

It is absolutely gorgeous and it takes its time to show the richness of its world. I don't want to complain about shaky cam and quick editing because it does work sometimes, but this movie was confident enough to let you stare at the characters and places to allow them to make their mark on you.

Leto could have been hollywoods-all-time-prettiest-boy making tons of FOTM shit movies, but isntead he decided to make movies that interest him and are challenging for him, obviously there are a lot of bad movies, but still his work ethic is consistend and laudable

i'm back Yea Forums

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this movie couldn't be made today or hell even 1 year ago

>Dunkirk 2nd

>thor ragnarshit

What do you mean?

He means the context behind those two scenes are polar opposites

Blade Runner = A human who thinks he's a replicant
Blade Runner 2049 = A replicant who thinks he's a human

yeah but what did he mean by this?

I believe he was trying to suggest that the scenes who both look the same have different context behind them. That context being the polar opposite of the other. It's like Joker who put "Born to Kill" on his helmet and wore a peace symbol on his flak jacket. He was trying to suggest the Duality of Man by adorning himself with symbols that are polar opposites.

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You completely missed the point of the film if you think his joi was the same as the one in the hologram

Ryan gosling is popular and there's a lot of meme potential but I don't think the movie itself is very well liked

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There's a lot of room for head canon in 2049, that's probably why.

>white male protagonist that was in another incel movie Drive
>multiple waifus
>meme director
>critics complained the movie is sexist and misogynistic

pure mystery!

>muh anime!

If you like the movie at all its painfully obvious. The themes of fantasizing of being interlinked, the death of basic humanity, happiness in your own little bubble, alchoholism, and its in the future.

It's because we like waifus and pretty lights

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Because Ana a cute

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I relate to his sexual experiences